Exercise! Love it or hate it, let's motivate each other to just DO IT!

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Old 04-25-2008, 06:44 PM   #46  
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Because you do live at home and being on diet plans can cost a lot of money. Maybe you should try to eat healthy from what is already at the house if you can. I would say maybe ( I am sure no expert ) an hour of some kind of cardio, maybe walking/aerobic videos for example 3 times a week and maybe 30 min or so of some kind of resistance training 3 times a week. Maybe, do something different each day and give yourself one day off a week from doing anything. Why do your parents think you wanting to lose weight is a joke? Don't they think you need to lose weight? Have you really sat down with her and talked about your worry of being over weight? Letting her know you are serious about this and you need her support?

Last edited by Shy Moment; 04-25-2008 at 08:07 PM.
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Old 04-25-2008, 07:51 PM   #47  
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Sweet - I think you need to talk to your mom. Find out why she's not taking your weight loss efforts seriously and explain to her why it's important to you, like Shy said.

Second, are you sure you need to lose 20 or 30lbs? One thing you have to consider is that the last few pounds are usually the hardest. Severely restricting your calories and adding a ton of exercise could easily have the opposite effect. I think using the food pyramid is a great idea for you. As a teen, you're still growing and attaining a healthy weight is important. There are tips you can use for determining serving size like the size of your palm is a serving of meat, the tip of your thumb is a tablespoon (there's a name for these rules and I can't remember them...anyone?). Google it. You need to focus on overall nutrition and not just calorie restriction. I restricted my calories too low as a teen (the same way an adult who was finished growing might) and it totally backfired. My metabolism was shot.

Don't you feel burnt out now? I bet you're tired from getting up early and trying to squeeze in all that exercise. I bet it added even more stress to your day - sure you felt great when you achieved it, but when you didn't it bothered you, right? And since you didn't lose any weight you probably don't want to do anything because well...what's the point? That's what you want to try and avoid. It's a slow process for the most part and you don't want to kill yourself and expect results so fast that you get disappointed when you don't. Slow and steady, buddy...

As far as exercise is concerned, I would say aim for an hour five days a week. Anything more is bonus . Somedays you can hit the gym, but maybe other days you could just do something fun that's also active. I played hockey twice a week as a teen and loved it. It wasn't "working out" it was just a sport. I didn't think of it as "wow I"m burning so many calories right now" and it was a nice way to break things up. I think you should set an easily attainable goal in terms of exercise and if you can add more - great! If not, you still achieved what you wanted to.

And I really hope you'll talk to your mom (calmly ) and you can arrive to some sort of mutual understanding.
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Old 04-25-2008, 09:37 PM   #48  
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Default yeah more news

Good News!

I just went grocery shopping. I am going on the South Beach Diet tomorrow (finally! for real this time). I really like the idea behind it because I do feel like carbs are my weakness and if that plan can wean me off of it, then I'd love to give it a try.

Not to mention I already bought the book soo.. haha.

Um i bought a lot of healthy foods and I spent 108 dollars. Not too shabby. I was so scared it was going to be 170 or something because that's all I had in my wallet so far.

I'm actually starting to gain a bit of my sanity now. I realized that maybe my goal WAS a bit too high and I need to be a bit nicer to myself (okay a lot nicer to myself)

It's just sometimes I have these moments where I get super frustrated and I want to go to extremes. It usually happens if I mess up a little too much and I gain a little too much, then my mind is like "got to fix it. NOW. got to get rid of it now. right now!" and it doesn't matter what anybody says, the only thing that matters at that period of time is that I get rid of the weight, or the damage. Anything that's said goes through one ear through the other, and im like "okay ill listen to that later, but not now. just got to get rid of it!". No matter what it takes. Bad thought process, I know.

I'm glad I didn't go shopping with my sisters though for two reasons:

1) I would have ruined the experience for them("I look fat in this! ugh!") even though one of my sisters weights like 70 pounds more then me and is perfectly fine with shopping.
2) I would have spent my money that I just used on eating healthier.

Bad news: I ate like crap today.

I guess it's because I knew I was going to eat really healthy from now on. haha probably ate like 2500 calories or something like that. wow.

Everyone keeps saying I need to see a therapist but I honestly think I am getting a lot better on my own. Even though I have times where I am in e.d mode, I usually snap out of it and realize it's not worthed it. I've been through so much with that stuff already, i really DON'T want to go back to that. It was traumatizing. I really do want to do it the healthiest way possible. As hard as that is to believe. Like I said, sometimes I have my moments.

About my mom. She's weird. i mean, don't get me wrong. I love her and everything and she's good (annoying but good) but...

Well, I've been having weight issues for about 2-3 years now? So I guess you could say my entire family wants me to stfu about it. I don't blame them AT ALL. I actually can't really blame my mom either. I can admit that I have been annoying at times, but I wish she would realize it is a serious issue.

I have been on so many diets. I guess she is frustrated with me. When I told her about this plan, she didn't really care anymore. I was on slimfast and I ate differently then I eat on this plan. I eat differently on south beach then I do on just a "healthy eating" plan. So every plan has me eating different types of food, then I end up not liking it because it isn't sustainable. South Beach is probably going to be the healthiest I tried

But she jokes around and it frustrates me. Like once I decided to fast for 4-5 days and on the 3rd day, I ate a banana and she laughed at me for giving up. I mean she just doesn't take my problems seriously. The only time she cared about my weight problems was when i was around 100 pounds walking around like a stick from a concentration camp. (and still thinking i was fat btw)

She also points out when i'm gaining weight and why I'm not doing anything. I am always completely aware of this. Sometimes some of my weight issues arise from being so frustrated with her. She lowers my confidence more then I do myself, and picks on me when I do something drastic.

She doesn't know what anorexia is, or what I had in the past, or even that I had an eating disorder. I've tried to explain my issues with food but it just doesn't click with her so it causes a lot of frustration on my side and on her side because I feel like she doesn't care about something that has a huge impact on my life.
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Old 04-25-2008, 10:00 PM   #49  
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Originally Posted by rockstar87 View Post
Sweet - I think you need to talk to your mom. Find out why she's not taking your weight loss efforts seriously and explain to her why it's important to you, like Shy said.

Second, are you sure you need to lose 20 or 30lbs? One thing you have to consider is that the last few pounds are usually the hardest. Severely restricting your calories and adding a ton of exercise could easily have the opposite effect. I think using the food pyramid is a great idea for you. As a teen, you're still growing and attaining a healthy weight is important. There are tips you can use for determining serving size like the size of your palm is a serving of meat, the tip of your thumb is a tablespoon (there's a name for these rules and I can't remember them...anyone?). Google it. You need to focus on overall nutrition and not just calorie restriction. I restricted my calories too low as a teen (the same way an adult who was finished growing might) and it totally backfired. My metabolism was shot.

Don't you feel burnt out now? I bet you're tired from getting up early and trying to squeeze in all that exercise. I bet it added even more stress to your day - sure you felt great when you achieved it, but when you didn't it bothered you, right? And since you didn't lose any weight you probably don't want to do anything because well...what's the point? That's what you want to try and avoid. It's a slow process for the most part and you don't want to kill yourself and expect results so fast that you get disappointed when you don't. Slow and steady, buddy...

As far as exercise is concerned, I would say aim for an hour five days a week. Anything more is bonus . Somedays you can hit the gym, but maybe other days you could just do something fun that's also active. I played hockey twice a week as a teen and loved it. It wasn't "working out" it was just a sport. I didn't think of it as "wow I"m burning so many calories right now" and it was a nice way to break things up. I think you should set an easily attainable goal in terms of exercise and if you can add more - great! If not, you still achieved what you wanted to.

And I really hope you'll talk to your mom (calmly ) and you can arrive to some sort of mutual understanding.
I've been seeing you help me a lot Thanks haha. I guess you find me interesting? jk jk

I'll try SB and if that isn't sustainable (which I think it will be) then I'll take a look at the food pyramid idea.

I really don't get how I ended up staying the same weight or gained? How is that possible? I was exercising soo much. Gosh, humans just don't make any sense! What is up with us?! Ah I'm not even going to go into that.

Actually I really enjoyed exercising in the morning. Just not two hours. Maybe one would be nicer? It kept me awake the first two periods of class, then I would eat a snack and stay awake another two periods or class, then lunch, stay awake another two periods of class, then I would stay awake in 7th period because I was excited to go home.

5 hours seems so little compared to what I did this week, but it's definitely achievable, even on weeks when I'm lazy. Some days I can do 2 hours a day. One in the morning, one after school. But aiming for AT LEAST 5 hours seems like a really easy goal.

I really love intense cardio. Like I ordered turbo jam the other day. I love this kick boxing class at my gym, and I love the urban & sculpt I did the other day. My workouts are really fun actually. (probably how i managed to do 3 hrs a day) Sometimes I do something boring stuff like eliptical or treadmill, but I usually do something I want to do (somewhat). I have REALLY hard time doing toning stuff because I hate it. I just like jumping around. Lunges and weights are soo boring to me. The only toning thing I like is pilates.

idk this summer I plan to take up kickboxing and dance. Maybe do some 5k's too. (random offtopic info )

How much weight should I aim for a week. I know they say 1 pound is healthy. But what about 2? I might go crazy losing one pound because I lose a pound when I come home from school sometimes and gain it 5 hours later. I would never know what was real weight loss or just random fluctuations.

Oh well. I guess I shouldn't worry about it. Is there anyway that I can keep my weight steadier so it doesn't change as much so I know when i am losing actually? I have a lot of trouble seeing it in the mirror.
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Old 04-26-2008, 12:57 AM   #50  
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Originally Posted by sweetlovin View Post
I really don't get how I ended up staying the same weight or gained? How is that possible? I was exercising soo much. Gosh, humans just don't make any sense! What is up with us?! Ah I'm not even going to go into that.
If you don't have that much weight to lose and try to create a huge calorie deficit your body panics (it's a survival mechanism from way back when humans went through periods of famine) and fights like crazy to hold onto your fat because it thinks it will need it later. It's not getting enough food to feel as though you can safely drop weight because you don't have that much weight to drop...so what happens if you need it later?

Originally Posted by sweetlovin View Post
5 hours seems so little compared to what I did this week, but it's definitely achievable, even on weeks when I'm lazy. Some days I can do 2 hours a day. One in the morning, one after school. But aiming for AT LEAST 5 hours seems like a really easy goal.
That's the point! Even the weeks when you're really "lazy" you'll still get it done and you won't feel like you failed or anything. Weeks you can do more, do more! (I would suggest taking at least one day off a week and doing no more than two hours a day though...at least no more than two consecutive hours a day. That's means no more than two hours without taking a break to refuel.)

If you enjoy your workouts then that's awesome. Stick with the things you like. I'm with you, I love really intense stuff so if you like it, go for it! Just make sure you eat food that will provide you with the energy you need to sustain you through the workouts and stay hydrated.

Originally Posted by sweetlovin View Post
How much weight should I aim for a week. I know they say 1 pound is healthy. But what about 2? I might go crazy losing one pound because I lose a pound when I come home from school sometimes and gain it 5 hours later. I would never know what was real weight loss or just random fluctuations.

Oh well. I guess I shouldn't worry about it. Is there anyway that I can keep my weight steadier so it doesn't change as much so I know when i am losing actually? I have a lot of trouble seeing it in the mirror.
1-2lbs is healthy. Fluctuations happen for a variety of different reasons. It can be water weight, time of day, how much sodium you've had, TOM, circadian rhythms...TONS of stuff contributes to weight fluctuation. You can't really keep your weight "steadier". Drinking water might help with some of the water bloat, but you'll still have fluctuations. To note the actual difference in your weight you should weigh in once a week at the same time, wearing the same clothes. I know some people weigh-in more frequently (I'm one of them ) but I only count it as an official "weigh-in" once a week because of fluctuations. I could go to the gym in the morning and then again at night and have gained 1.5lbs. It happens to everyone. Because you don't have a lot of (if any) weight to lose (I think you mentioned in another thread you're pretty tall, right?) 1lb a week is great. It all adds up eventually.

What I would suggest is googling BMI calculator. See what it says about your current weight and then check your goal weight. You want to shoot for a goal that's healthy, not something too low. And I'm sure you don't want to lose all the muscle tone all your working out has been giving you because you tried to diet yourself down to an unnaturally low weight. Sometimes people feel "fat" because they still feel flabby when they're really at healthy weight and just need to tone up a bit and limit the junk food.

Last edited by rockstar87; 04-26-2008 at 12:59 AM.
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