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Old 03-31-2006, 11:38 PM   #1  
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Smile ~~ Amazing April Chat ~~

Hi everyone

Welcome to a new month!!!

Wow hard to believe 3 months are gone already

We are a group supporting each other with all the fun and challenges of life, including dealing with mood disorders and anxiety Please join us to chat!
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Old 04-01-2006, 12:53 AM   #2  
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Hi....Just a quick hello....I am going downstairs to cuddle with dog.

Dh comes home from the hospital tomorrow....he is doing well.

Had a long tired.

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Old 04-01-2006, 04:00 AM   #3  
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Hi April, good news on DH!

I took the dogs to visit a friend today and the dogs had a play and ate the other dog’s bones. Saffie wasn’t too interested in playing with the other dog she just wanted to chase the balls and eat the bones but jazz had a good romp with pepper so that was good

I am v tired today think I must have overdone it yday hehe. Still have some thngs I need to do tonight before bed, dishes and stuff like that so I can be ready and organised for open home tmrw. I do hope it sells soon I want to move to the country. The place I went today was lovely and peaceful. Too far out for me but still a nice place. I felt a longing to move and get on with things but I don't want to risk buying another place without selling first.
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Old 04-01-2006, 11:28 AM   #4  
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Default hi everyone

My name is Jenny,i'm 28, married
i live in north Ga
mom to 5 yr old daughter
and betta fish,
and mixed breed dog,
and grandma to a hamster.

I have trouble with anxiety all the time,
and depression comes and goes -more situational.

I had bulimia when i was in highshcool,
now at times i binge, but don't purge......

I'm an emotional eater.....just now had 2 pieces of pizza,
and a candy bar, is it lunch time? just had breakfast....
not tooooo long ago..and i wasn't hungry......
first of all it was in the house....
second of all....i was upset....

nice to meet you..all
have a great day
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Old 04-01-2006, 01:37 PM   #5  
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Good Morning everyone

And Jenny! Looking foreward to getting to know you. Don't beat yourself up to much, bad days happen just jump back in. You are off to a great start with the seven pound loss, good for you I almost gave in to a binge last night, but had to tell myself that I'm finally starting to see the numbers to go down, boy was it a hard fight tho.

Hi April, glad your hubby is doing alright. Hope you had a good rest.

Sweet_pea, hope you are feeling a little better and the open house goes well. I hate it when plans are all up in the air.

Marie are you enjoying your alone time? How much more time off do you have? We had a two week spring break from school, it was ever so nice. Unfortuntly we don't get Easter Monday off, at least we get Good Friday.

Not much planned for the weekend. They finally came out and thawed the main culvert across the road and have done some digging around ours so we only have a shallow stream across our driveway instead of the lake! At least we can hop out to the road now. my middle daughter had her 16th birthday yesterday, so it was a yummy dinner. I had only a small piece of cake so I was really proud of myself for that. Actually I'm proud of myself this morning as I really had to fight to stay out of the kitchen last night before bed! April is going to be a busy month as DD14 has three judo tournaments to go to, thankfully two are in town.

Well I'm off as I should get something done, the rabbit was running laps in his cage again, so I have to vacuum up shavings, "silly wabbit"!!

Take care everyone!
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Old 04-01-2006, 04:07 PM   #6  
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Happy April to everyone, especially April

I love the format of a monthly chat. This is so great. So thank you SweetPea for starting this thread up for another month!!!!

Jenny, your name is familiar from the journals. Am I right? By far, this is my most favorite place to be. Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! I've done the binging a lot in the last few years, but am maybe getting a handle on it. I finally realized I don't like feeling stuffed. Geez, it took me 44 years. I'm not too bright.

Kiera, great news on the culvert. During Dec/Jan our dirt roads started to wash away. Living in the desert, two months of rain did some major damage. Driving on them, in four wheel drive was trecherous. I can't imagine having my driveway as bad. You muse be relieved. Rabbit was running laps??? Just how big is his cage? Great job on being reserved eating wise for the birthday. That's a big Way To Go!!!!

SweetPea, good luck on the open house. Selling a house is so depressing. Sent me into a big manic swing after a couple months last time I had to do it. Major manic episode. Still gives me the willys. Sounds like Jazzy had fun. Got to admit when I read your post about the house that was out in the country, it sounded perfect to me. I live in the middle of nowhere and decided that that long commute to work/town was a small price to pay for living in paradise.

April, I'm so happy DH will be home tomorrow. Give Charlie a hug from me. I just love doggies. BTW, my blue light is brightly making me happy. Thanks again for the info on it.

Well, that's about it. Again, welcome Jenny. We'd love to have you here.
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Old 04-01-2006, 04:53 PM   #7  
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jenny glad you could join us! granma to a hamster hehe that made me laugh! all my children are 4 legged fur kids and i like it that way...

hey i binge too! i've been doing better lately, more general overeating than bingeing. but today like jenny i have had a foul breakfast. i started the day with buzz bars. they are marshmallow and caramel covered in chocolate and come in long bars. i am addicted to them but first thing in the morning hmmmm

i agree with Keira - don't be so hard on yourself with the bingeing. emotional eating is soooo hard to overcome. it's a gradual process. for months i was incapable of having even a single day without bingeing! i have been journalling my experiences and that helps. plus the support from places like this well done Keira resisting the urge to binge!!!

good thing i mowed the lawns yday. it is pouring with rain, absolutely crappy day. plus the dogs are v wet. they are inside dogs but i am leaving them out so they don't track mud and smell into the house

i am wondering if i might have to change the curtains and do a few things to improve my chances of selling??? i will keep my fingers crossed for a buyer today an agent is selling a house down the road and has an open house too so i am hoping that will pull buyers to my place. i put my signs outside the house at 9am today so people will see it is for sale!

Marie - it's wonderful that blue light is working so well for you. I have the link somewhere I must go take another look. It's autumn here so we are getting less sunlight. the trouble is it is v expensive to get stuff shipped from the US to here. never mind it would be worth it if it worked. glad you like the monthly format

i don't mind a long commute to town if they are all straight roads but i get stressed about driving on windy roads esp as there are no lights at night. that's why i moved into town. boy do i regret that LOL

i did start thinking after spending yday with my friends that i need more friends like them. i am a bit disenchanted with my other "friends" here. had a fight with one on friday and she is definitely off my list... i will have to join some new hobbies so i can meet friends

i am also thinking of learning webdesign as i need to update my website. trouble is i think it would take a long time to learn enough to make it as professional as some i have seen and that is what i want. otherwise i have to save my pennies. it will cost several thousand for what i want...
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Old 04-01-2006, 06:30 PM   #8  
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SweetPea, I took a class on Dreamweaver (3 day intensive) a year and a half ago, then took a Dynamic Dreamweaver class in Oct 2005. Dynamic database driven sites are great to create. I do them at work (since I'm the webmaster I get to literally play on many workdays). My personal site is pretty ho-hum design wise. I haven't put any effort ino it. Mostly it's for my family since I live on the other side of the country from them. By the way, I updated the site with new Grandbaby pictures. if you want to look. The latest drawing I did this week is at

Good luck on selling the house tomorrow (today for you). I understand about the windy roads at night. I have very bad night vision since I had lasik surgery 6 years ago. So I took care of the problem - I don't go anywhere at night. I bet that would be harder if I were single. But since DH is here, no need to go anywhere.

Really the Go-Lite is worth the shipping/cost. I can't believe how well I did this winter - even on meds I was never this upbeat. Truly between the light and exercising, I feel normal. I did notice a couple days ago that a manic swing is in the works. Sleeplessness and jumpiness are my indicators. I told DH so he'd monitor he $$$. I also cut back the amount of ligth therapy so it doesn't swing me to far. My psychiatrist warned against that with lightboxes, that they can induce manic stages. So I'm being careful.

Chatted with my sister and then later my parents. Bad to say, but I did my familial duty for the day. YEAH!!!! Except my sister, I could have chatted longer with her, but she's a real chatterbox - never stops. Even today she admitted that she didn't let me say a word - so sh'es calling again tomorrow.

Well, off I go - for now.
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Old 04-01-2006, 08:02 PM   #9  
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Hey everyone.

Welcome Jenny! Like so many already said, don't beat yourself up. I think we ALL binge sometimes. I used to do it more, but like Marie. the feeling of being stuffed is too much for me now. So I just overeat!!

Sweet Pea-Good luck selling the house. Hope it goes fast! And you can get out to the country. Won't the doggies like that!

So when I twisted my ankle the other day, I managed to tear some ligaments. They have me in an air splint, and I'm using a cane to get around. Supposed to be keeping it elevated, too, but when you have 3 kids, well, NOT gonna happen.

My parents came down today, my dad fixed some things around the house, and my mom helped the kids clean up. Then they took the kids back home with them. Yay!! I get the weekend to myself.

Marie-you said you have the Go Lite? I found that one online. I think I'm going to go ahead and order it. Can't hurt, and if it helps, wonderful.

I have my appt with the psych this Tues. I hope hope hope they can hit on the right med combo quickly. I want to get better! The ADs are just not doing it.

I think I'm going to go take a nice hot bubble bath, light some candles, read a good book. Wish I had some wine! Talk to you all later.
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Old 04-01-2006, 09:33 PM   #10  
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hi there
i am sitting here at the open home... and no one is here!!!! the last 2 times there were people here at 2pm on the dot. this time not a soul. rats rats. i can't believe all my cleaning is wasted oh well 30 mins to go will keep my fingers crossed. cleaning was a major hassle. i still have constant headaches and they make it hard. the poor doggies have been locked in their little house for hours. i popped in to give them some rawhide bones and then had to go back when i heard snarling. the puppy had both the bones in her mouth! naughty puppy. i don't usually lock them in there with bones as it is too risky with a possessive doggy

marie i had a look at your website. of course i liked the golden the best cutie. others have talked about dreamweaver so if i plan to do my own designing i should think about getting it. not sure if it mightn't be better to pay and get all the bells and whistles by asking someone else to design it???

i want to go lie down but i will wait until after 3pm!!!

marcie - it takes a while to get the combo right esp if you are bipolar. did your psych agree that was the correct diagnosis? your rapid cycling will make it harder to sort out what to use. it's common for bipolar to have AD plus a mood stabiliser. i was on 3 different types of meds. i am starting to think i should check out the blue light.

marcie - how wonderful to have a break from the kids. esp as you usually have them 24/7 with the homeschooling and hubby being away.

will go back and read my book until the open home is over!
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Old 04-02-2006, 12:13 AM   #11  
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no one came!!! oh well my friend told me not to give up. i'm glad she phoned i was feeling down

just got back from hunting for my slipper. found it buried in the garden. it's all dirty and revolting
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Old 04-02-2006, 09:46 AM   #12  
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Hey everyone! I've been so busy lately. I'm really tired. Despite that, and having gone to NYC for a week, I've lost 3 lbs in the past two weeks!! I was so excited to see the scale at 158 this morning. It was amazing. I was sure that I would get stuck at 160 for awhile but I made it past and I'm feeling great.

I hope everyone is doing well. Laterz <3
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Old 04-02-2006, 12:45 PM   #13  
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Great Sunday Morning to all my favorite Chickies. I'm sorry, SweetPea that there were no lookers. Are you trying to sell your house by yourslef or do you have a realtor? I remember having two open houses when I was selling my house, and the offers never came from those. So I wouldn't worry too much. BTW, I do love my Golden, but she's dumber than a rock. My Huskies are so smart that she often fades in the background.

<3, excellent job on the weight loss. I hope you had fun in NYC. I've never been there (except when I was little and don't remember). I'm a country dweller but used to love big cities. At one point when in high school, I wanted to live in NYC but then I discovered how much I loved living in the country. I guess people do change.

Marcie, enjoy your weekend alone. How cool for you. Bubble bath and candles sounds perfect and relaxing. And soaking your ankle is probably good, too. I hope it get better quickly. The Go Lite is great. I'm sitting in front of mine at the moment. What's really nice about it is how tiny it is. Very easy to bring back and forth to work and on trips. My old full spectrum light was a pain in the butt. April's the one who recommended it and she was way right!

Right now I'm enjoying a wonderful Diet Snapple. A month ago when I went to Costco, I bought a case and DH put in the storage with all the rest of the goodies from Costco. I'd forgotten I'd slipped it into the cart. I found the case this week and yummy!!!! I love them. Now I'm drinking two or three bottles a day!!! Feast or famine with me.

Did my exercise this morning but I plan to go for another 2 mile walk around the block with my puppies later this afternoon. I promised them and a promise is a promise. So I'll have 5 miles in today. Also knitted part of my sister's sweater after exercising while cooling down. The knitting machine is so quick.

Well, of to the journals. I'll chat with you later.
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Old 04-02-2006, 07:25 PM   #14  
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i just showed someone thru the house. she likes it and will send her hubby to look tmrw. fingers crossed! she is a doggy person so we talked about our dogs too

i have to write an article for a book so i need to get into that. the hard part is deciding what to write about. it has to be something inspiring to help people improve their lives

beautiful sunny day today. have spent a bit of time outside and have to get back inside to do my writing but i don't want to. i just want to lounge around and do nothings

<3 wow sounds like you have had a busy time. NYC wahoo! personally i would be over the moon to be 160# that's my goal weight. i decided being slim isn't critical but i do need to stop being overweight. i am prediabetic and i love my fat and sugar so i have to nip that in the bud

marie i am selling privately. i will just keep persevering. it's too much money to lose and the market here is not strong it will be hard to get a good price so i need to save the pennies. esp as i am trading up and the next house will probably be 2x the price of this one

awwww no. a dumb golden??? actually mine are quite smart, altho jasmine is quite young so it's a bit early to tell. huskies are not common here. i have probably only met 2 in my life - and i;ve met a LOT of dogs!

what is snapple?

wow marie - 5 miles that is heaps. i am nowhere near tht active. last night i walked saffie on her own. she's a pleasure to walk. jasmine is just stress city. i have never had a dog that hates being restrained the way she does. hmmm maybe she's not so bright??? who knows. but it is too much for me some days. i had one good day walking her. i gave her a mcd wrapper to hold in her mouth and she behaved. i've tried sticks and she drops them so the mcd wrappers seem to be the way to go

Last edited by sweet_pea; 04-02-2006 at 07:30 PM.
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Old 04-02-2006, 08:15 PM   #15  
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Okay, that is too funny - a Mickey D's wrapper for your puppy??? That's cool. My doggies loved the walk and we took DGS in he jogging stroller I bought. So it was DH, the baby, and 3 dogs for a 2 mile hike around the mountain block. I'm a little tired now. My huskies pull the entire time and they're driving my nuts, especially Kody. Blizzard doesn't pull strongly, just always pressure on the leash. But Kody, I swear there's a reason huskies are sled dogs. Goldie walks pretty good, but stops right in front of me so I trip on her. Sort of pesty too. But I just can't not take them - it would kill them.

Snapple is a bottled drink, like Diet Iced Tea that is real, not powdery. Very popular here in the US. I love the stuff, especially the Diet Cranberry and Raspberry drink.

Good luck on selling privately. That's hard to do. I sure do understand your reasons though.

I finished my big drawing of Kody during the Nascar race. I had to take a picture of it for my website, not scan it since it was too big. Turned out pretty good, but it's not my best. I also knitted the front of my sister's cardigan. Busy, busy day. I do see signs of manic in my behavior.

Okay, I'll chat with you all tomorrow.
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