Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 08-16-2005, 07:58 PM   #1  
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Unhappy Help DESPERATE how do you lose weight on anti-depressants

I am 32, 2nd grade teacher, mom of two boys and on 40 mgs of celexa. In the last two years I have gained 40 pounds on them and I cannot stop them. When I stop them I am a horrible mom and very depressed. Everyone keeps telling me to be happy on them and it is better to be happy and chunky then thin and depressed. I am almost 200 pounds and I am only 5 ft 2. I have done weight watchers and everything else. I could starve and gain 5 pounds in a month. There is nothing medically wrong I have had blood tests. I need some good tips and some good friendly support. IF you have lost weight on ADS tell me how. I even gained 10 pounds exercising. I hate AD's but have to have them or I will not be able to get out of bed. Thank you Gayle
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Old 08-17-2005, 01:12 AM   #2  
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I really don't know what to say other than maybe ask your doctor.

I'm really sorry you're in this tough place right now...But it will get better. I gained weight when I began taking AD's and I'm still working on getting rid of it (though at the same I was just eating too much lol).

I wish you the best <3
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Old 08-17-2005, 01:16 AM   #3  
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I gained weight on zoloft ..

I would tell your dr what is going on, and let him give you something else...Meanwhile, don't stop exercising and eating good.
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Old 08-17-2005, 06:38 AM   #4  
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Thank you for listening. I have been on them for two years and it is hard. They also make me eat too much too. I know a drug can't make you do anything but they cause cravings. Oh well I need to learn how to ignore my food cravings it is so hard. OFf the drug I never had food cravings this strong. Thank you
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Old 08-17-2005, 08:41 AM   #5  
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Hi Gayle
While I'm no expert, I can tell you my Experience. I take Wellbutrin and in addition to my dieting it's helped me walk away from the fridge (It's also used to treat addiction)
I think you need to work with your Doc and express your concerns b/c If your gaining and miserable about it thats going to contribute to your depression.
The first thing I said to my doc is I do not want something that will make me gain weight
I was 5'2 and 204
You are in control. He/she is there to help you!
Come post on the daily We're all very supportive and we've been there!
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Old 08-17-2005, 08:55 AM   #6  
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Hi Gayle,

I'm with the ladies on this. First talk to your doctor and see if there's anything he/she can do.

Second, try tracking your calorie intake on its a cool site and its free.
How about when you get your cravings to re-route them to something different. For instance. When you really want a chocolate bar, how about Jello's Fat Free chocolate pudding, the pre made ones. Man are they good. You want chips, have a handful of fat free pretzles or lite popcorn. Try to fill the ol belly up on veggies first and then eat your dinner.

I know its hard, believe me. I'm the worst dietier out there but ya gotta try.
This is a great site. There's WW threads and all sorts of goodies here to help you on your journey. Check them out, get comfy and enjoy the support that these lovies can offer you.

Hugs !!!!
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Old 08-17-2005, 01:01 PM   #7  
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Default Antidepressants

Hey there -

I've been on a number of anti-depressants for over 10 years. I tried Celexa a few years back and gained 19 pounds in a month. I guess "weight gain" is a major side effect. I went off that and we tried a couple of other things. I'm on Wellbutrin right now and that's working extremely well - especially since one of the side effects is a lowered appetite. It's also marketed as Zyban, the smoking cessation med - so it is finally possible to lose weight and stop smoking at the same time.

Anyway - just go to the doc that prescribed the Celexa and ask if there's anything else you can try that won't sabotage your weight issues.

Good luck!
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Old 08-17-2005, 01:15 PM   #8  
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I gained alot of weight on Depakote. I blew up like a balloon. I don't want to recommend meds because I'm not a doctor, but I'm on Lamictal now and losing weight pretty steadily -- not losing the weight BECAUSE of the Lamictal, but rather because it's not packing on the pounds the way the Depakote did.

That probably won't help ANYONE, but just wanted to say that "I've been there."

Good luck
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Old 08-17-2005, 01:55 PM   #9  
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Hi Gayle,

I have just ventured into this thread.... as I finally (HOPEFULLY) have figured out that some of my "battle" is really depression! I would talk with your doctor (as the others have suggested)!

I have been on Wellbutrin for just a few months.... but not only don't I cry anymore... I also am able to walk out of the kitchen and leave something in the cabinets and 'fridge! My doctor said (and I'm guessing this is more just her opinion than documented fact...altho, I've heard the same thing from others (people who take the meds NOT doctors) that most others will cause weight gain. I do know that a dear friend was on Zoloft and had to come off ONLY due to the weight gain! She is now also on Wellbutrin and WW...and smiling at the results!

Also wanted to mention to you that I am also a teacher and mom of 2 boys! Have you visited the Teachers board over in the Support Groups forum?! There are bunch of us there who understand the joys and frustrations of teaching / school while dealing with weight related joys and frustrations!
Just wanted to mention it .... Visit us sometime!

take care,
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Old 08-17-2005, 05:25 PM   #10  
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Here's my two cents worth .... When I lost the first 30 lbs I was not on antidepressants. On antidepressants (and with some other health issues) I gained back 24 lbs. I'm now on paxil and it does seem a bit harder. I'm exercising more, for sure, and probably my calories are consistantly lower than last time. But I am losing. That's my note of encouragement for you

Also, Paxil is my 4th try with antidepressants. If you have side-effects, talk to your doctor. Mine told me there are lots to try, you don't have to keep taking one that adversely effects you.

Also, (I just keep thinking of things to add) This time I consistantly feel more like "doing it". I used to clobber away at diet planning and exercise for a few days and then blah out. Other than being too busy with family things a couple of days, I've not had a down day yet.
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Old 08-17-2005, 06:09 PM   #11  
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I am on Depakote and Lamictal plus have been on ADS for years... you should ask your doctor- sometimes they have safe drugs that help offset the side effects of a drug- particularly weight gain. The one my dr used didn't work for me, but the dr thought it was worth a try so perhaps it could possibly work for you (its not diet pills... some sort of other medication).
I personally gained TONS of weight on Depoke and ADS...
Now I am 215 pounds and only 5'2'' and so I have to work really hard to get healthy on these drugs... it isnt easy!!
The dr explained it to me as being like a switch in your mind... it is supposed to switch off when you are full but ADS and depakote keep it on. I try to wait 20 mins when I want more to eat- sometimes that helps me make sure I'm not really full when I still feel hungry.
Good Luck and post often
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Old 08-17-2005, 06:45 PM   #12  
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I have been on 20 mg. Celexa since mid March....have been doing Weight Watchers online since Nov. 9....from then until mid March I lost 11 lbs....was not on an antidepressant then.
Then in mid March I went on the Celexa....since then I have lost 12 lbs.....have been doing the Core eating plan since March.....but everyone is different.....some people gain on antidepressants....I have heard that people on Wellbutrin lose weight.

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Old 08-19-2005, 10:13 AM   #13  
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My doctor gave me
Welbutrin XL It not only helped with my energy problems (well at first) it also helped me to stop smoking. I was originoally on lexapor (sp) and I hated it all I wanted to do was sleep.Ask your doc if welbutrin is right for you..sounds likethe tv huh. LOL Not sure if it has helped me lose wieght. But I didnt gain weight from not smoking.
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Old 08-20-2005, 03:03 AM   #14  
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Default Loose on AD's

I do not know if this will help. I was on Celexa for a year and experienced weight gain. My doctor switched me to its "cousin" Lexapro and the weight has started to come off. Supposedly, they work very similarly but affect different people different ways. Maybe you could try switching and see if it helps.
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Old 08-23-2005, 09:31 PM   #15  
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I gained 40 pounds on Zoloft. That's when i started watching carbs and realized that the meds made me crave carbs. Cut back on those and suddenly I could lose weight. I still fall off the wagon about once a month and have a binge, but it's better than eating like that every day!

I'm on Celexa now (the Zoloft stopped working after a couple of years). I tried Wellbutrin but it wasn't very effective for me. It seems I need an SSRI, which are also the weight gainers. But now that I know WHY they cause weight gain, I can do something about it.
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