Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 08-22-2002, 01:12 AM   #1  
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Default Thursday August 22 (12:50 EST) Daily

Hello my friends!

Didn't get a chance to post yesterday, but I did catch up with all of you. are too funny! I guess you need a sense of humor to get through a remodel. I'm not sure my marriage would survive it!! We had a tough time putting in a hardwood floor just recently thought we would kill each other.

Linda...Where were you last night? I was in chat at 11:30

Leens...How special! That first birthday is so much fun, especially when they get into their little cake, be sure it's chocolate

The last couple of days have been testing me! I think the big let down after the wedding is doing it to me. I have been eating good food, but too much of it!! I need to get on the stick tomorrow. Back to the measuring and weighing and counting. I had slacked off on the exercising the week before the wedding, did only 15 minutes worth a day, so that kind of threw me off too. Time to think of me!

Well, have a wonderful day, I will try and catch you all later.

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Old 08-22-2002, 07:53 AM   #2  
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Hey Meggggggiefooofooo,

Glad to see you this morning. Of course you know this is a quickie cause SHE's HERE !!!

Today is birthday, we woke her up singing happy birthday and video taped was soooooooo cute, her little eyes were just about opened and she had the hugest smile on her face. God is Good !!!!!!

Going to pick out contacts today, thinking of going wild...................yeah right Well if anything, I get to look into that cute doctors face. Even if he has no personality

Have a wonderful day !!!

My heart is very happy today

Love, Leenie
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Old 08-22-2002, 09:07 AM   #3  
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Well, I have decided to go seek more help. I just can't do it alone. I thought I could fight the depression. I just don't want the side effects of the meds again. It was terrible. Maybe they can try something else. It was terrible this morning. I couldn't get up to exercise. All I wanted to do was sleep. The only reason I get up is because I know I have to go to work (which I hate). If I was irresponsible I would just not come in but I can't do that. I am only working because I want to get things for our new house and get my laser eye surgery. My newest thing is to get yet another degree. Who knows if it will make me happy. I am always on a search for something to make me happy. Will the search ever end? I hate to get into more school loan debt.

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Old 08-22-2002, 09:27 AM   #4  
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Hi Tracy,

Welcome Back !!

Listen I was on Zoloft which made me kinda flip out, I had bad days and good days but I felt like I was on a roller coaster. I am now on 200 mg of Welbutrin and I feel really good, I guess you can say normal (what ever that is ) I'm glad to see your going for help........hang in there, we'll be here rootin for you.

EYE SURGERY !!!!!!!! you know thats what I should do but I don't have the balls to do it yet. Just last week I went for contacts so laser surgery will probably take me some time to muster up.

Sounds like to me you've got a really busy schedule and you really know what you wanna do, going to school is the best thing I think anyone can do for themselves, congrats on that !!!

I hear yah on the work thing, thats where I am now....hate it. But you know Tracy, I do thank God I have a job and I make the money I do. I know so many folks out of work and others who are with that, working isn't ALL that bad

Okay lady, nice to see your hangin with us. Let us know how you make out at the dr's.

TTYL, Love Leenie
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Old 08-22-2002, 09:33 AM   #5  
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morning ladies,
We have a foggy day here this morning which has a tendency to make you want to do nothing. But I thought I'd get on the computor and check you all out then start to do something around the house. I have been off work for 6 weeks becaus of an injury, I am getting bored, there's only so much I can do. I was looking in the small town paper we get and there is a job I am interesed in. I would like to not go back to my old one. So I have to wait till 9 to call.
hawkeye- I have been on depo for 8 years, not for birth control because I have had my tubes tied, but to help me with my period, I was to the point I had it almost all the time, my doctor wanted to try the shot instead of a dnc, it has worked great ,no period,
I have been told by my doctor that I can take this through menopause, which I haven't started yet, and it will help.
Anyway I did gain weight after I started. Now I am trying to lose it.
Wished I would of tried many pounds ago. Well I did it just came back.
Enough about me, You all have a great day, I hope the job isn't taken, but with my luck it will be.
Talk to you later
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Old 08-22-2002, 11:14 AM   #6  
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morning ladies *s.... had to do a handle/name change due to some problems outside of this site. I am still pretty new, but since I LOVE to read mysteries, my old handle had to do with that.

I've been away for a few days. Didn't get back last night in time to make my WW weigh in. With a wedding we went to on Sat., and then an out of town conference for three days (and staying at my Mom's who is the diet saboteur (sp???) I think I did well. At least, I should have stayed the same if not down a shade.

Good morning Meg *s... your posts always cheer me up

Leens.. how old is your little one?

Hi Tracy.. nice to meet you. I hope your appt with your doctor goes well. Don't be afraid to speak about about the side effects. I keep hearing about them with different meds, but I've also heard that what one person gets on one kind does not necessarily mean someone else will. Celexa was wonderful for me except I gained so much weight. It didn't work at all for a friend of mine. Keep working with your doctor until you find one. It's out there

Hi Weeder *s.. nice to meet you.

I am off and away for the day... I am a spec ed teacher, and school is back in on Monday for me. There was construction in the school I was just moved to. I spent the last two days of school unpacking, sorting, and "moving in". Then a work crew came in to put in a new heating system... tore out the ceiling to put in new duct work. Everything (and I mean everything.. furniture, books on shelves, even the shelving) was removed. Apparently, I have a semi-ceiling and temporary lighting and filth beyond imagination. So guess what I will be doing today and tomorrow?

Have a wonderful day everyone *s... no sense crying.. my nose and face will be red all day *L
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Old 08-22-2002, 12:14 PM   #7  
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Default Mornin'

Hello ladies,

Wow.. lots of people here today.. that makes me feel on

Meg, I popped into chat last night a few times, but never saw anyone.. I did have a nice chat with Ruthie last night... I think it was last night I guess I ended up leaving about 10:30 your time.. sorry I missed you. I'll pop in tonight about 10:30-11pm your time.

Leens, if you get goofy colored contact lenses I am gonna smack you. Ladies, Leenie has some of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen... Ruthie has seen them live and in person and she can confirm it, that is if she is lurking.

Tracy, good for you for getting help. As I said in my post yesterday, it may take several tries to get the right med and/or the right dosage. Don't give up... demand help, bully to get help.. holler if you have to.. because you are worth it. :

Deb, good luck on the job. I hope this works out. When you get discouraged, remember.. the question isn't whether you will get a job. The question is when will you get one.. If you know as I do that you will eventually find the right thing for you, it takes a lot of the worry away. Heck, I have been working contract jobs for a year and I still believe the right job is out there for me... just hard times for everyone and not personal to me.

JudoMom, bless you for being a spec ed teacher. That takes a rare caring breed of a person to do what must be a stressful yet very rewarding job. I'm with you on the crying thing. I never have been one of those "delicate" criers. My face gets red, my nose runs and I look a mess.

Today has been a pretty good day so far. I didn't get much aerobics done this morning since I slept about 5.5 hours last night I did do some, but the body just wasn't into it today. I stayed up late chatting with a friend who was very upset and having a really bad day. I hope I was able to help.. losing a little sleep was worth it if I did. My depression is doing okay. I got my blood tests back and they show no liver problems, so I can stay on the Serzone. Changes meds is a pain in the a**, so I am glad I can stick with something that works. I was doing a bit of reflection about my depression last night while talking to my friend. I have come so far from where I was 7 or even 2 years ago. I now see the glass as half full rather than half empty. I believe most people are basically decent and caring. I believe I deserve to be happy. This is a 180 degree turn from where I was. For those that are suffering, there is a way to get better... I promise.

Have a nice day everyone
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