Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 09-25-2008, 03:28 PM   #16  
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My doc also turned me onto fish oil. I take four 1000mg capsules a day (2 in the morn and 2 at nite) in conjuction with my ADs. They have helped tremendously!
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Old 09-25-2008, 04:36 PM   #17  
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I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! A few years ago I lost 30 pounds and it totally changed me! I started going out more and guys started paying attention to me and it felt great! Then a couple not so great relationships later I found myself slowly gaining the weight back and I was REALLY depressed. I knew I needed to lose weight and I knew how awesome it felt when I had lost the weight, but nothing I did motivated me enough to actually lose it. As of right now I'm off the anti-depressants and at my heaviest weight EVER! I still get really depressed from time to time, but thankfully I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me just the way I am and is very supportive of my decisions. We're both trying to eat better and lose weight...but it's hard. But I'm committed to it this time because I want to feel the way I did before!

It's a slow and difficult process but you can do it!!!

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Old 09-25-2008, 06:11 PM   #18  
Need to get back on track
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Originally Posted by Spoz View Post
Medication and weight loss aside, you're obviously very confused about your depression. For a start - do you talk to anybody about it? Because if not, you need to be. A professional can help you diagnose and possibly change the situation, and at the very least be of some help to you as a spare ear when you need it.

I know how you feel, because I was alive and living when I was thin. But I got fat again and now I'm a hermit. But doesn't that just explain to you that the unhappiness is more than skin deep and more than your weight? Please go and see somebody if you can! And keep posting here for support
I've always known that there are deeper issues, not just weight. But what I was saying was being thin really helped my moods and overall outlook on life tremendously. I've been through doctors and nobody has helped me.
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Old 09-25-2008, 06:17 PM   #19  
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Originally Posted by taranixon View Post
I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! A few years ago I lost 30 pounds and it totally changed me! I started going out more and guys started paying attention to me and it felt great! Then a couple not so great relationships later I found myself slowly gaining the weight back and I was REALLY depressed. I knew I needed to lose weight and I knew how awesome it felt when I had lost the weight, but nothing I did motivated me enough to actually lose it. As of right now I'm off the anti-depressants and at my heaviest weight EVER! I still get really depressed from time to time, but thankfully I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me just the way I am and is very supportive of my decisions. We're both trying to eat better and lose weight...but it's hard. But I'm committed to it this time because I want to feel the way I did before!

It's a slow and difficult process but you can do it!!!


You're lucky to have that support from your boyfriend. And I hope you get your depression under control.

Good luck in your journey of eating better and losin' weight again!
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Old 09-25-2008, 11:36 PM   #20  
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I suffer from a very mild depression, which isn't surprising because it runs in my family. I don't, and haven't ever, taken any medication for it. A bunch of my family does though. If your medication isn't working, I'd say try another. For me though, exercise makes me feel 100,000,000 times better. Even when I'm feeling down if I go do something active I end up feeling a lot better. Also if I get too much or two little sleep I feel tired. I have to get between 6-8 hours, depending on how much I've been getting lately. When the last thing in the world you want to do is go out, do it. You may surprise yourself.
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Old 09-30-2008, 09:54 AM   #21  
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I am new here and would love to know what diet you have been following to lose your weight?

Also, where can I get a fancy ticker (maybe with penguins?lol) to show my weight loss and goal?

As someone who can't take medication due to severe side effects, I have three words for you, TAKE FISH OIL. I swear Omega-3s changed my world. Now, don't go off of your medication that you are currently on, but add a fish oil supplement and see if that helps (can't hurt.) My doctor is the one who gave me info about all the studies they've done in regards to Omega-3s, depression, and other mental illness. The case studies are quite fascinating. Anyway, it took me about a month to notice a difference, but it really helps. I've been taking them for well over a year and I really notice a difference if I stop taking them.[/QUOTE]
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Old 09-30-2008, 09:58 AM   #22  
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The problem is as you said though you still put weight on, and the reason you probably felt happier was because you were healthier. I really think you need to address those deeper issues which is why I recommended a therapist/doctor. I wish you look whatever you chose to do though
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