Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 03-06-2002, 09:12 AM   #1  
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Default weight and anti depressants-for Suzanne


First I want to thank you, Suzanne for starting this forum.

I have been on the antidepressant Serzone since 8/99, when I was diagnosed with post partum depression. I am just now starting to cut down on my dosage under my doctor's supervision.

Before I became pregnant I weighed 217 (and I'd be happy to be that now!). I gained 17 lbs while pregnant, and was 234 when I gave birth to my son. I rapidly (due to the PPD) went down to 208. Once I was on the medication, my weight has been going up ever since-I'm now around 250-too scared to look!

I had asked my doctor if the Serzone was causing the weight gain. He said the anti-depressant doesn't directly cause weight gain, but INDIRECTLY causes it.

His explanation was that when you take SSRI's, it interferes with your brain signalling your body that you are full. So even though you may have eaten enough, your brain doesn't recognize that and you keep eating and gain weight. Another side effect of Serzone is fatigue, which makes it very difficult to exercise.

I'm also hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) and anemic, so I didn't really need one more thing to drain the little bit of energy I had. I've found it impossible to stick with exercsing, but hope to do that soon. It will at least keep me from gaining more weight while I battle with food.

I hope this information was helpful. I am taking a different medication than you, but they're both SSRI's. I had another friend taking Celexa (another SSRI) who didn't have much weight gain.

Take care and best of luck,
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Old 03-06-2002, 11:25 AM   #2  
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Default Oh terrific.. a new forum

Thank you Suzanne for starting this new forum. I *knew* there were others like me battling weight as well as depression.

I was diagnosed 8 years ago with this condition, coupled with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, just for fun. Been on a few medications, but the one that really helped me gain the weight was Effexor. I never was really thin before I took this medication, but gained like 50 pounds in a few years. I got off the Effexor and stayed off medications for a year, but then made a decision to get back on them. I have now been on Serzone, just like you Suzie.. for I think 2 years now?

I am a big believer in medications coupled with cognative therapy. It helped me with some negative thought processes and other things, that medication cannot fix. I know the medication didn't cause me to gain the weight.. it was ME, who didn't see what I was doing to my body. I know my 50 pounds didn't sneak on overnight, but the medication did make me not notice or care or something.

Anyway, I have been doing really well since first of the year. I get up at 5:15AM to do my exercises before I have to leave for work. I am the queen of excuse making.. so if I start exercising when I am too sleepy to protest, all the better. I know me and I know if I tried to exercise after work, I would have hundreds of excuses.. I am tired, work was hard, commute was bad, I am hungry, I have a headache.. etc. So far, so good.. and I hope I didn't just jinx myself posting what I was doing.

Depression for me is a life long condition. I wish I could get off the meds or taper down, but I really don't see that happening any time in near future.

Hope you are all having a good day.
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Old 03-06-2002, 11:50 AM   #3  
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Me Too!!!

I took Prozac for about four years, and switched to paxil last fall, because i was feeling increased anxiety. I think the Prozac did cause some weight gain, mostly because I was no longer berating myself every time I ate something!! I think the anti-depressants will also help with the weight loss though, because I just plain like myself more now.

I'll probably need meds for life too. I'd rather not, but I'd rather take them than go back to how I felt before!! I agree with you Linda, therapy is also helpful. Even after starting the medication I sometimes reacted poorly to things JUST OUT OF HABIT!! I like to say that the medication got me to the point where i could start to deal with my problems. I haven't been exercising enough, and i know that helps with mood too, so I'm trying to increase that again.

Thanks for starting this forum Suzanne, it really helps to know others are going through this also.
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Old 03-08-2002, 07:29 PM   #4  
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The biggest problem I'm having is the fatigue. I'm taking Zoloft and I can't stay awake. I'm literally sleeping 20 hours a day. I'm not working, cleaning house, or anything, just sleeping. It also makes me very nauseous and has taken away my appetite. I still eat, but it's more of a stress reaction than out of hunger.

I'm glad to hear how other people have coped with various medications, it helps, so thank you all for sharing your experiences
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Old 03-10-2002, 12:40 AM   #5  
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Hello, all...This is my very first post here, and I'm not too familliar with the format, but I really had to reply. I am 5'3" and weigh about 178, and have been taking Zoloft for about a year and a half. I'm not sure it's had much to do with my weight but it has made life so much more livable. The only problem I have with it is that I'm rather sensitive to it so when I tried to get off of it a while ago, I was constantly having vertigo and getting really overwhelmed and weepy.(I really wasn't ready) I decided not to get off of it...I considered it because I've been trying to get pregnant and thought it would be better until I realized it was better to be in control of my depression especially with a baby.(We've been trying for 3 & 1/2 years, and have been dealing with male factor infertility, but I think we've solved that problem, so we'll see...) Anyway, It's nice to know that there are folks out there with things in common. It's easy to feel isolated with this food thing, so I'm hoping to make some friends. Thanks for being here. Bonnie
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Old 03-14-2002, 01:22 PM   #6  
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Default Scary !!

Wow those meds are scary, thats all I need is to gain more weight. Part of my depression is my weight OY!! I was on Prozac for depression for a few months and it actually curbed my appetite. I actually lost weight on it.

I am going to see a different doctor (insurance change) so I will see what she says.

Thanks for the info !!
Love and Huggs Leens

Last edited by Leens; 03-18-2002 at 04:21 PM.
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Old 03-18-2002, 01:50 PM   #7  
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Hi Suzanne,
I have been taking Zoloft for 6 weeks now, and I would like to give you some encouragement.
You will wake up!! I was soo sleepy, but am doing much better. Only a short nap every day now, and my motivation to get moving is increasing.
The z has decreased my appetite, but I find that I don't have any inclination to quit eating once I start, so i have to guard against that.
I am feeling better in general tho, and enjoying life more, and all in all, it has been worth the side effects from the medication, and i think i had most of them to some degree.
I have read that the dr. will sometimes add wellbutrin to help counteract the sleepiness and also if decrease in libido is a problem, but I haven't tried that myself.
Best Wishes
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Old 03-19-2002, 01:07 AM   #8  
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Hi everyone. I am new to this, this is my 1st post. But, I take celexa for depression, ativan for nerves and aciphex for my stomach/gerd. the celexa isnt helping, prozac didnt either...and the ativan is about the only thing that puts me to sleep. I'm overweight, unhealthy, yet im too tired to do anything about it. yet, i stay up all hours of the night. but like, im in a daze.
'm tired as heck, but im awake. when i try cleaning my house or even going to my car, i'm tired and ready to sit down. i even get nauseated with this. has anyone gone through this? the depression is all about my weight. its horrible
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Old 03-19-2002, 12:03 PM   #9  
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Maybe this is nothing new to some of you, but I think you should take a look... or rather, read entirely. This is not quite reassuring.
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Old 03-19-2002, 12:14 PM   #10  
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What about the millions of people these drugs help ?

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Old 03-19-2002, 12:23 PM   #11  
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I just know for me.. they have helped. Everyone has to make a choice that is right for them. Not everyone chooses medication.. and not everyone should. It isn't a panacea for life's troubles, but rather like an aid.
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Old 03-19-2002, 07:39 PM   #12  
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EXACTLY!! I needed the medication to get me to the point where I could DO therapy. Yes, it is often overprescribed, but some people really do need it. I was a zombie. Prozac enabled me to get into therapy, and also to get out of the house and DO more. I don't sit around crying the way I used to, which is better for me and better for my kids.
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Old 03-20-2002, 08:52 AM   #13  
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Post Ugh

I just started Zoloft "again", I now have no energy and I feel nausious and sleepy all the time. I thought I could go without it, again because I was feeling normal like I didn't need it.
I thought I'd go off of it and that excercising would be enough, but now I'm dealing with deep depression (as I've only been on the medicine for 3 days) and fighting back panic attacks which feels like someone jumped up from behind you and scared you, but the feeling lasts for hours. I'm trying really hard to use my cardio days as a time to take my stress out in a positive way.
But I feel so tired all the time now and nausious. It's so hard to lose weight and keep chemicals level at the same time, especially since reducing carbs also reduces the amount of natural seritonin your body produces. I'm pretty sure that's why I've been a carb addict my whole life, my body was trying to get enough seritonin. I have tried Paxil, but all it did was make me super hungry, I realize I'm going to get side effects no matter SSRI I take, at least I know that the nausious effect of zoloft does go away over time.

I hope everyone else is holding together ok?
Prayers for all!
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Old 03-22-2002, 01:01 PM   #14  
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Hi all,

I know that a lot of people are benefiting from SSRI meds, but let's keep in mind that we really don't have definitive long-term studies on them. Though the above website is scary and seems extreme, some of the info rings true with the known side effects.

I don't know if it means anything to you or not, but Eli Lilly manufactured and marketed the drug diethylstilbestrol, better known as DES. This drug was prescribed from 1938 - 1971 to prevent miscarriages and now we know that it caused damage to reproductive organs in both the mother and child. We now know that DES is a carcinogen. We are just now getting to the point where we can study the effects of the third generation. The long-term effects of DES are unwanted medical heirlooms. This might sound like a red herring, but the marketing trend of a miracle drug is hauntingly similar and it's enough to get me to question the research on SSRIs.

For more info on DES, visit

In short, don't take drugs lightly. If you want more info before taking a drug, INSIST on getting enough information for you to make an informed decision.
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Old 03-25-2002, 04:16 PM   #15  
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I have posted here before but lately I just been lurking and reading on this forum
When I first was diaginoised with depression I was put on Prozac which to be honest kinda put me in a drool all over yourself type stupor . I stopped taking it due to that reason.. Then my doctor put me on Zoloft 25 mg which started off good I was a bit sleepy but not a long day stupor.. Eventually they increased my dose first to 50 then 100 then finally 200mg the sleepiness ended after the first 4 week or so with each increase..After 2 years of 200 mg zoloft I thought I was OK I thought I was finally normal enuf to go off the Zoloft.. So with the advice of my doc I stopped "cold turkey " so that I could go on Meridian ( a weigh loss pill) well I had to wait 2 weeks to get all Zoloft out of my system since the Meridan and antidepressants dont mix.. I went thru full detox like problems Night sweats naseua cold sweats etc.. Come to find out I wasnt cured at all I was a complete blubbering wreck with a major hair across my butt b*tchiness without my Zoloft.. I couldnt take the Meridan after all since my chemical imbalance was way off.. (DEPRESSION is a CHEMICAL imbalance We ARE NOT NUTS!!! And those who think we are need help and education)
I am currently on Celexa(30 mgs I have to cut pills in half) and we are working towards the proper dosage till the proper effects and my imbalance bcome more stable..If you think your meds arent working you might not be on the right stuff .. Give it time .. We didnt get imbalanced chemically overnight it will take time for the docs get the right formula for you..I am Manic Depressive which is now called BiPolar.. ( I feel bad for the people that had to deal with me as I had dealt with this without treatment especially during PMS ) I am also on Ativan which really helps me calm down when I get panicy over stuff that in hindsight I dont really understand why I was all worked up about in the first place..
Thank you Jennifa for the insightful site.. I am a DES baby and I never knew there were special exams that needed to be done yearly.. I will mention that to my doc on April 1st ( my yearly pap..) I have known for years that I was a DES baby just never thought it was that important when it came to exams..It explains alot now..
Well I thought I would say what I needed to say.. I tend to ramble immensely , sorry about that.. I just thought I would share my side of things..
and Remember
Depression is a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE and as hard as it is to beleive sometimes we are NOT nuts!!
Take Care
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