Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 04-02-2002, 05:55 AM   #16  
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I have been taking Prozac for 8 months and I love it! I think it should be in everyone's drinking water . I had a hysterectomy in October of 2000- and I find it's the HRT's (hormone replacement therapy) that really put's the weight on me. I am still trying to find a hormone that agrees with my body. I have nite sweats, mood swings and hot flashes, so today I start a new hormone Estrace 2mg. I started out with Premarin and that didn't work so I was put on Estratest 1.25- goodness the weight I put on . So maybe he Estrace will work! But Prozac was really the icing on the cake for my depression-
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Old 04-03-2002, 12:49 AM   #17  
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Hi there!

I have been on SSRI's for several years now. I was on Prozac at 80mg for seven months. In that time I gained roughly 80 lbs! I have also heard of others that have gained weight on Prozac. I also found out that the Prozac made my anxiety worse and didn't work for my depression. I recently switched to Celexa. I've lost at least five pounds since! Although it's mainly due to watching my food intake. Thing is, it wouldn't happen with Prozac for me. I know some people whom have lost weight while taking Prozac. I guess it just depends on what anti-depressant you find that works best for you, with the least amount of side-effects. I believe that Celexa may just be the anti-depressant for me.

Thanks for listening!

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Old 04-03-2002, 08:00 PM   #18  
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Hi Suzanne and everyone,
I've been here before... but only to lurk. Suzanne, the last time I was here was when you were "quitting" the site, and I've been praying for you ever since. This is a wonderful site/forum... thank you.
I've suffered from serious depression for 25 years... since I was 12 years old. Nobody ever noticed, and it's only by the grace of God that I'm still alive. ; )
I gained 80 pounds with my second pregnancy. I'd just lost 25 pounds previous to that, and thought we couldn't have any more children... surprise surprise.
I fell into a terrible depression, and a year later, for the first time in my life, went to a doctor for help. I've been taking Fluoxetine for the last 5 years. My dosage is now 40mg per day, and I'm a completely different person.
Last year my husband started working in the mental health field. He's much more understanding of my condition, and he's become a great source of support. I've learned a lot of great coping skills in the past few years, but I wouldn't be where I am now without my medication. I'm sick of people who criticize others for taking meds for mental health conditions. I've gone from being a suicidal, potentially harmful mess to being a "normal" well-balanced person who's able to care for and love my family.
However, last week my 12 year old daughter tried to commit suicide. She's always been like me, and I was so afraid that she would suffer the way I did. Thank God we're able to get her help. Who knows what the future will hold for my family... but at least we've been given "another chance".
Please, don't ever ignore the warning signs of depression in the people you love.
I've been eating constantly for the past week... stuffing everything imaginable into my mouth. I'm about 60 pounds overweight again, and I feel terrible... like I'm wearing a full-length padded life-jacket. I can't look after my daughter when I'm a wreck myself, so tomorrow, the weight is going to start to come off!!!
Right now, I'm going to my bed to have a good cry. Tomorrow is another day.
Love to you all,
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Old 04-04-2002, 08:28 PM   #19  
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Ellis-I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's suicide attempt. That has to be my BIGGEST fear. That the kids have inherited the depression. My son (also 12) has been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and it is VERY painful seeing your kids go through all that emotional pain. Twelve is a rough age to be. As painful as all of this is, you will be able to help her because you have been there. Here's hoping that your life, and your daughter's, get easier SOON.
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Old 04-04-2002, 10:13 PM   #20  
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Thank you for your kind words, dentrassi. I forget that I'm not alone, and support from people like you means a lot.
And I'm very sorry about your son, but I'm so glad that he's been diagnosed... that's half the battle. The cognitive-behaviour therapy is wonderful. He will be all right.
My daughter had her second appointment with a psychiatrist today. It went fairly well, and we're going again as a family next week. One of my worst fears is that I've done her irrepairable psychological damage during her early years when I was so ill. However, the psychiatrist was very postive that we would be able to resolve every issue ... I hope, I hope...
My best wishes for you and your family.
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Old 04-05-2002, 10:16 PM   #21  
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Hi Ellis!

I worry about the same thing! I was a mess when the kids were little. I'm glad to hear that the psychiatrist feels everything can be worked out. I'm pretty honest with my kids about what is going on with me. I want them to know that you CAN get better, and I try to talk with my 12 year old about things we BOTH can do. Knowing that you are not alone in dealing with depression or anxiety is really helpful. Strength in numbers!!
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