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Old 07-24-2016, 11:54 AM   #46  
Fishing for a plan!
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Good Morning Everyone!

Jeni: It's reassuring that you had migraines at that age. It's always so scary when something is amiss with your children. I'm praying her CT is negative.

MM: You mentioned a fitbit group during the previous challenge. I looked for it on the "fitbit community" but couldn't find anything under 3FC or WOW. Is there still an active group? There are a bazillion of them.

It's hot this weekend and I'm feeling sluggish. UGH. I pulled a few weeds yesterday and discovered softball sized watermelons! My garden is like an archeological dig, with treasures hidden in an Amazon like canopy of invasive growth just waiting to be discovered. I'm afraid there may be exotic, disagreeable critters lurking under all those leaves. Snakes, spiders, maybe a rabid squirrel......

Hope you are all having a restful weekend. It's my weekend to work....


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Old 07-25-2016, 12:18 PM   #47  
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Happy Monday!

Steps Saturday: 9,422, Sunday: 10,735. Not stellar, considering it was my work weekend, but I did somehow manage to lose 2.8 pounds! Probably just water weight from all the sodium I ate while I was in KY! I work today, the end of my four day in a row run, then off one day and then back at it. If I wasn't a LPN, I'd probably be TRULY enormous instead of just SORTA enormous!

I hope you are all raring to go this fine, HOT Monday!

W: 96 (I haven't even been close. If I don't do it over the next couple of days, I will decrease the goal and work my way up!)
E: Start eating a healthy meal before noon. Yogurt, fruit, nuts, one slice of Dave's Killer Bread. I like the "Good Seeds" one. It's organic/non GMO. The thin sliced version is only 70 calories!
E: Walk before work despite the heat.
D: Call my mother after work. It's the right thing to do. And If I'm talking, I won't be eating! BONUS.
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Old 07-25-2016, 02:59 PM   #48  
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Hi everyone!

I have been MIA because of a very busy weekend. i didn't eat well at all, but I did have an amazing boxfit class on Saturday. I had trouble sleeping last night because my abs were so sore It's a good thing! It means I "engaged my abs"

I got in a good workout this morning, 25 minutes on the treadmill, 35 minutes on the bag and strength training. My puppy didn't let me do any ab work though, so I need to sneak it in sometime today.

Still waiting on Maks results.

W 64 oz
E done
E 1500 cals stick to it!!
D get food ready for tomorrow.
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Old 07-25-2016, 03:52 PM   #49  
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Lurch- Several of us are friends on FB and on Fitbit. We challenge each through our Fitbit friends. You can friend request us and b e part of the fun and excitement. I am going to the gym with my BFF tomorrow. Time for us.

I won the weekend challenge. Hey, go me. I can never win when Jeni is working. Man girl you put in the steps at work.

My husband tried my old one for a few days. He kind of got the bug, but my old one doesnt work well and he got frustrated. I think I see a Christmas gift in the future.

Has a good week last week, weekend not bad but no real workouts. I am back at it today. Wish me luck.

I have so many cukes now I am planning on making pickles soon. Now we have blackberries ripening. Think jam is in order soon also.
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Old 07-26-2016, 11:24 AM   #50  
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Good Morning!

Jeni: Way to be active! You are so versatile. I have never been coordinated enough to feel comfortable doing such a variety of things. I'm even embarrassed to sweat to the oldies in the privacy of my own home...... Any news about the CT results?

Mindy: Congratulations on winning the Weekend Warrior trophy! My steps were 11,713 yesterday. On work days, my goal is 14,000, so I have been falling short lately. I, too, gave my husband my old fitbit. It was a Zip. I set it up for him and everything and he didn't even wear it once! LOL. He is now and forever will be on my "inactive" friends list. I would love to be on you guys' fitbit friends lists. I don't do the actual work week hustle and weekend warrior challenges etc. anymore because the last few times I did them, either with my family group or my work group, terrible things happened. My mother-in-law fell and broke some ribs during one, then she fell and broke her shoulder during another one, and the last time I joined one, my stepson and my dog both died on the same day. I'm not superstitious, but I just can't bring myself to do those challenges. Just the thought makes me start to hyperventilate. I don't have facebook, so I will message you my email address. You can friend me on fitbit that way, if you'd like. I searched for cucumbers the other day. For some reason they are coming out round this year! Strangest thing I've ever seen, this blighted garden of mine. It looks like something out of a cautionary tale by Dr. Seuss. My wild black raspberries are done, and I didn't pick but a handful or two this summer. My mother-in-law makes the best jelly from them, so I usually pick three or four gallons. Good Luck on you work outs! I guess much like my pitiful garden, you reap what you sow, but only according to the effort you apply!

Have a great day, all. It's my day off, and my body hurts, so I think I might rest a bit. Will leave my weed the same as yesterday, with the exception of walking before work.


Last edited by LurchMomma; 07-26-2016 at 01:01 PM.
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Old 07-27-2016, 11:40 AM   #51  
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It's Wednesday-

I found enough tomatoes to make the first BLT of the summer! I look forward to the first ripe tomatoes just for that BLT! The paste type tomatoes seem to have blossom end rot this summer, so I doubt I'll be canning much spaghetti sauce or making tomato preserves this year. Have any of you tried tomato preserves? They are like tomato jam. I know it sounds strange, but it is really very good. I also love making jalapeno jelly. I think I will have enough jalapenos to do that this year.

I hope you are all well.

W: 64
E: Walk before work. Steps have been down.
E: BLT before work and then watch it rest of the day.
D: Be anxious for nothing. Give thanks in all circumstances.
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Old 07-27-2016, 07:55 PM   #52  
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Tons of cukes....tomatoes are not ripe yet. Potatoes are growing like weeds. Blackberries are ripening now. Man...I joke with my hubby that I'm becoming the Pioneer Woman.

Walk/ run everyday this week so far. Am meeting BFF at the gym tomorrow. Then I'm off to check out "the girls". After that fun time I am stopping by the capital for the farmers market. Busy day.

Lurch- I tried friending you for Fitbit but it didnt seem to work. I messaged you my e-mail.
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Old 07-28-2016, 09:04 AM   #53  
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My garden is going crazy night now: green beans, herbs galore, zukes, cherry tomatoes, onions, mesclun, potatoes, cayennes/sweet banana/jalapeņo peppers. Still waiting on full size tomatoes and other peppers to ripen. I've got beets and sweet potatoes as well as black and Hutterite beans for drying growing. I also need to prepare the back garden for peas, cabbage, and more beans....don't know how successful it'll be as the early stuff didn't do too well in this location this year. Fingers crossed. It's raining today, but I need to get out there to pick beans and banana peppers (I pickle and pasteurize the peppers for sandwiches).

I had a goal of losing at least five more pounds this summer, but have lost any between my two trips, special dinners, and evening cicktsils BUT, I haven't gained either, so I guess that's a good thing. The problem with me is that even though I'm more active in the summer, I'm hungrier and have more time to think about elaborate meals and actually cook them! Once I go back to school, I tend to scale things back through the workweek.

I lost my (second) Fitbit charger somewhere between here and NYC, so I'm waiting on my Amazon order of two new ones. I'm still tracking my calories and water on my phone though, just no steps, etc. Im sure that one of the cats stole my first charger and it's stuck under/behind the house. They have a tendency to make toys out of anything they can get their paws on.

It's raining here and will do most of the day, so I need to get motivated for inside "work." I've got loads to go at.....

W - 1 liter
E - light housework
E - 250 cal deficit
D - kitchen reorganization continues
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Old 07-28-2016, 11:58 AM   #54  
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Good Morning!

PQ and Mindy: Your gardens sound fabulous! We normally have three large garden spots on our acre here. My stepson was killed in an automobile accident in February and our hearts just aren't in it this year. Then, after that, I found out I've had Lyme disease for a couple of years, and took doxycycline, which made me more sensitive to the sun, which in turn, I think, caused an exacerbation of the Lupus I've had since 1992. It's easier just to stay in bed until I have to work! Beans are almost my favorite things, and mine are blooming, but we never put up the fence for them to climb, so my half-runners are running amuck and threatening to strangle my jalapenos. My favorite bean is an heirloom "greasy bean" from KY. We didn't plant any this year, but I told my husband we could still plant some fall beans.

Jeni: Hope CT results were negative!

I'm going to head out for a walk. Can't let this "Lymepus" get the best of me!

W: 64
E: Nothing fancy, just GO.
E: No late night noshing
D: Start Journaling again
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Old 07-29-2016, 12:55 PM   #55  
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Good Sweltering Friday Everyone:

MIndy: Thank you for adding me to your fitbit friends list. It did encourage me to walk before work yesterday and I ended up with 17,328 steps and 101 active minutes! I met or exceeded all of my fitbit goals and actually logged food/water for the first time in months. Something about seeing a new face pop up helped me to overcome the inertia that seems to have become a way of life! I ended up walking in the rain in a cemetery, which sort of seemed fitting.....

No walk today because I had to tend to the chickens and other mundane and assorted chores, and I got up too late to do more than that. I stood and looked at my garden and shook my head. Too hot and humid to even try to pull weeds.

Have a great weekend one and all!

W: 64
E: meet fitbit goals
E: No eating after 8pm
D: Journaling


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Old 07-29-2016, 01:28 PM   #56  
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Afternoon ladies!

Lurch how heartbreaking! I'm totally understand not having any "umph." You are right about the Ohio heat... I live in the south central art of the state with my two kids in Cinci and my three stepsons in England. I made it out for a little over an hour this morning but still ended up getting quite sweaty I've had a shower and let nch and need to go into town for vinegar, sweet corn, and lottery tickets

I'm looking forward to the weekend even though it's supposed to rain. I've got a lot of inside jobs that really need done.

W - 2 L, need to flush the salt
E - hour in garden
E - on plan
D - pick peppers/pickle this evening
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Old 07-30-2016, 12:40 PM   #57  
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Hello Ladies!

Steps yesterday: 14,808, 71 active minutes. Met all fitbit goals. Mindy-we are neck and neck!

This is my weekend off, but I'm "on call" today. I try for 10,000 steps on days off, but hate being "on-call". It's hard to do much of anything, because you never know if the phone is going to ring, and you are going to have to go in. I live 40 minutes from work, so I'm already behind the eight ball, so to speak!

PQ: I'm in Southwest Ohio, the Dayton area. So our weather is much the same. It's looking overcast today, but no rain thus far. It poured yesterday around 6pm. No thunder or lightening, just torrential downpour type rain. I usually pickle peppers, too. Lots of banana peppers out there. We also love them stuffed with sausage, sharp cheddar and sweet corn and then roasted on the grill.....mmmmmm........not exactly a "diet" recipe. LOL.

W: 64
E: Focus on Fitness instead of Fatness and the weight will take care of itself!
E: More fruits and veggies. View meat as a treat. Oooh, that rhymes!
D: Journal

Happy Saturday Everyone!

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Old 08-01-2016, 01:22 PM   #58  
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SO I quit WW and am trying MFP. It says to eat 1700 calories/day. I dont know about that but I will try it for a bit. If I gain I will have to go back to a lower calorie intake.

I made jam with our blackberries. I mad some pickles with our cukes. I have more berries and think I am making a crumb bar or something today. I got in 3 mile today.

Lurch- You get a ton of steps in. 14,000 is a good day for me. My goal is 11,000. DOnt always make that. Glad you have been doing good.
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Old 08-01-2016, 02:33 PM   #59  
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Mindy I'm experimenting with increased calories this week to break through a 2-month plateau after steadily losing 3-5 pounds a month for ten months. I'm not going crazy and I know I will gain a few pounds, which will be part water, but I've got to give it a go. The thing is I've become so accustomed to my lower calories 1300-1500 that I find it difficult to eat more. I'm just not that hungry, but I think I've brainwashed myself..... I hope it works for you! (I'm on day 4, and I'm going back to lower calories on Friday or Saturday).
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Old 08-02-2016, 12:20 PM   #60  
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Greetings Chicks!

Mindy: Good luck with the MFP. I used "Lose It!" a couple of years back, and was able to get to the 150's before gaining it all back (for the 20th time!). I forgot to transfer my fitbit from my jeans to my work pants yesterday, so ended up with only 5900 steps. I most likely would have ended up with around 16,000 had I worn it. I did notice that without the fitbit there to record/reward my "floors", I took the elevator. Pathetic, huh? LOL.

PQ: I hope your experiment is successful! I haven't been around long enough to know if you do any strength training, but that helped me to break through in the past. Added muscle mass which increased metabolism, and the boost in calorie burn lasts for hours afterward. I want to do that again. Just can't seem to get motivated. I also bought a yoga mat 6 months ago to try and do some stretching, it is still rolled up in the corner and seems to have grown dust bunnies around the ends!

W: 64
E: Walk on bike path and look for Burdock, Mullein, Skullcap, St Johns Wort etc. I wonder if the county sprays? It doesn't look like it, but you never know...
E: Record intake on fitbit app.
D: Look around and LIVE instead of just existing.

Have a great day!

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