3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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josey 12-08-2011 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by peanutt (Post 4133070)
Ugh, that is frustrating. There are so many yummy unhealthy things to "spend" calories on that it sucks to waste them on not yummy things! Drink your water and get a good sweat on tonight.

I spent some time over the last couple of days to plan out workouts for the next few weeks. I usually only do a week at a time, but figured that with the hectic upcoming weeks I'll be more likely to stick to a plan if I make it NOW rather than when the plate of cookies is staring at me.

Speaking of cookies.....I'm going to try making paleo-friendly gingerbread men this weekend. :D

I did drink a bunch (thirsty because of sodium?) and I biked for one hour. Phew. That should at least help. Still grumpy about the wasted calories though.

I went to the Redwater Grill yesterday btw and really liked it too!

Good idea to write out workout plans. I should do that with my stretching and weights.

Let me know how those gingerbread men worked out. Are you planing on using ground nuts instead of flour?

Edit: Ennay - Cucumber? Sounds like a good idea and I love cucumbers. I will eat some tomorrow though. I didn't eat anything for dinner since I still feel soooo full and bloated.

ennay 12-09-2011 10:59 AM

RRRRgh. Couldnt go to the gym this morning as I have pink-eye and it would be really hard not to contaminate something at the gym. Fortunately I still have the drops from the bout the kids had at thanksgiving so I was able to start on them last night before it got really bad and I can get my own scrip today.

I'll do a workout at home after the kids go to school, but I dont think I can do the weights I have planned.

Have a great Friday everyone!

josey 12-09-2011 11:10 AM

Ennay - Too bad! Get well soon. For at home workout, Convict Conditioning :-) Check it out: http://lifehacker.com/5839608/exerci...t+free-workout

loose seal 12-09-2011 12:23 PM

ennay - that sucks. I hate it when the unexpected ruins my workout plans. If you have On Demand, there are lots of workouts on there. Some are better than others but if you hunt around a bit you'll likely find something that will fill the void. Good luck.

Xtreme Kickboxing - done (the sides of my butt hurt ... curtsey squats!)
burpees - 12 done
challenge - 100 crunches - done
1.5 mile dogs walk - done

rainbowsmiles 12-09-2011 04:49 PM

LOST 2 (yeah baby!!)

sending in info early b/c i am off to do the family thing out of town this weekend! everyone have an awesome weekend!!

Thinsole 12-09-2011 08:19 PM

Way to go Rainbow!

Josey- Awesome vid. Makes me feel like singing chain gang songs while I'm doing butt-er burners.

Ennay- Sucks about the pink eye, hope you feel better.

Well, it took me all day but I did it. 100 full form push ups! Jeanettey challenge day #3 complete!

Also finished day 5 of the burpee challenge.

ruby5839 12-09-2011 11:15 PM

Jeanettey challenge 100 push-ups done!

Nazza000 12-10-2011 05:11 AM

Hi SARG, I'm new! I promise to lose 5 pounds next week!
Good to be here. The hamby-pamby, touchy-feely stuff is good sometimes, but sometimes I need a good kick in the pants too. Glad to be here:)

josey 12-10-2011 07:51 AM

:carrot::carrot::carrot:OMG OMG OMG :carrot::carrot::carrot:

(I am one of those kilogram freaks ;-) It is 165.2 lbs)


PS: Early weigh in ;-)

sumnerfan 12-10-2011 07:59 AM

A big congratulations to you Josie for hitting your goal weight. That is so exciting. I know you must be proud for hitting what you once considered an unattainable goal. Way to go!

loose seal 12-10-2011 09:24 AM

Josey! Congarats to you for reaching your goal! Whoo hoo!!


chickadee32 12-10-2011 11:42 AM

Congratulations josey!!!! :cheer3: :cheer2: :cheer3: SO excited for you!!!

loose seal 12-10-2011 11:58 AM

Pilates - done
100 crunches - done

Tomorrow, rest day. Aaahhhh.

Resolute 12-10-2011 12:12 PM

Way to go Josey, if i could i would give you a real hug, you should be prideful, it takes dedication, perserverence , conviction, strength of sprit and the will to fight day in and day out regardless.

Enjoy this day ! :hug:

Resolute 12-10-2011 12:29 PM

Yesterday was the first day in months or years since i missed my walk, my brother called me unexpectedly with an invite to see the local hockey club in a box, i went but feel guilty for missing my walk, will probably do two today. Was hoping to go all year without missing one but...

Anyways i came across this story, these kinds of stories really jack me up to what is possible in life. :)


Paralympic silver medallist Monique van der Vorst has miraculously become an able-bodied Olympic hopeful after a crash reversed her paralysis.

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