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Old 09-21-2009, 09:06 AM   #511  
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Hey girlies! You guys were just what I needed to cheer me up this morning! I was in a major funk yesterday (pmsing) and today's not a whole ton better but catching up on posts helped a lot! Gotta run to finish getting ready for my trip but will check in later....

Last edited by dancerindenver; 09-21-2009 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 09-21-2009, 11:26 AM   #512  
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Hey Dance! Awww....sorry to hear about your funk, we all get in them. I swore I was in a funk this weekend, I did absolutely nothing. My house is a disaster, the laundry is piled up and the only thing I did was sleep - A LOT! But, sometimes we need time like that. Anyway, are you doing any jogging today, maybe that will help? Whats your plan this week so we can keep you on track? Your 9 lbs away---feel the victory!
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Old 09-21-2009, 11:41 AM   #513  
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Lindy-so proud of you and you deserve to be in all your glory. I am excited about meeting all of you too. I hope to be under 200 by then. 14lbs, I know I can do that. Sorry havent gotten low enough yet to worry about the saggy skin.

Neesy-thats what I was doing(eating every 3-4 hrs) but have been slacking lately. I am starting back with it today.

Staccie-11 minutes- YAY for you. Biking 13 miles is great too.

Dance-glad we could cheer you up. Hope your trip goes good.

So I got on the scale today and was up a lb. I know its sodium from the diet sodas I drank yesterday. I am drinking a lot of water today.

The rain has finally gotten here to MI. I had planned to go to the beach to run today so change of plans. I am gonna do the dishes and do my golds gym workout. Maybe later this evening it wont be raining and I can take the dogs walking. I dont want fall to come, then it will be winter and there will be tons of snow on the ground. I hate snow.

Ok, girls, gotta get up and be productive today. I will check in later
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Old 09-21-2009, 02:04 PM   #514  
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I'm procrastinating at work - doing that really well - ahhh. Oh well, I will buckle down soon. Today was my day off the gym but I got up early anyway to work and didn't get much done then either. I am sore - woo hah!

Lindy - I hear you on the cost - paying over a $100.00 every four weeks is killing me - but I guess it's the price of beauty And I would love to meet all of you too - but until I know where the heck I am going to be after this event is over I can't plan anything beyond a nice week in bed! I hate surprises and not knowing what is coming up - it's killing me! As for the skin, well it's different on every person and dependent on location. I had a friend that lost over 100 pounds and she toned up everywhere after about a year but did have to get a tummy tuck. You're young so that should help. Weight training is really important. I am preparing for that too, and should be saving up for a boob job - cause those mountains are going be landsliding very soon, especially when the fat starts falling off of them. To be honest, it's one of my big fears, especially my buffalo wings...ewwww!

Dance - sorry to hear about the arrival of TOM - what an arsehole!!! Hope he shrinks away soon and you have 9 pounds left to your goal!!!!! WOO HAH - that must feel so amazing...

Burgandy - ewww about the rain - I love fall but hate winter too. It's harder to get motivated I find because it's dark out all the time - but at least I don't have to shave my legs as much - hee hee

Well I guess I better get to work - yuck is all I have to say! I probably wont' check in until tomorrow, I am going to the hockey game tonight and I am not eating any carbs this afternoon so I can have a beer!!! Now if I can just stay away from the popcorn and nachoes - I CAN DO IT!!!!!
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Old 09-21-2009, 05:05 PM   #515  
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Rayne-It's hard. You just have to find a routine and foods you can do quick or already prepared.. Good luck!

Lindy-I have no idea what I'm going to wear. It is starting to stress me. It's so much pressure! Haha. I want to wear something that makes me look super skinny, but sexy, but classy at the same time. any ideas??? It is a ceremony afterall.. plus his family will be there. But I really want to impress him too.

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Old 09-21-2009, 08:49 PM   #516  
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Well, today I suffered from the "hand to mouth" disease. I could not stop eating! NOt sure what my problem was, I guess since I splurged here and there over the weekend, my body just wants food. Ok, so here's my bad stuff:

Friday: pizza (with lots of veggies)
Saturday: Chinese food (which actually wasn't good and I only ate 1/2 the portion). Then I had Culver's frozen custard...I hang my head in shame. lol
Sunday: back on the wagon, did well
Today: 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, Chipotle for lunch (haven't had it in months and I had a burrito bowl salad), then I had a small piece of danish and two bite sized mini chocolate bars. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

This is definitely not going to help me reach my goal. I need a food intervention. I did go to the gym last night, didn't want to go, but forced myself to. Not sure what it going on with me, I've done so well for so long. I just need to get back on track. And I will. Normally, since I ate a bad lunch, I would continue on through dinner since I already messed up, but instead, I got back on the wagon and had a lean cuisine. I'm not going to the gym tonight (day off) but I am going to do some work with my medicine ball.

Have a great night ladies.
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Old 09-21-2009, 10:10 PM   #517  
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Maddiesmom- If I were you, I'd try to avoid eating out at all costs. That has really helped me a lot. Don't let this get you down though.. Just keep on movin along. You can do it. I wanna see you in the 1's by the end of the year. Just think about how great that will make you feel. That chinese food isn't gonna make you feel like that.
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:52 AM   #518  
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Good intervention Neesy, I couldnt agree more. Maddiesmom, this is the first "extreme" slip up you have had in the past few months, and when I say extreme, I mean binging past one day a week. Anyway, you gained control, acknowledged that you slipped up and are back on the wagon, thats all you can do girly. Maybe the extra boost in calories is what you needed to trick your body.

Ok Neesy, lets brain storm, lol. Since it will be fall, could you do like a woold or cuorduroy skirt with some knee high boots (like ninewest or candies) and a nice black sweater? Wait...Im imagining my dream outfit, haha---I dont know. You know what will work with your body but I swear, every guy is a sucker for knee high boots and as long as you wear a long enough skirt, it can be considered sophisticated and not hookerish, haha.

Stacie - although you are slightly falling behind with work, your outlook and personality reflect how much happier you are. I just want to point this out to you because its very clear that the healthy eating and exercising is paying off personally and sometimes you just need that for you. Now naturally, you also need a job, haha...but it will get done in due time. Anyway, yeah, I started researching loose skin and it said that this happens when you lose weight too fast, which I imagine is the result of my cleanse. **sigh**, its not too bad and there are actually some things I can do. I started doing 200 sit-ups a day (in various forms) and they said to take a epsom salt bath 2-3 times a week to help exofliate dead skin, etc...etc...etc. Im going to try it. Im afraid of doing any sort of tummy tuck because of that ugly scar. I know...its better than loose skin but I rather try to work at it, ya know. I gave natural child birth, no c-section, so since I dodged that bullet, lol...I would like to keep with my nice tummy. Well, I would call it nice beause I did get bad stretch marks, almost like me and Freddy Kruger got in a fight, lol...but, if I tan, they are hardly noticeable. Ok, Im babbling, sorry.

Well, I went a little off path today. I skipped the gym because Mr. 16 (we'll leave it at that), was texting me ALL NIGHT LONG...grrrr, and I was just flat out tired. I eventually just turned my phone off. Anyway, then when I woke up I was scraving a Pepsi so bad, so I got one of the big bottles and downed it! 250 calories right there. Then I saw a girl in the elevator with a big box of Cheez-its----mmmm, Cheez Its, my downfall. And she offered me some, so I accepted, so Im guess, thats about another 250 calories. So, Im already at 500 and have not had anything even relatively filling, grrrr. Oh well, Ill try to get a 3 mile jog in tonight to try and compensate. Ok, babbling...again. Ill catch up later.

Last edited by luckylindy; 09-22-2009 at 08:56 AM.
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:56 AM   #519  
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Howdy from Boston!

Lindy - I ran in the 40-degree rain (random cold snap) yesterday morning before heading out on my trip. Brrr! It helped a bit though as did a good night's sleep last night. And 9lbs left to an intermediate goal, definitely not the final goal. I was too chicken to be majorly ambitious when I first set up my ticker. I'll set up another long term one down to 145 when I get a sec. I'm all about the aim low and exceed expectations technique! On the skin thing, you're so young - I'm sure everything will snap back into place. It's just that your losses were soooo quick! I'm way older than you (and less elastic as a result) but don't have loose skin particularly (just some still squishy bits that I need to lose), probably because my body has had a chance to readjust along the way. You probably just need to give it a little more time and keep on doing all the right stuff! In the meantime, spanx are our friends

maddiesmom - way to get back on the wagon! We definitely want to get you on the onederland express so it's not that I'm supporting the idea of splurging all the time but an occasional treat doesn't have to ruin the whole week, right? I used to do that downward spiral a lot too - nice to know we're learning along the way, isn't it?

neesy - the old what to wear dilemma - hmmm... You can't go too wrong with a little black dress - and if you get the right cut (maybe jersey a-line with a bit of an empire waist) it might fit for a while even as you lose weight. You could always add some pizazz with a great necklace and shoes. Is there a color he especially loves to see you in?

staccie - how did it go at the hockey game?

Am going to do my best to stick to plan and pick up some healthy snacks along the way today. Dinner last night was awful (salmon and spinach, should've been good but wasn't) and as a result, I ate too many nuts at the hotel bar. I have shinsplints today from rushing through the airport in the wrong shoes yesterday so no running or fast walking for me today. May try the exercise bike at the hotel gym for a bit later on. Talk to you gals later...
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Old 09-22-2009, 12:17 PM   #520  
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Hi Girls,

Wow, I am shocked, and proud with the weightloss on here!!! Oh, should I say "speachless."

Neesy, my gosh 196!!! Woo Hoo! Your husband will be speachless! LOL......I mean you will look so smokin hot when he see's you!

Lindy 166????????????? I would say the lemonaide worked! LOL......It seems your feeling good, which is wonderful. I did see your question on loose skin and I suffered from that when I lost all my weight 2 years ago. I remember my son saying my skin feels like Dee Dee's, which is my 84 year old mother. From my studies, it was a result of rapid weightloss which caused muscle loss. I still haven't regained the muscle.......ugh. So, that is why I am a believer is slow, steady weightloss with strength training.

Burgund you are ahead of me did that happen? I was ahead of you! Good for you, as you deserve it. It is my own fault for slacking because of working now! Oh, I need to catch up!

Dance congratulations on the 160's, and oh, how I envy the cool weather you are having. Please send some our way!!!

Well, I am on here again, sorry for the 2 day break, but I put alot of hours in at the new job and was exhausted. I am working as much as I can to "keep" the job, and get bills caught up. New employees are 'watched' for the first 30 days to see how it pray! With the stress, exhaustion and all I haven't been eating know 'emotional, stress eating' my downfall. I am at 216.6, so I am up, but I will get it off, I just need to find my niche' with working and foods. It is a Health Food Store and they have fantastic smoothies and all that are made from real fruit and not sugar syrups. So I just need to figure out calories and all. After seeing everyones weightloss I am determined to get back in the game. I may not win our contest, but dang it I will get this weight off before the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have missed you all and will check in later today.
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Old 09-22-2009, 01:45 PM   #521  
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All great ideas girls. I'm gonna try to find me some knee high boots that will fit and wear a nice skirt or dress. My husband has rarely seen me in a dress. So.. I think that will catch his attention. I'll post pictures of the finalists and you guys can help me choose.. haha

Last edited by Neesy_20; 09-22-2009 at 01:46 PM.
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Old 09-22-2009, 02:22 PM   #522  
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Hi ladies,

Well it was an interesting night. First of all, I didn't eat any carbs really yesterday so I can save room for beer. And ahem, let's just say that I had 4 - yes 4. And I was, needless to say I was drunk So that part, not so good. But I have to share this because it's NEVER happened to me before. There wasn't much 'good' food to have at the arena so I did have a small hotdog but I could have had so much worse - so a little lips, arse and hoof on a bun was ok

So, I didn't eat anything bad even once I started drinking, my friend had nachoes right beside me and I never even ate one. And I never had popcorn which is UNHEARD of when I am at a hockey game. So that was good. Then on the way home I knew I was super hungry. Now normally, I got to Rotten Ron's (McDonalds) or eat chips, pop, chocolate milk or something just as bad. I went to the grocery store and bought Special K and had some cerel when I got home. Everytime I saw something that I wanted, I said no and moved on.

NEVER have I been this determined. Usually when I drink, which isn't often but all the same, I go nuts with everything. The fact that I controlled myself shows just how serious I am and I was very proud of myself. Yeah, the beer I could have stopped at 2 and know better for next time, but holy crap, I can't believe I didn't eat bad!!!!

I feel like arse today though, I had big expectations of working out this morning but since I went to bed to with one foot on the floor and one on the bed, there was no chance this morning, I was dizzy. So, I'm going for yoga tonight. I have a huge project due tomorrow that I have to work on as soon as I am done on here

Maddiesmom - I agree with the girls - try and keep eating out to a minimum, I know it's hard with work and everything but maybe keeping healthy snacks in your purse, etc. We've all been there - in my case last night it was the dreaded beer. You are doing so awesome though so swallow that up and keep on trucking!!!

Lindy - thanks for the comment - I feel so much healthier and happier and I love that feeling. It's worth being a bit behind in my work because I need to face it, me feeling a bit behind - no one else notices because I am always 5 steps above what normal people should be. I just need to adjust my work priorities a little better, so I am trying to do that - it doesn't happen overnight I suppose - but I need to keep focus on me first. So thanks so much for that!!! And it sure sounds like you have a place to tighten up that skin!!! You are doing it the right way and not opting out for the easy way which is awesome!!! 200 sit-ups a day - whoosh!!! You're going to have abs of steel woman! And I bet you had some slipups because you were so tired...but sounds like you have a plan tonight (like me) to make up for it At least you are aware of it and not letting the rest of the day go to ****!

Dance - Boston - lucky you! I always wanted to go there!!! Woo hoo about running in the rain - well not that it rained but that you did it!! Hope the nuts didn't make you nutty - lol - ok that was bad!!!

Mygrits - well at least you're not working at a fast food place - that would be terrible!!! What a huge adjustment for you - but like I said before, I bet you are doing so great there. We miss you too on here, but happy to see you make the time. I admire that!!

Well I better get to work, will check in later. Hope everyone is having an awesome day!
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Old 09-22-2009, 06:14 PM   #523  
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Staccie, way to go on not indulging in Evil Ron, or junk at the grocer, or chips & dip, or buttery popcorn........HOOYAH! You control your urges and had a healthier choice...cereal! I am so proud of you, because it is hard not to bend to the urges, and to have a crock-on and not indulge - even better! Thank you to for your kind words of encouragement......the last two weeks have been challenging......

Well today was good, and gosh was it nice to be home and relax. I did go to the grocery store, which exhausted me because my body is so tired, but I was able to get some healthy food for the next few days. It is amazing how tired my body is, because I could go - go - go when home. I would vacuum, mop, walk 3 miles, swim, walk the dog, cook, clean........I really thought physically I was doing good, but dang this job is wiping me out! Hopefully I can get a handle on it quick.
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Old 09-22-2009, 07:04 PM   #524  
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Hey gals -
mygrits - Sorry you're so worn out from the new job - just think how much harder it would be to stand all day before you started this weight loss journey! Do you stock shelves or work the cash register or both? If you're stocking, those arms should be getting quite a workout too!

Neesy - great idea - would love to see pix of the final outfit selections!

staccie - that's some major willpower! I'm impressed! Glad you're doing so well - you so deserve it!

After a run of restaurant bad luck, I finally had a nice meal - salmon with broccoli and green beans. Am planning on going back to the same place tomorrow...
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:54 PM   #525  
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Hey Dance.......yes, your right it would have been more difficult prior to losing what I have lost, however they probably wouldn't have hired me back then. It just totally opposite of my last 30 year career working in an Executive Office behind a computer and responsbile for other employees. Honestly now I didn't really want the office career anymore - been there, done that - so I didn't apply for anything in that arena (in Deland & Daytona there wasn't much anyway). I really wanted something different and have always been a believer in nutritional health. I was raised that way and got more into it around 18 years ago. Anway, it is a nice change, and I am learning alot, but with my age and weight it is hard on the legs. I guess this means I need to lose weight NOW........LOL..... I just pray I can 'keep' this job for awhile........1) to learn 2) to keep the paychecks coming. As far as my duties, I am training to run the Smoothie/Sandwhich area, Sell, Product ordering, Cashier, Stock and whatever else. Then need another Manager, but I don't know if I want that responsibility (and hours). Time will tell.

Bye the way Dance, congrates on your weight loss and staying focused. Your a great inspiration!
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