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Old 02-26-2009, 07:08 PM   #1  
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Default March weight loss challenge

Hi ladies well, here we are! I miss you all heaps and it's been al ong ride. I miss our monthly challenges very much so and well hope we can get things going again.

I hope to see some familiar faces as well as new ones. You know the drill girls! Just state your goal, whether it be a loss in pounds, inches, size, or even an intangible feeling! THe sky is the limit! You need not state your weight if you feel uncomfortable......just your goal, even if that goal is to maintain or whatever the case may be.

Our primary purpose in this thread has always been to support one another despite goal variations, etc. etc. As for me? well it's been a long haul. After my daddy got sick back then and I left I put on weight and even had a health scare after that! It was not a fun time but I realized more than ever the importance of health! I was in a hospital daily for months and saw so many thingsssssss.........and daddy took my hand one day and made me promise to take care of myself. Well anyways ladies,, I am back!!!!! I want this more than anytyhing and i want it together.....let's join in our efforts and help one another along our journey!

As far as exercise goes, we shall see, maybe we will reinstate the monthlys if there is an interest. Ohhhhh, my goal for the month of March is to lose 10 lbs. yesssssssssss, 10! I will tell you more about my story later but I am still shooting for the gold my freinds and i know that as long as Ikeep trying I will win I hope to see you all here, let's kick some major hiney together
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Old 02-26-2009, 08:23 PM   #2  
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Hi, this is my first weight loss challenge.

My goal for March is also 10 lbs. I think it's possible because I'm doing an elimination diet for 6 weeks starting next Monday. I'm trying to figure out which foods give me trouble.

Starting weight: 224.
Goal weight: 214

Last edited by wendyland; 02-26-2009 at 08:24 PM.
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Old 02-26-2009, 09:41 PM   #3  
Back at it...again!
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My goal for March is to lose 6 pounds/avg. 1.5 pounds loss per week. I'm still working on incorporating everything at once (diet/exercise/life). We'll see what happens, but March is my big push toward consistency!
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Old 02-26-2009, 10:16 PM   #4  
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Sign me up for 10 pounds, too.
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Old 02-26-2009, 10:58 PM   #5  
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My goal is 9 pounds by my birthday 3/24/09. And to get to the gym at least 4 times per week. Good luck everyone!
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Old 02-27-2009, 11:26 AM   #6  
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Goodmorning girls

to all. Great goals.

Wendy, welcome to your first weight loss challenge, I think your really going to like it! It is so nice to have one another here along our journey. Good luck with the elimination diet and do keep us posted : ).

Msperception, : ), sounds like a plan! like a great plan, go girl happy to see you.

Efova and steph...good luck as well girls. Steph , your birthday is a nice incentive : ).

It's sunny and beautiful here today, near 50! Dh and I plan to go for a walk outdoors after work. I miss that. Tomorrow night we are going over to the neighbors for cocktails and dinner and Sunday is March 1rst. We are also taking my parents out tomorrow for lunch for an early b-day celebration but at the rest. I can get the br. haddock and salad. Taking it easy tonight girls. Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a great weekend.
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Old 02-27-2009, 02:54 PM   #7  
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Hi girls! I want in! I am challenging myself to do 50 miles of exercise this month. I made it in Feb, but barely. So I want to keep this up to practice my consistancy. I am still trying to get to onederland by St. Pattys day. that is 6.5 pounds away. With the support on this forum, it should be a easy!!
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Old 02-27-2009, 06:36 PM   #8  
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I want in too! I missed the February one, so March is for me

I want to lose weight-
but the amount isn't as important to me- I just want to see a consistent loss this month.

And I want to do 50 miles of exercise- and six days a week at the gym!
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Old 02-28-2009, 01:51 AM   #9  
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FSA! It's SO good to see you! How have you been???

I'm game, of course. My goal will be 10lbs this month.
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Old 02-28-2009, 03:58 AM   #10  
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I missed the February challenge and really want to get in on one of these, so count me in too! My goal for March is also to lose 10 lbs, and to exercise daily. (I am preparing for double knee replacement in July so have specific exercises to do).

I'll start with whatever my weight is on Sunday and try for 10 lbs from there---and hopefully I'll make it along with everyone else here...
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Old 02-28-2009, 07:53 AM   #11  
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Fullsteam: I will join in on any challenge you are in. No...I am not a stalker!
I know that any challenge I join will only help me get to my goal.

March Goals:
Try to keep my cals up @ 1800!
Lose 10 lbs. and reach Onederland! 208 at the moment.
Keep exercising!
Keep positive and focussed!
Keep posting everyday!
Keep meeting new friends and enjoying the ones I have gotten to know here @ 3FC

MARCH on everyone!!!
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Old 02-28-2009, 08:51 AM   #12  
Back at it...again!
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Well, my body is being mean and sticking me at a weight again for 3 days straight even though I did 2 workouts yesterday and ate OP. The goal is to not undo the work out of frustration. I think that has been part of my downfall. I'm feeling good though, so today should be a breeze.
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Old 02-28-2009, 10:26 AM   #13  
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Ok, Ok, I get it now.... March wt loss challenge..... So my goal will be 8 pounds in march! and I will list my miles on the March exercise challenge! I am shooting for 50 or more miles in March.!! sorry girls! I'll get it right eventually!

March starts TOMORROW!!!! I am Ready for the challenge! Good luck to everyone!
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Old 02-28-2009, 10:29 AM   #14  
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I'm up for my first challenge.

March Goals:
get some kind of excercise every day
continue to eat healthy without overeating
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Old 02-28-2009, 10:37 AM   #15  
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Goodmorning girls to all.

Lewissss! hey you, right on! wtg on the 50 miles. Regarding your goal, wowwwwwwwww, oh you are soooooo close to onderland! I am shooting for the consistency with my ex. as well...let's keep on truckin'

angeline, sounds great! wc once again

JasonssssssLea, omg! Hiya darlin right back at you! IT's so good to see you too. I'm good, no complaints....the family is well and am very fortunate for that. How are you? oh I'm glad to see you....: )

Scarlett.....welcome aboard as well! : ) We are here to support one another so keep us posted....doing your daily exercises and your goal sounds like a plan.

Hattiee....You stalker! Oh come on you, I'm happy you came in

Msperception, my body can be a stubborn son of a gun sometimes too! I was intermittently freaking out tail end of last month because I knew it was too early for a platue for me and didn't really know what was going on.....oh your goal about not undoing your hard work right now is so on the mark! Very perceptive and very smart of you! I so can relate as this exactly what I was on the verge of doing but now I am so excited about our new month! It's like going at it all over again, with a fresh start and goals...etc. You hang in there and give that "mean" bod of yours a good fight, it will eventually yield and then voilaaaa! the scale will move! You have been doing awesome! I am going to do the same thing tomorrow!!!! hahaha I have a luncheon and dinner plans with neighbors tonight but I will be conscience of what I consume. New day , new outlook! kick butt ms. perception

Well ladies, it really is great to see you all. I really am excited about starting a new month together. It's a nice sunny day here and I am glad to be meeting my folks for lunch, I guess we are due for some snow tomorrow (I live in Mass.). It wont last long......spring is right around the corner and I so can't wait to change the clocks ahead next Saturday! okay, I better run, have a great day girls.
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