Chicks in Control Overeating? Binging? Share uplifting support and gain control!

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Old 06-28-2006, 12:55 AM   #1  
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Default Cyber Purgers IV (warning binge confessions)

This is the thread where we WILL confess (sometimes in explicit detail) our struggles with compulsive overeating/binge eating/bulimia and any other food control problems and issues. The mention of specific food is acceptable. All are welcome.
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Old 06-28-2006, 08:44 AM   #2  
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this is my first post in this was suggested to me to post here as it may help me...well i had been doing great and i mean GREAT for over three weeks....then i just came out of no where.... and i havent stopped for two days...i ruined all the hard work i did before....but tomorrow is a new day....BED is horrible....the worst thing is i have resorted to laxatives again...which is bad for a girl my age (or any age to add).....but after today i wont need them again...its not about restricting its about being healthy...and not BINGEING

some things i binged on include
ice cream
chocolate biscuits
lasagne(which i dont even like)
breakfast bars
cereal(packed with sugar)
and more i just cant think of what else
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Old 06-28-2006, 09:52 AM   #3  
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Thanks for starting a fresh thread, Harpo!

I haven't been flat-out binging, but I've had a few things I'm not happy about. Like the Whopper w/cheese last night. And fries. And some little chocolate things. And some chips.

Spike, I hope this thread helps you, hon.

Harpo, I will see you over in the exercise thread.
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Old 06-28-2006, 10:36 AM   #4  
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I'm wondering if, as is said, 'confession is good for the soul'. Well, here goes.

I was doing good for almost 3 days, then on Monday I had Chinese buffet for lunch. I did ok but not great. Once I got home though, I ate 3 chocolate mint drumsticks! I could not stop. I was going for a 4th when someone came to the door, thank goodness. At dinner I had two cereal bowls full of homemade creamed corn and 2 or 3 crescent rolls, then a big bowl of triple lemon frozen yogurt! I was in so much pain but I just kept eating!

Yesterday was a little better. I ate out for dinner in Lincoln at a Mexican restaurant and overate chips and salsa but did ok during the main course. Once I got home though I hit the cereal and had a huge bowl before bed.

Why do I do this? I eat until it literally causes sharp pains and often I eat more! I am so upset by how I look, it's very embarrassing, none of my clothes fit, I can barely bend over most of the time cuz my stomach is so darn full of food. How do you get thru this? I obsess over diets, one day I'm vegetarian, the next day I'm low carbing, then I'm raw fooding, then I'm paleo. I eat "on plan" until I hit a binge and then I switch plans and start all over again. I feel so out of control! Right now I'm trying to NOT diet and just eat healthy. Like breakfast I made an egg sandwich and a glass of milk. Not great but it was filling and had some protein. I think maybe if I don't restrict myself to a diet, I might do better. I have a rebellious streak in me and when I restrict myself, I tend to want to break out of the prison so to speak. Does any of this make sense to anyone? I've never shared this before and I feel like a flippin' idiot to quote my teenaged son!!
I want so much to feel healthy. My mom was heavy and I was embarrassed by it. I don't want my son to feel that way about me.

enough emotional purging for one morning.
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Old 06-28-2006, 11:17 AM   #5  
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Idrial: i had the same problem until I stopped dieting. I still binge from day to day (5 days binge free as of today tho ) but its better. Don't restrict your foods. Restrict your Calories. Allow yourself only so many calories a day and eat what you want until those calories are eaten up. I *try* to keep mine below 1500 but will absolutely NOT go over 2000 anymore. Yesterday I had a busy day with dr appts and stuff so it was a grab and go fast food sort of day and I had foods I normally wouldn't have chosen but I chose carefully and rationed my allowed calories and came out just over 1600 for the whole day. So ENJOY your food don't RESTRICT what you eat, just eat in small-moderate portions and JOURNAL it all! you will start bargaining with yourself saying 'well if i have then then it will bring me to this many calories and i will have this many left' by the time your done arguing with yourself you dont even want the food anymore. I also use color codes....Green for good choices and red for any food over my calorie limit or any bad choice food. It brings my eyes to the bad points and i strive to make less bad choices. Keep a notebook, pens, and calculator in the kitchen or where ever you sit to eat.

Hope this helps you

Spike...I did the same thing in early April I had been SOO good and then backslid until 5 days ago...I am now back on program after bottoming out on a horrific 2 day painful binge It was awful but I am good now. I feel healthier and I am back to exercising as well! YOU can gen get back on track as well just sit down and think of how you look or feel without the binging and then find the way that best suits you to deal with your ED.

Hang in there girls...there is light at the end of the dark tunnel
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Old 06-28-2006, 12:43 PM   #6  
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I am so ahppy to have found this forum, I am a huge binge/overeater, of anything. I seem to take everything to the extreme,even foods i dont like. Healthy food, like instead of having 1 cup of carrots I will eat a big bag of them, strawberrys, i can eat 4 quarts of them at a time.
I am so happy to find this place!!!!!!
Yesterday I ate sooo terrific all day then night rolled around, went for a drive with my hubby and where did we end up? the ice cream store...amazing how that happens when we're out together!
I ended up having a large ice cream, then we came home and i ate a bag of chips.
do you guys have any tips for me? Thanks!!!!
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Old 06-28-2006, 04:23 PM   #7  
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great suggestions LeaLee. I started a food journal today but keeping it in perspective (today anyway ) I have to work really hard at not obsessing about that too...
anyway, instead of trying for 1000 to 1200 like I usually attempt and blow the heck out of it, I am going for 1500. I'm not going to restrict foods or get into that mode of having to eat under a certain label (vegetarian, lowcarb, etc.) I don't know if I'll lose much this way but it can't be worse than the not losing I"m doing now!
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Old 06-28-2006, 06:46 PM   #8  
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Way to go on starting a Journal Ellis here on 3FC is the one that kept mentioning hers and got me started. I don't obsess over it I just write calories only. I used to use Fitday but found myself going nuts if my carbs or fat was too high and then that started a binge.

Rule of thumb is: Cals in less than cals out and you will lose. The average person burns 2000 a day so you aim for lower than that and you should lose. It may be a slow process but it will work. I started my new way of life in January and I was 162 pounds now I am 140 so slowly its coming down.

Just remember if you want a bad food eat it but FIRST write the calorie count in your notebook and do the math adding that food. Doing this has stopped SO many overeating days for me. You see those calories adding up and you want to stay within goal and it stops the bad food craving.

Make sure you add some sort of activity as well and get that heart pumping for at least 30 minutes a day and that will help too
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Old 06-29-2006, 12:02 AM   #9  
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Hi ladies
the binges have gotten out of control and I went to the doc today for a physical and I gained 15 lbs since last year I told him about my bigne eating an he thinks that my behaviors which I won't describe in depth are not healthy and he thinks I am showing the sings of a seriosu eating disorder so he wants my mom to call an eating disorde clinic he sigessted no later than tomorrow I am so scared but at the saem time relieved that I will get help because I feel so out of control
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Old 06-29-2006, 11:34 AM   #10  
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Kristen I am glad you will get help soon it is so important to catch an ED at the beginning. I am still binge free! I am so excited and I feel so totally in control. I hope that soon you will be able to say the same! Just find what works for you and then run with it! for me its Journaling and Calorie limitations. Once i started eating better I started feeling better and wanted *YES WANTED* to exercise. You can beat this girl and now you will have the help you need.
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Old 06-29-2006, 12:22 PM   #11  
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Thanks LeaLee

I hope this helps. My parents called up the place this morning and I am supossed to get a phone call from someone so they can talk to me about my eating habits and hopefully wecan get started...i hope this all works out

great job on everything! I have been WANTING!! to exercise lately too!!
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Old 06-30-2006, 12:39 AM   #12  
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Default Good thread

I know my struggles with food are far from over, I'm glad I can come here and post without shame. I haven't binged in 2 days. when I do, i tend to lie about it and then of course feel terrible about hiding it.
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Old 06-30-2006, 08:57 AM   #13  
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I am on my 2nd day of being binge free, it becomes easier everytime you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keeep going. I am making a huge effort to do this and I hope I make some progress I have to go weigh in wish me luck!!
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Old 06-30-2006, 12:36 PM   #14  
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I'm with you both. I'm on my 3rd day here. It's starting off well but I had to eat really early and make a road trip so I don't know..the last two days I kind of ate on a schedule and today that went out the window so I"m going to have to be real careful what I do today. I will probably read here a LOT so I can stay motivated and remember I'm not alone in this. That helps so much it's unbelievable!
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Old 06-30-2006, 01:05 PM   #15  
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I binged already today but I am not sure it was a mini binge
I had a lot of airpopped 98% fat free popcorn and I hate baby carrots and low fat high fiber hummus and 2 waffles with syrup and 2 servings of fiber one cereal and 2 tsp. of sugar with 1/2 c of 1% milk the fiber one was my breakfast and the hummus/carrots and popcorn were snacks then I hate at 1pm the waffles so they were kind of my lunch
was the waffles my mini-mini binge or splurge for the day
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