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Old 07-22-2020, 10:48 PM   #1  
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Default 295 pounds

I guess it was the beginning of June or the end of May, I went to the doctor to get a prescription refilled. I got on the scale and weighed 293 pounds. God, was that depressing and an eye opener. So the whole month of June, I ate really well. One meal that could be anything and the rest just fruits and veggies. I lost some weight, got to, I don't know, 288 or something, and then somewhere around the end of June lost my momentum and started having crazy cravings. I tried to hold on to my will power awhile but I got to a point where I couldn't fight the cravings any more. I've spent July eating pretty much what I wanted and even though I put 295 as my weight, I have no idea what the real numbers are. I'm afraid to step on the scale.

Today's been an okay day but I made a video for my job and cringed so bad as I watched it. I can't believe that little ball of a woman is me. My facial expressions are almost hidden in the folds of fat in my face. My health is crap. I mean my numbers are good but I have trouble moving like I want to and have aches and pains all in my joints. I've been taking a daily walk since April, but I can feel that I've gone backwards in fitness since the beginning of July.

I don't care if I'm ever skinny, I just don't want to be what I am now. I want to be more in control of my life.

Does anybody have any advice? What can I do about the cravings (usually for sweets) that just take possession of my mind and body sometimes? I feel like I could be content with my life if I were 245 lbs or less. At one time I would have shuddered at that, but now it looks like an unattainable goal.

I'm 50 and have ridden something of a weight roller coaster for most of my life, but it's never been this bad or seemed so hopeless. I could use some support.
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Old 07-23-2020, 08:03 AM   #2  
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Anna, welcome to 3 Fat Chicks. You have taken the first step in accepting that you need to make some changes. I can tell you that things will only get worse if you don't. It's great that you are still seeing a doctor and have good numbers. I suggest you take a good look at your diet and make changes there. You crave sweets because there are still carbs in your diet. I have found if I keep the carbs out my cravings eventually stop. Not overnight. In time. I also suggest you walk as much as you can. It will not make the weight drop off but it is so good for your health, it will keep those numbers in a good range, ease some of that joint pain.

I wish you success in making those changes. Look around the forum. You will find some groups working toward the same results as you. They will help you and give you encouragement.
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Old 07-27-2020, 11:29 AM   #3  
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Welcome Anna, I have been dieting for 40+ years. Mostly low carb and it has worked, until I stop working with it. I started at 300 pounds when I was 45 and I low carbed my way to 245 and got stuck. Discovered I had other issues and once I figured out my trigger foods and started exercising daily I dropped to my lowest of 188 five years ago. Life blew up and I regained 65. Am back down 55 to 198 as of today. Here is the thing... you are at that point where you sound ready to make a real, life long change. The trick is to get your head 100% in the game. Find a plan you can work with long term -- for me it is unprocessed low carb foods. Start exercising even with baby steps, drink water--a lot. And tell yourself that this is my new life, no excuses, no cheats, no diversions. If you plan ahead (that is crucial) for your eating and know what you will do when cravings hit then you can see this thru. One of my tricks was this--- If i was hungry and craving I had to 1) drink 8 ounces water before having any food and 2) the snack had to be either an egg or a salad. If I wasnt hungry enough to drink the water and eat either of those, then I was just craving and I had to learn to turn those thoughts down and just tough it out. The longer I went without junk, the less I wanted it. Good luck. I know you can do this but you have to know it too.
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Old 08-03-2020, 01:03 PM   #4  
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It really sucks feeling out of control of your own body. I ignored mine for a few years and hit a top weight of 286. This wasn't the doctor's scale where I was wearing a few pounds of clothing, it was the real me, naked in the bathroom on a scale I got on and off and recalibrated about a dozen times before I would believe the numbers it was showing. I quickly lost about 5-7 pounds immediately. Not sure what I did to do it, but suddenly I was closer to 275 than 285. I sat there for several years until I finally decided I needed to make a change. I lost about 20 more pounds over 3 months and then stopped. I hovered between 251 and 257 for a long time. Then, after my recent move, I decided to try a cleanse. It got me over that hump and I'm sliding down the scale again.

I'm currently down to about 240 pounds. I see my next goal just around the corner and will get there quickly. I'm definitely more in control now that I got over that hump.

I eat consciously and have started tracking everything. I found an app that scans barcodes and will track my macro as well as calories and other stuff needed on this journey. I carry my phone everywhere and it works great as a pedometer.

I agree with everyone else telling you to eliminate carbs from your diet and your cravings will dissipate. I definitely have more cravings when I allow myself to eat too many carbs.
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cravings, morbid obesity, overeating

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