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Old 04-12-2004, 07:27 AM   #1  
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Default Mondays Chat - April 12th

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. Mine was great and Easter dinner for the most part was a success. I munched away before dinner on cucumber slices and a low carb veggie dip. I ate a huge meal, which was all good, except I ate too much. The only slips I had was one finger full of mashed taters and a bite out of a dinner roll. Okay okay.. the potatoes I could have avoided but I had a huge craving for the roll, so I think of it as a job well done since it was one bite and not one basket So today it's back to plan with no more cheats until Saturday, my sisters wedding, where I am planning on having a small piece of wedding cake. Then I'm heading back to strict induction for a good month or so.
Anywho it's time to get out of my jammies and don my lovely work uniform, I hope everyone has a great Monday!
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Old 04-12-2004, 08:01 AM   #2  
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Morning All!

Trazzie: Definitely awesome work on not going overboard!! Holiday dinners are so tempting and if you made it through with only trying a smidgeon of taters you're one heck of a woman!

Not much to report. Spent the past 3 days rocking in my yard and putting in a cactus garden. Woke up this morning to find that one of my dogs dug up the entire garden! There's just something about the dirt that strikes her fancy. So, after work it's back to the drawing board to put larger rocks on top to keep her out.

I'm back on plan....but still eating more than I was before (1200 calories per day). It's time to get serious!
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Old 04-12-2004, 08:16 AM   #3  
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Good Moring ladies!!!
I'm Baaaaaack!

Well the Easter shindig wa a huge success and the easter ewgg hunt was FABOOO, if i do say so myself we had 175 easter eggs hidden, they were filled with candy, 50 bucks in cash and Starbucks gift certificates! It was a smash hit!!

Today I am bakc form my Atkins Hiatus, and back on induction, I feel like crap this morning cause of all the candy i ate and junk i am soooooo ready to feel better and get back to my routine! YIpppeeeee OH I can't wait to go to the gym today too!!

Sped: so sorry about you garden, that happend to me the first year we did our veggie garden, the dog trainer had us give Thorne his own patch where he could dig in the yard and now he does fine.


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Old 04-12-2004, 08:24 AM   #4  
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Good morning Trazzie and Spedmom.

Well, I have the Monday blues big time! I so didn't want to come to work today. Sometimes I just hate my job. I really want to do something different for a change. I want to wake up and WANT to go to work. Is that too much to ask!
I am also up 4 pounds this morning I deserve it but still I am getting so pissed at this up and down thing I have going on. When am I going to stop screwing up and do what I need to do and get this weight off?
First it started with some pizza on Friday, Chicken Parm (no pasta at least) on Saturday and crackers yesterday! Dinner yesterday was fine. I had steak and salad. I even had an egg and some bacon for breakfast so that I would be on track yesterday.
GGGRRRRRRRRR...........boy am I in a bad mood.
Do you ever just get tired of the routine? Wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, go to bed, wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, go to bed..............................
I need a vacation......and a new job. I saw an add in the paper yesterday for a job I could do in my sleep but I would love to do something different. But when you are in the computer business no one thinks you can or want to do anything different.

I am in for a busy week. Hubby has a couple of night meetings and I am going out Wednesday and Thursday night. At least this weekend is a long one. We have Monday Patriots Day off and will be going to the Boston Marathon. Friends of ours have a cookout after the race so at least I have that to look forward to.

Well, enough complaining. As my grandmother would tell woke up this morning didn't you....could have been worse. Thanks Nan.

Hope you all have a better day than I am having!
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Old 04-12-2004, 08:25 AM   #5  
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Morning Theo'sgirl, you snuck in on me. Yum, Easter candy. Jelly beans?
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Old 04-12-2004, 08:27 AM   #6  
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Morning All.
I believe that my computer problems are all gone now... finally whipped both my work and home computer back into shape! Now... all I gotta do is whip myself into shape. Had a long talk with the BF this weekend and he agreed we both need to get seriously back on plan.... he needs to start adding carbs in CAREFULLY. He starts to add them in and then goes overboard. I told him he needs to take it slow. So, if he manages to do that.... he won't be tempting me and I'll be able to stay on plan. Geesh.
I hope everyone is doing welll and that everyone had a Happy Easter.
Sped: Sorry to hear about your garden.... that had to be ultra frustrating.
Trazzie: Way to go, I think a bite of a roll is nothing short of a miracle.... I LOVE bread.

Will check in later to all who show up between now and then.
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Old 04-12-2004, 08:29 AM   #7  
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morning Jane... you snuck in on me!
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Old 04-12-2004, 08:40 AM   #8  
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Good Morning All,

Wow its wonderful to see you guys did good during Easter, not me I ate everything. And you know whats weird I didn't cheat in 6 weeks, i even fasted on Friday and Sunday when I ate all those sweets it didn't faze me in the least, even today I feel fine ?? I'm not complaining but its weird b/c most of you all get sick and I really though I would too.

Jane, stuck in a rut ?? me to lady, its my life, work, home, work, home. I haven't been on vacation is 15 years and the last one was only to Virgina Beach. I really don't have the money or desire to go some where far so this year I'm going to go on overnight trips, like a day to the beach and maybe stay the night. Or take a trip to PA, maybe Hershey (oy) Park LOL, but I gotta see how much $$$$ it is. You really need to make your own time and just go. The feeling of being overwhelmed can drag you down for sure, it does for me. How about pre cooking dinners for the week on Sunday and when you come home just heat it up. Planning your house is just like planning your diet, it will only make it easier in the long run. HUGS and I know exactly how you feel.

Everyone I'm off and running so I'll be back later to talk.

HUGS !!!
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Old 04-12-2004, 09:44 AM   #9  
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Good Morning

Im back to it, and doing very good so far.....and its 9:40am already Even have a bottle of water drunk already!! Summers coming and I need to be able to shed some clothes when it gets hot!!

Leenie~those short little trips can be alot of fun!

Shimma~ Good for you getting back on track. Its nice when hubby's are supportive.

Theo's~ 50$$$ in starbucks certificates IM IN LOVE WITH YOUR EASTER BUNNY!!

Sped~ sorry, but I had a chuckle reading about your dog in the yard, I had a picture of its rear end up in the air, with rocks flying between his legs. Good Luck with the bigger rocks....make sure they arent near any windows

Have a great day!
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Old 04-12-2004, 10:51 AM   #10  
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Hey everyone!

Glad to see we all had a mostly good weekend. My eating was atrocious! I can't even bring myself to tell all the gory details. I don't know what the problem was. Maybe it's like Jane said - maybe I just got sick of the routine. All I know is that it's done and over with and I'm gonna kick some a$$ this week!

I got my garden all dug up and planted yesterday. Wa-hoo!!! Fresh herbs and veggies - here I come!

Now I need to focus on work and get my reports done. Ugh! Have a good day!
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Old 04-12-2004, 11:09 AM   #11  
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Morning Everyone...Running behind as usual so I dont' have time for personals. I am going to get those in this afternoon. Had a great weekend althought I didn't do very much Did manage to get some cleaning done! I have got dinner allready going for tonight, so hopefully I'll have some computer time this evening since I dont' have to cook! Hope everyone has a great day!

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Old 04-12-2004, 11:40 AM   #12  
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hey everybody, hope you had a good easter!

yesterday i rode 23 miles on the bike....... today my legs are sore. haha. but it felt good.

i took my measurements this morning and in the past week i've lost one inch off of my thighs and hips and 2 inches off of my waist. this is really encouraging because my weight hasn't changed in almost 2 weeks.

hope the easter bunny was good to you!
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Old 04-12-2004, 11:45 AM   #13  
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Well ladies....I am going home. I am too tired and too bored to stay at work all day. I need a mental health day. Wish I had decided this before I left the house this morning!!!!!!

I have stuff I can do at home so I am off.

We have dial up at home so it is hard to check in with you all from there but I may try later.

Have a good day.
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Old 04-12-2004, 11:47 AM   #14  
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I forgot to tell you my good news!

Someone had been asking about changes in bloodwork. I didn't have any done before I started atkins, so I have no comparison there, but Dr's appointment resulted in my blood pressure being taken.

Last year - same office, pre-atkins: 142/93

This year - same office, thank you atkins!: 100/62

OMG can you believe it????

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Old 04-12-2004, 02:05 PM   #15  
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Hi All...

Well, My easter was great! But I ate way too much!

Yesterday I got on the scale and it read 163. This morning it was 170! TOM was due yesterday.. and is late, I had ham for dinner so Iknow there was sodium involved.. but I also ate 1 Biscotti and 1 Sweet foccia and I know that was the bulk of it. I am so bloated and yucky feeling. I know now that it really isnt worth it!!

So I am back on strict induction. I have updated my weight to reflect this rise. I chaged my goal for the End of May Challenge. and I am going to make that challenge!

I did run today.. didnt getup early.. but I ran!

Good for everyone who has stuck to plan! I wish I had time to get into personals right now.. but I dont. The kids are on spring break and I need to keep them from killing each other!

I'll be back a little later!
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