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walking2lose 04-20-2007 10:15 PM

Also wanted to give congrats to all who had GOOD weeks! Glad I have ya'll for inspiration!

And to those who had the same kind of week as I did... well, tomorrow is another day! We'll do better next week!

zenor77 04-21-2007 12:49 AM

Calories for today~ 1464
Fat~ 35% Trying to keep that under 30...oops!
Fiber~ 34grams

The fish oil and Rhodiola Rosea seem to be helping with my mood issues a lot. I did snap at my DH for no reason tonight, but I've been meaning to up the Rhodiola dose so hopefully that helps with the snappiness. Over all I'm feeling much better. I still have some bad moments, but they are short and not so bad. No more crying at work either. Yay!

Did I mention I was taking that? I can't remember. After all the problems I had with side effects I decided to go the "herbal" route and take Rhodiola Rosea (plus the fish oil.) It's a Russian herb that is classified as an aptogen (like ginseng.) It works on serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain. Like I said, it's helping a lot, I just need to get the dosage tweaked correctly. Fortunately it's one of those things that works better in low doses, so I shouldn't have to tweak too much.

Everyone have a great weekend!

rockinrobin 04-21-2007 04:34 AM

Well it's jsut past 4:30 in the morning here and I was tossing and turning, so what else to do but hop on the computer.

Walking to lose, I'm so sorry you had a not so great week. I hope your weekend will be the opposite and next week a fantastic, super, marvelous, incredible week.

Friday's calories - about 1400.

Have a great Saturday everyone. Hmmmm, maybe I am getting a little sleepy.

littlered 04-21-2007 08:22 AM

Calories for Friday
Total: 1374

went to Curves and only walked 1.5 miles.

Claire, I am sending you hugs :hug: You had a very stressful week. Next week will be better!

I did weigh in at curves. I am not changing my ticker till I see the same weight again on Monday!
(3 lbs!!) this will be the first change in a few weeks.

I look at others fitday to see how to change my eating. Noticed you do eat lots of Lintils... even for breakfast.
What do you put in them to make you like them enough, to eat so often?
I don't dislike them. but they are boring to me alone.
Although I have started adding black beans to my salad. With a bunch of salsa. Yummy.

You are a strong woman! to sit and watch them eat ice cream ;)
I would have had to have a taste. Then I could have watched. Really I could ;)
Just one taste. Thats not so hard.
I do buy a candy called Lindor Truffles. individually wrapped. about 70 cal.
I get one a day. It seems to be working. I can stop at that.

Theresa and Zenor
what is HFCS?
No, I don't think they make lickable stamps anymore.
I never lick stamps or envelopes!! Seen to many Yucky things go into the glue. DON'T ASK!
I worked in Printing factories for years... Quality Control.
Use a sponge! Or anything but your tongue!!!! Really. No joking on this.

""I too just know that I will have to be one of the maintainers on the lower calorie side. I just know it. But like I said previously, whatever it takes, no matter how little calories I will be able to consume in order to maintain my weightloss will be better then the alternative. Gaining back the weight.""

I to will be in the same group. But you do it so well. I will have a good role model to learn from.

well! I have chewed your ears off enough for this minute. :) Got to get up and WALK. have a great day everyone. back later.

cjc92802 04-21-2007 08:49 AM

Petra - Good for you for having the willpower to not have icecream. I can't say I would have done as well as you, dpending on my mood. And I'm so glad that your son was having a better day. :)

CoolMom - That's still not too bad for chicken fajita tacos....sounds delicious though. I love fish tacos. I think I could make a healthier version of them, too.

walkingtolose - I'm sorry you had a bad week. Please keep up your spirits and remember that you can do it!!!

zenor - I'm glad that your herbal stuff is helping your mood. I have had postpartum depression for 2 years. It comes and goes, with the going coinciding with better diet and exercise. As your would expect, now that I'm eating well and exercising most days, I am having only about one "severe" depressive episode a week, and much fewer mood swings.

I'm glad to hear of your success with Rhodiola and fish oil. My midwife recommened the following for my depression: SAM-E and Inositol 500mg and St. John's Wort. She also recommended sedative or nervine supportive herbs like passionflower, skullcap, valerian, oatstraw and hops for feeling of anger and "out of control". She's a ND as well...there may be thing that are better for people who aren't nursing. Although one of my twins sure could use some "sedative" at times! ;)

Yesterday's numbers -

Total: 1848
Fat: 38 20%
Carbs: 284 58%
Fiber: 35
Protein: 94 22%

BREAKFAST - coffee, soymilk, oatmeal, wheat germ
SNACK - Chickpea and Tuna pasta salad (my own crazy creation)
LUNCH - huge salad with chickpeas and chicken
SNACK - rosemary and olive oil crackers, more pasta salad
DINNER - sushi....tuna roll, eel and cuke roll, and some others, none fried, 1 with a little avacado

EXERCISE - 1.5 hour leisurely walking with my toddler up and down Main Street, wearing the babies (one on front and one on back) and carrying a small back - about 30 pounds in all. Plus 30 minutes at Curves. Plus 30 minutes playing/walking leisurely at the park. :carrot:

I weighed myself before my Curves workout because I wanted to see if my scale matched theirs. I was weighing in the afternoon, when you are always heavier, and my first Curves weigh-in was in the am and I was 197.0. So, naked I was 190.5. Clothed in my workout clothes minus shoes 192.0.After drinking a big glass of pre-workout water - 193.0. Wow....2.5 pounds is a huge difference!

And I was 193.0 at Curves. I'd lost 4.0 pounds at least, probably more because I was weighing in the afternoon. I'm going on Tuesday for measurements and another weigh-in. I'm not sure if I'll make my 189 goal, but I did have 2 weeks of being very bad (no exercise, eating A LOT Easter candy) where I basically gained back the weight I lost in the first week or so. Oh well, can't have those 2 weeks back! And I got my husband to take the rest of the candy to his work....he just left it in his car and has a little bit now and then. I've been resisting it, because I drive his car to workout and it's been staring at me from the passenger seat.

Hope everone has a great day.....nice weather here in VA. May take the girls to the Farmers' Market, then we will all hit a festival in the afternoon.

cjc92802 04-21-2007 09:12 AM

Not Theresa or Zenor, but HFCS is high fructose corn syrup.

And not Zoe, but I also admire her for all the lentils!

A girlfriend made me a delicious lentil stew after Laurel and Olivia were born. It had red lentils, carrots, sweet potatoes, sweet red peppers?, add a squeeze of lime and some fresh cilantro at the end. It was so rich and creamy and filling. I ate it twice a day for a week and never tired of it. I haven't been able to get the recipe for it but I've seen similar on the web. Lentils are really easy because you don't have to soak them before cooking.

carolva77 04-21-2007 11:02 AM

Critique my menu please!!! I am brand new with the calorie counting thing!
breakfast: 1 container light and fit yogurt [60 cal]
1 oz whole grain cheerios [100 cal]
2 coffees [10 cal]
lunch and dinner : 4 oz chx breast [160 cal]
salad spring mix and brocolli [50 cal]
8 oz fat free milk [80 cal]
total for l and dinner : 300 cal each = 600 cal
+ breakfast =200 cal

what else can I add... I am trying to eat 1200 cal a day. So I am like 400 cal short.

Petra6998 04-21-2007 12:17 PM

Carrie: The best way to get rid of that easter candy is to throw it away. Put it in the garbage when you walk into Curves. Then it won't be tempting when you are driving home.

Theresa: It was very hard to resist the ice cream but I did. If I would have had a taste then I would have to have had one because my kids would have got mad that I ate all there ice cream. I ususually have a 100 calorie bag of Chips Ahoy or a granola bar as a snack with chocolate in it. That cures the craving. Most of the time...lol

Well it's a beautiful day here today. The kids and I have already went a mini bike ride. My ds doesn't know how to ride his big bike yet, and well the trike kept spinning the tires on the gravel road so he walked and we got about half down our road and he was tired of running/walking so we turned around. As soon as my dh gets home I want to go back out and ride some more. But I did buy a new jump rope and well I haven't done that in over 13 years and it shows, lol. I can do it but I don't remember it tiring me out so soon, lol. I guess I will have to work up to it. Well going to get some lunch in me.

CoolMom75 04-21-2007 11:12 PM

Littlered...ha! I haven't had lentils for breakfast. I must have entered my lunch before my breakfast. But, I don't really eat them a lot. I just happen to cook up a full bag of lentils a couple days ago, and finally finished off the last bowl today. I just cooked them plain, added in a can of tomato sauce and some salt and garlic powder. A couple teaspoons of sour cream in the bowl of lentils made it creamy and delicious!

I have a bag of split peas I'll probably cook up next.

Thankfully the taco stuff is all gone. She had heated up the tortillas in some kind of oil/fat and I didn't count that part. I'm sure it was a hefty missing portion:(

waaah! I'm cheating here and there the last few days. I need to get back on track!

CoolMom75 04-22-2007 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by carolva77 (Post 1662539)
Critique my menu please!!! I am brand new with the calorie counting thing!
breakfast: 1 container light and fit yogurt [60 cal]
1 oz whole grain cheerios [100 cal]
2 coffees [10 cal]
lunch and dinner : 4 oz chx breast [160 cal]
salad spring mix and brocolli [50 cal]
8 oz fat free milk [80 cal]
total for l and dinner : 300 cal each = 600 cal
+ breakfast =200 cal

what else can I add... I am trying to eat 1200 cal a day. So I am like 400 cal short.

This sure doesn't sound like much. Are you eating the salad dry? How about some fruits or berries, and maybe some kind of legumes. A healthy fat is necessary too: olive oil, avocado, nuts. a small amount goes a long way though, in cals, so maybe just 1/4 avocado in a salad or small bit of almonds.

littlered 04-22-2007 07:47 AM

Calories for Saturday.
Cal: 1368
Fiber: 29

I only walked just under 2 miles. To much going on today. :)

Fish tacos? Never had that. What kind of fish do you use?
I love taco salad. But I use the Chicken mostly.

“”Theresa: It was very hard to resist the ice cream but I did. If I would have had a taste then I would have to have had one because my kids would have got mad that I ate all there ice cream. I unusually have a 100 calorie bag of Chips Ahoy or a granola bar as a snack with chocolate in it. That cures the craving. Most of the time...lol””

Carrie, that’s why you are doing so well loosing. http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/ad/goodjob.gif

Well it’s supposed to be sunny and about 75 degrees!!!! I will be outside most of today!
working in the yard. http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/ad/trampoline.gif

If I don’t get back today.
Have a lovely day.

GrammyL 04-22-2007 08:39 AM

Rockinrobin ~ I didn't eat well yesterday and I can tell you I felt horrible physically and mentally. It start out bad and now I realize that when you are restricted to 1400 calories a day you can't afford a big slip up. Then it just got worse so I decided to write the day off as a day off which I can't afford. I am back on track today and feeling good.

I can't totally blame DH on that particular Chinese Buffet because he leaves it up to me which one I want to go to and there is one that has healtier choices. I will chose the healthier in the future.

I made a blooper and have corrected it. The Wasa's only have 3 g of fiber and 17 g of whole grains. ARG! Still are healthy just not as much fiber as I thought they had and I will continue to use them as my snack bread.

GrammyL 04-22-2007 08:44 AM

Zenor ~ I am so glad you are feeling better. Geez, I snap at my family all the time maybe I should look into some of the stuff you are taking. I have a lot of stress in life but I allow most of it do happen so I am starting to crack down on that.

Zoe ~ Chicken fajitas can be made light and healthy but most people don't try and do that. That is a makeover meal I have done and really enjoy it but haven't had it in a while. I will make them this week.

rockinrobin 04-22-2007 09:00 AM

Grammy we all have slip ups. That's a given. And they're going to keep on happening. We just need to try to keep them to a minimum and remember that one bad meal does not have to turn into an entire bad day. And IF it does turn into an entire day - well there's always the next day. There IS room for error.

Saturday's calories - about 1300.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone. The weather here today is spectacular. I'm looking forward to spending at least part of the day outdoors. Have a safe, healthy and on plan day ladies.

walking2lose 04-22-2007 10:33 AM

Good morning everyone! :wave:

I'm glad everyone is having fabulous weather... isn't it nice, especially after a couple of weeks of dreary, chilly, rainy days. At least that's how it has been in Va. I went on a 1 hr. 20 min very brisk walk and run with my friend and exercise buddy at the park yesterday. There are trails that go around the resevoir which are really nice. We both commented how we felt we could run and push ourselves so much more in that setting than in any other setting. The little 8 yr. old hockey team I coach has a game today and afterward my buddy and I are going to do the same workout. She and I both had very "off" weeks last week-- barely any exercise and not too hot with the calories. I'm so glad I have a good friend to exercise with -- it helps so much!

Like Lara, though, I feel very much back on track. It feels good to be eating healthfully and exercising. I had about 1100 calories yesterday (I know that's on the low side, but that's after a week where I gained close to 2 lb) and 53 grams fiber!!!! Lots of water and good exercise.

Carrie -- congrats on the loss!!! Great week for you, huh? My spring break week and last week were bad weeks for me, so I can relate. I know this week will be a good one for me.

-- I'm so glad to hear the natural stuff is helping you. I'm all for a prescription med if needed, but if it can be avoided, that's so much better. Some meds these days have so many atrocious side effects. Are you seeing a naturapathic doc or did you research those things on your own?

Theresa -- how are you doing with lowering your calories down? I know many times before you said you were having trouble eating all your calories, so maybe 1400 will feel natural for you? I hope so. You've been working so hard, I am cheering for you to make the progress you want to see!

Coolmom and Theresa
-- I'm a bean/legume lover and eat a lot of lentils too. I haven't had them lately though. My absolute 2 favorite ways to prepare them are a soup I make and lentil burgers. The soup I make is different than the usual lentil/carrot/onion soup. It's a lentil tomato with 1/2 cup of red wine and a half teaspoon of ground cloves for seasoning. Now I know that sounds VERY weird taste combo, but I tell ya, it is addictively tasty. During the winter, it is probably my number one soup to make and everyone who has tried it likes it.

The lentil burgers I make - obviously they don't taste like real burgers - are so yummy too. My husband really likes them, but the last time I made them he said he was in the b'room at work all day. So I haven't made them for a couple of months. I think he ate too many and they didn't agree! Poor thing.

Anyway, thanks to all of you for your hugs and support... yes, this will be a better week. It already is. :)

Be healthy and happy!

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