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GrammyL 04-19-2007 04:33 PM

Just a quick post, been a crazy day here at work and I am staying after to be able to post. HEHEHEHE! I have ethernet here and dialup at home huge difference.

I have started to read a new book by Bob Green called the Best Life Diet. I just started chapter one and right away he starts addressing things that make sense to me. I haven't been losing either but have upped my exercise and lowered my calories within a safe range. He right away tells people that are going to participate in his program not to get on the scale for a month after your initial weigh in. He said in the first month your system your weight may fluctuate crazy because of the added exercise and eating healthy. He explains in detail why and because he doesn't want participants to get discourage he ask people not to weigh. So, if you can, might be a good book to read.

I for one have been feeling like everyone else, maybe its in the air. I am just going to keep on keeping and see what happens. I don't want to give up and will not.

Oh, I bought some light Wasa's (cracker type thing, I call it tree bark but its good) and found some fat free hummus at the store. The combo of the two is very taste and low in cal. The hummus is 25 cal for 2 tablespoons and the Wasa waffers are 60 cals for 2. YUMMO!

Calories Wednesday: 1568

Well I have to get going and I will try and stop in tomorrow.

cjc92802 04-19-2007 04:52 PM

Maybe there's some plate techtonic stuff going on the North American plate.....possibly some extra magma under the US. The added mass is making the gravitational force larger here....since our weights are based on gravity, that's probably the problem. ;)

I only weigh about 32 pounds on the Moon - I'm going with that from now on....

littlered 04-19-2007 04:58 PM

thats just too funny. :rofl:

its like the saying. "Yeah, I have a shape, its round. ;) "
and in Dog yrs I would be. only 7 1/2.

too funny. :)

rockinrobin 04-19-2007 05:00 PM

Theresa there is NOBODY on this planet, or any other one that can possibly tell you for sure, for sure just what WILL work for you. Not physcians, dieticians, nutritionists, calorie counter websites, Curves people, Weight Watchers people, people that have lived through it, personal trainers or fortune tellers. The ONLY way is through trial and error. You try something and stick to it like glue, for a couple of weeks, no results - you tweak it and try something else.

A very basic way to calculate your daily caloric needs is to take your weight and times it by 7, which brings you to about 1250 cals. 1600 just seems way too high for someone of your weight, especially since you are not that active. If you try 1600 and you are losing on that number - great. If not I think it's a sure sign to cut back. Why not try 1400 calories for a couple of weeks and see what kind of progress you make? See if you are hungry or satisfied and if you are seeing a weightLOSS. I'm not sure why if you haven't been getting results at 1600, why in the world anyone would they tell you to RAISE it?

I personally don't worry too much about percentages. I just make sure all my meals have a low fat protein and fiber. If you stick to that type of "diet", there's really no way to mess up on the percentages. But you have to find what works for YOU. With foods that you enjoy eating and that will keep you on plan, cause if you don't stick to the plan, well then you can't lose the weight. I like lots and lots of volume, so vegetables make perfect sense to me, which is why I started eating them. Not to mention they are full of nutrients and satisfying fiber. I stick mainly to whole foods, but not exclusively. My breakfast is high fiber cereal and skim milk. Lunch either tuna in water (no mayo) and a big salad, or a veggie burger type product and lots and lot of veggies. Sometimes salmon and vegetables or a grilled chicken breast with salad or veggies. Dinner is very often a chicken breast stirfry with lots and lots of veggies as well. Snacks are either a sliced apple sprinkled with cinnamon. A fat free yogurt, sugar free jello pudding, a combo of baby carrots and cucumber spears with a bit of hummus. Some grapes and strawberries. I eat about 3 snacks a day.

And I have found that the only way to CONSISTIENTLY get a weightloss week after week is to exercise. It is vital. Almost as vital as eating right. It is what is needed for longterm success, IMO. It took me years to face up to that fact. There was no way the weight was going to come off of me if I didn't add exercise into my life. I needed to face that reality and until I was ready to accept it and commit to it, well I didn't even ATTEMPT weightloss. There was no point. I view it the same way as showering everyday and brushing my teeth. I would never think of going a day without those things, likewise exercise. It's just THAT important.

I'm not sure if this was helpful to you or just annoying.

Mami 04-19-2007 05:09 PM

Robin, you're very motivational and the perfect moderator! Congrats. I ate a Dannon lite yogurt yesterday and thought of you :).

walking2lose 04-19-2007 05:12 PM

Theresa, I tend to agree with Robin's thoughts that 1600 may be too high for you. I believe Robin (correct me if I'm wrong) has been hovering around 1200 calories a day as long as I've been on here (5months or so). And, I also remember when Robin was over 200. I also don't lose unless I'm staying around 1400 with a few 1200 days thrown in there too. I believe Susan B. who has done great with losses and Bobbi also eat fewer calories.

I agree with Robin that exercise is crucial (the reason why I probably will not lose this week!!) and that eat person needs a different formula to lose. I disagree with the Curves advice -- I know for a fact that if I started to eat 2000 on a daily basis, I would gain weight. Now for a nursing mom that might be a great target to lose.

I think the advice that warns against going too low on calories and slowing your metabolism would refer more to severely calorie restricted diets -- not 1200, 1300, or 1400 a day. I think when people get in danger zone is below 1200.

I hope everyone feels free to comment on my thoughts -- I'm just seconding what Robin has said based on my personal experience and reading. I can't lose on 1600 a day.

Maybe lower by just 100 or 150 calories a day and see what happens in a week's time?

Anyway, I've got to head back to work, so that's it for now.

littlered 04-19-2007 05:23 PM

PHP Code:

I'm not sure if this was helpful to you or just annoying 


Not a chance that you or anyone here is annoying me! I so much appreciate the help!!!:hug:

I am going to take my calories down at least to 1400. and see how I do.
I was loosing at that. Till the lady at Curves convinced me to go up to 1600.
I think I would blow up! if I had to eat 2000 calories. ;)

I am very grateful for everyones help. pointers are welcome.:carrot:

CoolMom75 04-19-2007 05:24 PM

I think it was Carrie who asked about Protein requirements. This link is interesting. I lined up the numbers next to my Fitday numbers, and the Protein and fiber I'm getting (we are getting, probably) is soooo much higher. lol!

I pulled up the lentil recipe..was that justme33 or Robin's? and realized I didn't have much of the ingredients, so I ended up just cooking the lentils, adding in some tomato sauce and salt. a blob of sour cream and it is great! I can't believe how much fiber and protein it has. :)

Mami 04-19-2007 05:28 PM

Hey ladies. I haven't lost in about 2 weeks and I do eat an average of 1850 calories per day. I only WISH I could decide, and actually follow through, to eat 100 or 200 less calories a day. I just don't have the will power and feel those of you who have that much control are SO lucky! Luckily over time I have lost weight, but its just so slow going. Ah well, time is on my side I suppose.

cjc92802 04-19-2007 08:34 PM

Robin - I really enjoyed your response to Theresa's post about 1400/1600/2000 calories. I'm glad to hear there is someone else who doesn't worry about percentages - it's all I can do to remember calories! I figure that if I eat healthfully and balanced that it doesn't really matter what my percentages are. They usually tend to be higher in carbs than some but all those carbs are from veggies and whole grains. Thanks!

I agree with what Robin said about finding out what works for you. No one can tell you the best method for weight loss (sure, you will lose weight initially on all diets, but will you be able to maintain that?) - because every person's body is different. When we learn to respect what feels best for us and what works for our individual bodies and metabolisms, then we'll find our best plan. I've only been tracking my calories for a week, and can't do anything aggressive because I'm nursing....but I'm sure learning a lot for when the babies aren't getting all their nutrition from me and I can "diet" a little more.

Yippee exercise! It is good for us in so many ways!

GrammyL - I LOVE WASA CRACKERS! Talk about fiber....wow!

Okay, here's my rant:
I am SO annoyed this evening. It all started when I got home from Curves (pretty good workout, I wasn't feeling as energetic as I have, but my HR was good). Both Laurel and Olivia were sitting with Mike, screaming because they refuse to nap and were exhausted. Lela was running around the house, getting into everything because SHE refuses to nap and was exhausted from an afternoon at the playground.

He says "Take one of these babies" - I end up taking both and nursing them to sleep - I could lay Liv down in the bassinet and Laurel slept on Mike. Fed Lela, started working on my dinner. Had to put Lela to bed before I could eat because she was falling asleep in her highchair. Babies wake up before Lela is asleep, I come back downstairs after she's asleep and take them back upstairs to the bed. Nurse them to sleep in our bed. (They sleep with us, Lela sleeps in a twin bed next to ours.)

One of the babies (Laurel) is such a "bad" sleeper - she wakes up constantly, screaming at the top of her lungs (I think I may have permanent hearing loss from her) and only shhhing in her ear VERY loudly and/or nursing her will soothe her. We've been up there several times - I was supposed to eat 2 hours ago and we've still been dealing with her in fits and starts. She's FINALLY asleep (I hope).

At this point (8:30pm EST) I am so mentally drained that I don't even want to think about making dinner. I have only had 1164 calories today. I know that I need to eat more, but I just feel like checking out of my mind for the next couple hours....okay, the next couple years. :dizzy:

Maybe I'll ask Mike to make my dinner. He's very sweet and would probably do it. I'll ask now....wait for the response....sweet! He is doing it now, measuring out everything. I'm so lucky.....

I'll post again and let you all know my final numbers for the day.

carolva77 04-19-2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by rockinrobin (Post 1660090)
Hi Carol, I'm just seeing your post now, we must have posted at the same time. I answered some of your questions in the other thread that you started. The bottom line is calories in vs. calories out. But you really do want those to be healthy, nutritious ones. AND ones that will help to elminate cravings and keep you full the longest so that you can STICK to your plan. Because if you don't stick to it, well then naturally you won't lose weight.

I think your menu is lacking vegetables and low fat proteins and is too on the fats. Vegetables are filled with important nutrients and fiber, which will keep you full longer. Cheese is very yummy, but also it's just not a lot of food for the calories. And has lots of fat. A better, more filling breakfast would perhaps be oatmeal with some berries. And perhaps instead of eating 1 oz. of nuts (very high in fat and calories) maybe 1/2 oz would be better. Low fat or no fat yogurt is a good snack. Or some low fat cottage cheese mixed with berries. Your dinner's not sounding very nutritous either. A grilled chicken breast instead of wings might be better, cut up into a big salad with spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and the such. I think you can use waaay more veggies, more low fat proteins and less fat.

I will follow your advice, Tomorrow wont be that good because I have not been able to go shopping, but tomorrow is payday and i will follow what you said

cjc92802 04-19-2007 09:14 PM

Feeling better after getting some food in me.....

Here are today's stats:

Total: 1728

Fat: 51 (29%)
Carbs: 201 (42%)
Fiber: 34
Protein: 118 (30%)

Feeling pretty good about that! Hope everyone has a good night.

zenor77 04-19-2007 09:19 PM

Calories today~1539
Fat~ 32%
Fiber~ 48 grams

I was SO hungry today! By mid-morning I had finished off both of my snacks for the day. Which means I added another snack (yay for the popcorn stash in my desk.) Then, of course, I had to have some chocolate after dinner. Oh, well, my calories are higher than I'd like but not too bad.

After reading everyone's advice to littlered, I think I might lower my calorie goal to under 1400 next week. While adding more exercise in. I hope it works! I'm starting to get tired of trying so hard. I know seeing the scale drop will help my morale. Good thing I'm really stubborn!

:wave: Hello to all the new gals on here! I really want to comment more on here, but man am I wiped today! Have a great evening everyone!

ulapie 04-20-2007 12:00 AM

Hi everyone!
I'm at 1617 and I'm still pretty full from dinner, so I think I'm done for the evening. :) I walked for about 45 minutes and did about 40 minutes of upper body strength training. Had my two liters of water already and might have more. I'm all set! Good day! And when I got on the scale I had lost 2 more pounds. :D I'm sure the last 4 pounds have been water weight since I've increased my intake so much. Oh well, still happy. :D

Theresa - I'm a big fan of eating as much as possible... so what about increasing your exercise by walking 10-15 minutes more each day? Also, from what I've heard about Curves, you can't increase the resistance on the machines. You might need to do some more intensive strength training. I've never done Curves, but to get results from weight lifting, you need to have muscle fatigue. Just some ideas from a lady who loves to eat. :D If you were able to stick with 1400 before and you think you can do that long term, then it might be the right track.

Carrie - That was sweet of your DH to cook dinner for you! Sounds like a crazy afternoon!

littlered 04-20-2007 06:55 AM

Good Morning.

here are yesterdays stats

Total: 1384
Fat: 16%
Carbs: 49%
Fiber: 45
Protein: 35%

88 oz of water.

I raised my excersise up.
walked 3.5 miles.
and Mowed the lawn 1 hr.
picking up and trimming bushes 20 min.

Going to Curves this a.m. and will try to walk 3 miles today too.

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