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Miette 04-17-2007 09:40 AM

Hey everyone...

This thread and the entire forum, really has been so motivating. You are all fantastic! I'm so encouraged by what I read here and I got on the scale this morning and have actually lost some weight. I don't know if it's just water-weight or what, but it was lovely to see the numbers moving in the right direction. I've been so surprised at all I've discovered about my eating habits while using the FitDay thing. It's shocking! I'm trying to make small corrections here and there but I have a long way to go. However, every time I want to grab something to eat I think about it first...good sign. Still need more veg in my diet.. but I'll get there eventually, I think. I'm too eager to eat something carbalicious instead of something green. ack.

Lara: thanks for the tips on the Pizza.. I so sympathize with your brush with diabetes and all your family is going through. I'm very sorry to hear that they are having some long term damage. That's just awful. Diabetes is really serious even though from day to day we might not think of it as so serious. I'm so glad that you are doing better and keeping your blood sugars stable... way to go!

Claire: I wanted to say how sorry I am to you and everyone in the States for what you are all going through after what happened in Virginia. I don't watch TV ever, but happened to walk through the room while DH was watching the news and saw the reports. Awful. Sad. Scary! My heart goes out to all of you.

Take good care everyone!


Jayjay55 04-17-2007 12:20 PM

Morning everyone -- as its been said its a somber day. So very sad and my heart does go out to everyone even remotely involved. I have trouble watching any of this. I work at a post secondary institute in Canada and it seems to hit home how vulnerable we are. Knowing how things run (a tiny bit) I do understand why no word was given after the initial shooting. I know our Safety & Security department do all they can to not panic the general population and keep people from over-reacting - just a horrible horrible situation.

Back to the good here.

Lovemyboy-- I was just like you (27 years ago LOL), I had maybe two pictures taken of me pregnant -- I now regret it too.

Robin -- we are just speaking the truth -- you ROCK girl!!!

Claire - so very very sorry you were closely affected by this tragedy.

Theresa -- what a tough situation for your family - sounds like you are doing the best you can. I agree and hope that your son and his wife accept counselling.

Seattle Theresa - I can only hope to lose half of the 120 that Robin dropped

Carrie -- Calories look good and as long as they are good veggies, fruit and protein that is half the battle. Doesn't it feel good after a great 30 minute workout at Curves.

Miette -- congrats on the loss -- YAY.

ulapie 04-17-2007 01:22 PM

Hey Theresa - love the way you spell your name! How beautiful! :D

I have tons of food with me at work today - about 1000 calories worth. I'm going to have dinner at my Grandma's tonight (I think), so I'll have plenty to have there. Boy, I drank my water way too late last night. Today I'm going to try and get 2 liters in before 3pm. :)

I'm down two pounds. I think I've probably just been dehydrated, so those 3 liters yesterday did the trick. There's some motivation to keep the water intake up. :)


zenor77 04-17-2007 02:05 PM

Hi All! I have a lot of posts to catch up on (from just two days!)

My calories for Sunday and Monday were approx 1500 each day. I think I did pretty good for going out of town. No weighloss as of this morning though. Tomorrow will make two weeks with no change in the scale. Arg! Oh, well... I need to start up my walking again. My routine was interrupted last week, so back to it! Hopefully that's enough to jump start me, otherwise I'll be lowering my calorie goal to 1400 this weekend (this means no more wine and very little eating out I think.)

I would like to be down one more size by my 30th birthday. That's 10lbs in just over 2 1/2 months. I think that is very doable.

GrammyL 04-17-2007 02:53 PM

It is a dark day at Virginia Tech and my heart goes out to all those directly and indirectly affected by this horrible incident. I work at a university myself and this is one of my greatest fears because I deal with distressed people off and on all the time and have had people threaten unthinkable things. We have a faculty member that graduated from Virginia Tech and a student worker headed there next year. It just amazes me the faculty member that sacrificed his life to try and save the students. There are not words to express the sorry I feel, all I can do is pray.

Littlered ~ We have more than one Theresa now. My heart goes out to your family and makes me realize how fortunate that my DGS was born healthy. It is going to be a long rough road and just do what you can to help out. Sometimes a good year and hugs are all you can do.

Carrie ~ Glad that your BIL is all right.

Ulapie ~ Welcome to our group. I love your Betty Boop, I have always liked her.

Calories Monday ~ 2150 dead on what they say I need to maintain. YICKS! Would have been lower but ended up eating out for dinner. Made good choices but still really racked up the calories.

Today has just been one of those days that I managed my hours before work well and I managed to take the dogs for a walk before leaving for work. It felt fantastic and I had energy, nice way to start the day. I could use more mornings like that.

littlered 04-17-2007 07:20 PM

""Littlered ~ We have more than one Theresa now.
That's where I got the name RED. Worked on an assembly line with 3 other Theresa's.
We each got a nick name. Mine was easy. Started as REDHEAD THERESA... The rest is easy to guess.

walking2lose 04-17-2007 08:36 PM

Thanks so much for the hugs and supportive words. This is truly a tragedy that has struck us all, no matter where we are. CJ - I hope you didn't turn out to know any of the victims. For us, it's more knowing kids who had friends who were killed or the one boy who was in the room and survived. Anyway, thank you all for being so supportive.

Eating has been prettty junky yesterday and today... will probably be one of those weeks where I'll be glad just not to gain. Don't want to move the ticker up.

Petra6998 04-17-2007 08:46 PM

So today was going really good today....I was staying on plan, and was going to come home and make supper and then workout....Well I got home and my son was having a bad day...so he instantly got mad when I said that we weren't going to be renting any video games. So between all the stress from him and that we just went to Mickey D's and my daughter ending getting something and me....Because of his actions between getting in the truck and actually getting to Mickey D's I decided that he wasn't going to get anything. So I ended up eating something that I had not planned on. So I am a little over calories today, and haven't worked out yet. After my ds got home he decided to tear about his room and take the sheets off his bed and throw toys down the stairs. Well about 5 mins ago he must have gotten hungry enough that he came down stairs and said that he was sorry and hungry. So he is eating his PB& J sandwich talking like nothing happened. I did tell him that he has to clean up everything and then he started to get riled up again. I try to ignore him when he does these things but it is hard sometimes. Ok sorry about my rant...Had to tell someone, my dh is working and there isn't much he can do. Well the gazelle is calling my name......

lovemyboy 04-17-2007 08:51 PM

Today was a good day. I was around 1700 calories. I did my walk and added short bursts of jogging.

littlered 04-17-2007 10:55 PM


I had a good day too.
Calories at 1627
fiber 45 gr.
80 oz water. plus tea
walked 30 min. 1 .5 miles.

Sounds like a fun day. :hug:

Whats YOUR middle name? I have never met A Theresa with any other but Marie.

Hang in there, It will happen. I am waiting too. been almost 2 weeks here too.

Talked with ds today. He is thinking about getting counseling for them both.

Part of their biggest problems With granddaughter...She has a severe problem swallowing. Its Part of the disorder. So At 21 months she is mostly still on infant food. It can't have any lumps or she chokes on it. She loves food too. Give her pizza crust and she loves it. But you can't Grind that up well enough. So she only gets it when someone is holding her to keep an eye up close.
they do have processor to help with mushing the food.
They give her lots of baby food Like you would for a much younger child. She is still under 20 pounds. and wears a 12 month size. She has not even hit the bottom of the growth chart. But is normal for her condition. :)

I have been trying to share the knowledge I am getting nutritionally here. I think they are listening some. She takes baby vitamins and mineral oil, everyday. So that does seem to maybe help a little too.
I hope to keep learning here, to share with them.

cjc92802 04-17-2007 11:49 PM

Today was such a busy day for me.....my husband is off work Tuesdays and Wednesday and we decided at 10am that we were going to go 2.5 hours down the road to see his mom. Long day.....poor food planning. Ate tuna pasta for breakfast and 6" Subway for lunch....by 3pm I had only had about 650 calories. I was sitting on the floor of MILs and I noticed that my hands were shaking badly. Ate some whole grain cereal and it stopped. Went to Applebees, had one of the WW meals. Ate a veggie wrap on the way home, followed by a convenience store cappuccino. After I finished that, I thought I was going to be sick from the sugar. My body is now used to healthy stuff and it didn't like going back. Made me feel good in a way....

We just got back. Both babies are asleep in their carseats, husband is asleep on the couch, toddler is in bed.

Today, as I said, not so good....

Calories Eaten Today : 1614
grams cals %total
Fat: 36 323 22%
Carbs: 226 798 54%
Fiber: 27
Protein: 87 347 24%

But my carb/fat/protein balance was better. 1614 is way too low for me.....I still don't know how I'm going to get all I need in. I'm very satisfied with that much.

Want to read and respond to everyone else's posts....maybe tomorrow....have so much in my own head that I can't begin to address others.....
Thanks for the support re: VT. My BIL is pretty shook up. He said that he could see the EMTs and police dragging wounded people and bodies out of the building. He is coming up to see us next weekend - think that he needs to get out of that town. Blacksburg is SO SMALL - VT IS Blacksburg, basically. The entire town is innundated with the media - you can't go anywhere without running into Matt Lauer or Charles Gibson, etc. I don't think the healing can really begin until the people have their city back. (Not saying the media shouldn't be there....just must make it surreal.)

Haven't heard that any of my students were directly involved, so no news is good news from that front. It is so sad, I saw it on TV for the first time today....all those students in the arena hugging and supporting each other really made it "real". I feel so sad for them. When I was in college (a very small, single sex college in VA, only 800 women) a girl was killed on a train tressel - it brought the entire campus to a grinding halt - can't imagine what this is like for those young people and their parents, and the faculty.

zenor77 04-18-2007 12:30 AM

Calories for today: 1359
Fat 32%
Fiber 39 grams

I got my walk in today (1.5 miles.) I feel so much better starting up again.

rockinrobin 04-18-2007 08:47 AM

Good morning everyone.

Tuesday's calories - about 1200. Lots of exercise

Hope everyone has a great on plan, healthy and SAFE day.

ulapie 04-18-2007 10:02 AM

Wow Theresa! I don't know if I've ever met another Theresa with the "h." Maybe it's a more common spelling in your part of the country. My middle name is Margaret, so kind of close to Marie. :)

I ate 2148 yesterday. That's way over, but I just couldn't pass up a milk shake last night. I ended up having only half of it, but still. Talk about a calorie dense food, holy moly.

Other than that, I got a 30 minute walk in, did my weight training and had my 3 liters of water. Not a perfect day, but I did do some positive things. ;)

Now I need to get my breakfast and lunch all packed up. I'd like to stay closer to 1500 today since I was way over yesterday. Have a great day everyone!


upswife 04-18-2007 11:43 AM

hi all Still here...Been MIA for a little while. But eating and exercising has been good. Life has just kept me busy. Still not losing pounds, but the inches are coming off slowly...so I take what I can get. hope to get back and catch up later.


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