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Jayjay55 04-18-2007 12:17 PM

Hi -- I need to come back later but I wanted to post my calories for 04/17 I finally kept it under 1800 -- total was 1745 YAY -- and I got in one 40 minute walk with the "loaner" dog and a fabulous 40 minute really intense strength training class.

Personal note to Mary -- vent away its good for us. I only wish I had found online sites when I was going through my rough times.


Miette 04-18-2007 01:46 PM

Hey everybody...
My calories are a little low today but they are mostly carbs carbs carbs. agh. I did eat a big salad for dinner tonight to try and get some veg in there. I'm feeling a bit of the munchies coming on now, so I might have more salad in a half hour. I haven't walked today! I'm recovering from surgery and I was so sore yesterday from overdoing it the day before so I'm a little leary of jumping back into the walking thing. I will walk tomorrow, though, no excuses. Just have to take it nice and easy, I think.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm definately trying the oatmeal thing in the morning... sounds really good to me.

Mary: Hang in there.. I have four kids and I've seen a lot of tantrums..they are exhausting. I totally understand your frustration!

Take care everyone!

CoolMom75 04-18-2007 02:04 PM

good morning!

I'm keeping my calories under 1700, 1650 yesterday. and I started Green tea, multiple cups a day. I read a great article and its not only healthy for the immune system with antioxidents, but also assists in weight loss. Something about decreasing the absorption of fat in digestion, but burning fat too.

GrammyL 04-18-2007 02:18 PM

Littlered ~ Are you sure you are not a girl I went to school with. HAHAHHA! I had a friend that I wen to school with, she ended up moving away before we graduated, and her name was Theresa and she had red hair. How odd.

Mary ~ I can sympathize with you dear. I have a DD who used to act just like that but it was almost on a daily basis. She spent more time in her room than any where else in the house because I couldn't take it. At the age of 13 she threw herself on the floor in a store because she couldn't get the markers she wanted. I had to walk away and leave her there. Now, her son is starting to act the same way and she was complaining about it and I said he learned from the best.

GrammyL 04-18-2007 02:33 PM

Miette ~ Don't push it to hard on the exercise with just having surgery. I feel for you on the carbs because I never craved them until I had my brush with diabetes and now I could sit and eat them all day. I fight it because they really can mess with how I feel.

Sounds like everyone is doing well. I have walked 35 minutes and done half of my sculpting so far today. I will finish up tonight.

Calories Tuesday: 1405
Much better than the day before.

I so wanted to be on here sooner but it is just lots of work to get done with the end of the semester approaching. Then I wasted 3 hours of my time trying to pull up our Major/Minors in our system with no success. Then I called our help desk and found out its because our Computer Tech hasn't updated my system in a long time. :-0 I am not sure who to be mad at but I am mad. So, I decided to take a break and do what I want to do and clear my head.

Better get going and talk at you all later.

Petra6998 04-18-2007 06:57 PM

Thanks everyone for the kind words it's a little better tonight. But I know that if I say the wrong thing he will be back to the way he was last night. It's not the first time he has done or the last. We are told that he acts just like his father did, well if I would have known that before I had him, lol I am j/k. I love him but he makes it too difficult at times. But anyways since tonight my house is not being torn down I am about to work out and then get some much needed sleep. I was right on for my calories again today!!!!

Petra6998 04-18-2007 06:59 PM

One more thing I forgot....RockinRobin I see that you are a moderator now!!! Great JOB!!!

abbyin 04-18-2007 07:57 PM

Congrats RockinRobin! You truly are an inspiration of this site.

littlered 04-18-2007 08:18 PM

Congrats Robin.!
:bravo: :dance: :congrat:

walking2lose 04-18-2007 09:17 PM

Hey all,

I had a long day yesterday so no time to exercise and unfortunately same goes for today. So not much exercise this week. Calories today at just under 1300. The rest of week has been pretty high and not much activity, so I'm hoping not to gain.

CJ -- hang in there... the Tech stuff is a nightmare. I understand what you mean about the media... my friend's son stayed yesterday for the convocation to be with his friends. They left last night to head home (same as your BIL -- just needed to get out), but their car broke down in Staunton. They stayed in a hotel and she was hoping to have him home by tonight. Like I said, I teach high school, and I just feel it is adding to the tragedy to blame the school. Yes, he wrote some disturbing stuff, but since he never really threatened anyone he could not be removed from the school. I have seen many disturbed and dysfunctional kids through the years -- yes, you wonder about their potential to do harm, you refer them to guidance, but you never really believe they would be capable of something like this. Anyway, I hope you are doing ok....I kind of feel like being a little off my health plan this week is small stuff compared to what is going on for the many people affected by this tragedy. It certainly puts things in perspective.

I'm heading to bed... a good night to all and may tomorrow be a healthy day for all of us!

cjc92802 04-18-2007 09:29 PM

Miette - Hope your recovery is swift and easy. Be gentle on your body and you can get back to usual sooner.

Robin - Wow! Moderator - that's awesome, congrats! I'm new here but I have learned a lot from reading your posts - so positive.

Petra - I'm glad that tonight is better. How old is your son?

CoolMom - I love green tea.....I need to drink it in the AM instead of coffee. I'm addicted to the caffeine, but I'm more addicted to the taste of coffee, as I can drink decaf and be fine.

JayJay - sounds like you had a great day for exercise! Awesome!

GrammyL - sorry you had a bum day at work.....computers frustrate me so much

upswife - inches are great! I would prefer that to losing pounds....I read that people who dieted alone lost weight, but their body fat % didn't change, but people who "dieted" and exercised lost both pounds and fat.

ulapie - Maybe you could try making a milkshake that is less calorie-dense. Skim milk, ice to thicken it, some flax oil, vanilla extract or some protein powder. It may give you the feeling of a milkshake with icecream....maybe.....:) I drank them a lot when I was pregnant with Laurel and Olivia. Adding a banana, strawberries or peaches was good too. Love Jay Robb's protein powder!!!

Okay, so I previously posted on CCs about my bad encounter with Mexican food. So I won't get into that again.....my numbers today were:

Total Calories: 2225
Fat: 83 (36%)
Carbs: 295 (47%)
Fiber: 49
Protein: 90 (17%)

My calories were way higher than they had been, but actually about what I need. I went to Curves, and worked really hard.....man, it was a good workout! :carrot: Fat was too high, but I knew that was coming. Protein was right on target, fiber was awesome for me. I guess it was those 2 salads I ate.....had chickpeas on my dinner salad. Mmmmmmm.

littlered 04-18-2007 09:45 PM

Calories today were ok. lower than I should get. will do better thursday.
1468 cal.
fiber 49 gr.
water 80 oz.

Had to play with dgd while I had a chance, so I got a little out of schedule. And had to get food. We were out of Salad stuff.
Already at the middle of the week. Guess I need to up the numbers of veggies I get. :) thats a good thing.

Did get to curves. But not the treadmill. I plan to make up for it in the a.m.
Good night. sleep tight.

zenor77 04-18-2007 10:07 PM

Calories for today~ 1640
Fat~ 25%
Fiber~ 43 grams

My calories were a little high today, but I'm still under 1500 for my weekly average, so I'm not going to sweat it. I also got my walk in again. Yay! :carrot:

Robin~ Congrats on becoming a moderator!

Everyone have a good evening! I think tonight is a go to bed early night for me. I'm exhausted!

ulapie 04-18-2007 11:21 PM

Hi y'all :)

Robin - Congratulations! I'm not really sure how one becomes a moderator on here, but I get the impression it's from being a successful, inspirational person. :D

Carrie - That's a good idea to make smoothies instead of milk shakes :) I haven't had one in a long time!

I'm only at 1330 and I'm not planning on eating anything more, but we'll see if I get hungry before bed. It's not quite as much as I'd like to eat, but it makes up for yesterdays high calories. I've only had about a liter of water and I think I'm going to change my goal to 2 liters. 3 is just too much! I also walked for 30 minutes and I think I'm going to do a new yoga dvd tonight - Yoga for Inflexible People. Pretty good day! Have a nice evening everyone!

:wave: :sumo: <-- these things crack me up! LOL! :)


Miette 04-19-2007 12:37 AM

It's early morning here ... my DH set the alarm to go off on his mobile phone but he left it down in the hallway and lucky me... I'm the only one who heard it.. lol. I slept really well last night for the first time in a long time.. whoo hoo!

Lara & Carrie: Thanks so much for the encouragement. I am doing pretty well with the recovery but sometimes I tend to overdo it. The doctors cleared me for slow walking so I'm trying to keep that up but I have to be careful not to walk too quickly or for too long. I can't wait until the six week mark when I'll be able to really get out there and do a brisk walk.

Robin: Congratulations!!! :D


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