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Old 11-20-2009, 08:45 AM   #46  
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HA! I've been in maintainance mode for a year. Unfortunately, it's not at the Weight I want it to be at! LOL!

I hope you all have a great weekend and a Great WI!
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Old 11-20-2009, 11:06 AM   #47  
Lose the holiday lbs!
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Originally Posted by maryshady View Post
I'm up 1 lb this week. TOM started today. LOL! I guess we are all in sync. That say that is true when women live together or work together but I never thought computing together would have an effect! lol!!
LOL thats so cute!!! it is really funny how we're all on TOM
Originally Posted by Nella View Post
I think it's funny that we are all in sync, lol. Like Mary said, who would have thought through the computer the hormones would spread? hehe.
heheheheheh exactly it is funny
Echo - I hope the puffies go away soon! That's how I felt yesterday, just a big puff ball. And yes, Oliver Queen! He is so hot! If I ever saw him in real life I would melt into a puddle right there.
thanks Nella!! lol at big puff ball lol!! exactly!
aww i know he is a hotty!

Originally Posted by Narnia99 View Post
Add me to the list! I have been waiting for my TOM to arrive all week. I am so bloated and miserable, so I just wish it would hurry up and get here, lol. I took a freebie this week too.
i know how you feel!! lol at you expecting TOM aswell this is getting spooky! hehehe

Echo, I hope your blister heals quickly. Congratulations on being a runner-up for week 8!
aww thanks so much !
Originally Posted by retiredone View Post

I've started doing counter push-ups and my arms and sides are sore. I did 50 on Sunday with no trouble, skipped Monday and did them this morning--OUCH! My arms feel hot as I type. Hahaha. I thought I was doing great and that the absence of upper body workout for the last 6 months didn't effect my performance. Was I wrong! But I'm guessing by this time next week I'll be pain free when doing them. My muscles will be as good as Popeye's by then.
wow impressive!!

Originally Posted by dream710 View Post
Hey team! Had to take a freebie for last week. I fell off the wagon, ate way too much, and didn't exercise. Haven't got this new schedule figured out yet. I do good all day, but don't get a supper break so I'm starving by the time I get to eat and eat everything in site. And you can add me to the list of those dealing with TOM issues.
i hear ya! i also am good and then get so hungry that i eat everything, even just standing up!

Originally Posted by Diva View Post
Echo:I am so happy you are loving your little polar! I can't wait to get one now and congratz on being a runner up and a runner! I never got past week 4 on the c25K!
aww thanks Diva, you're so sweet!! wow you made it to week 4, thats really impressive! i'm still on week 2 lol!!

thats awesome you have walking buddies!

So TOM has me all kind of worn down and I swear last night he MADE me eat Oreos! But I hated every single minute of it, I promise!
hehe i know i hear ya gf!! mm love oreos especially dunking em in milk. havent had oreos in a very long time!

Originally Posted by Nella View Post
Back on the low end of the yo-yo again. 167.8 this morning. This freaking decade has been awful for me. I've been back and forth for the whole month between 169 & 167. I've got 7.8 pounds to go before the end of the month to make goal. We'll see, lol.l.
me too!! i've been losing and gaining the same few pounds over and over again these past 7 weeks and i realised today WHY. i looked over my food journal. and have realised i've been having very high calorie BINGE days 2/3 days a week !
i have got to get a control over my binge eating. i've realised im a binge eater and over eater. so im gonna try to go "clean" for 26 days. 26 days because thats the number of days till my cousin from america comes to stay with me for a few weeks, and we have a competition going hehe. i want to get down to at least 155lbs before she comes.

so today is a brand new day and im wiping the slate clean! im holding myself accountable and added it to my signature as motivation. i might even have a look over at the over eating threads/forums.

also im gonna aim to eat around 1400/1500 calories and get my calorie deficient through exercise. i've tried eating 1200/1300 calories, i do it for a couple of days then the next day i overeat. so its not working for me. and plus jillian always says when you only have the last 20lbs to lose, eat your BMR calories and workout hard!

i also ordered her book "making the cut" this morning i thought i needed something to kick me into high gear!

i cant afford a full gym membership at the moment, so will only be able to do the exercises that i can do without equipment - but i can go to a local very simple gym and pay about £6 for each session- so i might do that like once awhile for a change..
Originally Posted by Bigmid View Post
Congratulations to Nella for being the biggest loser and to Echo, SweetScrumptious, and Instiches for being runner ups. Those were all good numbers you had.
aww thanks Bigmid!
Originally Posted by Mercy03 View Post
Good morning everyone,

I want to let you guys know that I have asked to be taken off the Blue team. My goals are not in sync with the club here and I don't want to hurt your goals with my weigh ins.

My new focus is exercise and strength, so I have found a different site and groups that I think will help me reach my goals.

Hugs to all, and I wish you all the best in reaching your goals.
awww going to miss you Mercy!! good luck with your new goals!!


wow 13lbs lost last week. well done team!! im glad i took a freebie so i didnt hurt the team

big congratulations to Idealmuse !! and the runner ups! you all did fabulous! great losses!! well done mebhealthy econ nerd and Mercy03

Originally Posted by Idealmuse View Post
Mercy03 left and she was one of our biggest losers? I'm not sure how she thought she was going to disappoint us. While the whole "game" thing is fun seriously aren't we more here to cheer each other on? Personally I don't care if someone has a few bad weeks. It's life!
aww thanks thats nice to hear- especially since i keep having bad weeks. but i agree its nice that we're here to support each other. i agree, mercy did great! going to miss her on the team.

I had a particularly bad food day myself. I think I'm somewhere at 2500 or so if not slightly more. I did ride my bike/trainer today for an hour and 15 mins but I don't think it was enough to cancel out my bad behavior. I'm not weighing in next week though I'll be out of town so hopefully it won't show up 2 weeks from now. Heh.
hehe good on ya for riding your bike to cancel it out.

Originally Posted by Diva View Post
HA! I've been in maintainance mode for a year. Unfortunately, it's not at the Weight I want it to be at! LOL!:
LOL !! thats so funny! and exactly how i felt this morning !! i've been in maintenance mode for 2 months but 20lbs above my goal weight. time to buckle down and get REAL serious
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Old 11-20-2009, 05:47 PM   #48  
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awww going to miss you Mercy!! good luck with your new goals!!
Yeah, yeah Echo, Diva was asking about you at the other site. I said you were with TOM

You know where to find me, and I will still be around, so I am sure I will run into somewhere.

Miss you

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Old 11-20-2009, 09:53 PM   #49  
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[QUOTE=Idealmuse;3019220]Mercy03 left and she was one of our biggest losers? I'm not sure how she thought she was going to disappoint us. While the whole "game" thing is fun seriously aren't we more here to cheer each other on? Personally I don't care if someone has a few bad weeks. It's life!

You have brought up some good points to consider.
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Old 11-20-2009, 09:56 PM   #50  
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[QUOTE=dream710;3018269]Mercy-good luck to you!

Thank you!

I think Mercy03 is about down to her goal weight, and so was switching her focus from weight loss to maintainance/strength training. I understand her not wanting to slow the team down, but I for one love to see people who have made it to goal (sometimes I feel like it is impossible) and would love for her to stick around. But she needs to do what is best for herself.

Spot on, thank you Montecristo
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Old 11-21-2009, 11:36 AM   #51  
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Good Morning Blusers!! I finally feel back in the game today. My sciatic pain is gone but now my back hurts. Probably shouldn't have gone to the chiro. I am not really suppose to have any manual manipulation due to spinal stenosis in my neck. But I can live with a sore back. Just keeping a heating pad on it.

Congrats to our winners this week!
Idealmuse - 4.0lbs (2.07%)-Way to go!!!
mebhealthy - 2.8lbs (1.83%)
econ nerd - 4.0lbs (1.72%)
Mercy03 - 2.0lbs (1.43%)

Echo is so agree with your post: me too!! i've been losing and gaining the same few pounds over and over again these past 7 weeks and i realised today WHY. i looked over my food journal. and have realised i've been having very high calorie BINGE days 2/3 days a week !
i have got to get a control over my binge eating. i've realised im a binge eater and over eater. so im gonna try to go "clean" for 26 days. 26 days because thats the number of days till my cousin from america comes to stay with me for a few weeks, and we have a competition going hehe. i want to get down to at least 155lbs before she comes.

so today is a brand new day and im wiping the slate clean! im holding myself accountable and added it to my signature as motivation. i might even have a look over at the over eating threads/forums.

That is me to a tee. I started in January doing this BL challenges at 184.5 got down to 172 in April then dh got sick and had to have 6 months of treatment and it really threw me for a loop. But I am tired of the excuses. I am an emotional eater who eats way too much. I did OA at one point in my life and it really helped I just didn't stick with it. But I think it is time again to realize I have a real problem with food. If working out could get me thin I would have been there years ago. I love working out but I always disqualify what I do by overeating. I'm with you on the clean eating. I am starting it tomorrow since I already had a sticky bun today. I want to stay with it until the 12th of Dec when we leave for Disney.

Mercy-Hate to see you go. You are always so funny. Wish you the best and I know you will reach all of your goals!
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Old 11-21-2009, 11:46 AM   #52  
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Originally Posted by Institches21 View Post
I love visiting here daily, I might not post very often, but I find so much to take away with me, and apply to my day. I think when I'm struggling, I need to get here all the more. Everyone has their reasons, and I wish them well.
Come & post more often. Love hearing from you.

Originally Posted by Nella View Post
Morning girls!

I think I've finally broken my mini-plateau. Down again this morning to 166.2. I had a goal of making it to 160 by the end of the month, but not seeing that happen unless some miracle occurs.
on breaking that plateau.

Originally Posted by practiceliving View Post
Just checkin' in real quick to say hello! Life is crazy and awesome and hard and all over the place. Just doing the best I can to keep working on towards all my goals!
Glad married life is treating you so well!!

Originally Posted by Idealmuse View Post
dream710 - Well the 15k was on Nov 1st - it went well... the big BIG race isn't until next September.
on running a 15K! Awesome accomplishment.

Originally Posted by dream710 View Post
Mary-WOW! 11pm thats dedication are there other stores that open between 11 and 4? I can't wait til my DD is old enough go.
I think we are just going to the 11 pm sale then home for some sleep until 4 or 5 when most of the other stores open. It will be so much fun to go with your dd. We have been going for about 3 years now. Actually we all go. My sis, niece, my two dd, my ds & his fiance. Then we all meet up for breakfast around 8. My dh used to go when the kids were little but now it is too much for him. Men!!! lol!
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Old 11-21-2009, 03:36 PM   #53  
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Good evening Blue Team. I'm so far behind I'm not doing personals but I've read every single post. But I will mention that I'll miss you Mercy.

I've been too tired to post the last week. Taking care of Baby, even if it's just a few hours a day, has got me wiped out in the evenings. I'm feeling my age and not liking it one bit. Fortunately, I'm still getting in my walk in the mornings and I'm eating on plan. I weighed in this morning but didn't lose anything this week and that's how it goes some weeks. I've already lost 14 pounds since this challenge started and I'm hoping to lose at least 2 more by the end.

Oh, and before I forget, congratulations to week 9's Biggest Loser and Runners-up. Well done.

Must go do my push-ups before I flake out on the bed.

Have a good weekend, all.
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Old 11-22-2009, 09:10 AM   #54  
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[QUOTE=retiredone;3020865]Good evening Blue Team. I'm so far behind I'm not doing personals but I've read every single post. But I will mention that I'll miss you Mercy.

Aw, thanks Retire. I'll still be here, just not part of the group. I'll be on the fitness and strength side if you care to come on over for some dares and exercises.

Thanks for being so kind and a wonderful motivator for me

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Old 11-22-2009, 09:12 AM   #55  
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Originally Posted by maryshady View Post
Good Morning Blusers!!
. [/COLOR]

Mercy-Hate to see you go. You are always so funny. Wish you the best and I know you will reach all of your goals!

Thank you and good luck on your goals!!!!!!!
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Old 11-23-2009, 05:36 AM   #56  
Lose the holiday lbs!
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i made a new thread for week 11 chat

see you there blue team!
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