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Old 01-26-2023, 10:54 AM   #121  
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The snow melted quickly enough that we went out for a walk. That didn't last long, though. We'd been thinking how warm it was because the snow was melting, but that didn't translate into pleasant walking weather. We took our shortest route -- ten minutes. At least that gets us out in the world for a bit.

Exercise +50, 1450/1700 minutes for January
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Old 01-26-2023, 07:11 PM   #122  
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Good Afternoon, Coaches.

Weight is at target. yeah. I have been focusing on Greger's checklist. Even though I went to frozen yoghurt I loaded it with berries. Lunch was lentils. breakfast was a paleo bar. In between was apple sauce, strawberries and banana.

I am in an environmental quandry. I discovered by accident the applesauce pouches while I was recovering from the tooth pull. I bought a big box. I found the sweetness and fiber was the perfect size for a school treat. I don't get into the candy and the fiber makes me full. However, they produce ridiculous waste. I guess my options are not to buy them or do another environmental action that brings my net carbon whatever down. Hmmmm.

Curly: Life is better with an empty sink.
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Old 01-27-2023, 06:17 AM   #123  
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Thumbs up Friday - International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Walked, CREDIT moi, as if to taunt the weather that wasn't snowing and, for the period of my walk, wasn't even raining. There's no snow outside right now. We've missed a bullet that must have hit somewhere else. Stopped by a brick-and-mortar bookstore to see if my friend's new book was on display yet. They'll text me when my prepaid copy arrives; I'm just poking about to see if they give him prominent display space.

A fireproof documents bag arrived that we'd ordered only two days ago. We have these two three-ring binders of "Estate Stuff" that look rather vulnerable sitting on a shelf in the dinning room closet. Would like them to survive at least a minor fire. This bag is triple-layered and claims to be fire resistant. The only thing that seems invulnerable would be a thick brick safe on the basement floor. That's a dream; not going to happen. This bag will give some protection - as much as we're willing to muck about providing. Then came a box of bamboo based toilet paper. DW feels that it's less destructive to the environment. I can't tell the difference so I quietly support her effort to use renewable crops. I thought that trees grown for cheap paper products were renewable but it seems that they, also, are creeping into the space of the forests of the Amazon basin.

I did achieve my goal of removing one book from my never-going-to-complete-these stack. I had one chapter left in Richard Dawkins
The Blind Watchmaker The Blind Watchmaker
. I had grown weary of his wordy style and wasn't drawn to finish the book. But the remaining chapter discussed the cladistic system of classification - the neat ordering of the tree of life from top to bottom. It was neat to read his discussion that every attempt by a librarian to organize the books has the problem of books that fit between chosen categories. The Tree of Life doesn't have that. It just keeps diversifying all the way down. So, mission accomplished; one book removed from the stack.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yes, I agree, a short walk outside is a good shock to a body that's been in the house all day.

maryann - I wish you well balancing the environment quandary of the packaging of a small serving with its material waste. You do have to give priority to taking care of your body. I like your idea of finding a way to balance somewhere else.

curlyjax - Congrats for having a success making a medical appointment. Hope your symptoms soon subside.

Readers -
Chapter 6 Stage 3 - The Challenging Situations Plan

Create a Travel Mindset

Or have you ever come back and avoided the scale for the next few days or weeks? Was it worth it? Some dieters report that they had done so well on diets until they traveled. Then they got off track and were unable to get themselves back on a diet for a very long time.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 158.
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Old 01-27-2023, 07:28 AM   #124  
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Yesterday I got to see Orchard House, where Louisa May Alcott lived. It was wonderful to see the old house and learn more about her life. Very interesting family who believed in education for women, abolition etc.Then off to a lunch where I had a turkey sandwich with a side of greens, and I didn't miss the fries at all. I did however take a quick walk while others were finishing lunch, and bought myself some chocolates. After work I did 22 minutes of a walk away the pounds video and did about 10 minutes of weights, so felt good about that.
Today is a short day at work, and then getting new tires put on. Hopefully I'll hang out with widowfriend tonight and do dinner together.
Gardenerjoy-the weather changes so quickly. I went for a quick walk around 1:30, and by 4 the temp dropped and it was much colder.
Maryann-that's a tough decision. Those individual serving sizes are a good idea though.Can you buy a large thing of applesauce and put it into a tupperware thing, after these ones are gone? I started doing that with yogurt at one point (although i'm drinking my yogurt now as kefir)
Bill-That book and its classification system does sound interesting.
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Old 01-27-2023, 10:26 AM   #125  
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I wrote scenes yesterday and the day before. Novel-writing takes a lot of work that isn't scene-writing -- research, character development, plot structuring. Those are important but they can also be a way that I procrastinate. The one time that I know I'm not procrastinating is when I'm writing scenes, so I'm pleased that I made that transition.

I'm stepping on the scale every day again. Three times in the last couple of months, I stopped weighing and my weight shot up three to five pounds. I'm seeing a pattern here. My new goal is to weigh every day so that I quit avoiding the scale. But I'm also not going to beat myself up if I legit forget, occasionally. There's a bit of a balance there. I'm going to start thinking of myself as someone who weighs every day to see if that will make it happen.

Exercise +50, 1500/1700 minutes for January

maryann: Like BillBlueEyes, I think the idea to balance in some other way is a good one. Our little victories of finding something that works to implement healthy eating are hard enough to attain. Overall, I'm sure that your healthy eating choices, like mine, are better for the environment than the standard American diet. Several years ago, I accidentally got myself back into a fast food habit and I was shocked at how much waste that produced. At the beginning of the pandemic, we tried DoorDash for a few months and that was even worse. Most of the food arrived in plastic containers. The drivers seemed to think that you'd tip them more if they grabbed all the free stuff -- plastic cutlery, chopsticks, packets of condiments. I ended up giving away a bunch of that on our Buy Nothing group.

BillBlueEyes: We've always used a safe deposit box for that kind of storage and, also, for off-site storage of computer back-ups. But banks have started eliminating that service. We were forced to clear out the safe deposit box that we'd had for more than 30 years last summer. The material is now all stacked in a metal file cabinet drawer where it won't be the first thing to burn, but wouldn't survive a real fire, either. We seriously considered the safe in the basement option, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen either. I thought I had a plan for a fire-proof box, but DH decided it was too small -- he still wants room for the computer back-ups, not just the documents. So, I think I'm going back to the safe deposit box idea. The next bank I would have turned to eliminated their safe deposit boxes recently, too. I think there's a third bank in town that still has them.

curlyjax: Orchard House is on my bucket list. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!
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Old 01-27-2023, 09:00 PM   #126  
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Good Evening, Coaches.
Joy: What you said resonated with me. I do not eat fast food. I also buy many products that are sustainably packaged. I purchase consignment clothes. I am going to take the gimme. I am not going to let best be the enemy of better.
Curly: Cool trip. I love little victories of 20 mins or less.
BBE: I saved several coffee table books when my library eliminated the non fiction section. They now sit on an old milk can ( the big kind) with a lamp resting on them. My shabby chic corner table in a nook on the landing in Tahoe. Perhaps you could do the same with your stack.

19 days till Italy. I rescued a sparsely used ski jacket for the trip. It just came to me. it is a stylish mojo with internal and external pockets. It has a stylish faux fur collar and is a shiny beige. It has ver y light insulation for a ski jacket and slim fitting which is why I didn't wear it much. Ta Da. I am rotating the three pairs of shoes i'll be wearing on my trip. My feet feel great. they feel better rotating from structured to a little more free form. Our local tour guide got us tickets to go underground in the coliseum. Perks of going in the off season.

Believe it or not I am also made some reservations for a trip up the northwest. I have always wanted to see Patrick's Point point and Coos Bay. I will car camp but in parks. DH will feel better since I am on my own. Then Astoria to visit a friend. Maybe up to Seattle for cousins. Back down to Ashland for a few theatre tixs and Klamath Falls for my sponser. The only tixs that were important to nail down were the campsites. They go quickly.

Food was crappy by any standards but I did limit the amount. Skiing tomorrow.

I agreed to take a student teacher on. I have never done that before. In these last few semesters I feel I should give back a little. We'll see if it works out or not.
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Old 01-28-2023, 06:39 AM   #127  
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Thumbs up Satudrday - Emperor Charles V opens the Diet of Worms (1521, Worms, Germany)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi, except for snacks. Dinner was 'fish and chips' our style. We get a good frozen breaded fish from Whole Foods and some 'tater tots. Hard to believe that it's healthy but it sure is tasty. I make the tartar sauce; this time I made just a bit less than perfect. Good! Maybe next time I'll make even less. Fortunately, fresh spinach was added to make it more like real food.

Got caught up on some reading for my next semester's course on the Ancient Near East. I'm getting excited. Thought I'd straighten out my head by reading a list of the gods. Yikes! There's a zillion. OK, I'll read a list of the kings. Another zillion! When a thousand years carries the title "Samarra", then a thousand years for "Ubaid" then a thousand years for "Uruk", there's room for a lot to happen. Wandered into some YouTube videos including one from the British Museum. Folks into this history are REALLY into it. I can buy myself a fake clay table with cuneiform writing on eBay for a few tens of dollars, and a "genuine" one for a few thousand dollars. Naturally, I want a "genuine" one. And even more naturally, I think of the business of manufacturing "genuine" clay tablets. Folks have been making fake archeological findings for a long time. For my next profession, I might find that one a bit crowded, LOL.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Congrats for getting into real scene writing with you novel. Interesting to learn that the banks are withdrawing from the safe deposit box business. I'd shifted away from that notion after I read a story of survivors who had problem getting access to their deceased parents' box - but that must have a simple solution since it's pretty common.

maryann - Love your "shabby chic corner table." What a good use for those large 'coffee table' picture books that take up too much space in a living room. Underground in the coliseum in Rome is just beyond special. Unsolicited tip: It's morally justified to break the wrists of entitled tourists who continually wave their selfie sticks in front of your view. Full disclosure: I'm not a certified Italian lawyer.

curlyjax - Substituting a side of greens for French fries is a terrific strategy. Looking forward to hearing a success story with the new tires.

Readers -
Chapter 6 Stage 3 - The Challenging Situations Plan

Create a Travel Mindset

To travel successfully, you will probably need to repeatedly read many of the Response Cards from earlier in this chapter and this book.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 158.
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Old 01-28-2023, 09:20 AM   #128  
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I'm happy with the "work hard" that I did during the week. This weekend will be about figuring out what I mean by "play hard." That activity, in itself, will be playful for me.

Exercise +60, 1560/1700 minutes for January
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Old 01-28-2023, 10:28 AM   #129  
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I woke up a little early yesterday and got some exercise in with youtuber Pahla B who specializes in fitness and weightloss for menopausal women, just up my alley! And
I have 4 new tires on my car, ca-ching! But at least I know they will last awhile. I vented a little to my mechanics about January blues etc. I've known them awhile and we have shared stories about aging parents. They are very nice and handsome and I secretly lust after them I had a nice dinner of turkey burger and roasted sweet potatoes and onions madeby widowfriend who is such a good cook. We did get into some chocolate covered blueberries too. I'm treating myself to a massage this morning then a day of the dump and puttering about. The sun is finally shining, hooray!
Gardenerjoy-there is so much to see in Concord and the surrounding area, i'm sure you would love it. My bank still has safety deposit boxes but mine is small and narrow; there is a waiting list for the larger ones.
Bill-too funny about the fake clay table. I'm sure your version of fish and chips are a lot less oily than others.
Maryann- you are so brave to car camp alone! I have a friend who is doing that now, only with her small dog too. I have no desire to do that, but Italy sounds great.
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Old 01-28-2023, 04:02 PM   #130  
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Morning, Coaches,

Went downhill skiing this morning. First of the year. Got up early to avoid the terrible crowds at the larger resorts. Once I got pass them, it was clear sailing. Skied two and a half hours. I have a season pass so I feel justified in not doing the whole day. Home for lunch and now out to cross country.

Wave to all.
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Old 01-29-2023, 05:39 AM   #131  
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Thumbs up Sunday - William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" 1st performed (1595)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Walked, CREDIT moi, with DW around Mount Auburn Cemetery in a pleasant January day. Especially noted the trees; some are over a hundred years old. The majestry of trees is so visible without their leaf cover. Was struck by the Dawn Redwoods that were thought to have been extinct until re-discovered in China. Love having Redwoods here on the East Coast even though we don't have the majestic Redwood forests of California and Oregon. A couple of Red-tailed Hawks and a brilliant red-headed Red-bellied Woodpecker were good visuals.

The other excitement was the arrival of a pair of slip-on L.L.Bean low-cut boots for light snow and slush conditions. Something to wear for a one-minute walk to the car or an errand. I have a great pair of tall boots that I'd wear to the Antarctic even; but they're a pain to put on and take off quickly. Now, I have just what I want. The pair I wanted wasn't available in any of the three L.L.Bean stores within easy driving distance and it's a two-hour drive to the mother store in Freeport, Maine - further than I'm willing to go just to shop. Although stopping for a boiled lobster dinner might even make that worthwhile.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yay for a week of "work hard" - may your play hard be as satisfying.

maryann - Love the notion of having a season pass so that one doesn't feel obligated to make just one more run after conditions have turned icy. Sounds like a bunch of exercise this weekend.

curlyjax - Congrats for getting new tires before the serious snow starts.

Readers -
Chapter 6 Stage 3 - The Challenging Situations Plan

Create a Travel Mindset

In addition, here is a special travel-oriented Response Card:

It's worth it to me to stay in control while I'm away.
The consequences of getting out of control are too
severe. If I cheat, it will put a damper on the trip.
I'll feel guilty and bad about myself. I'll be strength-
ening my giving-in muscle. If I stand firm, I can still
enjoy every bit of food I plan to have and I'll feel good
about myself both on the trip and when I return home.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 158.
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Old 01-29-2023, 08:38 AM   #132  
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I had a lovely massage, then went to get a few library books and treated myself to a bagel egg sandwich for brunch. I finally got the dining room table cleared off off papers (well mostly) and started on my bedroom bureaus. I sorted thru junk mail and filled up a grocery bag full to recycle, and tossed some freezer burned stuff as well. Long conversation with a family friend to vent a bit, and a short conversation concerning confusion around my dad's new helper. We are so lucky to have found a dedicated team of helpers who communicate with me. Dinner was the last of the ground turkey casserole with more fresh arugula- I never used it before and am enjoying the taste, as I've read its not good to eat a ton of spinach every day. Long exhausting conversation with DD resolving in I need to zip down to Boston this morning so she can sign some tax papers and I can access some college money. hopefully since its Sunday morning I can find somewhere to park and traffic won't be bad.
Today I need a good long walk and make some plans for meals- I want to eat out of the freezer as Maryann has done in the past.
Bill-yay for LL bean boots that are just right. That reminds me, I have coupons I can use there-maybe for a new coat.
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Old 01-29-2023, 10:57 AM   #133  
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We took advantage of a day that was 55 degrees and sunny to take a walk. We're back to usual winter weather, today, and I'm planning indoor exercise.

Here's my reminder that food doesn't fix cold, but a hoodie does!

Exercise +55, 1615/1700 minutes for January
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Old 01-29-2023, 11:23 AM   #134  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Woke this morning to snow. DH was pacing. We have a 60 bday for his life long friend and brother in law down in the valley. He left 3.5 hours early just to be safe. I amd chancing that the current traffic is the ski crowd and it will be just as easy in an hour.

First time ever I think both xcrty and downhill. Super fun. I dropped off my skis to be waxed. I have uncountably eaten junk food for two days. Then I remembered the closer I get to dropping down to a new plateau, the more my body wants to maintain. I will remember the most important thing to day is to go to be 80% full. That is a habit the 100 year olds in the blue zones have adopted. 80% full is my goal today.

Curly: I love watching those grocery bags full of junk leave the house.
Joy: Yeah for a walk. I bet it felt good to get out.
BBE: The Redwood sound beautiful. I will be in the Redwoods at Patrick's point. Excited about it.
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Old 01-29-2023, 03:42 PM   #135  
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Good afternoon! Yesterday was on plan and I'm hoping for another good day today. Yesterday was productive with preparations for my move. I scheduled the measurement appointments for both flooring and a woodstove insert install, and bought tile to build the hearth extender pad for the woodstove. Xh is helping me build that today.

My mom's funeral is next weekend and, thankfully, my siblings are taking care of all those details. I really didn't want to have to deal with that. One thing I did want to confirm is that my deaf aunt has an asl interpreter, and I found out she is bringing her own.

waving at all, have a great day!
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