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Old 04-21-2022, 05:34 AM   #121  
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Thumbs up Thursday - Romulus and Remus found Rome (753 BC)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was "Impossible" burgers on toasted brioche buns with sliced tomato and sauteed onion. Super good. Satisfied my need for an occasional hamburger and satisfied DW's desire that we continue to consume less red meat. Impossible burgers pass the "didn't know it wasn't a hamburger" test. My real goal is to find a veggie burger whose taste we like without it needing to pretend to be dead cow. Makes me vegetarian for a day. (Milk with my morning cereal and coffee would have to be resolved before I get to be vegan for a day. And the mayonnaise with egg. Don't know what's in the bread of my peanut butter sandwich.)

Excitement was a boring trip to the supermarket. Happily boring. Most folks still wear masks although the signs stating that masks are required by the city have been removed. Still facing shortages: DW's favorite soy milk wasn't in stock; Red Bell Peppers were a tad wimpy, instead of the robust versions of the last month. Was pleased that I didn't see stacks of half-price Easter candy. Those were my downfall years ago. Jelly beans at half price seemed like the best deal in Western Civilization; I'd take a few bags under the notion that they lasted a long time - then ate them quickly. Ouch!

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Japanese Hot Pot sounds fun - particularly with a boost from the arriving food. Thanks for the reminder that it's easy to desire the other choice after we have come to fully understand the good and bad of the path we've taken.

maryann - Continue to enjoy reading about your kids' confrontation with reality, "Very happy with realistic outcomes." So happy that somewhere on Earth history isn't condensed into factual bullet points.

nationalparker – So neat that walking the trail is a pleasant evening event for both of you. Congrats, I suppose, for keeping your stress invisible to those around you.

curlyjax - Good luck finding a path through that of which I know not. I do understand facing the need to choose between two unpleasant choices with insufficient information.

Penny. - Strange Spring there, "wind, large hail, and tornado(!!)" Ouch for the difficulty of getting the kids out the door to school.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Graph Your Weight Loss

Now that you've started the Think Thin Initial Eating Plan, it's time to start graphing your weight loss. As I mentioned in Stage 1, many dieters expect their weight to continually drop, and they become frustrated when it periodically levels off or goes up. But it's important for you to know that no one loses weight day after day (or even week after week); it's a biological impossibility.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 123.
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Old 04-21-2022, 09:03 AM   #122  
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Good morning coaches,

Yesterday was not a very organized day. I did get up and did my 7 1/2 mile Bell Pass hike alone and listened to a book The Divide by Matt Taibbi. I think it's from 2014, but talks about our criminal justice system and the inequality between the rich and poor. It's kind of a long book so hopefully I can listen to a good bit more today although I'm not going to hike. My friend/co-worker's daughter arrived from NY in the morning yesterday and my friend had a kyphoplasty in the evening. I went to the hospital at that time to sit with her daughter (glad I did as the procedure took longer and she was a nervous wreck). I'm hoping my friend will be discharged today or tomorrow at the latest, Her daughter has a driver's license but doesn't really drive. She is an attorney in NY and lives in the city and hasn't ever had a car. Such a different life from what mine has been.

Today I'm going to go to Costco and get food things organized a bit. I have just been winging it with recipes and I need to make a meal plan again. We have stayed on the whole food plant based program though. Tomorrow my friend and I are doing a longer hike so she can determine whether or not she is prepared for the Grand Canyon. In a text this morning she said she is leaning towards not going as she has had some foot issues. A person doesn't really want foot issues on a 17 mile hike where there is a huge elevation gain at the second half of the hike.

Bill You must have had some wind to have the garbage cans blowing all over. We had some winds here on the same day, but nothing like that. I haven't tried the Impossible burger. The veggie burgers we eat are only okay. I'm thinking I should try making one of the recipes on my meal planner site.

Nationalparker Dh's can be oblivious for sure. How much longer until your dh retires? It's not long is it? Your neighbor is so lucky to have you. I bet the yards looked really nice. I wish I could say when I overeat it is stress eating, but I really can't say that's my reason/excuse.

Maryann Sounds like the lobbyist lesson went really well. Sushi sounds delicious. I hope you are able to rest up a bit.

Penny I guess the good news is your kiddo's are still going to school even if it's an ordeal.

Curlyjax I don't have any experience with either of those procedures either. I hope whichever you decide on can be done soon so you don't have to worry.

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Old 04-21-2022, 09:38 AM   #123  
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Supper last night was spaghetti and meatballs with roast broccoli. Seems so simple, but it has never been part of our repertoire, even when DH could eat red meat. We made the meatballs with ground turkey, carefully purchased to make sure there were no "natural flavors" a term that we know hides red meat products because DH developed hives once from ground turkey. We declared it a success and will continue experimenting with it. We had leftovers of two meatballs and about three cups of tomato sauce. Clearly, our proportions aren't quite right, yet.

Exercise +55, 980/1400 minutes for April
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Old 04-21-2022, 04:11 PM   #124  
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Good afternoon!

Yesterday was on plan and weight is holding on. Inspired by NationalParker, I found a spicy black bean soup recipe and made it with some brown rice. It is so good! A bunch of lime juice gives it a nice zing.

We had a severe weather warning yesterday but nothing came of it. No pileup of garbage bins for us.

Have a great day, everyone.
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Old 04-21-2022, 06:00 PM   #125  
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Good evening - at least where I live - the sun is shining gorgeously and the weather is near 70. What a treat! I'm dressed and waiting for DH to get home from work for an impromptu date night ... to a Thai place for dinner and then to the cinema. Now, I already had Thai for lunch, but I would MUCH rather have it again than his idea of Chipotle because I have all of those ingredients for burrito bowls for tomorrow. So he picked this and I'm hoping he doesn't remember I went to a different Thai spot earlier. It's food that I can't make myself, so it's a treat. My lunch portion was truly a single serving but this dinner is usually a couple, so I have containers already set out so we don't get any single-use products.

Walked with a friend at the park this morning and had mentioned to DH that we could walk the trail tonight, too. That was before plans were made to go out. If he suggests it anyway, I'll rush and get changed into my walking clothes and we can do that before going out. A friend and I will walk downtown at lunch tomorrow, too.
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Old 04-21-2022, 10:13 PM   #126  
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Good evening, Coaches.

Working late tonight. I just finished with my reform unit review test. It is in the format of a video game. Kids love it. I thought you might want to check it out or even test your American Reform knowledge. Here is the link: Amazing what technology can do these day to help me get through to the kids.

Food was OP. Hallelujah! I hope for a scale dip tomorrow. I have done the footwork for a few days now and feel the scale owes me. i hope I am not setting myself up.

Continued to be sparked into "reform" by joy and nationalparker in terms of organization. My new jewelry system is awesome. I see everything at once and it is in one layer. all the boxes are gone. I covered with a "jewelry cloth to prevent tarnish. So excited. I put the sock and underwear organizers in an d i now have "count them" three free drawers. i'll have more this weekend when my "folder system" arrives. i am just about ready to move into a pied-a-terre in Paris and fit comfortably in 400 square feet. OK. That is an exaggeration but what a goal by the time I am 90.

Karen: stitches are out of my foot and I think I'll be ok hiking in the next few weeks. Few.

Wave to everybody else. I still have to wrap my foots and take a bath.
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Old 04-22-2022, 05:14 AM   #127  
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Thumbs up Friday - Earth Day (since 1970, by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - It was Three-Zoom-Thursday: two classes and an evening meeting. It's easy to get tired of being glued to the screen. I'm so old that I remember attending classes in person. We'd chat before, maybe have coffee with one another after. Like human socialization. The evening meeting ended early because one key member was at home with her Internet not working. Sending us emails keeping us up to date, "Still no Internet." Live by the Internet, Die by the Internet, as Henry VIII always said. Neutron star class has entered the tricky part of describing their core. That's a challenge because no one knows. Folks keep making up physics to try to guess so they can know their "Equation of State" - that's the equivalent of Boyle's Law for ideal gasses for neutron stars. Makes one kinda miss the simple temperature, pressure, and volume days of high school physics.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner included a baguette - a delightful addition. Except that DW added, "I want it to last for three meals." Which means that I could only have a couple of toasted coins to go with our omelettes. And won't be having half of it for my breakfast. Excitement was striking out to find why folding our laundry came up one sock short. An adventure. So many places to look. DW just shrugged, "It'll turn up next laundry day," as if leaving it was an option; as if leaving an unpaired sock in my dresser was acceptable. What if I accidentally put it on before realizing that its mate was not there? I had to resolve this. I set out. Found it! It was nearly invisible in the bottom of the washing machine. One more triumph in the adventures of COVID life.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - That's a shock to learn that "natural flavors" can even include meat products. Would think that I'd be accustomed to that what is hidden by food labeling.

maryann - Played your game - what fun! So neat that your kids are learning real stuff under the guise of beating a game.

nationalparker – Now that's a neat experience - eating Thai twice in one day. For a few grand you could fly there and eat it three times a day, LOL.

Karen (karenrn) - Your book, The Divide by Matt Taibbi, looks like a tough read; Congrats for taking on a difficult subject during your leisure hiking. Hope your friend recovers from her surgery.

Penny. - Lime juice is one of the amazing secrets of a tasty kitchen. Although our fridge does occasionally include a 'naked' lime after we've had too many recipes calling for zest.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Graph Your Weight Loss

Even when you have been following your plan perfectly, it's likely that you will often step on the scale and see the same number appear for several day in a row.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 123.
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Old 04-22-2022, 07:21 AM   #128  
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Thanks for the support over the last two days everyone. After talking extensively about it with a co-worker who has some knowledge, and with a good friend at dinner weds night, I feel a bit calmer. I scheduled the biopsy which will be done in two weeks. It just makes more sense as an easier procedure that can be done in the office. I looked up endometrial cancer and I do have some of the risk factors but there’s no point stressing about it now. I was also able to vent about all the upcoming stressors with graduation, moving DD’s stuff etc that’s coming up in a month. Yesterday I went for a walk with another friend which was great. I have a small circle of friends but they are all so wonderful.
And I made a decision to go ahead and get my shower replaced. I had a second estimate yesterday and it was 5000 less than the first estimate, plus I felt comfortable with their professionalism. The estimator was a sweet young man who did have knowledge about construction stuff and said he didn’t think the dripping water had done damage, so that was great. It won’t be started until about 3 months but that’s fine, its a relief to make a decision.
Yay its friday! Personals tomorrow.
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Old 04-22-2022, 10:54 AM   #129  
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Good morning!

Quick check-in before work. The morning hustle is improving but still an ordeal. I'm staying on plan but weight is stalled at the point it never wants to leave. This gets very frustrating when eating so little. I'll try to accept this is just how I have to live to maintain my weight.

Maryann, I timed out on the first question. Ha! My brain is slow this morning.

Have a good day, everyone.
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Old 04-22-2022, 11:17 AM   #130  
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Yesterday's excitement was facilitating last night's book group discussion on So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo. It went well. It always helps when everyone learned something while also appreciating how the book was written.

My once-a-week take-out meal before the meeting plus an apple after the meeting was all according to plan and worked well.

It did make for another late night, so I'll want to be careful to monitor my energy and find non-food ways to manage it.

Exercise +60, 1040/1400 minutes for April

maryann: I did well with the questions but failed at the game-play. Ha! Your students will do better I'm sure.
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Old 04-22-2022, 03:37 PM   #131  
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Good afternoon coaches,

I had some off plan snacks yesterday and weight is stable. This morning 3 of us did a 12.6 mile hike with over 3000 feet elevation gain and it was great. Having a lower weight and eating a healthy diet is helping I'm sure. I felt really good even at the end, like I could do it again today if I needed to. I'm home and showered and now heading to the hospital. My friend is being discharged this afternoon. Her daughter will be here until tomorrow night. I hope everything goes well. If for any reason she doesn't feel good about being home alone when her daughter leaves, she could always come stay with us for a bit. One of our friends is returning from Europe today, so there are a few of us that can share the help.

Personals tomorrow.
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Old 04-22-2022, 06:04 PM   #132  
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A peaceful day with much-needed relaxing time with pets. I met a friend to walk downtown late morning and we each played the "am I slowing you down" question game and we probably hoofed it faster than either of us usually do. It was good to connect and talk about the loss of our friend. I ran into other former coworkers, as well, so that was a bonus to see them and be able to chat for a bit. Windows are open and fresh air is so welcome. I'm going to start prepping dinner of finally the burrito bowls with mango salsa. I'm going to cook up some sweet potato cubes in the air fryer, just roast them, and also get the corn started. It'll be a variety in that bowl with the seasoned black beans and brown lime rice. My cilantro went south, I think.

Bill - You mention "simple" days of high school physics. There was no class that I struggled through more than physics, both in high school and in college. I went for tutoring and still just did terrible. Even now, DH raises his eyebrows when I think something so wildly incorrect. He reminds me, that was the course you squeaked by, right? Hm. Languages, though? Bring 'em on!

CurlyJax - I'm glad you were able to talk out the medical procedure and have a plan with a date, as well. One wonky note on the shower - and I know you know but a reminder - make sure you read the warranty very closely and ask any questions up front. I had a nice guy who was rated well do my roof when I was single and it was a SH** SHOW. He turned from nice guy into a horrid person and I wish I'd gone with the better-known company who ended up coming in to fix all of the issues when he refused. Small claims court was going to be way more than this other repair. This is so not to say that would happen, but really know what the warranty is and take photos throughout if you think something is going sideways regarding any wood rot repair, etc. This sounds so alarmist, and I do not mean to be that way, but it's a chunk of money and really protect it. I'll regret writing this when I hit post, probably. I know you're smart!

Karen - The friends I met for lunch yesterday were considering the Camino de Santiago but then cancelled when the other couple pulled out. It had me thinking of your pilgrimage/trek years ago with your friend.

Joy - You do such a good job of thinking through potential challenges. I still struggle with Hunger is not an emergency when heading to work on the house clear out. I ravage the kitchen looking for something to eat to... do what? ... destress? You bring a wiseness to your plan.

Penny - I'll take your weight stall as I'm eating to gain instead of to lose or maintain. Gotta get this mind shift going. Are you working the weekend? Maybe the next day or two will see a scale reward Maryann references!

Maryann - Boy, you phrased that so well - you've done the footwork and there is a sense that the scale owes you. Right on! Credits on your continued organizing and clearing! I read the line (maybe FlyLady?) you can't organize clutter, you need to clear it, and I think of that often when I'm trying to find a spot for something here... is this clutter or needed/wanted/used?

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Old 04-22-2022, 08:59 PM   #133  
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Happy Friday!

So glad to be home. I took off from school a bit early. the Review video game went well. I found lots of typos so I will clean those up but the kids really enjoyed it. I picked up my "new" glasses which are my old cat eyed glasses with new lenses in them. I missed them. I Then I went by the local pawnshop to do a little reconnaissance on who prices their jewelry. I had a lot of fun because the young man working was friendly and another woman in the shop use to b a jewelry buyer. I end up buying vintage multi colored jade earrings and a pendant. Great price and learned so much. I looked through my first loupe. I bought them in celebration of starting my colored stones class soon. I passed my diamond class.

So happy to have puttering in front of me for the weekend. The weather has been beautiful with much needed rain showers. food is on target and I did drop to one pound above ticker. Yeah! My goal is ticker by the end of the weekend. Then on Monday I will start my five day fast.

Wave to all. Personals tomorrow.
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Old 04-23-2022, 06:51 AM   #134  
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Thumbs up Saturday - James Baldwin's play "Blues for Mr Charlie" premieres (1964, NYC)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Excitement was a standard visit to my cardiologist. It feels like real doctoring when he pulls out his super-expensive stethoscope and listens to my chest front and back. It ticks away. I'm good to go for another year. Giving a blood sample was super easy. Walked downstairs; the computer was ready to print a row of labels; the phlebotomist saw me right away; only took one vial. I asked her how to pronounce phlebotomist. She told me, then said most folks just say "Vampire." Turns out she wasn't a full nurse. Phlebotomy training is only three months. "Yes," she admitted, "I'm good at spotting veins." Fairly young. "Because I wanted a job that pays well and didn't require a lot of school." Hospitals are always more complicated than I imagined. The results were posted in my account with a few hours. Pretty efficient.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was chicken grilled on the back deck. DW suggests that it's time to bring the patio table and chairs up from the basement. That's a happy thought. My walk, CREDIT moi, included stopping by our community garden to whisper encouragement to our Sugar Snaps. Still pretty small.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yay for a good book club meeting to lift the spirits.

maryann - What fun to look around a pawn shop with a little bit of knowledge. I've heard of bargains at yard sales and Good Will stores, but pawn shop owners are pretty alert.

nationalparker – So good that you have friends to share your loss. I wish I could do a second language - just doesn't work well in my brain. I've learned enough of each vocabulary to wander around Paris and Rome but am always reluctant to try to speak.

Karen (karenrn) - Hope your friend is able to take care of herself home alone. Kind of you to offer to let her stay with you.

curlyjax - Congrats for making a decision about your bathroom. And Super Congrats for making the medical choice among two competing options. A contractor who can't start for three months is likely busy because he's good.

Penny. - Ouch for continued efforts getting your two out the door in the morning. Dr. Beck's quotes these days are meant to make it feel OK when weight isn't falling off easily. But with the secret promise that it'll fall off soon.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Graph Your Weight Loss

It's likely that your weight will often temporarily go up, even if you have been faithful to your eating plan. Maybe you ate more salt the day before so you are retaining water, or perhaps there is some other biological process going on.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 123.
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Old 04-23-2022, 10:24 AM   #135  
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Default Thanks for the insight

Planning meals can be difficult when you're always busy and life seems to go by quickly. As much as I work, planning out my days, I never have time to plan to eat properly.

Thanks for sharing.
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