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Old 12-20-2021, 10:15 AM   #106  
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Good morning!

Yesterday was on plan and weight is down. My food plan is written and I don't have a third meal. I'm just beefing up my lunch portion. Hopefully that works for a couple more days.

have a good day, everyone!
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Old 12-20-2021, 11:47 AM   #107  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Woke up to another sunny day. I am a 100% sunny weather skier so it looks like today is a "go." There is a one week storm coming in starting tomorrow. We are heading out today. It looks like I won't be putting any Christmas decorations out this year. I have been up here and then Thursday we head south for several days. As I told my husband, these next few years are about starting new traditions. Anywhere the boys are is Christmas for me.

Food was food. My plan is to remain stable through the holidays and then I will do the next five day fast.

Penny: A big late lunch and then closing the kitchen always works well for me.

Wave to all.

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Old 12-20-2021, 01:46 PM   #108  
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I enjoyed making some Hypertile shapes with an extra set. DH suggests that I wrap the shapes up with the gift to demonstrate some ways to use them. They aren't intuitively obvious to an adult. I suspect kids may do better by just goofing off with them and not having preconceived notions of what they should be able to build. It was very relaxing to play with a building toy. I grew up with Tinker Toys. These structures are more robust.

Today's adventure includes errands -- curbside pick-up at Target and outdoor drop-off of books at the library. I will go indoors at the grocery store, but I intend for this to be my last time stepping into a building that isn't my house until after the New Year.

Exercise +55, 995/1600 minutes for December

BillBlueEyes: Thanks for the Missouri fun fact. I didn't learn that in my 8th grade Missouri History class. In 1820, there would have been a lot more men than women here, so a tax would have been an incentive to take a trip back east and talk some woman into making a very long journey to a place with very few conveniences or cultural amenities.
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Old 12-21-2021, 07:52 AM   #109  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - Winter Solstice ("Now is the winter of our discontent" William Shakespeare)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Excitement was having my first "Wellness Visit" with my new Primary Care Physician (PCP). 'Twas a big deal because I've dawdled choosing a PCP after some 40 years with the same guy until he retired. Just couldn't get it into my head that my lifespan is longer than the working span of a single doctor. The good news is that I over prepared. Made a list of each body part or function, how it was performing, and what I wanted from him. Took me a number of revisions before I finally got it into my head that it was useful for me to state what I wanted from him - rather than just assume and then be pleased or dissatisfied. The better news is that he seemed genuinely pleased to have a new patient who was in "good health", which I am. The three "concerns" I emphasized relate to standard aging as well as the specific male aging problem. The hour went quickly. I was surprised that there wasn't a standard physical part - that'll wait until next visit in a month. Seems absurd that I'm annoyed that I made sure that my underwear had no holes and that effort was wasted. Since none of my current underwear has holes, I should just get over it. When I was a kid, that wasn't always so - little holes didn't justify replacing, LOL. CREDIT moi merely for an adult step in life.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was a second dip into the rotisserie chicken. Still good, as always. DW is thinking of chicken noodle soup for the remainder which I'll eat because she puts in enough chicken to make the spoon stand vertical. The food for Friday's Christmas Eve dinner will start arriving in the house and I'll be tempted to nibble. Fortunately, I can't nibble the spiral ham tightly wrapped in the fridge. So, that's a good start on being sane for the next few days, LOL.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Neat that your Hypertile shapes worked out. Yep, I remember Tinker Toys as being a tad flimsy. But four brothers in my family made everything seem a bit flimsy, LOL.

maryann - Hope you weren't hurt by the earthquake reported in my news as in "Northern California" - a rather large area. Your 100% sunny day in Tahoe sounds terrific.

Karen (karenrn) - Neat that you can still invite guests to visit outside. Alas, the duration of the fostering isn't predictable. It depends on the system approving the bio-parents passing through several wickets for specified durations related to whatever was the problem that set fostering into motion. This isn't visible to my DD and DIL.

curlyjax - Congrats for getting your house picked up for your DD's arrival a day early. Kudos for "That is a strategy I can continue." - a very CBT thought.

Penny. - Congrats on some on plan time. Hope that Amazon has found your DD's book. I just read the tracking report that DW's last gift has made it to Wisconsin. That looks so far away.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

The Think Thin Eating Plan is customized for you. You will determine you initial calorie level on the facing page and find the corresponding formula for what to eat for each meal and snack on pages 210-214.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 106.
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Old 12-21-2021, 08:06 AM   #110  
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Exercise yesterday was walking around Kohls and the grocery store for last minute gifts and food items. Eating wasn’t great although I am hungry this morning. Excitement was learning that DD got into nursing school! She will do an accelerated program of 16 months for folks who already have a bachelors degree. She has been so stressed about this and i’m so happy for her. I wish her dad could be here to see this. It starts in May so she won’t have a break in school, but she wants to get going in it.
Karen- that’s great that you have such a nice photo of you and DH. DD usually dumps stuff in the livingroom for a few days, then some of the stuff slowly makes its way to her room
Gardenerjoy- I remember Tinker toys, they were quite fun.
Maryann- we are all about new traditions for holidays.
Bill-had to giggle about the not holy underwear of an adult. My DH tended to use his until they were thoroughly worn out, no doubt a leftover of his youth ( and 5 boys in his family!).
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Old 12-21-2021, 08:15 AM   #111  
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Good morning coaches,

Food was on plan and weight is at a new low by half a pound. Sometimes when I have a sweet I wonder if I'll be able to stop and worry the weight will go up, up, up. It was really good to see that I can change the plan for a special occasion and have a sweet so I don't feel deprived and get right back to plan. My goal is to stay on my plan and then have a treat again on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I know I have lost weight through the holidays before, so I guess it really can happen.

This morning I scheduled my appointment for a PCR covid test before I leave for Thailand. I'm making plans as if the trip will happen. This morning we're hiking at 9 and then I have a haircut appointment at noon. I need to get the groceries for Christmas dinner but that might wait until tomorrow.

Bill I'm glad you had a successful visit with the doctor. I purposefully chose a fairly young doctor, but I doubt she's young enough for the rest of my life unless I die younger than I hope to.

GardnerJoy I also grew up with Tinker Toys, but with three brothers I didn't get much time with them.

Maryann I agree with you, wherever Ron and Otis are is Christmas for me. Actually wherever they are is home for me. Thinking of your snow I realize I'm back to the weight I was at when I bought my snowshoes. Maybe I can use them again.

Penny Beefing up your lunch portion is one way not to have to think about what to have for dinner. Hopefully that works just fine.

Curlyjax I love molasses cookies. I haven't ever had molasses with chocolate, but I bet they are delicious. Enjoy having your kids home.

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Old 12-21-2021, 08:18 AM   #112  
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We posted at the same time again today. I just have to add a note to say Congratulations to dd! I hope by the time she is finished with nursing school things have settled down a bit. I did enjoy my work as a nurse and after working a number of years wearing dressing clothes and heels, I always loved that in nursing I could wear comfortable shoes.

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Old 12-21-2021, 12:07 PM   #113  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Safe and sound back home. I will really enjoy these next two days before we head to LA. Yesterday was my birthday. I wanted a day of new experiences - skiing in the morning, then we had a new lunch at the world's best pizza place. I asked to go to a PAWN SHOP for the first time. I know "crazy" but I was interested in some of the jewelry charms they might have. I was looking for a birthstone. Plus it would be one of the few places we all find something interesting to shop. DS (being raised on a farm) is interested in target shooting guns and ammo which they have and DH looks at the motors. I loved being with the boys but the whole scene was a little sad watching all of life come through with random items to hawk. I was glad for the experience because it really put me into gratitude and I don't have to go back. Then we went to the new upscale cookie place. Instead of a bday cake, I ask to go there. Wow - I was overwhelmed at the choices. Again, I am glad we went but I won't be going back. DH insisted we get one of each of the giant cookies. Here it is: ( I hope I don't offend anyone putting the picture up. My old OA days say don't mention food) I was so proud of myself. I took 1/10 of a bit of each variety and barely got through them. the box is still here but I have no desire for anymore. That is huge progress for me. The day end with my old favorite A Wonderful life. I feel truly blessed to start my 58th year.

Weight is down a pound today. I plan exercise and a fast until noon. My Prolon program has fast bars that extend the sleeping fast by eating a small bar that doesn't adjust sugar levels. I will garden at 11:00 before the rain.

Curly: That is wonderful news for DD. Here in California it is nearly impossible to get into nursing school.
Karen: I agree. I have a feeling that once I start sweets it is all over. I have identified the "type of sweets' though that make me binge. It is definitely manufactured candy (not dark chocolate.) It is so good to have identified a few problem areas.
BBE: Yeah for a competent dr. and a healthy body.
Joy: I'll have to check out the tiles for my grandniblings.

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Old 12-21-2021, 12:25 PM   #114  
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Good morning!

Yesterday was on plan and weight is holding. My bigger lunch was tasty! I had my whole food plant based potato salad (the sauce is cashew based) and added a cut up tomato, basil, and balsamic.

I did have some food yearnings in the evening after work but have been filling in with a diet soda. Unfortunately, I realized the one I bought this time has caffeine, which I usually avoid. Oops!

Curly, congratulations to your daughter!

Bill, lol about the holy underwear. I'm glad you found a new doctor you like and that he takes the time to really hear you. I wonder if dfgd can have opportunity to maintain her spanish exposure so she doesn't lose her first language. Fostering is already a lot.

Karen, new low, new low! Congrats! You are doing so well.

Maryann, I hope you made it home okay and are enjoying your days off. Eta: posted at the same time. Happy birthday!!!!!

Joy, the toys look great! I didn't have the tinker toys but enjoyed a set of mosaic tiles that can be arranged all sorts of ways in a plastic frame -Magic Mosaics, it was called. Similar colors and fidgeting. Great table activity.

Last edited by Penny.; 12-21-2021 at 12:33 PM.
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Old 12-21-2021, 02:35 PM   #115  
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Yesterday's errands went mostly according to plan, especially the parts where I stuck to my lists and didn't eat anything while I was out and about. I did need to make another stop and an indoor trip into Walgreens when Target wasn't able to fill everything on my curbside order. Walgreens can be a triggering location for snack purchases for me, so CREDIT for getting what I needed and getting out.

Exercise +40, 1035/1600 minutes for December

Happy Birthday, maryann! I loved all the things that you did to celebrate. I enjoy admiring beautiful cookies. At a bakery, I treat the cookie display like I would an art exhibit -- something to be appreciate through sight, not touch.

curlyjax: Congrats to DD on her admission and a good solid plan for getting a start in adult life.
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Old 12-22-2021, 07:33 AM   #116  
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Thumbs up Wednesday - Lech Walesa is 1st popularly elected president (1990, Poland)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - The tree is up, CREDIT moi. As much brouhaha as it is each year. The tree has scoliosis causing it to seem not-straight from at least one angle however turned and turned. My job is to lift it up, turn it, put it down. Spin the whole thing. Pull it left, then back. We do this until DW detects that my patience is waning. She put up the lights; the ornaments await the DGD arriving Friday. My adult kids still demand that their favorite childhood ornaments go up. All is as it should be.

I won a bureaucratic war with a financial institution related to how I withdraw money from my retirement funds. They insisted on taking money from our Thing One account first; I've demanded for years that we take it from our Thing Two account first. The "Investigator" into the problem called me from California last night (apparently unaware of the time difference) and said that a review of my telephone calls for the past two years are exactly as I said. Their solution blows my mind: they'll "un-withdraw" from Thing One as if it never happened, sucking the money back from my bank, back from the IRS, and back from the MA DOR. Then we'll withdraw from Thing Two as if nothing happened. All has to be done before year end to meet the Federal Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) - a rule that assures we don't go off and die without paying taxes on our little nest egg.

Eating was nevertheless on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. "Nevertheless" because bureaucracy drives me to food as the obvious solution.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Do admire how much effort you put into avoiding going into the crowed stores. Hope you find a Walgreens that's uncrowded.

maryann - Happy Birthday !!! Love the pawn shop experience - the awkwardly intimate look into other folks' lives. Kudos for a rational response to a box of cookies.

Karen (karenrn) - Kudos for being able to incorporate a sweet into your eating plan without falling off a cliff.

curlyjax - Congrats to your DD for getting accepted into the accelerated Nursing Program. Love to hear that she can maintain her dream to be a nurse despite the current burden falling on all medical providers. Being hungry in the morning is a win.

Penny. - Neat that the cashew based sauce worked for your potato salad. We all share your concern that the DFGD might lose her Spanish in an all-English household, but she gets a weekly visit with her Spanish-speaking bio-family to refresh that.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

You will use the formula to choose main dishes, side dishes, snacks, condiments, Add-On Calories, and Bonus Calories from lists on pages 215-227. Add-On Calories allow you to add extra ingredients to dishes to make them even more tasty.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 106.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 12-23-2021 at 05:03 AM. Reason: whoever => however
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Old 12-22-2021, 08:02 AM   #117  
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Exercise yesterday was lugging around some equipment at work, and popping up and down to fax things etc. Someone gave us all individual boxes of truffles which I foolishly opened, and proceeded to devour most of them. At home I made the last batch of molasses cookies as well as all the cutouts, which are to be frosted today. I also made turkey meatloaf to fulfill my craving for protein. Peaceful evening with both kiddies gone out. I should have assembled the stocking stuff with the empty house but I guess i'll get that done today or tomorrow, to ensure I have enough equal things. The next big project will be finding DD housing in/near Boston as the school MGH is in Charlestown- know anything about that area Bill, or any rental folks? And figuring out finances for the schooling. But that will wait until after Christmas anyhow!
Maryann-happy birthday! Those cookies are a great idea instead of cake; a little bit of different varieties sounds perfect.
Bill-yay for winning a battle with a financial institution! It's amazing how convoluted things have to be sometimes.
Penny-that potato salad sounds great, very filling. Yay for weight holding.
Karen- its great that you can get right back to plan after having a sweet, I definitely struggle with that.
Gardenerjoy-yay for in and out of stores without being triggered by snacks.
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Old 12-22-2021, 08:15 AM   #118  
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Good morning coaches,

Food was on plan yesterday and weight is at a new low, or course only a tiny smidge lower than before, but I'll take it. We went out to dinner and ate on the patio. It's not warm here, but they had good heaters so we were comfortable. I had the blackened ahi salad that I love there with light dressing and it is delicious, but low calorie. Most of the Christmas dinner groceries have been purchased, but we'll do some final menu planning today and make lists for any needed items.

I had my haircut yesterday and I'm so happy that my hair is finally longer. Otis has his appointment today. I ordered some new hiking shoes from REI and I'll pick them up at the store today. I need some good grip for Camelback and Flatiron.

It looks like I may not be going to Thailand. They have gone back to a 2 week quarantine instead of test and go. They will reevaluate January 4th. I won't make any changes until that date, but I am prepared that I won't be going. I knew when I made the plan that this was a very real possibility, so I'm fine with it.

Bill We have had trees with scoliosis too and I remember the frustration with that. Dh always put the lights on our tree, drinking alcohol as he did so since he hated the job. I am happy to have our artificial tree now that already has the lights on. No more frustration for either of us. Oh my, the problem with the financial institution would be about enough to need both a couple of drinks and sweets.

GardnerJoy It's interesting how different we all are. I can't say Walgreen's has ever triggered a desire for a snack. Good for you for staying the course.

Penny I hope the caffeine didn't keep you awake. For me it seems to depend on the day, sometimes it isn't a problem at all. We have had more vegetarian options lately. My husband has loved the dishes so much he even said he thinks he could be a vegetarian.

Maryann A Belated Happy Birthday! I should remember your birthday since it is the same day as my youngest brothers and two hiking friends. I'm glad you had such a good time. Your cookie photo looks a lot like our cookie shop, Crumbl. I think I mentioned it before because dh and I were getting them on occasion a few months back. Have a good time in LA.
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Old 12-22-2021, 10:52 AM   #119  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Yesterday I accomplished the gym but little else. I took an early afternoon off to nest in my room for the rest of the night . I gave DS and his buddy the run of the house. We have a great room so there is not a lot of open private spaces. All good with me. I watched a Hallmark, a Columbo and window shopped at a recent obsession The RealReal consignment shop. for luxury goods. I have this naughty feeling sometimes I should own a label. I have made a "buy no new" resolution for 2022,. My plan is anything "new to me" I want has to be a trade. I have a pair of expensive earrings that hurt my ears and were a very compulsive buy. I am planning on heading down to the actual store front, put the earrings up for consignment and keep a tab. I also hav been given some Xmas gift cards that I am going to save for mid year if I need underthings. I know. I know. Better to just not shop. But I don't overeat, drink or smoke. I don't watch soaps, play around or gamble. I need one little vice - consignment store bargain hunting with no new funds seems harmless enough. DH collects coins

DH and his friend polished off most of the cookies as hoped. I ate 3/4 of one yesterday, taped the box up so I wouldn't open it again until they arrived, and left the kitchen. It worked. Credit moi.

Karen: My current hiking shoe is the Moab from Merrill. It seems to work well with my orthotics. Crossed fingers for your trip. I am heading to Ecuador in summer. Hopefully that will work.
BBE: I have put DH is charge of deciding whether to convert my 403b into a Roth. It seems politicians are thinking to put an end to that ability. It is VERY complicate however with a farm. Glad to rely on him for that decision.
Curleyjax: Nice to have a little quiet. I am wrapping gifts and cleaning the car for the big journey tomorrow.
Joy: Credit for persevering with the stores. I never think of store hopping because the truth is I am exposed to a mostly unvaccinated population everyday. Parents are very hesitant to vaccinate the kids. I assume that we will get all variants eventually. We have a huge Indian and Mexican population and they leave for a month at holidays. I just put faith in a mask and the hope that I have a steel immune system from 32 years of teaching. Funny that I did get the usual common cold and it lasted the average ten days. I thought I was above average.
Penny: Wave
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Old 12-22-2021, 11:25 AM   #120  
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Good morning!

Another day on plan, making a full week finally, and weight is holding. My potato salad is good for at least one more day, then I'll have hummus and bell peppers ready to go. I just need to whip up the garbanzos that cooked in the crock pot over night.

After avoiding it the entire pandemic, I'm taking myself and four kids to the dentist today. Hopefully the teeth are okay and we avoid any covid or flu exposure.

Have a great day, everyone!
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