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Old 05-16-2020, 07:46 AM   #91  
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Ugh, I forget how early I wake up in the nice weather, due to open windows and all the birds/turkeys yakking away. The turkeys are so noisy in the morning, and then its light out so I can't get back to sleep. I have a busy day planned but I need to get a nap in somehow. Early morning grocery shopping, then grabbing a bagel with manfriend, then another friend is coming over to walk and give me ideas on my yard. They're both quite chatty which is also exhausting but in a good way, i'm starved for companionship. Plus a dump run, and a nap like I said. Not sleeping well does get me hungrier, so i'll have to watch it.
I got thru the storm by calling a friend then watching the Ricky Gervaise netflix special. His humor pushes the edge for sure, but it did distract me.
Mille56-I do look forward to eating out again. And going to the hairdresser!
Maryann- I hear you about the feelings.Our state is a hotspot so there are real questions about whether public schools will open, or college for that matter.
Karen- wow, that is a great resting heart rate! All that hiking is so good for you. Gives me hope for being more active when i'm retired.
Gardenerjoy- that book does sound interesting.
Bill- the tiny house movement is really interesting. It sounds a bit claustrophobic to me but each to their own.
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Old 05-16-2020, 10:44 AM   #92  
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Karen and BBE: I now need to look into a pulse oximeter. Crazy I can look it up on the phone and it says my local Walgreen has 1 in stock. Hard to remember what life was like when I was a kid without a hand held blow dryer and a rotary phone.
Curleyjax: Your day sound great. I bet you will enjoy all the company.
Millie: Credit for new goal setting. It has really helped me.
Gardenerjoy: Enjoy your projects. I am a little slower this morning as well.

This morning I have the Zoom finale to the babyshower. That will be a sigh of relief. Then there is an OA Zoom Event focusing on relief from compulsive overeating during the shelter in place regulations. I also plan to set the clock for 45 minutes to dust and mop the floors. Tonight I head down to the ranch to spend the night. I'll bring DH dinner for date night and then head to Mom's Sunday to shop for her and do her books. It is a full day but nothing crazy.

Yesterday I tried a new recipe for the boys that was full fat. Pork sausage, pesto, pasta, mozzarella, tomatoes. They loved it. I never know what to cook DH. He is overweight but he does work hard and if I cook "diet" food he has huge portions. It really is his decision how to eat. 1/12th is 430 calories as figured in MFP. I had 3/4 of that. I logged the food. This is the first time in days I have eaten something that is not deliberately simple, blandish. I ate it because I want this to be a living food program filled with inevitable meal exceptions. It feels like I have been in rehab because I can control nearly everything I eat and have little outside stimuli. When I start venturing out, I will have to adjust to all the stimuli again. Anyway, the pasta showed up as a slight gain on the scale but I am still in the 60s. That is three days running. I call it a win.
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Old 05-16-2020, 11:08 AM   #93  
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Still working with a low energy level. I'm reminding myself that it is probably allergies. I'm determined to do a handful of tasks this morning and clear up my afternoon for art.

Weigh-in: N/A kgs Exercise: +25, 675/1400 minutes for May
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Old 05-16-2020, 11:28 AM   #94  
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Good morning coaches,

Food has been on plan and weight is heading down about as slowly as it possibly can. I visited on the phone with one of my brothers yesterday and it sounds like my niece will have her wedding 7/25 at Lake Chelan in WA. It still may not happen, but I will prepare as if it will. Mil's 90th birthday is 9/3 and she is also in WA. I am preparing dh to take another road trip up there with Otis. I think it would be best if we see mil before being around a lot of people at the wedding. We can drive a couple of long days and get there and at least we don't have to get on a plane or leave Otis. Dh's good friend lives right next to the wedding venue and we will likely stay with him. He loves Otis so could pupsit while we're at the wedding. Anyway the main point of all of this is that I'm going to use it as a push to get some weight off. It's not as if it hasn't been on the calendar, but now that it seems more real I'm hoping to see if it will assist with motivation. Dh knows my biggest problem is portion control at dinner, so hopefully having discussed it with him will help.

GardenerJoy I hope the energy returns. I'm low energy today also, probably because I'm not hiking and don't want to do housework.
Maryann It sounds like you've got a full weekend. Sounds good to me. Maybe some of my lack of energy is that I don't have enough things scheduled. The dish you made sounds delicious. I agree, I want to be able to have tasty meals that are the exception and just adjust my portion as needed.
Curlyjax Our birds are noisy too, but we don't have any turkeys. There was a javelina at our mailbox across the street the other day though and we live in town. I've never seen one quite that near our house. Have a great weekend with all the companionship.
Bill I've seen some groups of young people doing sports too. They seem to gather at a place at the park that is off the road and walkway so they are seen by fewer folks. As for the tiny houses, I used to think a smaller place would be fine, but I must say I appreciate our space now that we are almost always home.
Millie56 Congratulations on the loss.

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Old 05-17-2020, 07:32 AM   #95  
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Thumbs up Sunday - Massachusetts became first state to allow legal same-sex marriages (2004)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Got to spend an hour with the (4.5 yo) DGD at her house while DW and our DD examined her gardens often enjoying that plants given her several years ago from our garden are doing better in her sunny space. Alas, the books that the DGD wanted me to read were Babar. Yes, the very Babar books that I hate. Had to read four of them, including the one with cannibals and savages. When I came to sentence "went to take a siesta" I asked if she knew what that meant. "Of course, 'nap', I've read this book before." What goes in that little brain stays there. On the drive to her house we encountered little traffic. We're still pretty well closed down around here.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was pumpkin soup with baguette and my green salad. We're not yet getting great local tomatoes; that doesn't happen until July around here. But still get good greenhouse tomatoes.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - The good news is that the allergy season comes to an end.

maryann - Hope your Zoom baby shower worked out. I saw a snapshot of my DGD attending a Zoom birthday party with her friends. The hostess had hired 'Elsa' of Frozen to tell a story. All the little girls were mesmerized. I admire your goal to make your food plan a living food program.

Karen (karenrn) - Yay for getting a new reason to stay you plan. Sounds like a fun trip planned.

curlyjax - I'm so old that I remember seeing my first wild turkey. Told everyone about it and they were amazed. Now we all make the same complaints about them digging up our yards.

Readers -
chapter 1 Begin a New Way of Life

On the Beck Diet for Life Program . . .

You will learn how to talk back to your inner saboteur, that voice that says:
It's okay [to stray from my diet] because ... I'm stressed ... I'm celebrating ... I'm tired ... I'm busy ... I really want it ... everyone else is eating it ... it's free ... it's only a little piece ... I deserve it ... It's a special occasion ... it won't matter ... I hardly ever get to have it ... I'll make up for it later.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 16.
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Old 05-17-2020, 10:31 AM   #96  
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The turkeys weren't around this morning so I slept a bit later, yay! I'm actually still lazing around in bed and need to get up. Yesterday's socializing was lovely and my friend gave me some good advice on flower ideas.Today i'm having another walk with a friend in a few hours so i better get showered etc. I discovered I have a leak in my tire of my new car which was stressing me out. I doubt its covered by the warranty, so i'm just going to call my mechanics whom i trust and are closeby, and pay. I need to drive into work tuesday which is 45 minutes away, and then thursday we are probably going to get the rest of stuff from DD's dorm, so i need it fixed now. This is the type of thing that really stresses me out.
DD requested to try salmon last night which amazed me so we all had a good healthy meal.
Wave to all!
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Old 05-17-2020, 03:01 PM   #97  
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Good morning!

I went off the rails and going to try and fix that today. Depression means I quit cooking, which means food choices are quick carbs, which triggers more unhealthy eating.
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Old 05-17-2020, 07:06 PM   #98  
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Good afternoon coaches,

Food has been on plan. I really had an urge to have some treat type snack today when dh went to the golf range, but I decided to have the apple I planned for my dessert after dinner and that worked. I tried to remind myself that I am not going to lose weight if I give in to the urges.
I also got some housework done today that made me feel good and then had an hour in the pool this afternoon. At 5 I'm attending a Zoom happy hour with cousins from Seattle. It will be my first with them, and it will be interesting. I am their only female cousin on their Mom's side, so the others will be from the other side. I know them too cause we used to get together at Christmas each year. Tomorrow I'm heading to Sedona to hike the Bear Mountain Trail. It isn't long, but it is steep.

Penny I'm sending good thoughts to you for strength and ease getting back on plan.
Curlyjax I hate car troubles too. I have a dh, but he mostly leaves my car to me to deal with. I'm glad you've had some good socializing this weekend.
Bill I'm glad you got to spend time with your little dgd. What a change for you not having her every week.

Waving to all the others!

Last edited by karenrn; 05-17-2020 at 07:07 PM.
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Old 05-18-2020, 06:38 AM   #99  
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Thumbs up Monday - Victoria Day in Canada - Queen Victoria (1837-1901)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Gracious walk, CREDIT moi, around the biggest houses in this area. Was with DW, adult DS, and his SO - appropriately spaced. The weather was warm and breeze gently blowing. Even though there were more folks out walking than usual, they were still few, all wore masks, and all worked distancing. Thoroughly delightful experience. We don't usually walk about gawking at the big houses, but today we did. Some have magnificent gardens to admire - usually professionally tended. On a tiny side street that one would only travel if out for a walk, we discovered a HUGE hole with a foundation on the bottom. Some really big house is being built. Would never have known.

Eating was on plan without daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was our third meal from the rotisserie chicken of a few days ago. That's a lot of meals from one bird. DW made a little gravy; otherwise it would have been a tad dry. Also finished off the baguette from a few days ago. Feels good to finish stuff.

Karen (karenrn) - Kudos for choosing an apple that was already on the plan. My prejudice is that folks who've lived in Washington State know from apples. What kind are you currently eating?

curlyjax - Super that your DD wanted salmon - it's a good source of Vitamin D that is sometimes low in folks who suffer the most from the virus. And it's so good.

Penny. - Sending supportive thoughts as you fight your way back up and onto your track. Someone has to take your DD out for a bike ride.

Readers -
chapter 1 Begin a New Way of Life

On the Beck Diet for Life Program . . .

Have you had such thoughts? These "sabotaging thoughts" are common to any dieter who has struggled with losing weight or maintaining weight loss. Cognitive Therapy teaches you to talk back to these thoughts in a convincing way. If you think, I'll make up for it later, you'll remind yourself, When has "making up for it later" ever worked in the past? When has this idea ever helped me lose weight and keep it off? Or if you think, I really want that - it looks so good, you will be able to firmly tell yourself: This is just a desire to eat ... I'm not even hungry ... As soon as I turn my attention to something else, I won't even want it anymore ... I'm not going to eat it ... and I'm going to be so glad in a few minutes that I didn't.

And you will be done with it.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 16.
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Old 05-18-2020, 07:46 AM   #100  
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I had a great walk with my friend yesterday, although we had a misunderstanding about where we were meeting, and somehow we didn't have each others cell numbers. I figured it out, zoomed over to where we were, and we had a good laugh. She is about 20 years older than me and I really enjoy her. We had coffee from a dunkin donuts and i noticed one of the guys wasn't wearing gloves,but at least they were wearing masks. I made kale chips and chicken tenders with a mustardy coating for dinner which was awesome.
I'm up early to call my mechanic to see if I can zip over there and not have to sacrifice my lunch hour, i just want to get this done.
Our governor is making a speech today about opening up the state (or not) which will be interesting. Many of us are hoping the hairdressers will open soon!
Karen-good job with the apple. hope the zoom session was fun, its so nice to touch base with others we haven't seen in awhile.
Penny-I totally hear you about depression and carbs and not cooking-we have been eating way too many frozen pizzas during the pandemic.
Bill-looking at big houses and gardens is fun, and yesterday was indeed lovely out.
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Old 05-18-2020, 10:40 AM   #101  
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Penny: it is the truth for me that carbs feed the cravings. I grow fangs and can’t get out of a downward spiral. The blues are very tough to weather. For me, just practicing one good habit can help me climb out. Even just posting here helps.

Karen: I love Sedona. Enjoy.

Credit for a weekend OP and an excellent visit with Mom. I had a second rare meal of sushi which worked out fine. I put it on my plan and avoided any added sugar. The scale this morning kept in the 60s despite the planned for sodium hike. So all is well. The boys are down at the ranch so a couple of simple, bland food days will be welcome.

Credit two months without refined added sugar

Woke up late for this work day so I am off.

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Old 05-18-2020, 02:02 PM   #102  
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Good morning!

Yesterday was on plan and I did not weigh myself.

Rain rain rain every day. I am looking forward to being able to leave a pillow on the deck chair and sit out there.
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Old 05-18-2020, 03:54 PM   #103  
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I shopped this morning. It's been two weeks and three days since the previous trip. Even better, I only needed to go to one store since we still have plenty of meat in the freezer for another couple of weeks.

Our county officially eased restrictions today. I was worried that the grocery store might drop all of their precautions, but they're still on the ball. Every customer was still wearing a mask, too.

I got the brand and shape of the pasta we like. From Italy, so that feels like a bit of a reassurance of recovery.

There was no toilet paper available, though. We don't need it yet, but I haven't been procuring it as fast as we use it, so that's not so reassuring.

Weigh-in: N/A kgs Exercise: +40, 750/1400 minutes for May

BillBlueEyes: Perhaps DGD's family would be interested in this opportunity, to counteract Babar: We Stories Launches a National Cohort! ? We Stories
They've been doing terrific work in St. Louis and I know many parents who feel like their families and our community are benefiting from the program.

curlyjax: My hairdresser is opening up, with the restrictions eased, but following every safety guideline and idea that she can find. She and her kids have asthma, so she's being super-careful about it. I've been really impressed with both what she's doing and how she's communicating it. We're not going in the near future, though, since there's not much need when we're not going anywhere else, either. At some point, DH will probably have me cut his hair. I'll just start wearing head bands and scarves when it gets too wild. The advantage of curly is that I can pretend that I meant for it to look this way.

Penny: Sending hugs. Our weather is dreary and predicted to remain so. I got rained on while loading groceries in the car, even though I'd checked the weather map to reduce my risk of getting caught in it. I'm working on re-framing my home as "cozy" and doing some exercise, even if it isn't my preferred walk.
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Old 05-18-2020, 08:55 PM   #104  
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Good evening coaches,

We left early for Sedona and it was about the same length to drive as it was to hike, we were gone about 9 hours. The hike was fabulous and very strenuous. We were glad to have a breeze or it would have been too hot. Food was on plan. I will be weighing tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. The best news I got all day is that Otis gets to go to the groomer at noon tomorrow. They will come and get him from the car, nothing from home enters the groomers except the dog and then when they call I pay by phone and they bring him out again. Dh gave him a good brushing as he has been doing daily, so hopefully other than the length of his hair it won't be too difficult for his groomer. I go to the groomer, I mean hairdresser next week. I am not going to color my hair, so it shouldn't take long just to get a hair cut. Of course I was also glad to hear the news that the small early vaccine trial looks somewhat promising. I couldn't believe how much it lifted my spirits to know that this may not be forever. I have a habit of really going overboard with good news though, so I'm trying not to be on a roller coaster. Sometimes I think I would rather have the highs and lows than not get excited though.

I'll post personals tomorrow, I'm a bit tired.
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Old 05-19-2020, 05:52 AM   #105  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - 1st mass production of shoes (1885, Jan Matzeliger in Lynn, Massachusetts)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Had a Zoom meeting in the evening with friends on the serious topic of final plans. It's a difficult topic to discuss. Each of us has stories; all of them heartbreaking, lovely, lonely, and loving in different combinations. I'm too young to see the topic as relating to me, and too old to ignore that it certainly is. Still have work to do on accepting that this is a finite journey.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was omelets with asparagus. When I was a kid, only canned asparagus was served. It was disgusting - but the family was happy that I didn't want it because it was 'expensive.' Walk, CREDIT moi, to one of the (previously) thriving sections of town. Sad to see it quiet with giant signs in each restaurant offering TAKE OUT ONLY.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Thanks for the link to We Stories - will check into that. Yay for a satisfying shopping trip.

maryann - Yay for standing down the sodium hike. Bland food can feel good.

Karen (karenrn) - I'm jealous of Otis getting a haircut; I need one of those. Count me as another Sedona fan.

curlyjax - Congrats for solving the problem of where you had agreed to meet. Your dinner does sound awesome.

Penny. - Love the image of weather kind enough to sit out with a pillow on a deck chair.

Readers -
chapter 1 Begin a New Way of Life

On the Beck Diet for Life Program . . .

First developed by my father, Aaron T. Beck, M.D., in the 1960's, Cognitive Therapy has been shown to help people overcome eating disorders, addictions, depression, anxiety, and many other psychological problems. Over 20 years ago, I started adapting the principles of Cognitive Therapy to help people achieve permanent weight loss. I lost 15 pounds along the way and have kept it off ever since. My patients and I don't worry that we will gain back weight because now we have the formula for success. We know exactly what to do.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 16.
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