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Old 05-03-2020, 09:22 AM   #16  
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Had a great long walk with my friend and then chatted awhile in her back yard. We ended up talking about house improvements and condos, as she and her spouse are looking to downsize into a condo. It was great to talk about something other than the pandemic. She is retired and offered to go on a driving trip sometime after the pandemic, which would be really fun.
I talked to one of the workers at the dump who said if I have really old books that no one would want, I can put them in the dump part:" not everything needs to be recycled" which is true. DH has some old (but not valuable) books on stuff that few people would be interested in. It seems like sacrilege to toss away a book, but there are and always have been crappy books out there, and you need to dispose of them somehow. I still haven't touched DH's bedside table and under his side of the bed; ultimately I will deal with it so i can store stuff better, but its sort of comforting for now.
Karen- I forgot to say yesterday, I hope your hand is doing okay! I definitely don't see you giving up hiking and just sitting around dressed to the nines
Bill- sounds like a lovely day with DGD.
Penny- thinking of you. It is appalling that unsafe practices are still going on after all this time.
Maryann-major credit for avoiding all those foods. It's always wonderful to get out the spring clothes.
Ariadnestar-clearing up the outdoors is so rewarding, in part because it stays done for quite some time. Glad you have some nice weather coming your way.
Gardenerjoy-Interesting, one of the Whole Foods here is doing a lot more than yours, doing what your local place is doing. It must vary depending on the state, or even town.
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Old 05-03-2020, 10:50 AM   #17  
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Good morning!

Yesterday was on plan and weight came back down a smidge.

Joy, I tried one of those sleep youtube videos last night, not sure if it is similar to the ones you listen to, and it seemed to help. Dh tells me it was still playing when he came to bed and he fell asleep to it too.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 05-03-2020, 11:27 AM   #18  
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Yesterday was a great break from school and weekly chores. I went through the closets, listed some more clothes on Poshmark to sell, and made a donation bag for the rest. I also put together a few new outfits while shopping in my closet and am determined to wear them in places I normal wouldn’t bother to “put myself together.”I have a couple of cute jeans outfits I’ll walk in instead of sweats. I have Casual Sunday planned for today at grocery store. I am scheduled for an outside coffee with two good friends which will feature a few bright colors. These are all clothes I was endanger of growing out of last month so I give myself big credit.

Ariadnestar. Credit gardening which is absolutely not my cup of tea. I sure enjoy the flowers in the gardens of my friends, though.
Curleyjax: yeah dump trip. True that not all books are gems.
BBE: Mom swore the cheaper the toy the more we played it. This includes the box it comes in.
Penny: any dip in the scale is a big deal.

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Old 05-03-2020, 01:16 PM   #19  
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A bit of a lazy day here today in contrast to the industry of yesterday - I've enjoyed sitting out in the garden and doing a bit of batch cooking and my yoga class, but not much else, which is lovely really. I'm at the stage of the Beck book where you have to leave food on your plate at dinner. I was so determined I wasn't going to do it today, it was a waste, I didn't need to prove this to myself...and then I managed it! It wasn't easy, but I'm giving myself credit for taking that step.

BillBlueEyes That sounds like a lovely social distanced outing for you and your family. I've also been making a robust homemade chilli today - I totally agree that anything tomato based always tastes better on a reheat - I bet there's some science behind that. This chilli was made for the freezer so we should get the benefit of the added reheat yumminess for all of the portions!
curlyjax Can I ask, what is a condo? I have read about them, and heard about them in books, but I don't quite get the concept? What makes it different from an apartment block? Well done on your walk. I agree with you about book-dumping - I just couldn't! I have shelves and shelves of books I'm never going to read again but even getting up the nerve to donate to charity is a step too far. Maybe one day. For now, I just keep trying to maximise shelf space!
Penny, well done for staying on plan!
maryann Glad you had a good non-working day yesterday. It was the same here. Well done for avoiding outgrowing your outfits - I'm looking forward to shopping my closet when I'm a few pounds lighter - I think I have around 10 pounds to go until I should be able to fit into a whole bunch of stuff again. That doesn't seem too bad!

Have a good day.
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Old 05-03-2020, 07:41 PM   #20  
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Good afternoon coaches,

Food was off plan in a pretty big way yesterday, but on plan today. Weight was up this morning. I finished my habit tracking form for April this morning and learned the habits I am lowest in being consistent with are following my plan and eating when hungry and only until satisfied. I gained 3 pounds for the month of April, so I guess it is obvious where I need to focus. I did a weekly meal plan and monthly goal setting for May today and I hope to stay better focused. I even set a reward if I meet my weight loss goal. Tomorrow I'll be heading to Prescott for a 9 1/2 mile hike with my friend. I've watched a couple videos on the High Sierra Trail this weekend to remind myself why I want to be fit and lose a few pounds. I find the videos very motivating. My thumb is much better. Yesterday I couldn't hold my coffee cup easily and it hurt to write with a pen. Today it is much better and the swelling is down. I'm sure it'll be as good as new in a week or two. Dh and I enjoyed an hour in the pool both yesterday and today. It is in the mid 90's. It is only 75 in Prescott and will be about 55 when we begin our hike. Yahoo!

Adriadnestar Your day sounds delightful.
Maryann Big time credit indeed for fitting back into your clothes. It is such a wonderful feeling, both having the clothes fit and the pride that goes along with it. Sometimes I just have a feeling of being out of control and just getting back into clothes or seeing the scale go down assure me that I am not out of control.
Penny I hope your work weekend is going well. Glad your scale is giving you positive feedback.
Curlyjax Yes my thumb is getting better and you are right I won't be giving up hiking any time soon . . . or sitting around wearing dressy clothes. Scottsdale is known to have a bunch of high maintenance gals, but I am proud not to be one of them.
Bill I'm so glad you got to see family and of course especially dgd. I'm sure she is growing so quickly. We had a couple of friends over for a socially distanced drink on the patio yesterday. One of them is in town from Minnesota and flew down. I had to explain on the phone before she came over that we take the socially distancing seriously. Some of this stuff is just awkward, but of course I would rather be safe. She was fine to sit a little further on the patio and we could still visit just fine.

Okay, time to start some dinner preparation.

Last edited by karenrn; 05-03-2020 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 05-04-2020, 07:06 AM   #21  
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Thumbs up Monday - "May the Fourth be with you"

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Lovely walk, CREDIT moi, with DW, DS and his SO. We all wore masks and kept a serious six-foot distance. They even stayed for a can of soda - untouched by us. (I dared not serve cookies or crackers because I didn't have anything in individually wrapped servings.) We sat outside on the patio chairs and table that we'd just brought up from the basement the day before. Reminisced about our family trip to Rome and the Amalfi Coast five years ago. So glad we took that trip then; don't know when such unrestrained travel using Airbnb will resume. DW and I remembered that we had a small gelato every night. Every. Single. Night. We also walked all day long, every single day.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner of grilled chicken was served on our patio - our first outdoor meal for the season. We're now expecting every day to be warm. Was my first time for the year to wear a t-shirt instead of one of my much loved long-sleeved base-layer shirts whose comfort I discovered on our trip to Iceland where the temperatures varied greatly during the day. After dinner we dawdled on the patio just enjoying the waning sun. Noting the lack of airplanes flying within sight. Also saw our first Chimney Swift of the year - a common summer sight acrobatically eating flying bugs. DS had reminded us to be on the watch for the newly invasive Japanese giant hornet. These guys are big and thoroughly undesirable.

maryann - I continue to be impressed that you take your clothes seriously. Do love the phrase, "shopping in my closet."

Karen (karenrn) - So neat that you watch videos on the High Sierra Trail for motivation. Hope the snow is right for your trip. I did experience the awkwardness of social spacing on my own patio. At least we were all equally informed and committed.

curlyjax - Absolutely breaks my heart that old books have no value. When my DD had to read "To Kill a Mockingbird" in high school, I proudly produced my copy from our shelves of books. Not good enough. She wanted a book with fresh pages. Just about killed me to buy a new copy when I held a loved copy in my hands. However, getting a kid to do school work was more important than teaching a lesson is reading dusty, faded, old books; so new copy ordered for fast delivery.) I have shelves and boxes of books that the world doesn't want and I can't bring myself to just toss into the trash.

Penny. - LOL that one YouTube video claimed two victims to sleep. Celebrating a smidge down.

ariadnestar - Is 'smidge' a word you use? Super, Super Kudos for leaving food on your plate. That's such a big step. It took me forever to do it. At first, I'd only do it for a piece of food that was destined to go to the fridge as leftovers for someone's lunch. Figured out that that wasn't a real test. Finally, I left a piece of meat that was too small to save. Nearly killed me, but I proved it could be done. I still find it hard.

Readers -
chapter 1 Begin a New Way of Life

With the Beck Diet for Life Program, you will successfully overcome common dieting challenges. Many diet ignore or gloss over the difficulties of dieting. They allege that you will not experience deprivation, hunger, or craving. You have undoubtedly found that these kinds of claims are false. While the eating plan in this book minimizes hunger, deprivation, and cravings, no diet can eliminate them entirely. But you will learn exactly what to do when you experience these uncomfortable feelings. You will overcome these problems, learn from them, and actually use them to your advantage to build confidence, control, and strength.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 14.
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Old 05-04-2020, 08:27 AM   #22  
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Yesterday was a lazy day. We voted for the new minister online- which took forever!!- and during that time, the HS track coach put up a sign on the lawn for my son, so that was a great surprise. He did this for all the track seniors to recognize them. My introvert DS wouldn't want me to put up a sign but I'm glad the HS did it. Plans are afoot for a virtual graduation, and the parents are rebelling and trying to organize an inperson one for early August, in a socially distanced way. We'll see what happens.
I made a healthy vegetable bean dish last night, (plus 3 hot sausages for DS, he is a growing boy!) and am making a crockpot orange lentil dish tonight. This will balance out the ice cream I keep eating.
Ariadnestar: a condo is can be like an apt block, only you own it like a house, and pay a monthly fee for lawn care, trash pick up etc. And sometimes a pool. Some condos are tiny and for one person, some are more like a house (or half a house) and can be quite big. And there are rules you need to adhere to like in an apt. It's a way to to own your home but not have to deal with the outdoors or big stuff like roof repair. There are more financial risks to it than owning your own house outright, but benefits too, and they are cheaper than a house for the space you get, at least in the pricey states like Massachusetts. Apartments aren't usually owned in the US, although maybe in NYC some super pricey ones are, i'm not sure.
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Old 05-04-2020, 10:18 AM   #23  
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Good morning!

Yesterday was on plan and weight is holding. Today will be a lazy work recovery day.

Karen, credit for getting right back on plan after a splurge day. I'm glad the hand is already much better.

Ariadnestar, I was going to take a train trip when I was reading the step about leaving food on the plate. I had been stressing about all the food options having too many calories and it was a real shock that I could solve the problem by simply leaving some of it on the plate. Ha!

Bill, on plan and a visit from family is a winning combo. Credit!

Curly, if the graduation is held in person, I wonder if some people will decide to skip it and decide it's not worth the risk. It seems we still have to wait for the vaccine and the push to open things is being rushed. However, a lot can happen in a few months, as we have learned.

Maryann, yay for smaller clothes coming back into play!

Last edited by Penny.; 05-04-2020 at 10:21 AM.
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Old 05-04-2020, 10:56 AM   #24  
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Quick note this morning. I promised myself I would start the workday by 8:00 a.m.

Food amount slightly over this weekend with lots of changes to plan. That usually means I am trying to manipulate things for cravings. Still abstained from sugar and took a walk. Credit.

Today’s goal is plan with no changes, a walk and a yoga. Here in my county the gym is opening up despite governor’s regulation. There is rebellion in the air out here. Interesting to see what happens. I will stick with online Les Milles workouts for right now.
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Old 05-04-2020, 11:58 AM   #25  
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I may have to get creative with exercise today. The weather's fine enough for a walk now, but we're waiting on package that requires a signature. I called Fed Ex yesterday when we learned about the signature. The driver will sign for us -- he just needs to see someone at the house who accepts the delivery. I won't actually have to touch the device or be closer than six feet from the driver.

The package is for a dough mixer, which is a pricey item, but we hope it will have the same longevity as the grain mill that I got a decade or so ago. Did I tell you that I had a reaction to kneading sour dough? My hands broke out in hives! DH was going to end up with back trouble if he does all the kneading, so we're investing a machine to do it.

Weigh-in: +0.1 kgs Exercise: +45, 140/1400 minutes for May
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Old 05-04-2020, 06:49 PM   #26  
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Good afternoon coaches,

Just a short note to say food has been on plan and weight is holding. Today my friend and I went to Prescott, which is about two hours away and did the Granite Mountain hike. There are several Granite Men hikes around, including one that is a memorial hike for the hot shot firefighters who all died a couple of years ago in a huge fire. This is not that Granite Mountain, but was pretty and about 9 miles and 1600 feet elevation gain. There was a nice breeze when it began to warm up. Okay I'll have more time tomorrow.
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Old 05-05-2020, 06:50 AM   #27  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - Cinco de Mayo - National Teacher's Day

Diet Coaches/Buddies - 'Twas shopping day. Feels humbling that that is now an adventure for discussion rather than a chore that's just done. Everyone wore a mask; it's either now the law or the state 'recommended' practice. Everyone spaced themselves outside while waiting in line (36 minutes for me). Inside, there was so much room; I just zipped through the store. Biggest surprise: they had no Cascade dishwasher detergent. "Will you be getting some soon?" "Not sure; we haven't had any for a while." Wow! I had no idea that dishwasher detergent was in short supply. (Online, I found two boxes at a nearby Target store; I'll either order for pickup or just go in later this afternoon.) Lettuce was fresh; milk was appropriately dated into the future. The display of fresh flowers wasn't appealing: no tulips, a few roses, mostly carnations and daffodils. The Alstroemeria (Lily of the Incas) I bought three weeks ago are still on the kitchen table. Today will be their last day. Up to now, an individual bud would wither, droop, and get picked off. Now, the petals are beginning to fall from many. So hard for me to believe that fresh flowers last for three weeks.

Eating was on plan without daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. The scale is responding appropriately, but ever so slowly. I know all the mantras about not getting tied up in the numbers. I also know the joy of each scale jiggle downward.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - A dough mixer seems like a prudent investment to stay with your bread making even as you age. Didn't know about the Fed Ex signature being satisfied by a wave out the front window.

maryann - Both walking and no-sugaring continue to be worthy of Kudos. Hope the "rebellion in the air" doesn't cause serious social division.

Karen (karenrn) - Your Prescott Granite Mountain Trail looks terrific. Kudos for on plan food despite nine miles of hiking.

curlyjax - Heartwarming news that your DS's high school coach put up signs honoring the students. They're missing such an emotion event in their lives - even as they pretend not to care.

Penny. - Happy work recovery day. "Holding" is just fine.

Readers -
chapter 1 Begin a New Way of Life

How the Program Works

There are several essential parts of the Beck Diet for Life Program. It provides you with a well-balanced, healthy, enjoyable eating plan. But before you change what you eat, you learn important skills: . . .
  • How to motivate yourself every day, make dieting a priority, give yourself credit, and cope with hunger and cravings.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 14.
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Old 05-05-2020, 09:32 AM   #28  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Yesterday I attended a protest for a little while held by my seniors asking for another solution to a virtual graduation. They asked me to go. Everyone was six feet apart and wore masks. They lined the street of the school and held signs. Many cars honked support. My county officially opened yesterday. We have had only three official COVID cases here.

I stay away from talking politics just about everywhere because my friends live in San Francisco and Washington DC. I will be happy when the economy has a chance to get rolling though. My lower middle class kids are suffering.

I agree with BBE slight discouragement. OP again today and the scale ignores me. I think of all I could be eating. But what peace to have my healthy decisions made in the beginning of the day.
Gardenerjoy: what is the brand of the dough mixer?
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Old 05-05-2020, 11:06 AM   #29  
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Good morning!

Yesterday was on plan and weight is holding.

Four of us rode bikes to the store and three of us waiting outside at a distance while dh went in for a few things. We got caught in the rain but the face mask kept us a little warmer.

I found out the guy who was my first attempt at a boyfriend passed away. I haven't had any contact with him and the mutual friend is not saying yet how he died, so it makes me suspect suicide. I said, I hope nothing happens to my second boyfriend with a side eye toward dh. Sad for whatever was going on in his life to end this way.

Maryann, you are really doing great with your plan. Keep it going! The scale is ignoring me too.

Bill, fantastic that your store was a breeze to get through. Dh came out flustered and stunned by the stupidity of humanity. lol

Karen, yay for a great hike! Such a long drive though. Wowzers.

Joy, interesting about the dough mixer. Not a bread maker or a regular mixer? I use the dough hook on a kitchenaide stand mixer.
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Old 05-05-2020, 11:50 AM   #30  
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Our package never arrived. Making it a very weird day for us. We've become so used to being in a bubble that it was strange to be thinking about a package arriving all day, especially when it never made it. I finally called at 8:45 last night and the FedEx support person thought it was odd, too. From his screen, he could see that it showed all day that it was going to be delivered but it never showed that it was on a local truck. This morning, it shows both, so I'm pretty confident that we'll see it today.
Weigh-in: +0.1 kgs Exercise: +50, 190/1400 minutes for May

BillBlueEyes: Our kitchen quits functioning if we run out of dishwasher detergent. I bought a bunch of my favorite brand last time I saw it so that I could be sure that didn't happen.

maryann: We went with an Italian brand from Pleasant Hill Grain (which is where I bought my grain mill years ago and my wheat more recently). DH ordered it, so let me look it up....Famag Grilletta IM-5S Spiral Dough Mixer. We made the decision more quickly than I would have preferred because the Italian company was closed, at least for a while, and we figured that the mixers currently warehoused in the US may be the only ones available to us for months.

Penny: We tried the dough-only setting on my bread maker. There was a big difference between the structure and texture of hand-kneaded dough and of the mixing that a bread maker does. Sourdough really lends itself to something that can stretch the dough more than a bread maker does. The KitchenAid stand mixer with dough hook is one of the things I would have looked into, if this had been my project.
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