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Old 06-24-2012, 10:29 AM   #151  
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Friday after I posted I took some time to de-stress and read some info in the books about stress and emotional eating. I wrote a bunch of reminders in my journal and made a few new notecards and felt better afterwards being a little more prepared. I also pre-planned Saturday's food and made the decision to pack all that food and skip watching a movie so I could go to bed on time. I reminded myself how I'd much rather go to bed on time and feel better in the morning than stay up late knowing I was sabotaging my next day's chances of success.

Yesterday was a busy day for me. Having a plan and all my food packed for work was really a help. Putting my lunch away in the work kitchen, I spotted some of my favorite candy on the table. I reminded myself that my plan said I could take home a treat at the end of the day. If the candy was all gone by the end of the day, it was no big deal. I could find something else instead. At 11am I started to get hungry, but reminded myself that lunch was at 11:45 and I could wait. Just like the book says, I soon forgot about being hungry and just went on with my work. At lunch I chose to pay attention to my food rather than reading and re-reminded myself about the candy. At break time, their were cookies in addition to the candy, but I repeated my plan to myself. At the end of the day I took a small amount to share with my husband after dinner. I give myself major credits for sticking to my plan during my workday!

My Day 9 task was to fit in exercise. I already had this one started, but wrote down my plan in my book. My spontaneous exercise is wearing a pedometer. I started doing this about a month ago and have found it really helps motivate me to spend less time on the couch. For my planned exercise, I'm going to continue doing my 30 Day Shred at naptime (20 minutes) and getting up to walk outside in the morning.

My Day 10 assignment is to set my first weight loss goal. As the book suggests, my first goal is to lose 5lbs. Honestly, I would be very excited with that.

I'm now on to working on my tolerance of hunger. I'm starting to feel ready to face my fear of being hungry and conquer the hunger tasks.
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Old 06-24-2012, 10:51 AM   #152  
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Default I'll Start Monday Thinking Patterns


Checking in early today. Oh, it's almost 10:30am! Not so early afterall!
*credit* for weighing in: 255.5 the wii fit said. I feel *desperate* to get to a number under 254, so, for my continued sanity, I will be on plan today. *credit* for having a plan. Exercise today will be a walk to the garden and probably some weeding or some hoeing. or not. I'm pretty exhausted today.

My real task of the day is to get some designs down on paper for a commission that I am letting drag out. My sister reminded me that it is a paying project so I have to get focused. She's right. I am committed to giving away 5 small-ish pieces of art within the next two months, and was even thinking of volunteering to help decorate the background of 3 stages for the upcoming Jazz Festival after a brief discussion about the event with the organizer in my market booth yesterday. My gut told me to volunteer myself. My brain told me to hold my horses and think this out and find out how much time that would involve and take note of what else I am doing and where I am in my other projects as well as what kind of potential benefits this could bring me. That, as usual, is unknown. As she talked I pictured a giant drawing unfurled across the back of the stage. Probably impractical (rain! fragile!). Anyway I have done nothing about it. We'll see how I am tomorrow on this topic. If it's still bugging me I may send her an exploratory email. I always underestimate how much is involved in projects like this, all because I am guided by the final image. Good for inspiration. Not good for time management.

Better go. DH just got up. Time for breakfast.
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Old 06-24-2012, 06:01 PM   #153  
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Hi Everyone,

Things are good with me and my birthday weekend activities. Enjoyed the day yesterday with my mom and sister at the spa. I now have pretty painted and manicured finger and toe nails. Figure it will be harder to see the garden dirt under the fingernails. Mom and I went to the mall after for some shopping and ate at Subway, best choice we figured. My sister made a lovely Italian style dinner with my favorite birthday cake being angel food with strawberries and whipped cream. Ate well and was not uncomfortable after. Tonight DH is taking DS and I out for dinner as today is my official birthday, I've narrowed it down to 3 restaurants and will need to decide here soon which one to go to.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm hoping to see the sun soon as it's still cloudy and raining here. Enough already!! Did discover that weeds pull out much easier from very saturated soil though. Had to try out a new pair of garden gloves my parents gave me. I also got a pink tool belt which I was most happy about as when I wear one of DH's during our building projects it's always too big. Pretty sure no one will try and "borrow" my pink one.
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Old 06-24-2012, 07:36 PM   #154  
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Good Evening, Coaches.
Writing in Vermont - beautiful weather today. I feel lucky I missed the heat wave.
Food has been good- credit. I have made rules to follow in the cafeteria for yesterday and today. No seconds. Leave lots of open space on the plate. Breakfast is only eggs and fruit. The only deviation was the frosting off cake tonite. I am not going to worry over it. The only exercise so far has been the walk into town today. Tomorrow, I will wake up and do yoga.
Being here is very emotional. I am grateful for the opportunity but I miss my boys. Missing them makes me very hungry. Still weight on scale was one pound from ticker.

Yanna: Was it Yanna? one way I arrange my environment is to put tempting anything in a paper bag and staple it shut. Weird but it works for me. I don't want to bust open the staples.
onebyone: Congrats on a new low.
Lexxiss: Your drive to the doctor sounds harrowing.

I am learning lots and feel like I am in the mainstream of life rather than on the sidelines with my addiction.
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Old 06-24-2012, 10:03 PM   #155  
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Thanks, Maryann. That was in fact me that asked about environmental arranging.

Today, I conquered my fear of hunger! I completed my planned "skip lunch" day. Around 11am I was craving food (mostly habit of eating lunch after grocery shopping). I started having sabotaging thoughts about how I should do it another day or the doubtful voice saying I couldn't or shouldn't do it. However, I had already decided today was the day and knew how disappointed I'd be backing out on the promise I made to myself. At noon it felt sort of odd not eating, so I distracted myself by doing a workout video (way too hot for me outside). I didn't feel true hunger until about 1:30pm. It was mild, though, and I was thirsty so I had a little water. By 2:30 I was tired, but the hunger really didn't bother me. I rested in the afternoon, feeling the hunger grow, but it never became painful and I never felt faint (which was a fear of mine). At 5pm, I was grouchy and ready to eat. I was surprised that the hunger really didn't feel any stronger than if I'd just had a busy afternoon and was ready to eat. My wonderful husband offered to pick up dinner for us. While eating, I noticed feeling full sooner and the food was more satisfying. I certainly appreciated eating more than if I'd been snacking all day. I'm very proud of myself for facing my fear and completing this task! It made me feel empowered and surprised that being hungry was really not a big deal at all.
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Old 06-24-2012, 11:02 PM   #156  
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Happy Birthday, Tazzy!

It was hot, Yanna! I worked outside for an hour this morning and was still sweating even though I came in at 10 and my work was deadheading which isn't terribly strenuous. Great job on the hunger experiment -- and for learning exactly what it was supposed to teach. That experience is why I believe it when I tell myself "hunger is not an emergency."

I'm still not getting myself on track, but I feel like I'm getting closer to knowing where the track is. I can hear the train in the distance.

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Old 06-25-2012, 05:10 AM   #157  
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Thumbs up Monday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Eating was good enough, CREDIT moi, given that it included an Ethiopian buffet. I had one plate of small servings with the appropriate amount of Injera bread. I declare Injera bread to be healthy since it's make with Teff flour. Friends were having seconds and I didn't, so felt pretty good about that. At dinner I faced the choice of 'finishing up' a dish or tossing it; I tossed it, CREDIT moi, an achievement for me since I'm loathe to toss food.

Exercise was a walk (CREDIT moi) in The Great Blue Hills just south of Boston - one of our last wooded areas. (I apologize that we call a 600 foot bump a hill, since some posters around here know about hills, LOL.) The weather was perfect. From the top we could see the Boston skyline, harbor, the JFK Library, and the Corita Kent gas tank.

onebyone – LOL at your brain-gut debate about creating free art. It's easy to see the tension between making a living and getting the exposure. Wish you well finding the balance.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – You crack me up with, "I can hear the train in the distance."

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Yay for "I ran up the stairs" - I just like that thought. Glad that your DH is recovering some mojo.

maryann - Yay for remaining mindful while using the cafeteria with rules that you can follow. Such a happy thought, "I am in the mainstream of life."

Tazzy - Love the pink tool belt; Nope - no guy will borrow it. Glad to hear that you had good birthday celebrations while remaining aware of your plan. Belated Happy Birthday.

Ann (Newlifestyle) - Yep, most of us experienced overcooked veggies as kids. It's a wonder that we discovered just how good they can be. A 9 year old can consume a house without any effort; I wish you good luck finding a way to control the influx.

Yanna - Kudos for successful completion of the hunger experiment. Neat that you came to see that you wouldn't die of hunger - that "grouchy" was the worst problem. Kudos also for dealing with the cookies and candy in the break room.

Readers -
chapter 6 Stage 3 The Challenging Situations Plan
Confidently Follow Your Plan While Traveling

The Travel Calories Decision.

There are advantages and disadvantages to either decision. Sticking to your regular plan makes life easier because you will have less opportunity to obsess over how to spend the extra calories, and less planning to do, and you are more likely to lose - or at least maintain - weight while you are away. And you will still have daily Bonus Calories. But it may be difficult to maintain this rule the entire time you are gone. If you might eat too much, it's better to have an extra Travel Calories rule than to violate a No Travel Calories rule that could lead to more mistakes.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 159.
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Old 06-25-2012, 10:32 AM   #158  
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Hi All,

Okay the birthday celebrations are over and so are the excuses that it's just one day! Dinner went well until I decided I "deserved" to have dessert. A skillet chocolate chip cookie with caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream. The first couple bites tasted good and I should have stopped there, I ended up eating about 1/2 of it, DH & DS had a few bites too. Went home feeling way too full and was uncomfortable most of the evening.

Today is a new day and I've decided that my 50th year is a good time to focus on getting back on track and march on towards that goal of mine!

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 06-26-2012, 05:02 AM   #159  
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Thumbs up Tuesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - The gym (CREDIT moi) continues to work on their overhead air conditioner, creating a mess above the dumbbells and benches. Ouch. I'm looking for encouragement and warm fuzzes and I get support for my Sabotaging Thoughts to just chuck it and go get cool. But I persisted, dreaded lunges and all. It rained all day, reducing the desire to sneak in a walk.

Eating was good enough, CREDIT moi. I ate reasonable portions at dinner even though extra was available. I did have two evening snacks of fruit, a problem caused by summer's abundance. Evenings are my toughest time unless we go out to a performance. I'm lucky at movies since I don't feel the need to buy their popcorn or other concession stuff. Perhaps I have to go on the Movie Diet to fix my evenings. I could catch up on a few decades of missed gems.

Tazzy - Ouch for "deserved" - the deadliest Sabotaging Thought of them all. Kudos for the rapid recovery via, "getting back on track and march on towards that goal of mine!"

Readers -
chapter 6 Stage 3 The Challenging Situations Plan
Confidently Follow Your Plan While Traveling

The Travel Calories Decision.

If you choose extra Travel Calories, you will have to find out the calorie content of what you plan to have. More freedom puts you at risk for additional overeating and cravings while you are away. You may also have a difficult time getting back on track when you return and have to give up those extra calories. You will likely gain some weight (but once you return to normal eating, the weight will come off).

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 159.
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Old 06-26-2012, 05:48 AM   #160  
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Hi Coaches!

BBE, I seem to have shifted to the Declutterer's Diet. I've been focused on Owning My Space, and haven't really felt like eating/overeating. Credit for persisting at the gym under less than desireable conditions!

Seriously, I feel great about my progress on the home front but I credit my recent food success with my recent decision to start bringing my own lunch to work, a habit which I had found so successful but didn't pick back up when we returned from Alaska. I resisted even microscopic bites yesterday, a favorite being tiny corners of toast which accumulate on the toast slicing plate. credit.

I continue to weigh every day. credit. I'm so close to ticker weight and it feels good. My pounds come off very slowly now BUT I still have major successes, which don't reflect on the scale. I have to assume it's because my body fat percentage is shifting for the better as I continue to maintain my losses, exercise and eat healthy. Sunday we went to brunch. I pulled a beautiful dress shirt out which has a side zipper. When I first bought it it did not zip, in fact it was difficult to get it over my head. Sunday, I could slip in off and on WITH the zipper fully zipped. That's alot of change for a 5 pound weight loss. It was an amazing feeling!
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:32 AM   #161  
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Hi! I am still around. Have been struggling - but, am turning it around. I must learn that food doesn't solve stress, pain, frustation, emotions, etc. Also, that being out of town and going to celebrations isn't a liscene to eat just anything I want.

I got on the scale yesterday and was up three pounds. I got on the scale today and was down those three pounds. Am grateful for that. I am still ten pounds higher than in January.

I did a 'bend & twist' yesterday and have lower back pain. I also need to learn to follow my intuition about what I can actually do when it could impact my lower back. When it feels good... then I think, "oh I can do that". I guess I can't drag the hose over to the tomatos, even though I want to. Not fair...oh well.

I will move forward.

Thanks for your support.
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:52 AM   #162  
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Good morning, yesterday was a very busy day for me which is the only reason I stayed on plan eating. Things were happening that would have normally caused me to emotionally eat. I just didn't have time. Once I returned home I was so exhausted I just brushed my teeth and went to bed. Not sure the busy til exhaustion diet is a very healthy one.

Bill- Kudos for working out under those trying conditions. Hopefully it won't last much longer. I feel it is a little frustrating having to work around any repairs at my workplace. I also find the evening a tough time, it may be because it is readily available for me. Someone mentioned that if I eat more protein through the day I may not have a difficult time in the evening.

Onebyone – Congratulations on your new low. You are doing awesome. I was wondering what you find the best Wii game is for exercise/ fitness?

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Congratulations on wearing your zipper dress shirt. It is so rewarding when you can fit into something that was snug. I have a closet full of clothes that are way too snug to wear. My goal is to fit into them. Thanks for the invite over to the other thread. I am nervous as I feel like I need a plan for decluttering and I am not there. I often feel like if I don't contribute I shouldn't be here. Sabotaging thoughts I guess.

Maryann - Is Vermont beautiful? I live so close yet have never been there.

Tazzy - Happy Belated birthday. My son thinks we should have a birthday week. Yikes.

Yanna - What a nice feeling to realize hunger is not a big deal.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – When you find the track can you send the directions my way. I need all the help I can get.

Beverlyjoy- I hope your back feels better soon.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Last edited by Newlifestyle; 06-27-2012 at 06:40 AM.
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Old 06-26-2012, 02:05 PM   #163  
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Exclamation Tuesday

Hello Coaches

I've got a purring kitty using me as warm furniture. I was working on my commission project but she kept prancing around walking all over it until I stopped to be her soft warm bed So I figured why not check in with my coaches?

*credit for weighing in: 257.3(+0.9lb). I was up yesterday too., up 2+lbs in 3 days. It's just my body. I've been 100+ % on plan this week *credit*. I expect a loss on official weigh-in day this Thursday.

I was exhausted yesterday. It's forever thus with me. It's not the day after I do a show(the farmers' market), which are my Sundays now, but the day after that that I am truly bone weary tired. These are my Mondays. I can barely think straight. Couple that with a visit with my client to hash out the details of his project *credit we got it done to our mutual satsfaction* and then I headed home to start it but my energy fizzled out.

Part of the cause was that in the very early morning (7am) I was at the 50% Value Village clothing sale picking up jeans in the next 3 sizes down, each pair $3-$4! I also bought a jean skirt $4, and shoes, unused, for $3--similar to the ones I test drove the day before, but not as high a platform sole. Those were $59.99. I like the $3 pricetag a lot more. *credit for believing I will progress to that 18, then the 16, then the 14 which look so very very small to me*

After clothes shopping I bought some insecticidal soap (organic-y help for the garden). I sprayed all my vining crops. I have cucumber beetles. They may have killed my rare squash. I read the larvae infest the roots. Yuk. So I doused them all and saw 8 or so mature beetles scuttle off and a bunch of eggs on the underside of the leaves, but only on the squash. So upsetting. I'll need to go back and spray again today and for the rest of the week to really get them to move to my neighbour's garden already!

I then remembered I had a guild executive meeting, planned for it, picked DH up, and as we were planning our first bbq I got a call asking me where I was and was I coming to the meeting? I completely forgot about it. Like totally gone. So off I went, downing cheese slices to tide me over until I got home. When I got back I *big credit* halved my bbq meal that DH had waiting for me and then watched tv and then went to bed, not doing the dishes, or my other 2 end of the day daily tasks.
That felt bad today, so *credit* I did the dishes as soon as I got up.

Anyway, the big thing here is I did not use food to fix tired.
And, as Beck always says, start now. As a result the dishes are not piling up again. I am reminded I am not perfect and will not do this perfectly, but I am making progress.

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Old 06-26-2012, 04:56 PM   #164  
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Lexxiss: I seem to be doing the Declutterer's Diet INSTEAD of the Beck Diet. Thanks for modeling the possibility that I could be doing both at once!

Beverlyjoy: I'm struggling, too. I've just had a really hard time getting back in the game after being out of town. I'll get there, but I'm not there yet.

Newlifestyle: I used Wii Fit Plus to get started and have also enjoyed Walk It Out and Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. With my decluttering, I can actually get to my Wii now. I also could use some cardio in my life right now, so I may get going on that again.

onebyone: good for you for getting right back on top of keeping the sink clean. That definitely seems to be a prerequisite for both a clean house and clean eating for me.

BillBlueEyes: Movie Night wouldn't work for me -- I haven't got over the need to buy popcorn. Concert Night or Play Night or, even, Read a Book on the Deck Night would all work. I may have to try that.
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Old 06-26-2012, 09:02 PM   #165  
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Good Evening, Coaches.

I have had a super-filled day at Goddard including a master class in fiction which I was afraid would make roadkill out of my humble submission. I was pleasantly surprised that many things of quality were noted and I was given good strong direction for the second draft. The main question was "Is the narrator reliable?" Since the pieces are mostly autobiographical I would have to say, "No"
Food continued to be good until the evening lecture by Kathyrn Davis when I had some candy. Weight was at ticker andI did treadmill for 25 mins.. Tom. is morning yoga. I am very proud of myself for food choices.
I di notice that the skinny women around me eats lots of salads. Everybody has to work at this stuff.

BBE:Isn't it Nebraska that had to build a "hill" in the zoo to teach the kids what it is?
NewLIfeStyle: Vermont is beautiful thick and lush green. Much different then my desert California.

Everbody else: Hey!

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