Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 04-07-2012, 07:07 AM   #46  
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Thumbs up Saturday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Got my exercise by walking (CREDIT moi) back to the library to return The Hunger Games. They were happy to get it circulating again so fast - the waiting list remains long. I requested the second book, Catching Fire, not because I'm enthusiastic, but because my DD is. It'll be a father-daughter thing. She Kindled all three books while taking the subway to school.

Eating was good enough, CREDIT moi. The blueberry pie remained untouched. DW will be annoyed that I leave the remainder to her. I may get an opportunity to food-push a slice on DS and his DP this afternoon. Seems demonic to use the writing of the good Dr. Beck to get tips on how to push food, but war is war.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Congrats on a new low, particularly since you're aware that the body itself is going to choose it's next set point. [The only thing I can recommend about The Hunger Games is that it's nice to be beyond the angst of whether to kiss or not to kiss. And the GIGANTIC fear that someone will see my in my underwear.]

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Thanks for the "Personal Responsibility" reminder. Think I'll carry that one around with me today when I'm facing the notion of extra snacks because I just want them. LMAO at "patience" as a spontaneous exercise. No wonder Mother Teresa was so thin.

Beverlyjoy – Just love, "I must plan, plan and plan some more." [Pie was on sale at Whole Foods and she just wanted a slice. They don't take refunds on partially consumed baked goods due to delayed awareness.]

Tazzy - Congrats on the clutter leaving the house. Wish that was easy.

Woodland - Kudos for making your exercise high priority; Double Kudos for thinking positive thoughts while doing it. I'm a big fan of the notion that every thought slightly rewires the brain; thinking positive thoughts leaves me with a more positively wired brain for tomorrow.

Donamari (fyreflie24) – It happens. Our success depends on our speed of recovery, not on NEVER eating outside the box. I, too, find it discouraging that the behaviors that I thought I had CBT'd away for life can still emerge. Think I'll salute the neurons that don't re-channel themselves so easily, accepting that as an indication that I won't ever fall into some bad habit without them remembering my good. However you choose to explain it, the Beck solution is unambiguous - back on the horse ... mush forward ... this too shall pass.

CatholicCajun – Love the thought of shrimp so abundant that shrimp patties happen. Yay for time outside on the swing.

Readers -
chapter 6 Stage 3 The Challenging Situations Plan
challenging situations skills
Confidently Follow Your Plan Despite Food Pushers

Create a Food Pusher Mindset . . .
Just think, if you ate differently from other people (and perhaps you do) because you were vegetarian, kept kosher, or had to follow a special diet for health reasons, you would have to turn down people when they offered you certain foods. It would probably be easier because you would feel entitled to do so. I'd like you to adopt the mindset that you are just as entitled as the people in those groups to decide what you are going to eat and what you are not going to eat.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 141.
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Old 04-07-2012, 08:28 AM   #47  
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Hi Everyone,

Friday was good enough. Eating was very good and exercise was adequate. I'm waiting for my BDS audio book to come in the mail and look forward to loading it on my computer. It will give me a push to start again at the beginning and walk through each step anew.

I have family coming for a visit, so will be absent for a few days. Enjoy the holidays, all, and keep strong on BDS skills !!

……….. Just Keep Moving

Lexxiss - I'm loving the personal responsibility thoughts. We have choices. That's lucky and powerful.

Tazzy - Your clean out sounds invigorating. I'm glad your DH is getting refocused.

Beverlyjoy - Waving and wishing you a nice family/company filled weekend.

CatholicCajun - Nice idea about itemizing the advantage cards. By doing so you will be sitting with the ideas, pondering them, and getting them into your brain. Credit ! I have gone back and forth - long lists back to one or two short reasons. Both are probably important.

gardenerjoy - Ah, you jolted me! When I read "I hit a new low this morning" I thought you had fallen off the wagon! I'm so glad it was a reference to your weight instead. Congrats and wow - great job !!

Billblueeyes - lol about the pie pushing. You have very strong resistance! I'm impressed. I like your Beck section today about how we can choose diet habits. Counting calories shouldn't be considered any different than other mainstream diet plans, such as kosher or vegetarianism.
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Old 04-07-2012, 12:21 PM   #48  
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Thank you lovely friends!

My nutritionist called me yesterday (on a whim, funny huh?) and we got things straightened out. She modified my eating plan based on my new metabolic rate testing (which is running fast!) and asked me to stick to it by the book. I see her Thursday.

Thank you so much for all the words of wisdom, advice and encouragement! Each of you is a wonderful gift that I truly cherish! Thank you for understanding my crazy schedule right now but know I do read each post and am cheering you on!

Yes I'm back on track

Have a lovely weekend. Truly, Nameste
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Old 04-08-2012, 12:47 AM   #49  
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Family gathering tomorrow--same plan as usual: no snacks, focus on vegetables, tiny portions of everything else.

WI: -0.15 kgs (new low), Exercise:+65 305/1400 minutes for April, Food: 90%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

BillBlueEyes: LOL about the demonic nature of using Beck's food-pushing discussion to push food.

Woodland: have a happy time with family celebrations!

fyreflie24: yay for being back on track! And I want a psychic nutritionist!
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Old 04-08-2012, 05:08 AM   #50  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Curses! Wasn't able to trap my DS and his DP into blueberry pie. Foiled again. After dinner when DW asked how large a slice I wanted, I took none - CREDIT moi.

Exercise (CREDIT moi) was out looking to see if the warblers were back even though it's early. Not yet. But two Common Loons were cavorting, presumably stopping by on their way to Golden Pond in Maine.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – I'm gonna steal this for today, "same plan as usual: no snacks, focus on vegetables, tiny portions of everything else."

Woodland - Yay for adequate when adequate includes "Just Keep Moving." Enjoy your family.

Donamari (fyreflie24) – Sounds like you'll be getting more food. Does your new plan include dark chocolate?

Readers -
chapter 6 Stage 3 The Challenging Situations Plan
challenging situations skills
Confidently Follow Your Plan Despite Food Pushers

Create a Food Pusher Mindset . . .
If sticking up for yourself is a problem, make the following Response Card:
My goal to lose weight is more important than other
people's momentary desire to have me eat their food.
Their disappointment will likely be mild and brief. And
it's so important to me to reach my goal.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 141.
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Old 04-08-2012, 08:55 AM   #51  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

We traveled over to our other house last night. The good news was a great soak at the hot springs. My food was ok, credit for taking my lunch to work again. We went out for dinner at DH's fav mexican restaurant and ordered the usual, which we always share. I noticed that instead of making sure I got my fair share that I was willing to let DH have 2/3 and I focused on eating my 1/3 slowly. credit.

A trip back today and work tomorrow. I'm getting nervous about the busy summer schedule and am trying to remember to breathe. We leave for Alaska one month from tomorrow and there is lots of juggling to make that happen. It will.
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Old 04-08-2012, 10:42 AM   #52  
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Happy Easter, Coaches.

I have been MIA - no internet, busy planning Easter this morning for twenty. I have 13 baskets planned - everyone hunts except the oldest generation. I take particular pleasure in hiding my 52 year old brother's basket in an especially difficult place to find.
Food is not great. I read the posts this morning - heard gardener joy's "tiny portions" and thought I would go for that.

BBE: I have read the trilogy of Hungry Games. I liked the first book for eighth graders. Some good ideas about personal liberty to mull over. I did not recommend the third for any of them. It is violence for violence sake. Too Bad.
Lexxiss: Congrats on 1/3. That is a big deal.
Woodland: I am listening "Keep Moving"

Last edited by maryann; 04-08-2012 at 10:43 AM.
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Old 04-08-2012, 12:59 PM   #53  
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Happy Easter!

I woke up this morning with a new determination to get back on track. Weight was up again, not surprising with what I have eaten in the last 2 days. I need to go grocery shopping so I have the proper food in the house to make rational choices.

It's not really warm out today, but sunny, so I may try to get out and do something in the yard or garden.

BBE Love your wisdom - Seems demonic to use the writing of the good Dr. Beck to get tips on how to push food, but war is war.

Have a nice Sunday everyone!

Last edited by Tazzy; 04-08-2012 at 01:00 PM.
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Old 04-08-2012, 01:52 PM   #54  
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My nutritionist accidentally gave me my weight so the good news is that as of this morning, I was only up .6 from my lowest. My next weigh in is Thursday so at this rate, this week might not be a bust after all! So the moral of the story is... GET RIGHT BACK ON THE HORSE! Thank you dear friends for all your words of encouragement and support; means more to me than you possibly know. It was kinda scary that the old me, freaked out, way to invested in non-serving thoughts, panicked, came back so fast. The good news is, I was able to recover pretty quickly through a practice. It's so helpful to have tools that work!

Bill: Damn straight I eat dark chocolate! I use unsweetened cocoa in my morning shakes and will have a dark chocolate peppermint from Trader Joe's when I'm having a sweets craving... it's strong in flavor so one is plenty and just hits the spot.

Best with your renewed resolve TAZZY! Go get 'em!
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Old 04-08-2012, 04:35 PM   #55  
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Hi! Checking in. Company is gone... time to put. my feet up for a few minutes. We had a good visit with family. Didn't get to see my son, dil & gs as they are expecting a baby any day now. (due date April 15) Other family came. My SIL was bringing one pie and she brought three pies. I will have to give or throw them away. I have not made all the best choices - however, it doesn't mean that I must make unplanned choices for a week.

I hope that you all have had a nice weekend.

DH & I hid Easter eggs in two yards of the neighbors. They youngsters are so joyful to find them. Love it. DH and his 'offer' to fill the eggs didn't come true. He got the candy and gave it to me and went to see his friend in the hospital for a quick hello. I was left filling the eggs with candy, coins, stickers to get ready to hide by a certain time. So much for that. Phooey.

I will check in later. Take care, now.
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Old 04-09-2012, 06:34 AM   #56  
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Thumbs up Monday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - In the olden days - long ago and far away - Easter was a HUGE candy event: jelly beans, malt balls, M&M's, ... all of it. I've been free of that stuff by the simple technique of choosing not to buy any along with DW not buying any. (She used to keep a bowl of M&M's in the living room - gads!) However, yesterday I fell into the loose candy being stuffed into plastic eggs for an Easter egg hunt for the little kids. It's hard to watch teenagers stuffing their mouths without joining in. Ouch! Will have to re-think which community contributions fit my plans.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Alaska in a month - that's really exciting. Is it a cruise? Time ashore? Fish for a wild Alaskan Salmon? Golden Eagles? I'm psyched!

Beverlyjoy – Pies and candy for stuffing eggs - I'm right there with you. Glad that's over.

maryann - Love that you're hiding a basket for your 52 year old brother - it makes me feel better that I still prepare Easter baskets for my adult kids. We use, of course, the baskets from their childhood which is mandatory; if you're gonna re-experience being a kid, you need the right visual clues. Whenever a new significant other is included, we enjoy hearing each old item being explained, e.g. "The little chicken used to wind up and run around in circles until my brother broke it." It is beyond consideration that we replace the broken chicken.

Tazzy - Yep, a fridge with on-plan foods is a great start.

Donamari (fyreflie24) – I hear you loud and clear, "GET RIGHT BACK ON THE HORSE!" Cheering along with that whole flock of cheerleaders in your signature.

Readers -
chapter 6 Stage 3 The Challenging Situations Plan
challenging situations skills
Confidently Follow Your Plan Despite Food Pushers

skills to deal with food pushers
Once you feel comfortable with the idea of saying no, you're ready to create a plan. First, make a rule that you will not eat when someone offers you food that you haven't planned for - no matter what - unless you really want to take the food home and plan to have it another day. But if you think you'll be tempted to eat it before you plan to, don't take it with you; you'll regret eating it. Second, if food pushers push food on you, just say, "No, thank you," and then quickly change the subject. If they persist, you can also persist by sounding like a broken record: Just keep saying, "No, thank you. No, thank you. No, thank you." If they ask why you're turning down the food, you don't have to give a reason. You simply say, "I just don't want it now. But thanks, anyway."

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 141.
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Old 04-09-2012, 08:59 AM   #57  
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TGIMonday! Glad the huge temptations are gone. I've given away most of the food. Soon the extra pie will be trashed. (DH said he'd take it to the neighbor.. he didn't, so in the trash it goes with a good squirt of liquid dish soap.) It's better in the trash than me.

I have my journal and will plan out a healthy food day.

I hope everyone is doing well today.

If you ate extra over the weekend... well, that's over and done. You must forgive yourself and hop right back on your plan.

Have a GREAT day.
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Old 04-09-2012, 10:46 AM   #58  
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Good morning everyone!

Good day yesterday with food. I roasted a chicken later on Saturday and really enjoyed it for dinner last night with a spinach and strawberry salad. I did get to the grocery store and it's so much easier to eat well with good food. Weighed this morning, down .2, slow process but at least in the right direction.

DH and I went over our finances last night and it doesn't look like I'll be able to do the upcoming sessions of Zumba with other expenses we have. I will get out more on my bike, at least now the weather is cooperating, I have lots of workout DVD's, a Wii fit and also a treadmill and elliptical in the basement. I will miss the camraderie of a group class though. But it's what has to be done right now so I'll work with it.

fyreflie24 Great for getting right back on that horse. What day are you on of your yoga program?

beverlyjoy Good job on trashing the left over pies! As my DH said recently about potato chips in the house, they would go to his waist not waste if we bought them.

Time to get to work here, happy Monday!
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Old 04-09-2012, 01:00 PM   #59  
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Well I've been gone for nearly a month. Sorry about that. Have just not felt like doing anything while juggling with the aftermath of Mom's death. But we still have two memorial events to get through and the estate won't be settled for months. I can't wait, however, to get back to Beck. I have been eating very sloppily and not reading the book nor following the routines. And I've gained about 5 lbs in the process (still haven't been able to purchase the next charm for my bracelet).
This has got to stop, so be it resolved that today is the start of getting back on the wagon.
More tomorrow and more personal responses to you all....
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Old 04-09-2012, 04:07 PM   #60  
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Thumbs up Monday = new week once again

Hi Coaches

I didn't go to Ottawa and I hid out from the in-laws as well. DH and I spent the weekend watching a few movies and tv shows and now it's Monday.

I go to Ottawa this week though. I leave Wednesday and come back on Saturday. Sunday we'll have our post-poned Easter dinner. MIL left a message for us saying, "It'll be great as DH's sister and husband will be coming for dinner and the bonus is ALL THE EASTER CANDY WILL BE HALF PRICE THIS WEEK".

All that food pusher Beck stuff will come in handy methinks.

I will be in Ottawa for my official weigh-in this week but it turns out the head office for WW is very close to where my mom lives so I can count on having to be accountable which truly helps keep me on track. I *credit* weighed this moring and saw 260.6 which is fabulous. My lowest on the wii fit was 259.7 so this is indeed encouraging. I am keeping my eye on the Under 260lbs prize. I want my progress to begin again. And as if by magic (not) I was finally able to re-start on my Key West prints and get them done. I have 7 lino blocks to carve and print and then I can do my second cumulative print representing the last 2 weeks of my artist residency in Key West and then I can call the adventure a true success. I realized yesterday I needed to complete this project as it is New Work and I need it on my resume and for sample images of my work. I am looking for residencies to apply for and it's so obvious I need to show the work I completed in my one and only residency. So, time to move forward and move on already. That a re-focusing on weightloss and a re-focusing on my art projects occur simultaneously is not a big surprise to me. I often eat over the frustration of feeling stagnant and directionless. So when my "purpose" returns I know I have a chance to move all things forward.

Bye for now!
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