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StephanieM 05-08-2012 01:19 PM

Globe, it's funny you bring up the GI Diet, my doctor wanted me to go on it when I was pregnant. I didn't listen, I never had GD while pregnant so I didn't think it was a big deal. I've looked more into it and it reminds me of Atkins but not as restrictive. I was looking to use it for maintenance for when I'm at a happy weight.

Rho, you are right about hormones! I'm breaking out, losing my hair, even with medication my mood is a little off at times (but much better). Exercise has been making me feel really good lately. I do need some new recipes and ideas, I think I will look at Linda's site and try some new things :)

Today I'm at 179.2, which is understandable after the day I had yesterday. I tried to go for a walk but 3 blocks in I noticed my big toe hurting. I stopped to look at it and it was all bloody and cut open and there was blood all over my flip flop. I headed home to clean it up and get a band aid, only to get home and realise that Sloane had a poopsplosion in her stroller! So I cleaned her up first, changed her clothes and then tended to myself.

I think yesterday was just one of those days. Today is too rainy for a walk, and tomorrow me and my SIL are going to get piercings together :) This is the one I get along with, she just broke up with her boyfriend of 7 years. It's kind of weird since he's been uncle to my step daughter and my niece since they've been born/babies. We both need a change so this will be fun!

I was going to get my tongue repierced but it would be hard to stick to the diet if I did that so I'm going to get my conch and tragus pierced.

globetrotter74 05-08-2012 02:37 PM

Ok Step I'm curious what is conch and tragus LOL..Sorry about the bloody toe but it was the effort and at least youu are trying.. I'm waiting on my book to come the GI Diet and that will be what I'm going to switch over after I reach my goal...

You had me laughing at poopspolsion LOL..

Hang in there and if Atkins is getting to be too much then like I said find a plan for you..

have fun with your SIL

StephanieM 05-08-2012 09:35 PM

Here's a link that shows the different types of ear piercings: http://becauseilive.hubpages.com/hub...ions__Diagrams

I already have my conch in my left ear and tragus in my right. Thinking of getting them on the opposite ear so I match on each side

Maybe I'll read the GI Diet book early and use that for when I want a break. A little less restrictive but still a good diet.

AnaBee 05-09-2012 05:12 PM

Steph, you're doing great and it sounds to me like any gains are the exercise, it affects me the same way at first. I agree with Rho too about the hormones. I have been on prac (n a preschool) and it's great but I'm so, so tired! Between assignments for uni and work it's like I never get enough sleep, but I got 7.5 hours last night which helped. I've not been eating great but I'm trying to get in more exercise and I seem to be maintaining at least. Atkins works but I find it really hard sometimes. I've been making pancakes from everything I could find (psyllium and protein powder pretty good, I also added in ground hazel nuts and coconut flour) but while these things are relatively low carb, they aren't atkins low carb. But i loooooove pancakes. Sigh. I'm not eating enough vegetables though, I need to get back to basics.

I keep trying to think, what do I want, what would make this plan work perfectly for me. I can't come up with the answer but maybe asking the question over and over will make me hit on it eventually?

Re plans... maybe look into protein power? It's low carb but not quite so restrictive and I just really like Dr Eades (he has a blog). I looked into the GI diet years ago and it seemed really high carb to me, though I have friends who love it I was hungry all the time. I think for me that it doesn't matter how slow the release of carbs, I'm still really sensitive to them :-(

rho1640 05-09-2012 08:28 PM

I swear I made a post here this morning - so if it show up from space someday we know what happened ...

Oh, Steph I agree with AnaBee look into Protein Power too...it might be just enough difference to help you..

Ohhh I bet I know what I did - I hit preview not submit..

globetrotter74 05-10-2012 12:32 AM

LOL@ rho it has happened to me as well.. to hit preview and not submit..

Ok Steph I have a few friends with the conch piercing..I just never knew the name LOL.. You know Ana and Rho are right.. I didn't think about your hormones and they probably are all over the place and rightful so after having a baby... You have to do what is right for you like I tell everybody. I know people who think atkins is "evil" and others who swear by weight watchers.. After reading up on the GI Diet I knew that this is something that I can do for a lifestyle change and will use it as my maintence.

airomatic 05-11-2012 02:45 AM

Thanks Rho :) I am still hovering around 212, today I was 211.8 but somehow I have the feeling it will go back up to 212 tomorrow. I just try to remind myself of the looser clothes and that I am losing though the scale isn't moving. I actually will need some new clothes, my shorts from last summer are falling off though I'm hoping to lose another 10 pounds before getting clothes. It's a bit frustrating that the numbers are stuck though and Steph I totally know how you feel. Last summer when I first started doing Atkins I felt like I lost a lot faster and this time it's been a lot slower which makes it really easy to derail when you feel like the progress is too slow. I also know part of my problem is that I'm living with my mom and she always has junk food around which I try to avoid but when I'm tired or stressed out cookies become way too tempting. I need to get some more protein powder, that and eating jerky or some other type of meat snack helps to reduce the sugar cravings.
I think my new Memorial Day challenge will be just to get out of the 210's, if I can make it to 209 and keep it there or lower I will be happy, I just want to see a new set of numbers!
Diet: I love the Subway salads too! I usually get a chicken, bacon and ranch one which is at most 10 carbs when I'm stuck at school all day.
I also need to work out more, got way too hectic beginning of the week to keep up the program but will get back into it tomorrow. Just got to squeeze the time in somewhere.

rho1640 05-11-2012 09:48 AM

Air I was down to 213.2 the other day - nothing has changed and didnt eat more or anything and today (official WI day) I'm 214.4. I know it goes up and down during the week - because of water etc but dang couldn't it have stayed down for today :devil: lol

I passed my Memorial Day goal and am just seeing how much more I can do before it gets here. ;).

Ok getting up to go walk at the Rec. Center .... If I put it off longer I'll decide to not go ..

And I'm finally brave enough to put my numbers up btw. Accckkkk

globetrotter74 05-11-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by rho1640 (Post 4329593)
Air I was down to 213.2 the other day - nothing has changed and didnt eat more or anything and today (official WI day) I'm 214.4. I know it goes up and down during the week - because of water etc but dang couldn't it have stayed down for today :devil: lol

I passed my Memorial Day goal and am just seeing how much more I can do before it gets here. ;).

Ok getting up to go walk at the Rec. Center .... If I put it off longer I'll decide to not go ..

And I'm finally brave enough to put my numbers up btw. Accckkkk

Congrats rho on making your memorial say goal woohoo :carrot:

I know what you mean about the weigh staying down LOL it definitely is water and I've learned that my weight goes up and down 2 pounds..I've learned to deal with it I have no choice LOL

I have 4 pounds to go to meet my memorial day goal and I'll make it!! I better!!! LOL

Serenity100 05-11-2012 04:45 PM

TGIF Everyone! Last week's WI was a wash for me. Which was the first time since I started. I know it is to be expected, but still, it is annoying. Today I feel better because I realized that since I am OP, I am burning fat, so even if I have a pound or two of water, I really have less fat.

Congratulations Rho for meeting your Memorial Day Challenge!

Air, I need to work out more too.

Globe, even if you switch to another plan, you still "have" to post here. lol But kudos to you for figuring out that you can't stay on Atkins as a lifestyle change. It is better than pretending and then gaining all the weight back.

Making myself a portobello mushroom pizza now. The noodles were not bad, but didn't taste like pasta, and the texture was kinda funky because it does look exactly like pasta. But it is worth a try. It says 1 net carb, but I never did check if tofu is allowed, so check the book if you want to be sure.

dietcokehead98 05-11-2012 05:33 PM

Hi All!
Well I've been MIA for a bit and totally OP since Monday.
My mother had a massive heart attack Monday afternoon. The doctors referred to it as a "widow maker"....wonderful. Anyway, she's doing ok, she's home and resting now. I've either not been eating because I was in CCU with her or eating whatever my husband put in front of me and eating w/o thinking. I'll get back on induction on Monday, but I may have to alter my goal!
Checking in and I'll see y'all soon!

AnaBee 05-11-2012 05:52 PM

Amy (glad you put your name, calling you diet coke seems really wrong at a time like this), I am SO glad she's doing better, that's so scary for you all. Big hugs to you. My dad had a heart attack in 2003 and it totally shook me but it ended up being an awesome turning point for him health wise and now he's in better shape than most men his age. So I wish the same for your mum too. Take care of yourself, I'm glad you checked in again.

Air, I totally hear you on the slow progress making it easy to derail. I find as soon as I recomitt to strict induction time just stops still and it drives me nuts! It's like when I'm off plan type speeds along, but when I'm focused on losing, it takes aaaaaaages and I'm aware of how slow I lose. Boo, time's going to pass one way or the other and it would be so much nicer to be losing even if it is slowly!

Rho, awesome job with your goal! You are such an inspiration. I haven't met a single goal in any of the challenges we've done as a group but I know I'm doing better for having everyone's company and support so I'm just keeping on plugging away at it. I'm sick again (I'm doing teaching prac in a preschool and the germs, omg, those cute little kids are all infectious I swear!) which sucks because besides being super tired, I'm back on the cough lollies and sugary cough syrup. Sigh. I think it's partly artificially sweetened but that's still bad for me. Oh well. Induction level carbs in every other way.

Serenity100 05-12-2012 07:21 AM

Good Morning! :dancer:Yay the scale moved! 1 lb. down I finally made my 10% goal.

Amy,:hug: Prayers for your Mom. Don't over stress about the food.

AnaBee, you are doing great. I see your stats and I can't wait to be 177 lbs. Look for the sugarfree cough drops.

Have a great weekend, and to all the Moms, Happy Mother's Day! I'm eating at home, very easy to stay OP.

rho1640 05-12-2012 08:41 AM

Oh Amy how scary - the main thing right now is take care of you be sure to try to eat right now - and by that I mean don't worry so much about losing now but be sure to eat enough you need to stay healthy ..

I have missed some of the challenge goals too - but I look at it that I'm still doing good - remember I had 2 months of stuck where I lost a bit gained half back lot a bit gained it back - and was not cheating or anything.. I also try to make them a challenge but doable .. But thanks for calling me an inspiration :o

This kiddos in classrooms are just living Petrie dishes lol. Be sure to take your vitamins

I agree that if anyone changes to a different plan they still have to post here - if anyone gets upset that we all arent doing strict Atkins we can move the next challenge to the doing other LC plan group. I think the group is important for us all and we need to check in no matter where it is located :D

Sold my old car! Now have to clean it out and get the title to give the guy next week ... I'm thinking about using the money for a gas grill and the new fridge that I am in desparate need of (I swear mine is scary loud and shakes when it cycles on and off) then the next thing will be a new stove eventually and final will be a new dishwasher (will keep babying it for as long as possible) the joy of everything being about 24 yrs old ..

How were the portabello mushroom pizzas - I love them ... And I've found I like julienned zucchini the best as my noodle substitution. Sautee them quickly with a little garlic ..

globetrotter74 05-12-2012 11:41 AM

Hey to everyone..

Amy I'm sorry to hear about your mom.. glad she is doing better and hang in there..

Serernity congrats on the 1 lb loss.. a loss is a loss.. :carrot:

Rho and Serenity I still will post in here and check in after I've reached my goal because like you stated Rho it definitely has helped me in so many ways the support is awesome in here :D

I should make my memorial day goal and I'm workig hard to make sure. today I'm not exercising as I've been exercising everyday so I need to give my body a break, plus I cleaned my house so that was some moving around :o

I have the GI Diet and that is what I will switch to after I've reached goal. I'm actually losing 5 lbs below my goal weight because I know doing the transition I will gain some weight back

Happy Mother's Day to all those moms out there :)

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