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Old 01-31-2012, 08:17 AM   #1  
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Default ~~February Golden Girls~~

We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
We are the Golden Girls...

There is Value in us
There is Power in us
There is Wisdom in us
And Laughter....
We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
There is love in us.
(poem by Dorothy Holmes)

Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you passed the 50 mark? 60 mark? Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
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Old 01-31-2012, 10:41 PM   #2  
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Jenye Still practising. It worked - hurrah!

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Old 01-31-2012, 11:52 PM   #3  
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Oh, Lovelies!

Today was my mom’s birthday so ds, gds and I took her to her favorite Chinese buffet. She loved it but the scale is just rising and rising…. I know, intellectually that it is water weight but it is still discouraging.

I am here late tonight because I don’t know if I will get here tomorrow. Very busy day and pool league will keep me out till late tomorrow.

I was reading all the posts and laughing out loud at times. It is wonderful. Personals:

Rosey, OMGoodness, “bean him in the headlights with a rolling pin”? I was rolling on the floor. The earings are lovely.

Bobbi, I am just tickled by the idea of you and the wrecking crew.

Marie, Yup, use it or lose it by Dec. 31. That’s what I get for procrastinating… Grr.

Karenmo, yes, you are there to be with family. I hope Mr Crabbybritches gets to feeling better.

Deelee, was it the ides of march? Clooney is the bomb!

Isabella, I don’t like splenda and stevia gives me an after taste, too. However, I grew it in the garden this summer and made lovely sweet tea with the leaves. I brought it in and dried it and now I don’t like it. I am going to try to grow some in the house this year.

Beesparkle, congrats on the looser clothes. I always have a hard time realizing that clothes are too big…

Freda, I am convinced that men see different things than we do. Although I have known lots of guys who would spend all day cleaning a car – using toothbrushes on the wheels, etc. Don’t get me started.

Jenye, I can’t stand heat! Zoe, Donna and I would be having old fashioned “spells” at the idea.

Webwoman, I don’t get how the scale can get up so fast! Grrrr..

Well, time to settle my brain down for the night. Later!

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Old 02-01-2012, 06:40 AM   #4  
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Welcome to February. I am here because i want to stay on track. I am here because I am the vegan who ate her self unhealthy and overweight. I am here because my doctor last year told me I was heading towards diabetes, I had sores on my ankles, heartburn, hemorrhoids, migraines, worsening eyesight, athletes feet, bleeding gums no libido, flatulence fibromyalgia and of course i was depressed.
he told me to cut gluten and sugar completely out of my diet. He told me to go on a 900 calories diet.
I tried it but I did not stick to it for more than 3 weeks and even then I cheated.
But not anymore. Since January 2012 I have stayed on the new eating plan.
I feel so much better. One by one my health issues are diminishing.
You golden Girls have been the only people I discuss this with. You are my safety net.
So thank you for helping me save my life, my marriage and my sanity.
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Old 02-01-2012, 07:51 AM   #5  
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Lucinda, your post is inspiring.
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Old 02-01-2012, 08:22 AM   #6  
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Welcome, February! If we don't get any more snow in Feb than we had in Jan it will be fine with me. This is a leap year, so 29 more days and it will be March! LOL Can you tell I'm anxious for spring? I don't necessarily like the hot hot weather of summer, but spring is nice.

Bobbi - Our old cabinets were only about 15 years old. The boxes were in great shape but the doors were veneer and scratched up and the drawers were cheaply made and falling apart. They took them down intact and we sold them, along with the old counter top and sink. The first guy who called came and got them, and we got so many calls afterwards, DH wished he had more cabinets to sell. The guy said he had recently bought an old apartment building and needed some cabinets before he could rent it out.

WebWoman - It's nice to go down a clothing size. I have a lot of jeans and tops that got too tight so when I lose I don't have to go shopping. In fact, I could probably go down 4 sizes and still have jeans to wear. (I am not one to worry if my jeans are not the latest style.)

Rie - Sorry to hear about your medical reimbursement account. When I was working and had access to such an account, I didn't have many medical problems so I never took advantage of it. It would be so difficult for me to figure out in advance how much my medicals costs were going to be!

My DH is much better at keeping up with the housework than I am. When I met him and he lived alone I was amazed at how nice his house always looked. After he retired and I was still working, he took over most of the laundry and the cleaning. He washes towels, whites, jeans, and I do my own tops. He believes in a hot wash and hot dryer and I don't want my nice clothes washed that way. When I had my heart surgery I wasn't allowed to run the sweeper so he took over and does it still. I have done it a couple times, but we bought a new sweeper and I don't even know how to empty it! LOL He doesn't dust, but that's ok. I can do SOMETHING! LOL Also, when he puts things away he doesn't always put them where they belong and you can't find them the next time you want them. Shortly before Thanksgiving I was at the Goodwill store and I bought a stuffing bowl. It's a ceramic bowl and the lid is a turkey. Very pretty. I have no idea where it is now. Thanksgiving came and went and it was never found. I'm thinking it got put in the attic and he hasn't been up there much since the cold weather came. I hope to find it before next Thanksgiving.
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Old 02-01-2012, 09:34 AM   #7  
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Good morning GG’s,

New month ~ my head wants to make a fresh start, but the rest of me is struggling to make it happen. Tired ~ would gladly dive back in that bed if someone would let me. Rie ~ you mentioned about my transition back to work. Food wise ~ it went ok ~ but I didn’t walk. CK ~ I can identify with your feelings of frustration with yourself (I sometimes get so frustrated but then I know it is my own fault--I am the one who decides what goes in my mouth and when I do or do not exercise. Just need a swift kick to get back on track) Me too. I know the consequences of my bad choices and I stupidly keep doing the wrong things. I don’t know what is wrong with me that I can not seem to do what I know I should for more than a few days. If I could ever stick with it long enough to make some significant progress ~ maybe that would help. I don’t know what the answer is.

I do pretty good with my work routine (food) but after supper in the evening, I sometimes get this overwhelming urge to munch. Maybe if I took my laptop into my bedroom and did my reading there. I’ve gotta keep trying things until I find something that works. Maybe I will have to bite the bullet and start posting my food and exercise.

Ok, this is probably silly, but I kept looking outside and thinking I’d rather not walk today ~ it is dreary and drippy out there. I have walked inside the grocery store where I walk in the parking lot when it has been rainy, but wasn’t feeling like doing that today. So, I walked in a circle in my living room while watching an episode of a TV show I had recorded. Meso (my kitty) was on the card table I was walking around and assisted me by taking a slap at me as I went around ~ LOL. So, even though this probably isn’t much, I moved for 15 minutes that I might have otherwise been sitting in a chair. So, my fresh start in the new month is off to a good start.

Carol Sue ~ LOL at DH who can’t remember where the stuff to be put away belongs. I think it is a man thing. Mine can’t either ~ he can locate a thing to use, but can’t remember where to put it back. Sometimes I haven’t been able to find the stuff afterward either.

Lucinda ~ I’m glad that you are feeling better and that your health problems are diminishing. Way to go. Keep up the good work.

Sorry to not be able to get to more personals this am. Will have to catch up later.

Well, gotta get ready for work ~ two days down ~ two to go. Got out 2 hours late last night. Hope I get out on time tonight. It is a good day to be working though ~ it is dreary and dismal outside ~ so, I wouldn’t have to look out the window at the sun and feel bad to be missing it.

Hope you all have a good day.

Take care

Last edited by glynne; 02-01-2012 at 09:35 AM.
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Old 02-01-2012, 09:37 AM   #8  
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We plan to put all the intact cabinet doors out on the curb with a free sign on them. We carefully took them down with the 1932 hinges intact for someone to use for basement/laundry room. (stainless steel sink going out on curb also) They are real wood and didn't want to destroy them. The boxes are history, fun smashing them. Yes Rie, you should have been there!
Lucinda...loved what you wrote.
Laying floor today, bye bye.
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Old 02-01-2012, 10:10 AM   #9  
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Lynn's Accountability –

Wt. 149

Exercise 60 min - 30 min bike; 30 min treadmill @ 3.2

Breakfast – protein bar

Morning Snack - Lt cheesestick

Lunch - cup of Panera's chicken noodle soup & 1/2 whole grain baguette

Dinner - egg; vitamuffin top

Evening Snack - SF pudding

Cals - 650

Today is my Book Discussion meeting (at Panera's). We are discussing No Ordinary Time - about FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt. I enjoy these meetings.

Have a great day,


Originally Posted by Riemontana View Post
Today was my mom’s birthday so ds, gds and I took her to her favorite Chinese buffet. She loved it but the scale is just rising and rising…. I know, intellectually that it is water weight but it is still discouraging.
Hi Rie,

The only thing I can eat at Chinese restaurants and not gain weight Is brown rice and steamed vegetables – no sauce.

Originally Posted by lucindaarrowspark View Post
I am here because I am the vegan who ate herself unhealthy and overweight.
Hi Lucinda,

Are you continuing with a vegan diet?

Originally Posted by slmn11 View Post
My DH is much better at keeping up with the housework than I am. When I met him and he lived alone I was amazed at how nice his house always looked. After he retired and I was still working, he took over most of the laundry and the cleaning. He washes towels, whites, jeans, and I do my own tops. He believes in a hot wash and hot dryer and I don't want my nice clothes washed that way. When I had my heart surgery I wasn't allowed to run the sweeper so he took over and does it still. I have done it a couple times, but we bought a new sweeper and I don't even know how to empty it! LOL He doesn't dust, but that's ok. I can do SOMETHING! LOL Also, when he puts things away he doesn't always put them where they belong and you can't find them the next time you want them. Shortly before Thanksgiving I was at the Goodwill store and I bought a stuffing bowl. It's a ceramic bowl and the lid is a turkey. Very pretty. I have no idea where it is now. Thanksgiving came and went and it was never found. I'm thinking it got put in the attic and he hasn't been up there much since the cold weather came. I hope to find it before next Thanksgiving.
Hi Freda,

He is DEFINITELY a keeper!

Originally Posted by glynne View Post
I do pretty good with my work routine (food) but after supper in the evening, I sometimes get this overwhelming urge to munch. Maybe if I took my laptop into my bedroom and did my reading there. I’ve gotta keep trying things until I find something that works. Maybe I will have to bite the bullet and start posting my food and exercise.
Hi Gayle,

Posting my food and exercise is helping me. I had a breakdown in Dec & Jan. Since I started posting my food and exercise, I am doing MUCH better.

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 02-01-2012 at 07:11 PM.
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Old 02-01-2012, 10:37 AM   #10  
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Lynn, I have been a vegan since 2006. I became a vegan after reading Skinny B*tch.
Initially I did lose weight but then i started reading recipe books by Isa Moskowitz and I learned how to be a fat vegan.
I am a vegan for personal reasons. But I am not willing to push this agenda on my family. I purchase, prepare and cook all kinds of kosher animal based foods for them.
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Old 02-01-2012, 12:16 PM   #11  
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Good Morning, All…

I’ve had to go back to January 27th to read all the posts, so my replies might be dated. What a bunch of gabby geese you all are!

Rough night last night… tossed, turned, dreamed, felt like I’d been through a marathon when I finally woke up this morning. Poor SamCat is asleep now, resting up from my exertions!

Mary – you mentioned your DH has a lot of willpower…. I think we all have a lot of willpower. What we’re lacking is won’tpower! At least, that’s true for me.

Rosey – how’s Steve? Is Sadie still in the doghouse (no pun intended?)? The earrings you made are really pretty… so delicate!

CarolSue – what’s the upshot on your homecare nurse? The prices you mentioned are totally outrageous! If you’re not rich, how are you supposed to live these days???? I can’t believe all that you’ve been through with all your medical problems. I hope you’re doing so much better!

Isabella – I could easily be the person who overeats broccoli! I’ve been known to nuke a huge bag of it and eat the entire amount in one sitting. Is there a problem???

Rie – have you reached the age yet when you get these white “pube” hairs in your eyebrows? They’re terrible! They stick straight up and waggle. I knew that I was a crone, the first time I saw one. Talk about horrifying! I haven’t seen any facial hairs yet, though.

CK – I laughed at your parking lot post. In fairness, though, to whoever it was who thought you might be gay, you didn’t say it was something you’d read; the post was like it actually happened to you! To whomever that was, please… don’t be embarrassed!

GM is doing okay, the same. I saw her yesterday afternoon to help her with her shower and told her about Bobbi’s cure for insomnia. I took her some Cheerios and told her to eat some at 4 a.m. when she regularly awakens. I hope it helps! She sleeps enough, but not at the right time, and her days are so very long. Thanks for asking about her. And I’m doing fine. As long as I do my 2 ˝ minutes every morning without fail, I’m doing pretty well. I’m terrified to let a morning go without my workout (haha, did you all get that?), because I’m terrified I’ll be back to that 8.5-9 on the pain scale.

Gayle – SamCat is so perfect, thanks. I LOVE him!

Lynn – did you say you’d gotten a copy of the Anti-Inflammation Diet book? I tried to read it and discovered it probably would not fit my life at all… what do you think of it?

Bobbi – it sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed the demolition and rebuilding project!

PT/Zoe – have you gone on your consulting gig for this month? I’ve totally lost track of time. One more month down… and are you planning to abandon ship the first or the last of April? So soon…. Are you feeling better?

Marie – hola! How’s SamCat's beloved Kai? And how’s Blizzie? Has she fully recovered from her tumor surgery?

Freda – hola! How’s your back?

Sex? Good grief, I can barely remember it… and the memory is so weird I can’t believe it was something I actually DID…. Never had a UTI, either.

KarenFL – I know you banned us from talking politics, but I have to know how you feel about the primary yesterday? I’ve been avidly following all of this (OMG, what? 8,627 debates already???????)… This is going to be interesting, all for a job which ultimately has NO POWER, just the opportunity to be kicked and blamed for everything possible.

Lots to do today, so I’d better get rolling! Lots of newbies, and welcome to all of you. Anyone I missed, sorry… my eyes are crossing from all the pages of postings! Everyone, have a good Wednesday!
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Old 02-01-2012, 01:28 PM   #12  
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OK Rosey, grumpy and pointing out what needs cleaning would necessitate more than just occasional flowers in my book. You are a nice woman not to bean him in the head. Very pretty earrings. Of course pink is my favorite color and you made pink earrings.

Isabella, I hate Splenda, Saccharin, and Truvia. I do like Equal. It doesn't give me any aftertaste. I think it's the mouth chemicals and is individual for everyone.

Lynn, the agave at 30 cals per teaspoon is nearly twice the cals of sugar. No wonder it is great. Interesting Rie that the fresh stevia tasted good to you. Perhaps I'll grow some and try that.

Deelee, if I didn't buy a Starbucks franchise, I'd still have to buy the drinks if I only bought stock. Then they just get more of my money.

Rie, I feel your pain when the scale rises because of water. Sadly it is discouraging but you (and I) are smart and know it's not fat. Just salute the scale and go on your merry way. BTW, the Ides of March made me mad. I'd just "read" (aka listened) to a book that showed corruption in the white house, and the nonsense with the GOP primaries and then watching that movie. It was too much. I realize the movie accurately depicted real life politics but I was so mad that they couldn't have just one politician not turn dirty. Or aide in this case.

Lucinda, Way To Go! on the month long staying on track. Great job!

Gayle, have you ever looked into Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds videos. They're easy and were what got me on my exercise kick. You just might like them. I do believe she has a Golden (senior) one as well. I honestly enjoyed them a lot. Heck I'd still like them but they don't give me a good enough workout anymore.

Donna, ok, now I'm a crone since I do have some white eyebrows starting. Eeks!!! And Kai is irritated that she was put in the kennel with Kody yesterday because she has decided in the 2 hours between when DH leaves for work and when I get home, she should shred the plants. When she was going after my old, barely alive basil plants I told her no but didn't care. Then she went after the plant DH got after his father's funeral. It was in a pretty straw basket. Luckily she wanted the basket instead of the plant so the plant is ok. I need to re-pot it but it was the last straw. Pun intended. So yesterday she sulked. I told her SamCat would be disappointed in her but she snorted. But she's eating and healthy. Blizzie is FAB and doing great. So are Kody and Sasha. Sasha snuggled me last night as I tried to go to sleep since I was in a bit of pain. She's me snuggler.

So I just read about the ultrasounds I'm scheduled for on Friday and am thinking icky. I was probably better off thinking it was like the ones for having a baby. Stupid me, I had to google it.
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Old 02-01-2012, 01:32 PM   #13  
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It’s me again,

I am determined to keep up with this thread today.

Back from Book Discussion – our next book is Molokai.


Originally Posted by lucindaarrowspark View Post
Initially I did lose weight but then i started reading recipe books by Isa Moskowitz and I learned how to be a fat vegan.
Hi Lucinda,

Can you follow Moskowitz’s recipes and not get fat? My niece is thinking about going vegan.

Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
Isabella – I could easily be the person who overeats broccoli! I’ve been known to nuke a huge bag of it and eat the entire amount in one sitting. Is there a problem???

Lynn – did you say you’d gotten a copy of the Anti-Inflammation Diet book? I tried to read it and discovered it probably would not fit my life at all… what do you think of it?
Hi Donna,
I sauté raisins & almonds & broccoli in a little olive oil. I LOVE this food.

At this point, between diabetes (low carbs); esophageal spasms (MANY no-no foods); high BP (low fat), I could not see myself doing the AI Diet.
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Old 02-01-2012, 02:25 PM   #14  
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I joined this last night so I am starting today...this is my first post so hopefully it will work...

I am 50 living in TX not kids...3 cats... do housework and errands for one household...

I am doing my own program so not doing any known diet program now but I used to be on SparksPeople website so I use nutrition tracker thing...

Hope to get to know you 50+ buddies here...

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Old 02-01-2012, 02:44 PM   #15  
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Welcome, Cinnamonie!

Marie - I apologize for not shouting out to all of your pups... but I'm. Old. And. Tired... and can never remember all their names! SamCat frets about them all, but especially his beloved!! It's a given that they're included.
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