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Old 02-02-2012, 09:37 AM   #31  
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Good Morning, I just wanted to scan the post before I leave this morning. We striped the inlaid flooring yesterday in preparation of laying the new floor. Today we're putting in more of the cabinets, it's at a stand still for now. Home Depot measured wrong and one cabinet doesn't fit. DH just left to give Home Depot a piece of his mind and chew someone's butt. We can work around that too small cabinet, I'll be busy filling the dumpster today. We did not want to rent a dumpster because it was $240.00 bucks. But striping everything out of the kitchen had much more wood and junk than we thought plus all the old flooring. So the dumpster is in DD's driveway and calling my name, gotta go.
Just one more comment to KarenFla. ha, ha, ha, check out the two pictures below. We have a potted PEACH TREE that we bring into the breezeway in the winter. After reading about your leaves sprouting, I went out and checked our tree that never sprouts until March. It's got baby leaves on it!
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Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-02-2012 at 09:39 AM.
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Old 02-02-2012, 11:13 AM   #32  
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Hello Goldens!

Well, there are certainly a lot of fun posts here.... wayward eyebrows, naughty pets and all... I didn't get home from pool last night until after midnight but I was up and did my weight lifting this morning. Anything that I have to say about the scale is not fit for this forum.

Bobbi, I am enjoying the description of your renovations. You make it actually seem kinda fun. I am still picturing you, big mallet in hand, smashing things with glee.

Lynn, your plans for a walk and lunch with dd sound lovely. It is nice to see you posting.

Mary, my ds is a tea nut and he made that for me last week. Nice...

Karenmo, how nice that you have your own little study group. I believe that we can NEVER spend too much time with family. Bless you.

Gayle, I also started with Walk away the pounds videos. I also really like Gilad's beginner workout - check amazon. It has a really easy 30 minute aerobic section that is good fun. Baby steps.

Hi Cinnnamonie! to the Golden Girls.

Rosey, BAD Sadie! She is a lab and needs a little more time to mature...

Carol, good luck at the dr. Thinking of you and hoping for good news.

Karenfl, your post sounds lovely.... Strawberries, tomatoes, nice weather. Ptuie on mr big ego.

Marie, well, at least Kai is feeling well enough to be naughty? Kinda like when kids get over being sick.... Thinking of you.

Donna, What???! Pube hairs in my eyebrows?!?! Wow! Of course, with my thinning hair, maybe I will figure out a way to glue it down and make an eyebrow out of it. IDK, I have learned that a smaller belly brings awareness of certain issues that I could have remained blissfully unaware.... I'm not sure why I bother - but I don't want to offend myself!

Zoe, I think you are off on your consulting gig today. Safe travels friend.

Isabella, your dh habits for unloading the dishwasher are like my dad. I think he "refuses" to learn where they go. When my mom was sick, it was like an old Abott and Costello routine with him telling me to ask my mother where the dish goes and then he would refuse to put them away or grumble about her system... Mr crabbypants.

I know that I am missing people here... Sorry. Be Back later.


Last edited by Riemontana; 02-02-2012 at 11:15 AM.
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Old 02-02-2012, 12:21 PM   #33  
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cinnamonie, welcome to the group. I'm a calorie counter and use LoseIt! app on my iPhone to make the tracking easy.

Donna, LOL at apologizing for not mentioning the rest of the pack. I mentioned them because I felt guilty for only chatting about SamCat's beloved Kai Pixie (the little ). I'd never expect you to know their names. Never ever.

Isabella, my neck of the woods (high desert - aka high altitude and desert) has winter ending anywhere between March and June. Every year is different. Last year it was the end of June and I was not a happy camper as the GGs can attest. You were on sabbatical last year during my rants. So I can empathize with the wishing for warmer sooner.

Chris, hope your computer problems are resolved.

Mary, enjoy the nice weather. It's pretty here today. Sunny and 40's.

Wow KarenFL, your DH really gave you and your new stylist quite a recommendation. Broccoli -> YUCK!

Lynn, is a teaspoon or agave more potent than a teaspoon of sugar? Because I can see where that would be great on oatmeal. BTW I noticed that having no resistance again my legs when biking HURT me knees. The lack of tension made me fling my legs round and round and the knee didn't track smoothly up and down.

Carol Sue, I had been known to put the WATP video and have my stereo blasting with my faves but mostly I liked Leslie's chatter. And I'm forever in her debt for getting me into exercising. In January, I passed the 6 year anniversary of exercising pretty much daily. I owe WATP for that. And my database that I tracked it and gave myself nice rewards for milestones.

Rie, you know that nasty scale will give you props for your hard work. You're only 21 pounds away from goal. You're smaller so your body needs less fuel. AKA your metabolism isn't as high. So the losing is slow going at this point. But you can (and will) do it. Truly, I can handle the words you'd want to throw at it.

The pain is subsiding for this cycle and for that I am happy, happy, happy. Not nearly as bad as last cycle but still very uncomfy. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll have an answer. I figure the tests are tomorrow and then I'll hear in a week. Yucky test should have been done 4 weeks ago but they needed pre-approval from the real caregivers - the insurance company. I hate insurance companies but I'd sure hate to be without it.
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Old 02-02-2012, 12:48 PM   #34  
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Quick Hola, All...
I'm at work... and the good news is that a major (as in MAJOR) storm is forecasted for tomorrow, which means I might have a 3 day weekend! I'm tired, so that sounds nice. Of course, the WF might mistake a dusting for an accumulation.... I'm thinking a big batch of Wendy's chili would be good! Here's hoping for major....!

Rie and Marie - I always enjoy your posts... newsy and chatty! Marie - I will forever remember the babies' names now... I know how sensitive these wee darlings are! Beloved Kai, Blizzie, Cody, and Sasha... and David, hola!

Oh! People's magazine had a recipe for turkey meatloaf in this last issue... broccoli coleslaw, ground turkey, etc., etc. IT WAS HORRIBLE. I followed the recipe exactly, and ugh..... SamCat nibbled a little, and the outside critters will get the leftovers. It was edible with gobs of catsup. Yuck.

Everyone, have a lovely... Off to grind stones or something.

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Old 02-02-2012, 12:58 PM   #35  
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Happy Thurs to you all!

Curious to see how my first day went so I weighed in this scale landed on 155 mark...yep I lost 3 lbs...all water weight loss... Yippeee!!!

Food journal really helps...I have to be sure I am between 500-2300 mg of sodium intake a day so yesterday it was like 700 mg... only thing I was little bit lower was protein... so need to add it up more as time goes on...

I had about 8 hrs of sleep...the older I get the easier for me to fall asleep earlier and harder to stay up later...

I read your posts...very interesting... I never tried agave...I use stevia only as sweetner if needed to... especially when I put things in my plain yogurt including cocoa powder sometimes...

Have a great Thurs afternoon and evening,

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Old 02-02-2012, 03:28 PM   #36  
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Morning everyone. not much going on here. its a "gorking" kinda day.they say a pictures worth a thousand words so this pics for you lynn hope you all have an awsome day rosey
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Old 02-02-2012, 04:49 PM   #37  
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Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
Morning everyone. not much going on here. its a "gorking" kinda day.they say a pictures worth a thousand words so this pics for you lynn hope you all have an awsome day rosey
Thank you, Rosie. You would laugh at what I was imagining.

I LOVE sweet pickles so I will try these. We will see whether or not they like me. Since I got this esophogeal spasm problem, I never know what will trigger one until I try it.

I bet these would be good on a turkey sandwich.

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Old 02-02-2012, 05:04 PM   #38  
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Okay Dokey...Got all the errands done, linens washed and bed remade and lemon tree planted. Enough! Time to get GG caught up. too.

Carol Sue...I have been holding my breath all day what's the last word?

Gayle..Where are you? When you don't post often I worry about you kiddo!


Donna...last night on Next Top Chef the guest judge was PeeWee Herman(wasn't he arrested for nasty stuff he was doing in a movie theater?) Anyway, the 5 chefs made him fabulous lunch dishes and when they left the stage he said they were all missing the prime ingredient "catsup." LOL

Marie....Glad the monthly pain is less for yoursake but hope they can still see what's happening. With my echo I thought I was in the movie "Hunt for Red October" with the sounds.

Bobbie...That looks like one scared peach tree. Add a lamp out there and you'll be picking peaches for Easter.

Karen....gee wish we could grow daff's down here. They and Iliacs say

Rosie...OMG they said in todays paper you have had over 340" of SNOW!

Lynn...You are starting to sound like our Lynn. Now take care of our Lynn for us please!

Rie...I watched a little of that 600lb woman last night....none of us will ever have the problems she faced. I couldn't stand watching the whole show. I felt so sad. She had so many problems even after the surgery, from family. spouse and body image...hey GGs we can do this!

Isabella...I am so glad you are back here! We really missed you.

Zoe...How many days? That's how many hours? and don't leave any time on the books!!!!!!

I know i forgot some body...but I am older than Donna our crone diva....Off to start supper. Small pinwheels of flank steak, mozzeralla cheese baked on bed of spinach. I'd do a cauliflower but ate it already....k3
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Old 02-02-2012, 06:02 PM   #39  
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Happy Groundhog Day!

Chris, I don't know what I'd do half the time with my computer if my two DSs didn't keep me straightened out. Every time they visit they fiddle with it and keep it working good. Of course, they get SOS calls occasionally. LOL

Mary, you sure do well with those surveys and sweepstakes! Oh, and before I forget, I made that Spaghetti Squash Pizza recipe that you posted a week or so ago and it was delicious--a real keeper. DH and a friend who was here for dinner really enjoyed it.

Karen31, Esther is one of my favourite Bible characters. She was so brave and faithful. I wish I had flowers peeping through, but alas it will be May or early June before I see that.

Rosey, your earrings look very pretty. Pink is a favourite colour of mine.

Lynn, I'm going to make the broccoli this weekend. Can't wait to try it. Thanks for the instructions.

Carol Sue
, so happy to hear things are starting to heal and the wounds are getting smaller. I'd be a raving maniac if DH put pans away that I was planning on using. My DIL's mother is like that. She wants everything put away immediately. She once threw out a cup of egg whites I was about to use to make meringue. Another time I got up from the breakfast table to get more milk (about 10 feet to the frig) and when I returned my breakfast was cleared off the table. I was gone maybe 20 seconds. Good job with that pound loss.

Lucinda, some people think vegans are gaunt, pale and emaciated. I guess some are but no need of that. There's so much food to eat.

Hi, MsCinnamonie. Glad you are starting to chat a little. Great about your loss, even if it's water.

Bobbi, you and Karen31 must be in a warm place this winter. I was just listening to the weather and someone was saying it was an unusually warm winter in many place. We've had a fairly good winter as winters go but nothing like you guys are getting.

Rie, those nasty scales will eventually do what they're supposed to do. You do so well with your program. When DH can't remember where a dish goes I ask him how long he's been living in this house. It's been almost 34 years and I don't change the cupboards around very often. LOL

Marie, we may have a rant together this spring.

Donna, snow days are wonderful!

Karen3, what a nice thing to say. Thank you.

Here are my eats and exercise for the day.
Breakfast: 1/2 cup Oatmeal with bran, flax and wheat germ, 1/2 banana, 1 tablespoon chopped dates, 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts,1/2 cup skim milk, brown sugar, 1/2 a huge tangelo

Dinner: Spaghetti squash pizza, 1/4 cup fried potatoes, 1/2 slice sourdough garlic bread, lettuce, avocado salad, 1 teaspoon salad dressing

Supper: 1 boiled egg, small slice ww bread, mixed fruit (1 slice pineapple, 2 strawberries, 1/2 banana) 1/2 cup skim milk

Exercise: 13.21 km on exercise bike, 45 minutes

Last edited by retiredone; 02-02-2012 at 06:08 PM.
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Old 02-02-2012, 06:22 PM   #40  
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Hi GGirls. I went to a new exercise at my health club yesterday – Core yoga and pilates. I have to be careful with yoga. When my body gets too stretched – things start to pop out – but I know my limits there. It was a good class but I have some very sore abs. And I’m tired again – still tired? – was there I time when I wasn’t tired? Anyway, more tired than usual. We are having a very mild winter in Illinois. I know we will pay for it with a nasty March and April.
Marie – Yes, even as a stock holder (very small) I have to buy my drinks but hopefully, other people feel the same as you and the stock will go up in value. I am sorry to read about your pain- I hope the tests aren’t too bad and gives you some answers.
Bobbi – you sure have a lot of energy. And you put it to good use. What’s your secret?
Carole Sue- glad your wounds are getting better. My dh doesn’t put things in right place. I get most annoyed about the plastic container cabinet. I went to great pains to organize it. Now someone has lost all the lids to my favorite Tupperware. It’s annoying. Where do they go? It’s like the missing socks…
You can only pluck the grey eyebrow hairs for so long. I now have mine dyed when I have my hair highlighted. I also have to have a base color because my grey hair is making my light brown hair look like mud.
It stinks having to pay for the medical stuff. But you need what you need.
Chris- I think you did great with the computer stuff. Glad it finally worked out for you. I have so much to learn.
Rosey – your earrings are beautiful!
Karen 31- you play bridge in the big leagues. My dh and I played in college (not together) and started playing again about 6 years ago. We play the hands and defense pretty well. We’re just trying to bring our bidding into the twenty first century. Bridge does attract some competitive and arrogant. To learn some new bidding we have taken some lessons. The people can be so condescending – til we defeat them. We may be new to the Jacoby Two Notrump bid but we know how to play the hands. But it’s taking us a while to get comfortable with the new bidding.
Rie- The Clooney movie that I want to get out to see is the one that is nominated, “Descendants.” He is definitely the bomb. I believe he just turned 50. Some men just get better with age…
Welcome Cinnamonie!
Okay ladies, I have to figure out what we’re having for dinner. See you later.
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Old 02-02-2012, 11:44 PM   #41  
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Spent areally quiet and restful day hope your was too rosey

1/2 banana

1 c tomatoe soup

coffee mocha
4 trisquits

turkey lunchmeat roll ups
sm salad
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Old 02-03-2012, 06:14 AM   #42  
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Bobbi- I am enjoying your re-construction saga. I am living vicariously through you.

just wanted to share, I purchased a frother. I used it to froth 8 ounces of almond milk,(40 calories) added a packet of truvia,(0 calories), and put it into a extra large cup of home brewed coffee.
So I saved 300 calories by avoiding starbucks, the cost of the frother will pay for itself in 3 days in savings.
I am one happy chick.
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Old 02-03-2012, 08:19 AM   #43  
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The doctor visit was short and sweet. He is pleased with the progress, but he wants me to take the packing out of the wounds when I take my shower, before the nurse comes. Then when she comes she will just repack and bandage. It's scary to me to let the water run inside the holes, but he said it will help healing.

I'll be back later!
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Old 02-03-2012, 09:45 AM   #44  
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Howdy to you all! Today is Friday!

Yesterday I started exercising on my mini trampoline while watching Judge Alex... I have mini gym including Total Gym and lots of dvds especially Taebo...I would have to exercise slowly and steady...

I hang my pant on the door--it is not yet fit me but it is motivation tool for me... I rather not just depend on scale itself...I cant find my red body measurement tape yet... I do know from experience that I can lose inches sooner than pounds...

Carol Sue hope your wounds heal up sooner...

Happy Friday to you all!
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Old 02-03-2012, 09:52 AM   #45  
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I will be back with personals later today. I am making beef, carrot, potato, onion stew today. My DD & SIL will get all the beef - I will keep some of the veggies.

Have a GREAT day,


Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Lynn's Accountability –

Wt. 148

Exercise - 60 min - 15 bike; 45 treadmill at 3.3

Breakfast – protein bar

Lunch - breakfast pie

Afternoon Snack - SF pudding w SF Cool Whip

Dinner - potatoes; carrots; stew gravy

Evening snack - lo-carb yogurt; prunes

Cals -1091

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 02-03-2012 at 06:27 PM.
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