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Old 02-01-2012, 04:59 PM   #16  
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Jenye, Yup, it worked, LOL.

Rie, I haven't been to a Chinese buffet in years. I suppose it's a good thing as my favourites were always deep fried. Flush that sodium out with plenty of water. Hope you have a successful night at pool.

Carol Sue, I don't like winter, either, but our Spring is often cold and winter-like until almost the middle of May. I'm hoping we'll benefit from global warming. My DH does alot of housework, also. But when I was working I always washed my own clothing as he shrunk more than one piece of clothing. And he can not remember where any of the casserole dishes go so when he does dishes or empties the dishwasher he lines everything up on the counter for me to put away. Hope you can find your turkey bowl.

Gayle, I could have stayed in bed this morning but unlike you I was wide awake for a change but by dinner (lunch) time I was nodding off after I ate. I never nap so that was unusual for me. I have walked and run around my house many times, especially if the weather was bad outside. I would run a circle from the kitchen, living room and dining room. I'd set the oven timer and worked up to an hour's jog in the house. So if you're silly so am I, LOL.

Bobbi, when my DS was renovating his first house they had piles of garbage out front. It was mostly real garbage, too but I was amazed when people would drive by, stop and help themselves to stuff I'd never dream of keeping. You'll have no problem getting rid of those cupboard doors. Someone may strip and refinish them.

Lucinda, I gained weight eating vegan. I lost weight to begin with like you and then I learned to fatten up the dishes and make desserts. I couldn't keep up with being vegan so we're vegetarian now.

Donna, now I've met a broccoli over-eater. I can eat a full bag of vegetables, too--French Fries, LOL. I love broccoli, though. I get those horrible white eyebrows now and then and when I try to pluck them I inevitably pull out 3 or 4 good ones before I get the offending white hair. Then I have a bald spot in my brow for about a week.

Marie, don't think about the ultrasounds, they'll be soon history.

Lynn, broccoli with almonds and raisins sounds so good. I'm going to try that next time I have broccoli.

Welcome, MsCinnamonie. So glad you found us. Just join in and start chatting. If you stick with us you'll soon know who we all are. I'm doing my own program, too and use occasionally to track my calories.

I'm having a busy week as it's my church's turn at the Goodwill Centre. I always sleep well the week we're on duty as it's non-stop work with clients or sorting clothing or filling food orders for the food bank.

Here's my eats and exercise for the day.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with bran, flax and wheat germ, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts, brown sugar, skim milk, 1/2 huge tangelo

Dinner: 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich, 1 1/4 cups vegetable soup, lettuce and avocado salad, 1 teaspoon Ranch dressing

Supper: 1 oatmeal raisin chocolate chip cookie warm from the oven, fruit salad (1 slice pineapple, 2 strawberries, 1/3 banana) with 1/4 cup ff yogurt and 2 tablespoons applesauce, 1 serving French fries

: 12.45 km on exercise bike, 45 minutes
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Old 02-01-2012, 05:27 PM   #17  
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Good afternoon girls. Not a nice day here with snow,freezing rain and rain. A good day to stay inside. Missed posting yesterday. Had issues with my anti virus and was getting that fixed. The antivirus kept running out and I had to keep putting the cd in to get another one. I finally ran out of the times I could use the cd. I had a cd for 3 pc's and used it all up in just one pc. So I finally had to call. Well, I am not very computer skilled. I can turn it on and off and not much more. First she tried to talk me through it and I just was not getting anywhere. So she had to do a remote fix. Now here I was trying to hold the phone so I could hear her instructions,type in passwords and type on a wireless keyboard(with 1 finger) the wireless does not alway co-operate as it likes to skip or double up. Not good when you are typing in passwords! After an hour waiting to have my call answered and then an other hour with her I was pretty much beat and tired of this computer thing. Shut it down and de-stressed by doing some cross stitch. I will say that the lady who worked through this with me was very patient and kind and I applaud her...she deserved a medal! I am doing better today though and antivirus is working and doing fine. I must get up and tidy up a bit. Dinner dishes are still on the table.
All have a great day and may it bring you joy! ........ Chris
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Old 02-01-2012, 05:34 PM   #18  
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Hi everyone! It's a nice day today ...sun shining no rain, probably in 50s, not sure of temp though. Went to the gym and did only 20 on the bike at 7, and 15 min on treadmill. Stopped at CU for our 2 weeks cash and also bought some lettuce before coming home. Rie, I am doing your lettuce trick and it does help but I ran out last night! Also this morning, I was called for a health survey (phone interview) and I will earn $75 for it! I ordered the movie , Gospel Road, from It was made by Johnny Cash and his wife, June many years ago and I always wanted to watch it.

No time for personals right now, maybe later.
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Old 02-01-2012, 06:12 PM   #19  
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Evening girls...darn it you think I could even begin personals....too much to even get read.....I Haven't got the time tonight so all get together for my group hug!

Brocolli, cauliflower just about any vegie you can steam/nuke/roast and I can about eat a whole head. For a change of pace just a dash of FFCatalina dressing or ICBNBBlite or my FF SF italian dressing. Darn it just ate dinner and I could pig out now.

I played with a new guy today. Has a big ego....told me he was a senior master and has enough points to be a Life master, but missing his colors. I didn't tell him what I was.....and Mr Big Ego never asked. Oh to be a senior master is just to be old....nothing to do with skill.

Got my hair cut at the new place and Dh who never notices told me I look like the girl he married. Ahhhh just when i wanna hit him he gets sweet on me. The cut is actually helping me get my wave/curl back.

Things are brighting ladies....we have blossoms on the peach trees, red bud is in full bloom and oaks/sycamores are full of red buds. Spring down here will work it's way North soon I hope. Strawberry festivals are starting. Local berries are coming in now. Prime time for local tomatoes, too. Even sundown is getting later. Still not dark here. Guess this why we moved down here.hmmmm

I'll be back tomorrow with time to do personals. Lov'ya all k3
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Old 02-01-2012, 06:19 PM   #20  
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Beautiful day here today. My Aunt and I went to my sisters today for the first day of Bible study with her. we are studying "Esther" and it was very nice this morning. I am looking forward to next week! Then we went to Arby's for lunch-- I just had the Farmhouse salad and that was really good.

It has been a beautiful day today. It is after 5:00pm and still 62 degrees-- I'm not complaning a bit! Just went out and took this picture so I could share. This is in our back yard. I keep thinking this patch I would like to dig up and plant strawberries --- but then the flowers show up and it is so pretty!

Need to go and get supper going.. I'm still full from lunch so maybe I will put a 1/4 DiGorno pizza in for Tim.. He does like that pizza. Take care everyone and I'll try to get back tonight
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Old 02-01-2012, 06:19 PM   #21  
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Hi everyone. snowing like crazy out today. and yes sadie is in the dog house.she hates being tied up and didnt do here business outside and i stepped in it in the hall way rethinking things where shes concerned. dh had dr and physical therapy apt today,i was going to go with but decided i needed the quiet time more. i sorted my bead stash and looked at old pattern books.also found a magnifier on a small frame with alite that i can work under it and see what im doing wonder when i got that? crs lol i have venison cooking in the crock pot with crrotts and onion.smells wonderful and it wasnt on the dh no no list.welcome new ladies and for all.rosey


turkey lunchmeat rollups with 1 slice cheese and sweet banana peppers
iced tea

coffee mocha
1/2 c homemade trail mix

venison steak
1/4 c carrotts
smgreen salad
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Old 02-01-2012, 06:56 PM   #22  
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My last post of the day -

Originally Posted by MsCinnamonie View Post
I am doing my own program so not doing any known diet program now but I used to be on SparksPeople website so I use nutrition tracker thing...
Hope to get to know you 50+ buddies here...
Hi Cinnamonie,

WELCOME! We love to get new members to our Golden Girls forum.

Originally Posted by Marie View Post
Lynn, the agave at 30 cals per teaspoon is nearly twice the cals of sugar. No wonder it is great. Interesting Rie that the fresh stevia tasted good to you. Perhaps I'll grow some and try that.
Gayle, have you ever looked into Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds videos. They're easy and were what got me on my exercise kick. You just might like them. I do believe she has a Golden (senior) one as well. I honestly enjoyed them a lot. Heck I'd still like them but they don't give me a good enough workout anymore.
So I just read about the ultrasounds I'm scheduled for on Friday and am thinking icky. I was probably better off thinking it was like the ones for having a baby. Stupid me, I had to google it.
Hi Marie,

I decided the same thing about the Agave. The only time I use it is with my oatmeal – YUMMY!

Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
[B] Rie, I haven't been to a Chinese buffet in years. I suppose it's a good thing as my favourites were always deep fried. Flush that sodium out with plenty of water. Hope you have a successful night at pool.
Lynn, broccoli with almonds and raisins sounds so good. I'm going to try that next time I have broccoli.
Hi Isabella,

My FAVORITE at Chinese restaurants was General Tso’s Chicken & egg roll & fried rice. It would definitely bring on one of my esophageal spasms!

When you make it, do the almonds and raisins first over high temp – till the almonds are brown and the raisins are plump, then add the broccoli and cook until it is a little seared. REALLY Yummy!
Originally Posted by Daylily View Post
Good afternoon girls. Not a nice day here with snow,freezing rain and rain. A good day to stay inside. Missed posting yesterday. Had issues with my anti virus and was getting that fixed. The antivirus kept running out and I had to keep putting the cd in to get another one. I finally ran out of the times I could use the cd. I had a cd for 3 pc's and used it all up in just one pc. So I finally had to call. Well, I am not very computer skilled. I can turn it on and off and not much more. First she tried to talk me through it and I just was not getting anywhere. So she had to do a remote fix. Now here I was trying to hold the phone so I could hear her instructions,type in passwords and type on a wireless keyboard(with 1 finger) the wireless does not alway co-operate as it likes to skip or double up. Not good when you are typing in passwords! After an hour waiting to have my call answered and then an other hour with her I was pretty much beat and tired of this computer thing.
Hi Chris,

I ABSOLUTELY know how you feel. My DD and I just spent an hour and a half trying to enable my “smartphone” to have access to my email account. I would have given up after the first 15 minutes. Luckily for me, my DD was here and took over for me.

Originally Posted by maryea View Post
Went to the gym and did only 20 on the bike at 7, and 15 min on treadmill.
Hi Mary,

I REALLY need to set the bike tension higher. I do my time on the bike at 0 tension. Does the high tension ever bother your knees?

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Evening girls...darn it you think I could even begin personals....too much to even get read.....I Haven't got the time tonight so all get together for my group hug!
Hi Karen,

I am trying to keep up with personals today. It is nice to see what is going on with everyone, but takes time to do personals. Luckily, today, I have time. My students have not yet started posting their assignments for me to grade.

Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
It has been a beautiful day today. It is after 5:00pm and still 62 degrees-- I'm not complaning a bit! Just went out and took this picture so I could share. This is in our back yard. I keep thinking this patch I would like to dig up and plant strawberries --- but then the flowers show up and it is so pretty!
Hi Karen,

GREAT photo! Thank you for sharing.

Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
turkey lunchmeat rollups with 1 slice cheese and sweet banana peppers
Hi Rosey,

What are sweet banana peppers?
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Old 02-01-2012, 07:14 PM   #23  
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Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment at 8:45. Bright and early. I think things are going well so I don't expect any surprises. My pain is almost gone except when they are packing the wounds. There is less drainage and the nurse said the wounds are getting smaller. 2 inches deep instead of 3.

Donna - I don't know what the daily charge is for the home nurse. On the list of paid claims it didn't give a breakdown, just a total for December of $1900 some odd dollars. This was from Dec 17 to Dec 31. It might be $150 per day because they don't come on the days I have a doctor's appointment so I don't get charged for that. I rounded to $1000 per week. I owe nothing for that, but for January, not only do I have to pay a $1200 deductible, but my insurance changed and after the deductible they only pay 90% which I figure comes out to around $90-$100 per week I will have to pay. I can pay it. I don't like it, but it's not like I can tell them not to come. I need them right now. Someday this will be overwith and forgotten. I will move on to some other problem. I'm really surprised that my insurance has let this go on this long. Maybe once I meet my deductible and they have to start paying they will speak up. The nurse said at this point they are just approving me from one doctor visit to the next, which is 10 days apart. She is an RN. She mentioned that once I hit 60 days of care they might switch me to a wound care nurse. I don't think a wound care nurse would do anything differently that this nurse is doing. She's following the doctor's orders.

RetireDone - I went to bake pies today and my pie pans were not where they belong. I would love it if my DH would leave things on the counter for me to put away. If I leave a pan or baking sheet out because I'm going to use it again in a half hour or so, he will put it away.

Marie - I have 2 Walk Away the Pounds videos and I don't like them. I find them boring....too repititious for me. Now the treadmill and elliptical are also repititious too, but I'm watching TV while I'm on them so the time goes fast.

I also have a white eyebrow here and there. I was plucking them out, but now I just let my bangs grow longer so I don't have to worry about them. LOL

One of my 4 lbs was gone this morning. Bye Bye. Don't hurry back!

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Old 02-01-2012, 07:49 PM   #24  
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Hi Lynn a sweet banana pepper is a pickel. like a pepperceni but not hot. (you can get them in subway sandwiches) they are by the dill pickels. i use them for crunch and flavor in my rollups and salads,low calories lol. carol sue congrats on the 4# thats awsome. ttfn rosey
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Old 02-01-2012, 08:43 PM   #25  
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isabella.. glad to know i wasn't the only chick who gained weight going vegan. most vegan gainers that I've met online are not trying to not be fat. It's like some kind of badge of honor.. as though being a fat vegan makes one a political enigma.
karen 31... my hebrew name is Esther. and i am up on my Biblical knowledge of her. Are you studying the historical heroine from the story about our Purim holiday?
Karen 3.. i have eaten a whole head of cauliflower infact I did that yesterday
i hear playing bridge is addictive, true? i have only played military bridge and for the life of me I can't remember how. .
rosey.. I am sorry your beloved pooch pooped on the floor. yuck.
maryea.. is the Jonny cash movie any good? I learned to love jonny cash b/c my dad listened to him while i was growing up.
chris ...if it wasn't for my kids teaching me I still would be afraid of 'ruining' the computer. Good for you for getting help from a service!
I try to write a weight loss related haiku everyday. If you are at all interested come view my blog.
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Old 02-01-2012, 09:29 PM   #26  
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Thanks for the welcome greetings...

I am looking forward to be on this journey with you guys...

Happy Wed evening to you all...
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Old 02-01-2012, 10:04 PM   #27  
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Lucinda, we are studying Esther, The Bible study is by Beth Moore and it is called "It Is Tough Being a Woman" Today was the first session with it. My sister is actually on her 4th week with her church group but thought that it would be fun to do it with just us three. It is going to be very interesting and fun with just us. We went to Arbys for lunch today afterwards and it was just FUN!!

Lynn, I've eaten those banana peppers and they are very good. And sweet. Yummy

Welcome to the Newbies! Gosh our group is really growing. Hope you find us helpful, supportive and entertaining... Life isn't all about weight loss!!

I'll try to get caught up tomorrow... although we have some running to do tomorrow.. But I'll catch up sometime.
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Old 02-02-2012, 01:03 AM   #28  
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Just popped in to tell you about a new-to-me tea I tried tonight! It is one of the Lipton Green Teas and this one has purple acai and blueberry in it. I got some samples in the mail and honestly did not expect to like it but I did very much!
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Old 02-02-2012, 09:09 AM   #29  
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Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Lynn, I've eaten those banana peppers and they are very good. And sweet. Yummy.
Hi Karen,

Are they shaped like a banana or do they taste like a banana?

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Old 02-02-2012, 09:11 AM   #30  
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On my way to meet with my DF. We are going to walk in a park near me and then out to lunch.

Have a GREAT day,


Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Lynn's Accountability –

Wt. 148

Exercise - walking in park

Breakfast – protein bar

Lunch - cup of squash soup; 1/2 piece of coffee cake; 1/2 piece cocoanut (SP?) pie.

Dinner - raisin bran; soy milk

Evening snack - prunes

Cals - 1,000

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