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Old 11-22-2011, 03:56 PM   #376  
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Hello again!

I thought that I would jump back on here and join the conversations on chair sitting and menus.

I started last summer with the following. I try to stand at my desk when I am on the phone. It really helps with my joints, doesn't interfere with anything and cuts the stiffness. It has become a habit.

Our family menu is traditional turkey, 2 stuffings (sweet and savory) potatoes, and sweet potatos. We are adding roasted fall veggies this year. Always, pumpkin pie with real whipped cream. Later!

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Old 11-22-2011, 05:27 PM   #377  
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Hi everyone.. Happy Thanksgiving wishing you all a wonderful holiday with friends and family. i will be leaving early in the morning.its snowing now so roads could be iffy we go slowly. i'll be back sat or sunday. when my back bothered me befor my surg i used a big sears catalog like a stool under my feet and elevated me legs abit. maybe that would help you a little did me.. ((hugs))) rosey

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Old 11-22-2011, 07:02 PM   #378  
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I worked for 47 years and sat for about 42 of them. At my last job, they changed our workstations to standing as a test for about a year. I didn't notice any improvement in how I felt during that time. When I sit for a long time I am stiff when I first get up until I get going. A guy at work said I'm like an old's hard to get it started, but once it starts it's ok. LOL

I invited my friend Izzy to come over and check out the Golden Girls thread. She goes by BCL216. She's a really nice girl and I think she will fit in well here.

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Old 11-22-2011, 07:44 PM   #379  
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Hey GGs,
This will be quick, DSD will be here any minute now. (Oh, & Zoe, I’m pretty sure she knows her being here annoys me, she probably enjoys that. But, she really doesn’t have anywhere else to go, unless this thing with her boyfriend works out. I feel sort of bad for her about that.) Anyway, SO has the next 5 days off (Yay! I get to sleep in!), so we’ll probably be busy with “projects”, & I might not get back here for a few days. So, in case I don’t - I hope everyone has a HAPPY & DELICIOUS THANKSGIVING!

(And, Marrie, I don't usually like tattoos, but yours I sort of like?! Thanks to you & Rie for the crossed fingers & toes!)
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Old 11-22-2011, 10:00 PM   #380  
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Evening everyone.

Rosey, be safe on the roads and have a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Nancy, I'm not a tattoo fan, per se - hated them until the last 5-6 years then started seeing the art and reason behind them. Mine are more reason than art. My doggies are part of me and I love having my passed away pups with me in more than just thoughts. I see their paws in the mirror and I'm thankful I was blessed to be in their lives.

Zoe, I chose a part of my body that won't sag much over the next quarter century for exactly the reason you described. Saggy, stretchy paws would be quite a sight at 75 years old.

Mary, I could do just the turkey for Thanksgiving and be happy. So you and I are on the same wave length of little other temptation. And having the leftover turkey, the yummiest protein source, will be a benefit you'll love.

Lynn, I love the sound of the recipe and wish you could push some through the computer. If I made it, it would be only mine. My family hates special tastes. Basic and don't mess with anything is their motto.

Chickadee, wise move on delaying the training session until thumb is healed. Be careful holding hand weights or ankle weights while treadmilling. From what I've read, both throw off your natural balance and stride and can cause stress on your joints.

Web, so happy the 18 people are going to your house not mine.

Carol Sue, if no one has a folding table to bring, I learned they were dirt cheap at a rental place when I had my DD's college grad party. That might be a good solution for you.

Val, I'm so sorry you're having a flare up. Take it easy and when you feel better, ease back into your routine. Nothing is more important than taking care of yourself, including not exercising if its too hard.

I'm tired today and work wasn't overwhelming. I think mostly because I'm so totally not into work this week. But I'm tired again. I'm reading about the thyroid tiredness and thinking mine hasn't been checked in a long time. I'll suggest to my dr to check it next month. I'm being a blonde ditz that is aging. I screwed up my glass order - no idea how - and didn't get what I'd thought I'd ordered. As it turns out, the blue was causing me doubts and I decided my ditziness was a sign that I should use gray for the mountains. Add that to the forgetting to get gas to drive across wintry mountain pass this past weekend (my friend reminded me and I turned around) and that I was complaining that it was getting dark so early and didn't realize I had my sunglasses on. And I screwed up my checking account by forgetting to enter 3 $80 transactions into Quicken. Thank goodness I am not being a ditz at work. But in my personal life I think my IQ dropped into a hole. I think I will go find something to do that will wake me up. I'd planned to watch DTWS tonight but it starts after my bedtime and sleep is too precious for s dumb TV show.
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Old 11-22-2011, 10:21 PM   #381  
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Good evening GG’s,

Glad to be home. Had an interesting time trying to do it. Got to my vehicle in the parking lot at work and the person parked right next to me so kindly left about 1 foot of space between us. Had to get in the passenger side door and twist up like a pretzel to get in my seat. This stiff old body's not so good at that kind of stuff anymore. Went on my way. Stopped to run some errands on the way home. Don’t you know that when I got back out to my car, different person had done the exact same thing . Thankfully there were some nice pleasant people I encountered who made up for the inconsiderate ones.

Carol Sue ~ I have heard of those standing work stations. I don’t think I could do that. Standing just kills my feet and legs. I can walk and keep moving, but standing is just awful. Hope someone is able to help out on Thanksgiving day with some extra chairs and tables.

Nancy ~ thinking of you as you endure your visitor. Hang in there ~ hopefully the time will pass quickly.

Rosey ~ have a safe trip and enjoy your family time.

Rie ~ hope you are feeling better. When you have one of those flare ups ~ how long does it last? What do you have to do to get through it?

Zoe ~ sorry about your internet problems. Are you feeling any better ~ hope so. Seems like you were sick last winter too. Hope it passes quickly.

Lynn ~ your cranberry sauce sounds really yummy. Hope you have recovered from the standing you did watching the marathon.

Chickadeee ~ how is your thumb doing? Hope it is feeling better. I looked on-line at some exercises that could be done at your desk. (Desk jockeys they called us). Maybe we could try some of those.

Mary ~ your thanksgiving dinner sounds nice. Sounds like you have got a good plan for dealing with the eating.

Webwoman ~ wow you’ve got quite a group for your thanksgiving. Enjoy

Freda ~ your dreary day sounded like a good ~ curl up with a book ~ kind of day. Hope you maybe got to relax and enjoy a little.

Marie ~ I love your tattoos ~ really cool ~ I love how colorful. And enjoyed the story you told for the meaning to go with each one.

CK ~ glad you have found a good place for heath care. That sure helps. Glad you got good results from your tests.

Donna ~ how is SamCat doing? Hope both he and you are feeling better. Glad you are able to get GM to have a thanksgiving with you instead of TV dinners.

Lyn ~ so sorry for the troubles with your daughter. Of course you worry about her ~ moms just can’t help it. We’re here when ever you feel like visiting.

You too Teagranny ~ sorry you have had a rugged few months. You’re always welcome.

Karen FL ~ are you behaving? Hope you aren’t overdoing. Don’t want anything else to happen to you. We need you here to keep us in line

Hello to Donna Marie, Red, Darcy. Forgive me if I've forgotten someone ~ kind of tired now.

Not too much of the evening left now. Guess I’d better quit fooling around here.

Rest well friends.
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Old 11-23-2011, 12:44 AM   #382  
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Quick hello to all! Too busy and must run again.
The scale budged again. The progress is ridiculously slow IN MY MIND! I made a new ticker starting from a recent high and when I realized it was only 6 pounds I've lost it just sounded like SO little. I tried to imagine that amount by looking at a 2 liter bottle of water and half another but it didn't seem like much at all. I guess I need 6 pounds of lard or butter (which I rarely eat...the latter that is) and smear it on my body and think that that is what I have lost. Sigh. I guess I won't start feeling good until I start seeing stuff (stuff?!) becoming visible under the melting fat, stuff like muscles, which I've been proclaiming I have lots of..hmmm, I wonder if they are really there.
ella, thanks for thinking of me!
Ciao all.

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Old 11-23-2011, 03:10 AM   #383  
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Wow, Tuesday evening already? My kids are anxiously awaiting Thursday and Friday and attempting to wish away the week...but I'm ready to put the brakes on and enjoy each day. :-) I know I said I'd be back after the treadmill... but my oldest and I ended up with a Grey's Anatomy marathon for a few episodes during and after the treadmill, and again last night. We're now caught up again, and I have 2 nights of treadmill done. I'm sure our downstair's neighbors aren't thrilled with the treadmill at 1 a.m. but it seems to be my only chance -- hopefully they are sleeping and not hearing it too much.

Today, there was a lull in work midday so I jumped at the chance to go outside and walked all the way to our Michael's store (3 miles each way) to buy some yarn. It was nice to have some changing scenery and the walk felt good. Kept up 15-minute miles all the way through, so I was happy. :-)

Marie -- yeah, that doctor was a total jerk. So glad he's out of my life! I love your tattoos...what a perfect tribute to your furbabies. I, too, enjoyed reading about each of them and how they are uniquely special to you. Having them with you every day is great! Also, thank you so much for posting the link to your stained glass work. I took a class back in college and really enjoyed the pieces I made -- but it ended not long after that and I've never gotten back into it (especially when glass companies started drying up locally). Your work is BEAUTIFUL and you are immensely talented! I wish you and your mom the best through your dad's decline, too. Good for you in talking to your mom now about moving closer to you later and planting that seed. :-)

Rie ~~ YES! I love your description of a "healthcare partner." I completely agree with you, and yes, we're both really fortunate to have found that! He was cute last week - I had heard from my rheumatologist that he had a new baby (which explained the cancelled appointments recently) so I congratulated him when he walked in and he said "Ok....I'll show you pictures....but then we're talking about you, because you're the most important person here." He pulled out his phone and scrolled through a few...proud dad. :-) Hope your lupus flare settles quickly so that you can thoroughly enjoy your BFF's visit!

Chickadee ~~ Here's hoping your thumb keeps improving and your exercising goes well. :-)

Maryea ~~ You've done so well with MF and your weight loss is wonderful (glad your doctor is happy too). You're definitely seeing some great benefits! Thanks for your info on the A1c test, too, and the lag time. Gives me hope!

Zoe -- I sure hope you can kick that bronchitis to the curb soon and start feeling "normal" again. I'm glad you're finding a way to sleep and get some rest, but wow -- that's a long time to feel so awful! As to finding time to walk, that's something I definitely relate to. It's not that I don't WANT to, but the struggle to fit it in (hence my recent 1 a.m. treadmill walks <G>). I wish you luck in figuring it out as well. Oh, and LOVED your story of your dad and the hunting. What you said about wishing your dad was still around to talk to him about it really hit home for me. My brother and I grew up with my dad's stories of high platform dives, bullriding, etc. and we'd just roll our eyes each time he'd find someone new to talk to (my cousins all had heard them too). At my parents' memorial service, there was a binder of 8 x 10 photos of my dad that we had never seen-- in mid air of a platform dive, of bullriding.....everything he talked about and we never believed. We were stunned! Made me wish so much that I could ask him about it, pay attention to the stories, and have them forever!

Rosey ~~ You are amazing with your ever-shrinking self! Enjoy every minute of that movie this week as you comfortably relax in that theater seat. You've earned it! Safe travels in the snowy weather too! And wow -- that power outage was something else. You two were very resourceful! My kids thought it was so cool that I was cooking a spaghetti dinner by flashlight, but that doesn't even come close to what you were dealing with (which I've shared with them).

Nancy ~~ By now I know you're in the throes of DSD. Here's hoping the visit is short and relatively painless. Glad to hear your SO has some days off and lots of projects - perfect excuse to work on them and avoid her.

K3 ~~ You've had a lot of exercise lately -- and while it hasn't all been your choice, how exciting that you've been able to accomplish it! You've come a long way since surgery. :-) As for DH's and surgery/recovery -- just nodding along with everything you've been saying. I've survived 2 knee replacements (with minor follow-up surgeries after each) and 2 major shoulder rotator cuff repairs with my DH including one while pregnant and one less than a week after delivery. I'm sooooo over that!

Lyn ~~ My heart goes out to you and your daughter. It's hard to stand by when you've been down the road so many times before and know what's likely to happen yet again, and yet need to let her find her way!

Lynn ~~ Wow! Your daughter did an amazing job in the marathon -- and you did an amazing job cheering her on all those hours. That's a lot of standing to do (though I know you'd have it no other way!). Loved the "because 26.3 miles is stupid" sign LOL).

Karen31 ~~ Glad you were able to get the lab results and that things are looking good. You'll get the cholesterol lowered, and with the thyroid treatment hopefully you'll feel better all the way around!

Gayle ~~ Your "pain in a box" and "pain on a plate" I love! What a great description and outlook. Makes it a lot easier to turn things down when you recognize the results of doing otherwise! I'm glad you have the option of the Y when you're in the mood or in need -- that pool is going to feel awfully good after a long day!

Well, this has gotten awfully long, but I wanted to take advantage of a work-free evening and catch up a bit. :-) We'll be home for our little family Thanksgiving on Thursday and then will head up the freeway about 1-1/2 hours to my brother's house for a family Thanksgiving dinner on Friday (my brother plans it for the day after so we hopefully have less traffic on our drive). We've been doing so since our parents died (will be 10 years this year) as a new tradition to keep our families together since we can't go "home" anymore, and it has now grown to include 2 cousins and their 2 kids and SO's (which is actually now our annual family camping group as well!). Looking forward to seeing everyone again. :-)

Hope you all have a good Wednesday! To those of you traveling, be safe!
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Old 11-23-2011, 07:54 AM   #384  
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Hello GG,

I'm slinking back hauling my belly with me. Sorry I've been gone so long but I want to come back and get in shape again. It's been a long hard year for dieting. Everything kind of broke on me except my jaws. I'm glad to recognize lots of GG. Hope some of you remember me.

I've got a closet full of clothing that won't button, zip or pull up and I so want to get into them again. So, to begin with I'm back on my bike and I'm not going to eat late at night. I really don't know how much I weigh as I can't take the shock of seeing the numbers up so high so I just guessed for my counter. I will eventually get on the scales and face the bitter truth, but not now. I've just got to get out of these fat clothes. Now all I have to do is press "reply" and I'm back in business.

Last edited by retiredone; 11-23-2011 at 08:19 AM.
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Old 11-23-2011, 08:13 AM   #385  
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Oh my gosh Isabella ~ you don't know how glad we are to see you. We have been thinking of you and wondering about you and hoping you were ok for so long. This is like a gift for the holidays ~ having you back with us. Like your avatar pic ~ very pretty

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Old 11-23-2011, 08:54 AM   #386  
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Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
Hello GG,

I'm slinking back hauling my belly with me. Sorry I've been gone so long but I want to come back and get in shape again. It's been a long hard year for dieting. Everything kind of broke on me except my jaws. I'm glad to recognize lots of GG. Hope some of you remember me.

I've got a closet full of clothing that won't button, zip or pull up and I so want to get into them again. So, to begin with I'm back on my bike and I'm not going to eat late at night. I really don't know how much I weigh as I can't take the shock of seeing the numbers up so high so I just guessed for my counter. I will eventually get on the scales and face the bitter truth, but not now. I've just got to get out of these fat clothes. Now all I have to do is press "reply" and I'm back in business.
What a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving gift! We were SO WORRIED about you. Please NEVER do that again. I am BEGGING you - PM a phone number, an email address, and an emergency contact for you.

You have MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 11-23-2011, 09:27 AM   #387  
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Isabella!!!!! First off, I’m going to give you a big hug because I’m so glad to see you, and THEN I’m going to scold you mercilessly for just dropping off like that without a word to anyone, and no way for us to check on you. For months, we worried, thought the worst, hoped for the best, but couldn’t imagine that you wouldn’t be in touch if you were capable of doing so. Well, all is forgiven because I’m so darned happy that you’re okay, but I SWEAR…if you do that again, there will be a group of us traveling up to Newfoundland with a dog pack to track you down! WELCOME BACK! (And Gayle, don’t be so easy on her!!!!!) Please do PM Lynn with some tidbit of information - a contact person, at least - so that if anything should happen and you're not around, they can let us know that all is well! Lynn is very responsible about keeping our info confidential. (Thanks!!!!)
Quite a story about your dad, Darcy. That must’ve been a shock to discover that all those stories were real! I am often struck by how little we actually know about our parents as people; we have always only known them as “Mum & Dad” and really have a hard time imagining who they were to friends and colleagues and such outside of the family dynamic. I suspect we’d all be quite surprised to learn that there were many more facets to who they were than we ever saw.

Six solid pounds is nothing to look down your nose at, Red! Think of how you’d feel if you’d GAINED six pounds! THEN it sure would seem like a lot, wouldn’t it? Slow and steady wins the race. Just ask those of us who’ve lost fast and furiously, only to gain it back again just as fast and furiously!

Gayle, I think, think, think that I’m finally on the mend! Still sleeping sitting up, but sleeping, and that’s what counts! Tired this morning, though, and it’s pouring rain in these here parts today. Driving to work on the highway with limited visibility and the windshield wipers swishing back & forth hypnotically was NOT optimum for remaining awake and alert! I felt my eyes closing at one point and had to snap myself back to wakefulness before I drove off the road. That was a little eery, especially considering that I didn’t even wake up once during the night last night! Yes, you’re right. I was sick last winter. I get a sick spell every winter, it seems. Probably all those years of smoking have left me kind of vulnerable to colds and respiratory infections. I smoked from the time I was 28 (Can you imagine starting that late? At that point, I shouldn’t have bothered!) until I was about 57. NOT smart. Now, the doctor gives me an inhaler when I get colds and such. Oh, well.

Marie, yes, you have nice looking arms, alright. And you’ll continue to have nice looking arms with all the exercise you do. Mine will probably melt and sag until they’re hanging down over my wrists. Oh, ack! What a visual, huh? (I’m going to start walking…seriously!)

Nancy, I suspect that you have a lot more sympathy for your dsd than you let on. It is kind of sad that she has no place else to go – and it really is nice of you to make room for her.

Carol Sue, where I work, there’s even an employee fitness center. I have actually peeked inside from time to time. I’m walking past it more often now, too. Maybe one of these days, I’ll go in, and all heck will break loose!

Well, Rosey, I guess you’ll be back home after Thanksgiving when you read this…I hope you had a wonderful time with your family and friends!

Val, I’d love to serve roasted fall vegetables on Thanksgiving! How do you roast them, and what do you roast? We have a very traditional (to our family) dinner – turkey, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes & gravy, butternut squash, sweet potato casserole, macaroni & cheese, green bean casserole, apple/cranberry sauce, regular cranberry sauce, corn bread, apple pie, pumpkin pie, a chocolate cream pie (son’s favorite), usually some kind of trifle, and someone always makes brownies. Omg. Crazy, right? And this year, I’m making a crown pork roast just in the event that somebody has any space left in their bellies to stuff it in. Ridiculous! DS and his (now) wife started a habit of serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless at a local shelter when they were living out in LA, and they’ve continued to do it since they moved back here – so we’ll eat later than I think most do – at @ 6:00.

Hiya PT.

Well, to anyone whom I don’t *see* again before tomorrow, “Happy Turkey Day” :thanks1 :…….is this like Sundays, I’m wondering, where calories don’t count?

Bye for now,

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Old 11-23-2011, 09:47 AM   #388  
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Morning......OMG it is so good to see you back here Isabella! We were worried about you and half scared. Fat or skinny we don't care just keep in touch! HUGS!

Lynn...the cranberry sauce sounds so good. I'd male a meal of that alone. Just give me a spoon.

Marie....Loved the tattoos. But sweetie they will sink with age. Dh's marine bulldog is heading for his elbow.

Lyn....Welcome home. Just use us to vent thru the tough times that DD causes. I've told my kids more than once I still love you even if I don't like you right now.

Gayle....Are you sure that is wasn't the same car? Sounded like something that would happen in The Twilight Zone.

Red...Go to the gorcery store and pick up a roasting chicken...That is how much you have deleted.

Darcy....You are now the Walking champ.

Rie...Hope the lupus s&s are under control.

Zoe...I wanna a sandwich. Mail it to me please

Karen..Great news about lab work. I have been literally feeding DH and his BS this am was 98. Perfect. Has something to do with portion control. Abox or bag is not a portion!!

Chickadee...i don't think I told you that getting your deer was awesome. So glad there is another soulmate that understands being out doors and the stillness of a hunt.

Nothing new here. I am really to toss DH to the wolves. Have been singing Rie's song "you can't hit a crippled man." I have said for months I can do most everything, but at my new pace....well his idea of pace and mine don't match....I need to rest even for a minute and he's attempting to do something else and I have to finsh what he starts. End up getting dizzy and short of breath. He thinks he has tricked me and has a sh*tting grin. Thats when i start singing.

3 of our bridge ladies were hit broadside on the way home from bridge Monday. Joan has a broken leg, cracked ribs and cracked sternum. Fumie has broken ribs and the driver is bruised all over. Please send a prayer for my gals.

Nancy....Remember that you showing happiness and joy will bug some people!

Need to run to the store for last minute stuff. Gee everyone was so rude and impatient Mon can't image how they'll be today.

I know I miss some of you.....but afraid I'll loss my post. Love you all. Stay strong and enjoy the holiday. We can always fix it TOMORROW....k3

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Old 11-23-2011, 09:47 AM   #389  
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I hope that you have a Happy Thanksgiving. Our Thanksgiving was in October here in Canada. We have been doing the big family dinner at our house since 1994( our kids, our brothers and sisters and their families and our parents). The kids are now marrying and reproducing, and there is always room for "strays" at the table, and anyone is welcome to bring someone that they know would be alone otherwise. We have 3 huge banquet tables running straight throught the living room and dining room and have had as many as 27 people. The local grocery always saves me the biggest turkey 27 pounds was the biggest. Last year we started doing more of a potluck- the prep for such a huge dinner was killing me -financially and physically, even though our Mom's and Siblings brought food and utensils,besides our kids are in their 30's! Everyone embraced the idea! I do the Turkey, stuffing and potatoes, and that is it. I was worried that we would end up with that and 20 store bought desserts, but the kids just ran with it - they were calling their Moms and Grandmas for the recipes for the families traditional dishes and we had the most wonderful dinners these past 2 years! My son even made his other Grandmas buns - which I haven't had for 28 years - they were as wonderful as I remembered- he can't walk very well or stand for long periods, but he can sure make buns The other bonus is that the kids are sticking around for the cleanup of the big tables and chairs. My DH and I aren't having to haul that stuff back downstairs by ourselves anymore. So I hope that you're Gathering is as hassel free, and that you are all blessed by Friends and Family too. Happy Thanksgiving

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Old 11-23-2011, 10:06 AM   #390  
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Two of my Thanksgiving invitees have not responded, so maybe they aren't coming. And my step-daughter and husband are going to his family's first so they won't be here til later. I think we will be okay without an extra table. It would be kind of like the old "Kid's table" and no one would want to sit there. We only have 1 kid coming, the rest adults. I have a card table that has a habit of collapsing. LOL Don't want to use that one.

When we had to stand at our workstations, it was terrible, because we didn't walk around much, just stood in one place. There were other sites that had standing only and they said it worked well and tried it at our place. They said the productivity was better at the standing sites. Baloney! It wasn't better at our location. People were too busy complaining to get any work done. How can standing up typing be natural? We kept going to the ladies room where we could sit for a while. LOL After about a year or so they gradually went back to seating. They left one pod as standing with about 20 workstations for those people who said they preferred to stand. It was never full. There were a few people who liked to stand, but the only other people in there were those who were working overtime and there was no sitting workstation available for them.

I have always heard about people who have macaroni and cheese at Thanksgiving but it was unheard of in my family and my husband's family. If I made it, they would think I was nuts. But I love mac and cheese. Someday I'm going to do it. I thought it was a southern tradition, but I see Zoe mentioned it and she couldn't be farther north!

We had a fitness center at one location where I worked and I used to try to walk on the treadmill a bit at lunch time. I didn't have time to walk AND take a shower afterwards, so I tried to walk slow enough not to work up a sweat. I was always criticized by others there who said I didn't work out hard enough. They were warehouse workers who could go to work sweaty and it would be normal. I had to put on dress clothes, panty hose, high heels etc and go back to sit in an office. Going back there all sweaty would not have been a good thing! LOL So I quit going. Did my exercise at home. The workout room was primarily for injured warehouse workers who were going through physical therapy so they could return to work, but we were allowed to use it as long as the physical therapist wasn't using that particular machine.

Soon I will begin cleaning and baking my pies. I have to iron my good table cloth and put the extension in the dining room table. Tonight I will chop all the veggies for in the stuffing, then back up at 6 AM to prep the turkey and get it in the oven by 8 AM. I think I am going to have way too much food. I have a 19 lb turkey and DH made me buy an extra turkey breast and some extra thighs. I bought some Kolbassy to cut up and put in the roaster with the turkey, just for something different, so DH made me buy hard rolls for Kolbassy sandwiches. LOL I think some of my family will eat a piece of Kolbassy, but I doubt if they will want a sandwich with all the other food that's going to be there. But who knows? I bought some easy-foil cake pans to send leftovers home in.

After tomorrow it will all be a memory. Have a nice holiday, everyone!
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