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Old 11-17-2011, 05:58 PM   #286  
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Evening...Is it bedtime yet? Thanks to Rie I am now humming don't hit him yet. Laying on a sarcastic remark followed by laughing does not make it funny. Stupid yes Funny no. I have a gonna sneak in the middle of the night and rip out the 18 staples.

Bobbi.....My kitchen looked white when we moved in,BUT found out that the cabinets are actually pale blue??????????? We planted the whole house except the bathrooms light ash green. With different light they all look different. The one bathroom came with baby pink counter top. I painted that dark mauve and the counter looks beige. Other bathroom had baby blue counter top and painted that Maini Dolphin blue. It toned the baby blue down alot. Before both rooms had '70's wallpaper. Oh and because the blue cabinets I painted the kitchen light gray. The whole job was a hugh project and we had popcorn ceilings that looked like chicken feet. Ate dust and plaster for weeks.

I just lost and found this so posting asap.

Food/calories today: 750 calories
bkft: toast with cheese
lunch: tossed salad
dinner: chicken breast baked and vegie pot

Read December's Southern Living and didn't go into a craving funk...level one is working

Frieda....The hospital is supposed to have golf carts to pick you up. But they were never running when I got there. Most of the parking close in is reserved for MDs and the 10 handicapped were full. It was not only hilly but the main entrance is down a ramp. And after last week RAMPS kill me. This is a part of Florida that has hills.

Off to open a new book in my Kindle.....k3
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Old 11-17-2011, 06:28 PM   #287  
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ella -- Thanks. I don't know how I can't get on the scale. I see it as my only reward for all the effort and my only motivation to keep going. But, that's just it, isn't it? Because it's so important it is all-powerful. Maybe I have to start seeing only the effort and whether I stuck to my guns as the reward in itself. Hard to do because the goal is not sticking to my guns but rather losing weight. I guess I feel so bad because the two don't seem to go together and, again, I feel that I don't really know HOW to lose weight. Then again, I probably do. I am not being honest with myself in the amount of effort that is actually going to tie in with weight loss. I mean, if I am sitting in front of tempting high-calorie foods all day long and I resist temptation, the EFFORT will have been megatimes more than if I had been lying asleep dreaming all day, but the difference as far as weight loss goes will be exactly the same (never mind the waking vs. sleeping calorie expenditure). So, yeah, I think that is the main problem. The effort IS more and I should pat myself on the back (I hate that phrase because patting myself on the back seems awful twisted, painful and unpleasant...anyhow) and realize that our lives our hard. I get ticked at people who lose weight easily and they DO exist, BUT heck, maybe they have lives of leisure. Mine is far from it. I have to praise myself when the going was rough and I kept going, chide myself when the going was easy and I didn't take advantage of it to make some real headway.

Hmmm, maybe I can come up with a grading scale that will help me put things in perspective so I have can have more realistic expectations when it comes to the weight loss.

But, yes, weighing when I know the actual effort toward progress was nothing great, should NOT be done.

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Old 11-17-2011, 07:19 PM   #288  
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Hello Goldens!

I meant to get back here earlier today but the day just got away from me. I was flying through everything and just kept rolling all day… I am happy to report that I accomplished all my tasks that I had been procrastinating….. It’s the end of the year, insurance year, so: girlie appt, boob squeeze appt, insurance election forms, dental cleaning, and tooth implants scheduled, Check, check, etc….. Glad to get it all in order.

Red, my dr told me to consider this to be a long term project. I look at this as a lifestyle change – not a diet. I KNOW how to lose weight – I have done it over and over. I am trying to find a way to have a life that creates a slimmer, healthier, and more attractive me… I only weigh one time per month and I keep track of how well I stay on my plan. I just went through a stall of 3 months and it was hard to take. On a positive note, now I know where maintenance is. Truthfully, I was getting careless and a little sloppy with my plan. I feel better now. Hang in there…

Karen3, good job but that is very few calories??? If you are not having cravings it is ok. Sometimes I would simply pretend that I couldn’t hear dad. One day he said, “What, are you deaf?” and I said “NO, just irritated to death!” He laughed. Hang in there…

Chickadee, have fun on the hunt! I agree with you. I don’t eat the meat so I don’t hunt anymore but I miss the experience and the dawn…

Mary you have talked about doing surveys and such before. How does that work?

Carol, I am so happy for you that you are scheduled for the reversal! That is such wonderful news and you have worked so hard for it.

Freda, I am going to take your advice and go have shrimp when my friend gets here. Mostly that day I learned that I can only limit my calories so much. I was upset primarily because I had been “suffering” (how dramatic) all day…. Sometimes this diet stuff is weird.

Donna, OMG “nervous twitch into his snout” resulted in guffaws in my office. You seem to have that effect on me. How did your day of corporate drudgery go?

Karen, That Tim is a keeper! And, when did the girls get their picture taken with Santa? Adorable!

Webwoman, my vote is for real stuffing. My family does sweet dressing in the turkey (bread, golden raisins, diced apples) and savory dressing in another pan that also includes the gizzards, etc for flavoring. I am in charge of the turkey and I also make the gravy by creating thick stock from the neck, etc to add to the roasting juices. Lots of temptations.

Zoe, great response to Red – you always know what to say… It must feel really good to get that first consulting check…

Bobbi, easy for me too – all my walls are eggshell white….. Boring but shows off the things I hang on the walls….

Well, sorry to anyone that I missed here. I want to head for home… Take care and have a lovely evening.

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Old 11-17-2011, 09:32 PM   #289  
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Well, it was a busy day-- didnt' get much done but it was busy. I didn't sleep real good last night-- in fact I was still awake at 4:00 this morning! So when the alarm went off at 7:00 I just shut it off and rolled over and went back to sleep and didn't wake up again until almost 10:00!! Then by the time I got my breakfast and then did a few things it was time to get cleaned up to go to my Dr. appt. this afternoon. Didn't get much accomplished there either.. I have to come back for a fasting blood work. Now I called them the first of the week and asked them if I was going to be needing to fast for the labs and they checked and said they didn't see anywhere where it said anything about it.... Well, I had to come in first so they can do an exam and then get it put into the computer, now I can come back anytime after 8:00 in the morning to get that done. But i did get the referral from them for the dental so went ahead and filled out the paperwork to get all that taken care of. Oh by the way, this is a clinic type medical center since right now we are just living on Tim's SS and have no other insurance. But through this my paps, and mamograms are all free, lab work is $15. The dental is part of the same group and should be fairly reasonable too. Glad to have found out about them.

Karen--glad your DH is back home. Hope the healing goess smoothly and quickly.

Red, I used to weigh every day too. In fact, I still like the idea of weighing everyday. But since I moved the wii downstairs I haven't been weighing everyday but I miss it, good or bad. So my plans are to weigh in tomorrow, correct my ticker (know I will be moving it WAY UP!) and get back on track. I know that my weight can fluctuate as much as 3 pounds in a day but I still want to see it on the scale BUT I only count one weigh in a week as official. That just seems to be what works for me.

Rie, I had that picture take of Ginger and Sissy with Santa right after I got Sissy, about 5 years ago. I hope they have a place around here this year that do it because I would like to get a new one. I think it is so much fun and the "Santa" was wonderful!! That was done at a petsmart in Colorado Springs.

Donna, we always miss you when you aren't here--- If you aren't here I go to FB to check and see if you have posted...then if not I start to wonder if everything is ok! In fact, I have logged on in the middle of the night just to see if there was a new post from you!! So you are definitely missed!!!

Bobbi, you have me curious as to why you wanted the colors.. I guess most of mine are a "dirty white" but have the wallpaper borders. I really want to take the mailbox border down from our bedroom---don't quite understand why the lady who lived here before had it!!! Maybe she liked the movie "You've Got Mail"

Hello to everyone else. Take care and have a good evening.
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Old 11-17-2011, 11:14 PM   #290  
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Default from LauraLou for akrosey49.....

Ok...maybe this is the right place to post??? I think I posted a message in the wrong place the first time...ooooooops! Haha Let me try again....

Hi this is LauraLou...akroseys' daughter in Oregon. She asked me to post on here to let her friends know she was ok. I hope I am doing this right?! If not, I apologize and maybe somebody who knows her can let her other friends know she is ok. She has been without power, heat, electricity etc etc etc for the last 3 days due to a very nasty storm up there in Alaska. Hopefully she will be back up and running within a few days. Red Cross, Military and all of the local fire stations are open to them for emergency shelters but they choose to stay in their home and are doing well and are able to leave if they really need too. If she doesn't have power within a few days I am sure they will decide what else they can do. In the meantime, I hope you all are well and I will keep you updated when I can....
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Old 11-17-2011, 11:29 PM   #291  
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Thank you Lauralou for letting us know she is ok ~ we worry about each other ~ our little Golden Girls family here.
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Old 11-18-2011, 04:33 AM   #292  
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Hi everyone!

I've been MIA the past 1-1/2 weeks due to computer issues that drove me crazy! My desktop computer just started freezing 2 minutes after each reboot. And for someone who earns a living on that computer and who couldn't work, that was rough! Found a place to take it to, but that was on the Friday of my marathon work weekend, so I had to drop it off, snag the laptop from the family and hook it up to my desktop monitor (10 hours of work each day on the laptop screen would have been rough!) and hook it up to my ergonomic keyboard -- plus transfer over my templates and files for work (which I saved to an external drive on one of my many reboots to get what I needed before the next freeze <G>). Of course, even that couldn't be easy, as it turned out my keyboard and mouse were old and had connectors that wouldn't work with the laptop, so that entailed a Staples run to find an adapter. Finally started working late with the laptop, only to find that I was missing all of my AutoCorrect entries (abbreviation expander), so my night became extremely long... each night of the weekend ended up being a 4 to 5 a.m. bedtime. The week just continued from there, with the computer showing no problems when they ran diagnostics (OF COURSE!) -- and then the router started flaking out and we were losing connection every 45-60 minutes (locking up my system while trying to send reports, etc.). Then the software I use for one of my jobs stopped functioning and I spent 5 days trying to solve that one and unable to work one of my jobs. Ugh... All my "free" time not working was spent trying to figure out the issues or taking care of the kids. But as of tonight, the desktop issue is resolved (turned out to be a USB-connected foot pedal -- one I wasn't even using but was plugged in -- was failing and was crashing the whole system, as I found by process of elimination. Unbelievable!) and I bought/installed a new router. Life is sweet and it's oh-so-nice to be back in the land of "normalcy" with computers and internet. :-)

I'm off to bed breathing a sigh of relief but will try to come back in the morning and catch up a bit with all of you!
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Old 11-18-2011, 06:11 AM   #293  
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Rie -- Thanks. I know I should think of it as a lifestyle change but that's part of the problem. I've changed things but I'm not changing, not fast enough to motivate me. I think I need to find a different means of motivation or somehow just make rewards that have nothing to do with the result, but only with the things that I know will take the weight off. What I wrote to ella this morning is the best thinking I've done so far. I was NOT looking at what really helps the weight loss. I was throwing ALL effort into one category and somehow thinking it should pay off as weight loss. Yeah, right, it's as stupid as saying walk five miles and see if you're if you're getting close to Europe yet. You may be but not enough for it to matter. Anyhow, thanks, all the comments helped me to think.

Karen31 -- Yeah, I do like the idea of weighing every day because when I don't the weight goes up. Then again, maybe it's because I'm still not focusing on the change enough and not making the change enough. Like Rie says, it has to be more of a lifestyle change than I've been making it. If I look back on times when I was thinner, I was doing a LOT more exercise. I don't know if that's even possible now or if I want to. Also, I was never really lean even then. I was STILL compensating for the exercise with lots of eating. Of course, I could eat more than I do now, but now, perhaps because I don't want to do so much exercise (and would get sick if I did, I think) I am being forced to rethink what I eat. It's like having to really think of how you spend money when you don't have that much coming in.

Well, it was another long day. I'm feeling sick and am going to bed early. Good night all!

Last edited by redballoon; 11-18-2011 at 04:35 PM.
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Old 11-18-2011, 08:40 AM   #294  
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Good morning GG's,

Two days down and one to go. Yesterday was a little better ~ was able to get some of the stuff that I had to leave undone the day before. One patient ~ I hope goes home or somewhere else today. But, gotta be careful what you wish for ~ we could end up with someone worse than that one

Maddie and Sara were here last night when I got home. That always brightens up my day.

Red ~ sorry for your frustration with this weight thing. I tried the weighing every day thing ~ had read that people who are successful at losing weight and keeping it off did this. It did not help me ~ because of my silly "head games". If I had eaten right and exercised and that number went up or did not change ~ my head said ~ poor Gayle ~ and I would feel that I was entitled to a treat. If the number went down, my head said I deserved a treat. My head could always find a way to see the need for a treat ~ LOL. Now I just weigh once a week. That seems to be working better for me. Lately my motivation to eat right and get some activity in is pain. I hope that eventually when the pain gets better, I don't fall back into my old habits. A couple times I have slipped, but overall, have done better. Anyway ~ you are not alone in this journey

Donna ~ loved your comment about "the nervous twitch into his snout" almost made me spit out my lunch and I laughed right out loud ~ good thing I was alone in the break room. My coworkers surely would have thought I had lost it

Darcy ~ oh my ~ your computer problems sounded like a nightmare. Bad enough when that happens and you can't get on just to have fun and enjoy ~ but to have it happen when you rely on that to do your work

More later.......

Last edited by glynne; 11-18-2011 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 11-18-2011, 08:48 AM   #295  
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Hi everyone! I just love GG! Everyone supports everyone!

I'm glad to hear that Rosey is OK. It's terrible to lose power. About 10 years ago DH bought a gas generator to use to run the furnace if we lost power, and we haven't lost power since! SS has borrowed it twice, though.

Red - I weigh every day. That started after my heart surgery when they told me to weight every day and if I gained more than 3 lbs in one day to call the doctor. It was something to do with retaining water being bad. Sometimes I don't weigh when I think I've gained, but then I tell myself that I need to know so I can do something about it. I log my weight, BS, blood pressure, exercise and food every day and then log my weight exercise and food into FitDay.

Karen31 - After seeing your rose I had to run outside to see if I still had any and I do. There are none left on our climbers, but we have another bush with small roses and there are still several left there.

I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your home. I think it looks very warm and inviting. It's interesting to see how people have their homes decorated. I like the look of colored walls, but I think it looks best with white trim. All of our trim is oak, and I don't want to change it. On the other hand, when you have white, it's easier to change your decor to make things look different. Realtors always say it's best to have your home neutral if you're trying to sell it as people might not like the way you have it. But I think you should have your home the way you like it. Most people who buy a house change paint colors etc anyway. It's just cosmetic. I like to have the bathroom counters and toilet white because I am constantly changing the towels, shower curtain, rugs etc. It makes it look new for very little investment.

Webwoman/Rie - My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is the stuffing. I just make a basic bread stuffing and no longer add the gizzards since the thought of it grosses out the family. LOL But I do use the gizzards along with the neck to make stock to put in the stuffing, so the flavor is there. The stuffing is my carb of choice on Thanksgiving. I can pass up the potatoes so I can enjoy the stuffing. The leftovers go home with my step-daughter or I would be picking at it the next day. I don't make home-made gravy. I never learned because DH won't eat it. His mother's gravy was always greasy with no flavor so it turned him against it. I use Heinz in the jar. All my life I never ate sweet potatoes. I realized the past couple years that it was because everyone made them candied. I finally tried them baked and now I love them. Plain with nothing on them. I take some out for myself and then candy them for everyone else. They like them with marshmallows. Ewwww! If they were supposed to have marshmallows on them they would grow that way! LOL

Darcy - I'm glad you finally got your PC working. I didn't understand 90% of what you said though! LOL I know how to turn mine on and post.

Happy Birthday Chickadee! Hope you do something fun. And enjoy the hunting. I never hunted and DH hasn't for the past few years.
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Old 11-18-2011, 09:29 AM   #296  
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Happy Birthday Chickadeee ~ enjoy your day
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Old 11-18-2011, 09:48 AM   #297  
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Happy Birthday Chickey, happy birthday to you!
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Old 11-18-2011, 10:12 AM   #298  
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Quick good morning, All...
Happy Birthday, Chickadee! Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

Everyone sounds pretty perky this morning! Fridays are good, yes? CK, sorry you had trouble sleeping. Night before last, I was up, seemingly, all night long. Last night, I took a swig of Nyquil at 9:30 and slept until 7 a.m., not even a potty break! I feel good today!

Off to shower. Looking forward to sitting around this weekend until I'm disgusting!!!

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Old 11-18-2011, 10:31 AM   #299  
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Good Morning! Happy Birthday Chickadee!!

It's a pretty nice morning here so guess I will take advantage and get over and get the blood taken for the labs they want. At least the sooner I get that done the sooner I will get the result. PLUS I can then have my coffee!!

Back later everyone! Have a great day!!
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Old 11-18-2011, 10:47 AM   #300  
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Morning...Cold front arrived and it is only 51 this am. Floridians will be out in sweats and ski jackets! In my next life I am coming back Tall with long legs. Right now if I crossed and twisted my legs you'd need the Jaws of Life to unbend me. I went to fill the bird feeder and half the seeds landed on my head. Ditto when I watered the hanging pots.

Happy Birthday Chickadee

Red...used to weigh every day....sometimes twice aday. Drove myself insane. Have found that by checking my clothes fit and weighing on Fridays I get the best measurement and stay sane. I had heart surgery in June and they told me the same thing. But the best thing I've found is listen to your own body. Set achievable goals and if you gotta cheat cheat well and enjoy.

Karen...what do the girls want for Christmas? Dash loves to nose anything wrapped. OMG put him in the Jeep with groceries bags and he is in heaven, like some politicians he only inhales!

Donna...You are one of the most important chicks. You are our private eye/bloodhound. Rosie's lucky you hadn't gone on alert trying to find her. Considering They are just getting reunited after Dh's trip. More importantly you understand my weird humor.

Carol Sue and Rie....Used to stuff the bird with dressing with apples, onions and raisens. Cooked the gizzards and neck for broth to make the gravy and DH and DD would fight over who got to eat them. Dh loves the gizzards and the tail best of all. Now I make 2 big slits on either side of backbone and throw in couple of quartered apples and an onion. Makes pan juices for gravy.

Am laughing hysterically....We have a lawn guy who weedwacks around the pool cage and swears he never hit the screen. Dh put metal flashing around the area where the screen was getting torn. The guy just wacked the area and bet his teeth are still vibrating. I could feel them here at my cp.

Need is get something out of freezer for supper. Any ideas on what to do with chicken(again). hugs k3
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