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Old 02-19-2010, 03:41 AM   #211  
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Strange day. Got the van running again, but the brakes locked up on the mountain east of here. Lots of smoke! Not a lot of fun. Came home and did some gardening.

Lynn, hope your knee goes back to normal soon. I am only a knee expert by having problems. I don't have the solutions... other than wait it out and eventually it gets better. Let me know if you learn more about syncronicity. I thought it was just like coincidence... but maybe not!

You asked why I took up drawing. Well, when my youngest child had his eighteenth birthday and moved out a few years ago I decided that in my old age I wanted to do a lot of art work. So, this is part of my art journey. I gave up art long ago when my children were young because of the problems of keeping art supplies away from them. I bought them kid-style art supplies and put mine in the trash...

Isabella, I admire your cooking adventures! How's the yogurt?

Bobbi - I put a few things on eBay a few years back, but thought the listing fees were too high. Are they still prohibitive? ...or do you just get used to it?

Jess, glad to hear SB is going well for you and that your calorie count is so low. Congrats on that! I'm sure your weigh-in will be a happy one.

Rosey, so you're going to see the doctor on St. Patrick's Day? Be sure to wear green! It will be good to get out of the house even though it is to go see a doctor!

Zoe, I'm sure the Melatonin worked, but I had another sleep idea... delta brain wave recordings. I have one by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson called Ultimate Nap that wakes me up after 30 minutes (or 10 or 20) but he also has one that helps people go to sleep. I got my Thompson recordings on Amazon... also have Theta and Creativity... they're great for listening to while I'm on the recumbent bike, pedaling away.

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Old 02-19-2010, 05:46 AM   #212  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Sitting here with ice on my knee, drinking my coffee, and trying to plan my in-my-chair exercise schedule and my don’t-eat-like-I’m-stressed eating schedule. I’ve been losing weight and I WILL NOT gain it back because of this! Doctor is not yet positive that the bone below my knee is fractured. I don’t think it is. I can stand fine – no pain then. I only have pain when I bend my knee. If there is a fracture, I’ll need to look into some way for me to get a bone density test (last time I tried, they could do only my wrist because of metal in my back and hip). One should not break bones by stamping foot unless there is some kind of problem. AND after this, my silly cats can just solve their own fights without me as their ineffective referee!

Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
Lynn, About the Goodwill Centre. It's an interfaith centre which means it's supported by most of the churches in town so every 6 or 7 weeks each church has a week of volunteering. That entails sorting and shelving clothing and food, serving customers, and also interviewing clients who need the services of the food bank which is also on the premises. Only board members interview and handle cash. I'm not a board member so that leaves me to sorting and shelving and helping customers find clothing. The clothing store is cash purchases for anyone but of course the food bank is free and by need.
Hi Isabella,

When I am back to being mobile, I’m going to the place that I donate stuff and see if I can volunteer without having to be on a set schedule. Either that, or maybe at the library – I’m there at least once a week anyway.

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorchid] I can't believe I slept 8.5 hours last night, a record for me. (I don't require a lot of sleep) We always take a melatonin (3mg) before bedtime, works great to turn off my brain.
Lynn...I agree with Isabella, you should have put ice on it immediately to take any swelling down, hope it's better today. We can't have you not running rings around me at the gym!
Hi Bobbi,

I also have trouble falling asleep, but the melatonin made me speedy. Doctor gave me a light sleeping pill that just helps you fall off to sleep – doesn’t keep you asleep or make you groggy in the morning – and doesn’t seem to be habit-forming for me – some nights I can fall asleep on my own and some nights I take my Sonata. Either way, I typically sleep between 6-8 hours.
I will miss my gym – gives my day a nice structure. But I plan to exercise in my chair. I have weight belts that I can wrap around my arms & little metal weights that fit into them to add to the weight. Will get them out an start using them today.

Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
Morning everyone i had a bad time sleeping last night too,dh woke me up about 3am and i couldnt get back to sleep so im dragging again today..its pouring rain right now on top of all that snow yikes it must be very slippery out..thanks all for the support, when i get to feeling all cooped up i just need to get busy on a craft and count my blessings and not dwell on what i cant change 1st appt to see the dr in anchorage is march 17th,its orientation,dr appt, and a seminar in the will be along day for me,a 4 hr car ride all day in anchorage and then home the same excited and apprehensive at the same time..esp how i will handel all the transfers from wch to walker to car..etc and if bthrm are handicapped access happy the journey has begun..if all goes well and i get approved for the surg it will change my life dramatically..its a 6 months dh's buddy is going along to help and my dd will meets us there..nice to have friends and family so willing to blessed..Lynn an sry you are hurting..ive never made homemade yougart does it taste the same as youplait lite? i suppose it depends on what u add to it. hope you all have agreat day rosey
Hi Rosey,

Rosey, I have a portable handicapped toilet seat that I will send to you. Good to keep in the car for wherever you wander.

Another instance of my synchronicity theory – several of us had trouble sleeping on the same night. While I’m stuck in this chair, I will do some research on this.

What crafts are you working on?

Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Here I am. Stayed home again today. I slept a little bit better last night, but not as well as I would like to have. Got some Melatonin today, Bobbi - I'll be taking it tonight and keeping my fingers crossed. I'm going to need to get into work tomorrow, and I really need a good night's sleep. Oh, I know that ole' Leslie is boring, PT, but a mile with her is about the best I can do these days, so I'm sticking with her for the time being. Once I can get outside and expand my horizons a bit, it'll be more interesting.
Linda, I'm going to swallow a Melatonin tonight and play a white noise CD that DH got for me. If that doesn't help, I, too, have a weight loss by hypnosis tape that I'll try. I actually made it myself. I made one for smoking four years ago, listened to it, and never picked up a cigarette again.
Hope your knee is feeling better, Lynn. So your cats don't get along, either? I thought we had the only two cats that didn't like each other. When we got them, I was imagining adorable pictures of them curled up know the kind I mean...but that sure never happened. They stay as far away from each other as they can get...and chase each other off when they get too close!Z
Hi Zoe,

I have a WONDERFUL CD for getting to sleep. It’s called The Present. I will PM info to you.

I am so HAPPY to hear you gave up smoking – I remember when you were putting them down. Funny, I was just wondering whether or not you had stayed quit.

About the cats – my Harry and Hermione actually love each other. I have TONS of photos of the 2 of them curled up in a cat bed made for 1 (see below). Their play just gets out of control & the brother (Harry) is VERY much stronger than the sister who is about half his size. However, she is the instigator – typically, he tries to hold her off with one of his long arms until she gets around the arm and pounces on him before he bites her and she comes crying to me. Just like kids!

BTW – right now, I am trying to type around their heads as they are licking each other clean. One is on each arm of the chair with their respective heads and paws meeting on my chest!

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post sorry to hear of your bone fracture. Darn cats! Doc said you couldn't exercise for a week? You have a cast on your foot? Put your pedometer on and use that for your exercise unless you're to be off your feet completely. You can always do bar bells or stretch bands. Get well soon!
Hi Bobbi,

Yes, you and Isabella were right about the ice. I picked up one of those frozen peas ice packs at the drug store & it seems to help. I’m supposed to stay off my leg until I see doctor again, so pedometer won’t work. I’m getting my weights out as soon as I finish here. Got to have some way to get out of Pennsylvania. Let’s see if I can get to OH from my chair.

Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
Lynn, I thought you hurt your knee... did you also hurt your foot?? And a cast??? Good grief! You can't have that; you're heighing off to Italy!!!
PT, I dug out some Richard Simmons jive tapes and bounced around with him. His moves are way too fast for me, so I use Leslie's moves with his music. Whatever works........! I think it's phenomenal that I'm off the couch and moving!
Hi Donna,

No – foot is fine – just knee. No cast needed – just ice it, take prednisone, and rest it. Believe me, Italy (and my cousins’ reunion in FL in March, and my daughter’s planned birthday celebration in Philadelphia) were the first things I thought about. I am being VERY compliant. I want this to heal FAST, FAST, FAST.

About Leslie’s DVDs, I do them without the “spread legs wide and squat while walking” stuff. That was hurting my hip. When she does that, I just keep walking. Also, I can’t keep up with all of her arm movements – I do some and skip when I get tired.

Originally Posted by ToBThinAgain View Post

Strange day. Got the van running again, but the brakes locked up on the mountain east of here. Lots of smoke! Not a lot of fun. Came home and did some gardening.

Lynn, hope your knee goes back to normal soon. I am only a knee expert by having problems. I don't have the solutions... other than wait it out and eventually it gets better. Let me know if you learn more about syncronicity. I thought it was just like coincidence... but maybe not!

You asked why I took up drawing. Well, when my youngest child had his eighteenth birthday and moved out a few years ago I decided that in my old age I wanted to do a lot of art work. So, this is part of my art journey. I gave up art long ago when my children were young because of the problems of keeping art supplies away from them. I bought them kid-style art supplies and put mine in the trash...
Hi Linda,

Locked up brakes! Oh no! Is it a Toyota? So far, my Toyota Prius hasn’t been on any of the recall lists – it’s NOT a 2010 model.

I’ll be posting a separate Synchronicity message later today. As I remember the theory, it is an argument against coincidence. But I’ll find out.

I have always thought that I would LOVE to be able to paint/draw/sing but I am SO challenged in these areas that I think it would be useless to try.
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Old 02-19-2010, 06:33 AM   #213  
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Here is link to the clearest description of Synchronicity that I could find.
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Old 02-19-2010, 07:35 AM   #214  
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Good Morning All,

I had a lovely day with DGD yesterday. The bonus was that DH was home as well and he is very good with keeping her amused and freeing up some time for me during the day. Now if he would just do diaper changes Amongst all the babbling and cooing we definitely heard the first Da-Da! DD is delighted, but she SO wanted to hear the Ma-Ma first.

We're in the early stages of planning a trip to Indiana in the middle of March.
We have to bring our camper to the factory for a repair to the slide-out (factory defect). Since we're not the original owners and not under warranty, this is pretty generous as it would cost about $5,000 for a local repair. Thus, an unplanned trip to Indiana. I believe this is in Elkhart. We're a bit worried about weather conditions at this time of year. I know I'm going to freak out if I see even 1 flake of snow falling! Especially after reading all of your snowy posts. Anyone familiar with this area at this time of year? I actually had to look in the Atlas to visualize exactly where the heck Indiana is

On the agenda today is a quilt guild meeting and a trip to store to stock up on groceries. Thank goodness all the Mardi Gras madness is over and done with so I can get out without fear of getting stuck in traffic. So far, I'm OP and quite pleased, but trying hard not to obsess over every meal and snack. I'm owning 161 on my current status today even though the scale says less to allow for some fluctuation. I think of it as my new line drawn in the sand.

Lynn: So sorry to hear of your knee problems! I'm hoping it's a temporary setback and not an actual break. I do admire your attitude and spirit. BTW, your cats are adorable (but naughty!) The tabby and white one looks much like my Pandora.

Linda: Yikes! Brakes locking up must have been scarey. Glad to hear you got home without incident.

Rosey: 15 Bean Soup sounds delicious. And you are harm in looking!

Jess: Thanks for the tip on moderating P1. Those berries are calling me! I'm trying hard not to obsess over a bowl of oatmeal with berries. Going to be good though and fix my veggie omelot. I'm sharing your excitement and motivation. It's catching!

Big hello to anyone I've missed!

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Old 02-19-2010, 08:26 AM   #215  
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Good Morning all,

It was such a wonderful day yesterday. The sun was shining and it was actually WARM out. Oh, not summer warm, but compared to the 20 we've been having, it was warm. Spring is coming!!! I feel like chicken little running around yelling "the sky is falling" I feel like yelling spring is coming.

Lynn, I hope you don't have a break. Mine took forever to heal. It was a stress fx in my foot.Doctor said it usually happened in long distance runners. Which I am NOT! You can probably get a bone denesity test on your heel. Not as acurate as the full body, but something. But my bone denesity test was great, so that wasn't the reason.

Z, So you and Leslie are getting to know each other huh? I've never watched her tapes, I'll have to check them out. Any movement is better than none.

Rosie, Good luck. You know we will all be rooting for you. Your life is about to change for the better lady! And Rosey, of course we can look. We may be old but we're not dead!

All of you with sleeping problems, add me to the list. I go the full scale. I have a hard time falling asleep and I wake up too early. I got some tea that seems to be working ok. It's called Sleepy Time Plus with valerin. I don't know if it's just in my mind or really works, don't care. it works.

Linda, How scarey! Thank God you're ok!

Cindy, aren't Grands fun! And dada is easier to say than mama. some sounds are easier to make. Our grandson's first word was papa. Just easier than the others


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Old 02-19-2010, 09:18 AM   #216  
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Hi Freda,

Would I be able to walk without pain if it was a fracture?

Also - time for you to post a photo as your Avatar. You need to add your beautiful face to the rest of ours. MANY of us do NOT want to see any more @@##$%%^^%# snow!

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Old 02-19-2010, 09:46 AM   #217  
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Good Morning!
We woke up this morning to a softened crash, apparently DH didn't hit a stud wall when he put the brackets up in my closet downstairs. All my dress clothes fell, broke through the new closet folding doors and ended up on the floor. All my high heels are in plastic boxes and stacked on the shelf above the clothes, they too are scattered on the floor. DH didn't realize how many clothes and shoes I much for sneaking in new outfits now and then.
I have two Hibiscus plants, one on the corner of my computer desk and one next to it on a stand. They are starting to bloom again, I have 4 large pink flowers on my desk and the other has one and many buds about to open.
Zoe...I spent a small fortune on the Wii Fit console and CD, then promply sold it on ebay. What I hated most was the same thing you dislike, her annoying voice and too much talking. The exercise was fun but it took me 1 hour to get in 1/2 hour exercising. They need to keep the exercises and get rid of the voice and all the jabber in between. As to the yogurt machine and making everything from scratch, I never did much when I was still working. I just didn't have time, was too tired or had other priorities. I retired at 54 because of heel spurs and plantar fasciitis, that's when I stopped buying packaged quick fixes and got into real, homemade foods. I learned that cooking was fun! I can spend the whole day in the kitchen putzing around and be so contented.
I've always wanted to try yoga, and it's right there on DH's WII fit + but I've gotta tell you, I really have a personality conflict with WII fit...that stupid robot who does all the talking just gets on my last nerve and that's the truth.
Isabella, Bobbi...all of you folks who make your own yogurt, whip up everything and anything with powdered skim milk, create amazing recipes for all sorts of delicious stuff...well, wow. That's all. Just WOW.
Rosey…Lynn so sry..i didnt see a post about a cast but bobbies post said so..
Linda...I don't think ebay charges too much and it all depends on how costly the item is. You have to remember that people all over the world see these ads and your chance of selling is so much better than putting ads in newspapers, radio, etc.
Bobbi - I put a few things on eBay a few years back, but thought the listing fees were too high. Are they still prohibitive? ...or do you just get used to it?
Freda...I have Sleepy Time too but find my nightly bathroom trip increases to two a night if I drink anything at bedtime.
All of you with sleeping problems, add me to the list. I go the full scale. I have a hard time falling asleep and I wake up too early. I got some tea that seems to be working ok. It's called Sleepy Time Plus with valerin. I don't know if it's just in my mind or really works, don't care. it works.
Cindy...We had a camper when our DD was about 5 or 6, it took all the fun out of camping for us. We'd always had a tent and spent all our vacations using that since we couldn't afford anything else at the time. The camper was like living in a hotel, everything so neat and clean. DH was constantly complaining and sweeping the floor. We kept dragging in gravel and dirt. He's a neat freak in case you're wondering. We purchased it new and only used it a couple of summers before we sold it. (Got just about as much for it as we paid) Guess what we purchased next? You got it, another bigger tent. We just love tenting! I even like the smell of tents, brings back so many fun memories. I'm glad you and your family enjoy it, one great benefit is no worries if it rains or critters getting in.
We have to bring our camper to the factory for a repair to the slide-out (factory defect).
Lynn…I’m getting my weights out as soon as I finish here. Got to have some way to get out of Pennsylvania. Let’s see if I can get to OH from my chair.

Linda...What was it that you sold that was so spendy? If it's been a few years, try it again!
Bobbi - I put a few things on eBay a few years back, but thought the listing fees were too high. Are they still prohibitive? ...or do you just get used to it?
Hi Jess...Are you getting excited about your new adventure? Please keep us informed.
Hi Karen, where are you? Looking out the window at the pool and praying for spring to come I'll bet.
Hi anyone I missed, I'm on my way into town to pick out a new shower curtain for the new shower and some accessories to match. I also have to pick out some paint for the walls to match the shower curtain. I hate putting a curtain on the shower, the tiles are so pretty! I thought of clear but that would show water spots and Mr. Neat and Clean wouldn't like that. HaHa, I'm being facetious, he's mellowed out a lot since he's retired.

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Old 02-19-2010, 12:01 PM   #218  
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Good Morning, All!

Speaking of synchronicity, I was a police officer for many years, many years ago, and all the women officers had their periods at the same time! That's been true in office settings, too... weird!

Lynn, how's the knee/shin/foot/booboo?? I hope you can recover as fast as Lindsay Vonn and grab yourself a gold medal for traveling!

I pulled out the dreaded scale, because I've felt so good this time around... and today I love my scale! I KNOW I can't trust the figures, but I can trust part of the figures... 4.6#!! I saw a tip on Dr. Oz to set a timer so that some food, any food, goes into the gullet every two hours, and that works. I am not hungry at all! Even the nighttime bored grazing has slowed. It also has helped to follow Lynn's advice of "plan what you eat...." I'm just fired up, girlies!!

PT, my lovely friend... is all well? Have you tried to eat oatmeal an hour or so before you go to bed? I swear, it's the best! I sleep like a contented wee babe. I think Bobbi is a proponent of oatmeal therapy, too.

Have a safe and warm day, Everyone!
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Old 02-20-2010, 02:45 AM   #219  
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Today we drove to Medford for tires. On the way we stopped for breakfast at a little café in the next town upriver, and though the omlette was delicious I could eat only half. My stomach has shrunk! My dog will benefit from the unused food.

Lynn, what lovely cats you have! I love thinking about them in your lap while you type. My locked brake was on an 1995 4wd Ford Aerostar van... my new "baby"... which I call Vanna.... unfortunately Vanna sat unused for a month because the battery went dead, and I didn't want to buy one locally. Anyhow, she got a new battery yesterday and new mud/snow tires today in Medford, and there were no more brake problems. I will use her to drive into the forests around here, on the unpaved forest service roads.

Thanks for the link to Inner Wisdom... a fascinating site... and I like the definition of synchronicity.

Cindy, your trip to Indiana sounds like fun! I wouldn't worry about the snow. Here in Northern California it sometimes snows as late as the end of April, but usually it isn't as thick and debilitating as snow in January.

Freda, I agree -- spring is coming! I worked in my garden yesterday and found two blooming violets and three periwinkle flowers. This is a great time of year to work in the garden because it is cool enough out and the ground is moist and easy to work with. From now through September I'll be spending a lot of time outside, so long as it doesn't rain. (or snow.)

Bobbi, so sorry to read about your closet disaster. Hope it got fixed and put back together! Thanks for the perspective on eBay costs. You're right, it is less costly than advertising. I was trying to sell an antique Chinese metal pan sort of thing with dragon handles. Never sold it and now it is sitting in the garden in back of our cabin.

Jess, good idea to eat every two hours. I may try that!

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Old 02-20-2010, 08:40 AM   #220  
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G'mornin', GGs!!! Just a quick dash through this morning...I have to run out for some groceries and then DH and are are taking our granddaughter & grandson (8 & 9) to the Mystic Aquarium for the day. We do a special day trip with them on the third Saturday of each month. Looks like fun, doesn't it? I stayed on plan with my eating all week, and walked faithfully with ole' Leslie. I won't weigh myself until NEXT Saturday, though, because of all my flub-ups a few weeks back. I couldn't stand it if all I did was lose the half pound that I had gained! (I'm so easily discouraged).
WAY to GO, PT!!!!! Congrats!!!!! Interesting discussion about synchronicity and know I'll have to put my two cents into the mix when I have more time.
In the 40's here all weekend! Feels like the tropics!!!!!
Have a lovely day, y'all!!!

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Old 02-20-2010, 08:42 AM   #221  
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Good morning!
I'm going to incorporate snow shoveling into my exercises for today, it snowed again over night. DH was going to go out and shovel before he started painting and I volunteered to do it. I love shoveling snow but don't do it much any since hubby's retirement. It's so invigorating.
Yesterday while in town, I looked in the sporting goods section to see if I could find some large mats to stand on so my feet/heel spurs don't bother me. I found something called 'Weider' 2' x 2' puzzle mat. There are 4 separate squares that lock together for a long rectangle mat (8 feet long) or a 4 foot x 4 foot square mat.) The edges lock together like a puzzle. It was only $19.99 too, wonderful quality high density foam. Guess what else I found? LESLIE SANSONE WALK AT HOME KIT. It comes with the DVD 2 mile power Walk, (34 min) and Super slimming lower body toning, 21 min, and the Fit Cuff. Whatever that is? I had a couple of her tapes a few years ago but sold them all at DD's garage sale. All you Leslie Sansone fans have instigated me to buy her DVD's again. This time my feet shouldn't hurt with the new matt. I can't wait to get started! You all have a great weekend and I'll want to hear how each and every one of you breezed through, making great choices and exercising. Rosey...can you do chair exercises or bar bells like Lynn is going to do while recovering?
Oooooooh Karen, where are you? You get down to that woman cave and exercise too. Don't let that new diet plan of your's get the best of you. Go back to what works for you.

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Old 02-20-2010, 11:34 AM   #222  
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Good Morning, All...

Chilly today, got a couple of inches of snow last night, no biggie.

Bobbi, instead of using the small weight balls that Leslie shows in her videos, those cuffs fit over your wrists. I just hold onto them.

How's the knee, Lynn? Enjoy your Gbabies, PT!

I've decided to claim 2# of the 4.6# loss showed yesterday. I have to be realistic (don't I???).

Have a good weekend, Everyone!!
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Old 02-20-2010, 12:22 PM   #223  
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Good Morning---sorry that I have been MIA for a few days. I have been reading but haven't felt much like doing anything. I ended up getting the "crud" whatever it is that is going around. I have a cough, cold, sore throat and in just general feel miserable. The only time my throat isn't sore is when I'm putting food in it...and not good food! I crave the salty chips and all when I get sick like this. Today is day 4 so hopefully it will go soon, if not I guess I will go to see a Dr. to find out why!

Just wanted to pop in and let you know I am still alive and kickin' (sort of)

Take care and have a good weekend.
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Old 02-20-2010, 02:49 PM   #224  
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Morning everyone still raining here..its real slippery out as my dogs slid down the steps this morning..if dogs could have human expression's on their face they said "oh %@##" lol..Im watching the "patriot" on tv i forgot what a good movie it dh shaking his head as im deff a multi on,working the puter and have one ear bud in listening to oldies rock and for me..Bobbie i learned in rehab ways to exercise with wts,stretch bands and leg exercises standing in the walker..its just that im lazy about exercise..need a swift kick you know where ..karen hope u feel better soon..not sure the plan for the day..the great thing about being retired is theres always tomorrow..ttfn and hope your weekend great rosey

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Old 02-20-2010, 05:17 PM   #225  
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Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
Morning everyone still raining here..its real slippery out as my dogs slid down the steps this morning..if dogs could have human expression's on their face they said "oh %@##" lol..Im watching the "patriot" on tv i forgot what a good movie it dh shaking his head as im deff a multi on,working the puter and have one ear bud in listening to oldies rock and for me..Bobbie i learned in rehab ways to exercise with wts,stretch bands and leg exercises standing in the walker..its just that im lazy about exercise..need a swift kick you know where ..karen hope u feel better soon..not sure the plan for the day..the great thing about being retired is theres always tomorrow..ttfn and hope your weekend great rosey

Now, you know that you need to get to exercising. Your surgery will go MUCH easier if you get yourself in as good shape as you can. Start with 5 minutes & build up. Come on - you and I will have a "sit in the chair and do something" challenge.

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