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Old 02-15-2010, 07:00 PM   #181  
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Hi Chicks!

It seems like eveyone is on the same page today - looking forward to
Spring and warmer weather, as well as being motivated with nutrition
and exercise. I'm in that frame of mind as well. I guess I'm also
in a sort of reflective mood. I know that some of you are retired and
I'm wondering if that was a big adjustment. DH retired from AT & T
after 35 years, but felt he was still to young (54) to permanently
retire. At the same time, it was agreed that I would quit working
as well and be available for grand-sitting and just generally be
available for my parents. Also, we wanted to have the
freedom to travel, etc. without restraint. Anyway, DH bought a semi
truck, formed his own company and hauls for our local oil industry.
He basically sets his own hours and works when he wants to. Anyway,
it's all working out great for the most part. I am just not used to
having so much time on my hands! I think that is where the weight
gain came in where before I was doing so well. Anyway, I am
re-committing as well, as I have absouletly no excuse. I want to
enjoy my retirement years to the fullest and look good doing it, LOL!

We have had the coldest, most prolonged winter weather down here that I can ever remember. Today I took a walk about the property to try and assess the damage. I have a lot of tropicals. Some old Bougainvillea,
Hibiscus, Birds of Paradise, various palms and gingers. Everything looks dead and brown. I'm trying to be optimistic. But I have to admit to being
a bit down (totally out of character for me) because I have planted
all of this myself and many of them are 20 years old. I'll just have to wait
till Spring to see what has survived. On a positive note I have an
overwintering hummingbird. Since there is not a bloom in sight, her
only chance of survival is the feeder. She is my inspiration right now.
I know that many of you live in much harsher climes and I really feel
for all of your hardships with the snow which I can't imangine dealing with
on a daily basis.

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Old 02-16-2010, 09:22 AM   #182  
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Good Morning Lovely Ladies,

It's snowing again and the temp. is 24. Looks like we're going to be getting a little addition to the snow already on the ground. Lovely to look at, not so great to drive in. The grandkids are out of school this week and are going to spend the night tonight. That will be lots of fun. They were over last night and we made chocolate chip cookies. I admit I did have one. I don't usually eat cookies, but warm from the oven is just too much emeptation.

Isabella, I'm glad to hear that your back is feeling better. Hard to have fun if you're in pain. I keep the "real" maple syrup for special occasions too. It's so expensive but so yummy.

Lynn, I'm another one that seems to have "turned the corner". I'm glad this corner is more positive. I didn't much like the other one.

Georgia, Men (boys) are lame most of the time when it comes to gifts. I've found that the direct approach works so much better. That way I don't get frustrated and they have a clue!! Other wise, they don't. And now is the time to teach your boys.

Z, You are so right about having someone and still being sad. Better to be alone than to be with someone and still be alone.

Karen, loved the cake. And isn't that such a good idea?
everyone gets their own individual serving. Sounds like you had a great birthday.

Bobbi, that new basement sounds like it's going to be wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing "before" and "after".

Donna, I probably won't live untill i'm 100 (but maybe I will). I wonder, really, if we will care what we look like by then. I used to think I wouldn't care after 60, and now that i'm here I find I care just as much as I always did.

Cindy, I'm looking forward to being retired, but not sure I want to compleatly retire. I was off work for 4 months with a broken foot and found that I really didn't enjoy it as much as I though. Maybe just because I couldn't get out and do anything. I hope so. I hope your beautiful plants come back.

Everyone have a great day, Freda

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Old 02-16-2010, 09:24 AM   #183  
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G'morning, all….looks like I’m the first one here today, eh? Well, I was up at 5:00, and out of the house at 6:30 this morning. It’s already snowing pretty heavily here although the REALLY heavy snow isn’t supposed to hit us until this afternoon. The drive home ought to be pretty peachy. (NOT). I DO have to say that if the drive home does turn out to be one of those white-knucklers, it’ll be the first one this winter. We’ve had lots of cold and snow, but it somehow hasn’t impacted the commuter hours too badly. I guess we’re overdue.
DH had a marvelous time impersonating someone from the 1830’s (I think…somewhere around there; definitely before the Civil War…I’m too lazy to check it out. I’m not called “lazy girl” for nothing!) yesterday, and I had a lovely time impersonating someone who actually has time to herself. DH asked me, after he got home, if I’d been “lonely” at home by myself. Ummm….nyet! I am loving the (very) wide legged crop pants that I made for myself in a charcoal grey woolen tweed back at the beginning of winter, and decided to stitch up a few more – possibly to wear before this winter ends, but definitely for next winter. Sooo, I was off to the fabric store where I found a really nice weight black woolen fabric and a brown, very fine woolen herringbone tweed. I’m going to make these pants up in both. I was a LITTLE concerned that what might fit me well now could end up being a little TOO roomy by next fall. Then, I thought, oh, so WHAT? If I need smaller ones I’ll make smaller ones –which is exactly what I’ll probably end up doing, because I am determined to get this last bit of weight off this year, and be done with it. Anyway, I also dropped in to a few of my other favorite haunts and found two woolen jackets - a light, indoor weight, I mean, to pair with my pants and skirts – in the JUNIOR section (I always look in EVERY section of a store; one never knows what might lurk in those racks, after all) for $24.99 apiece, marked all the way down from $129!!!!!! I guess you know I bought two – one in charcoal gray and one in black. They are crop jackets – cut just above the natural waistline – and perfect for my lagenlook outfits. Somehow, my body shape works well with the shorter layers on top and longer layers underneath, as in; short jacket, longer stretchy top beneath that comes down over my hips, and then a calf-length A-line skirt with tall boots or one of my pairs of (very) wide-legged crop pants. Oh – and my ever-present contrasting scarf at the neck. Anyhoo, the LARGE in Juniors actually fit me well. This is NOT to say that ALL large Juniors will fit me. Some most decidedly will not. It varies from piece to piece. So that was fun.
Last night we went over to my daughter’s for cake & ice cream for my grandson’s birthday. YESTERDAY was actually his birthday even though she called Sunday’s brunch his “birthday brunch”. Don’t ask me? I did NOT eat cake OR ice cream, or anything else for that matter. I had made chicken salad earlier for DH’s and my supper - made it with Lite Miracle Whip, chopped dates, chopped celery, chopped apples, chopped fresh pineapple, and chopped walnuts. It was DEE-licious, and there was enough left for us both to have it for our lunches today as well. Yum.
Oh, PT, you are a funny girl. Glamour shots for your GG avatar?????? Just turn yourself at an angle, and experiment until you happen on your best one. Hey – it’s taken me more than 40 years to discover which is my “good” side (and even that is extremely unpredictable): don’t expect overnight results!
Oh, Isabella, did you HAVE to describe those French fries quite so graphically? I could actually TASTE the darned things just as I was reading your post! Now my mouth is watering, I’m craving French fries, and you KNOW I’m not getting any…..
Oh, Georgia, m’luv….you are still young enough to be trying to train your teenagers…my daughter (and she’s my YOUNGEST daughter) is 32!!!!! I guess you could say that her buying me the Ipod is the result of maturity on her part, but the truth is that my daughters (and son) and I all have a very close bond between us, and we ALL like to surprise each other whenever we can with little gifts that we know will be both wanted and appreciated. My son, as you may have (or may not have) picked up from my posts, lives in Los Angeles, but last year on Mother’s day, he flew up just to spend the day with me and his sisters. Took me completely by surprise, too. It was amazing. Don’t worry – your boys will be the same way when they’re older and out on their own. Children don’t forget who was always there for them, you know.
Hi Cindy – wow. A lot of time on your hands, huh? Well, that’s something I am most certainly looking forward to with great anticipation. I think I maybe won’t put on street clothes for the first two or three months after I retire. Or at least not until late into the afternoon…sounds heavenly to me. I guess after I’ve been home for a bit I’ll settle in and do something about designing some bits and pieces of clothes.
After that, who knows? Bungee jumping, maybe? Ummmmm….nuh-uh.
Yooohooooo!!! Bobbi? Lynn? Karen? Freda? Rosey? Rise and shine me luvlies…and have a TEE-riffic day!

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Old 02-16-2010, 10:13 AM   #184  
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Good Morning...just time for a short note. The tiler is coming back today to finish the basement shower and grout it so I gotta get my war paint on and get dressed. Tomorrow he should finish up. He left his lights on yesterday morning, he has a huge trailer hooked up to his pick-up that has lights also. When he left in the afternoon the battery was dead. He parked in the middle of our double driveway, huge snow banks on both sides and we couldn't get our vehicles out to jump start his battery. DH had to call a farmer we barely know to come over and get his battery charged. I thought the tiler would offer to pay the farmer but he didn't, felt like a slap in the face! He's young and transplanted from Wyoming, maybe they expect neighborly help? DH said he'd make it right with him. (the farmer)
Zoe...just had to comment on your shopping adventure. You can alway sew your goucho in after you lose the weight. I love shopping in the junior dept., especially for jeans. They fit much better and don't have all that extra materal in the thighs that grama jeans have. I only buy cropped blazers, they actually make people look thinner. Even when I was much heavier I bought only cropped. When people buy blazers that cover their hips, it only adds another layer of material that makes them look bigger. gotta go! Hi and bye everyone.
I was a LITTLE concerned that what might fit me well now could end up being a little TOO roomy by next fall. Then, I thought, oh, so WHAT? If I need smaller ones I’ll make smaller ones –which is exactly what I’ll probably end up doing, because I am determined to get this last bit of weight off this year, and be done with it. Anyway, I also dropped in to a few of my other favorite haunts and found two woolen jackets - a light, indoor weight, I mean, to pair with my pants and skirts – in the JUNIOR section (I always look in EVERY section of a store; one never knows what might lurk in those racks, after all) for $24.99 apiece, marked all the way down from $129!!!!!! I guess you know I bought two – one in charcoal gray and one in black. They are crop jackets – cut just above the natural waistline – and perfect for my lagenlook outfits.

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Old 02-16-2010, 11:23 AM   #185  
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Good Morning, All....

Bobbi, the new Maxine is great!!

Finished the first day of the renewed Phase I yesterday, feel great today, and am down significantly, which means WATER. . I have no problems with SB, probably because I adapt it to my likes. Although I have two "socializing" appointments this week, I know I won't blow anything. I'm back in the groove, girlies!

Bobbi, I'm anxious to see your redecorating before and after pictures. It all sounds quite lovely!

PT, you're so talented! The clothes you're making are perfect for you! We're all just such a fine, fine group of women, aren't we?

Warm and dry, everyone! PT, drive safely this afternoon!
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:48 PM   #186  
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Good evening ladies. What a day this has been. I did get out for my walk today and didn't need to use the winter tracks on my shoes. The roads were dry and ice free although the sides of the road had ice and snow. Just before I left the house I was looking out the window and low and behold in the front yard tree were a couple of Robins! And then there were about a dozen or more. I couldn't believe my eyes. Robins don't appear until the end of March at the earliest. I saw Robins several times while I was walking. I'm beginning to think they overwintered as we had a very mild winter. So, Cindy I was quite excited to see them as you were the hummingbird. We don't have hummingbirds in Newfoundland.

After I returned home I brought in a few armfuls of wood but never chopped any. I'm off chopping. Then I heated the soup I had made earlier in the morning for our lunch. Had a nice lunch with DH and then took off for the Interfaith Goodwill Centre to help out. And what bargains I found there today. I'm sitting here with a brand new, still in the box, still wrapped in plastic, yogurt maker for which I only paid $2. It makes a litre (about a quart) in a removable container. I was hanging up a few men's shirts when I spied it sitting on a table close by. I couldn't believe my eyes. Wow. I also found a couple of tops and a nice table lamp for one of the basement bedrooms. Tomorrow I cannot look at anything unless it's too good to pass up.

Cindy, I'm one of the retired ones as my name suggests but I always have some project or other on the go. Actually, I can keep happily occupied just sitting on the couch thinking of things I'm going to or want to do. I suppose I could do more housework now that I'm retired, but have no desire to bury myself in mops and brooms.

Freda, for a moment when I read it was 24 degress and snowing I couldn't understand what you were talking about. 24 degrees is nice and warm and then it struck me it was Fahrenheit and not Celsius.

Zoe, sorry about the French fries. They are a big temptation for me also. Sounds like you're going to have a lovely wardrobe when you've finished sewing and buying.

Bobbi, I'd also like to see pictures of your renovations.

Donna, good job with your diet. We all knew you could do it.

I'm gone to show DH the tops I found for him at the Goodwill. Wish me luck.
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:14 PM   #187  
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Hi everyone..i have been having a case of the "blahs" i dont feel like doing a thing.. so ive been veging reading and watching the olympics..must be cabin fever..i have not been out of the house since oct..dont want to bore u all with complaints from being handicapped so ive been lurking..tomorrow will be better rosey
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Old 02-17-2010, 01:24 AM   #188  
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Hi everyone...

I've been out of town and then was slightly sick and had headaches, and got behind on our thread here!

Isabella, you asked if I'm taking art lessons... well, not exactly. I'm going through a book called "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and doing the exercises. Supposedly it will make a huge difference in my ability to draw realistically.

Zoe, you said you have 150 pages done on your book. Well, that is phenomenal! Keep up the good work and don't edit until your first draft is done.

I'll have to start over now... I have no good weight loss news to report! If I can remember to, I'll step on the scale again tomorrow morning.

We haven't been getting any of the sunshine the central California people have been getting. Well, down in Redding a few days ago it seemed warm, but as soon as we drove back to Mt. Shasta it was cold again. And we live about three hours drive north and west of there.

Now that I'm beginning to feel better again, I'm getting caught up on computer things.

Last night I surprised myself by going out to do my recumbent cycling just because I missed it! (After a few days of little exercise.)

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Old 02-17-2010, 05:42 AM   #189  
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Good Morning Chicks,

Well, I finally stopped straddling the "diet" fence and have dropped
firmly back in the South Beach camp. Although I did manage to drop
a few pounds these last past few weeks through daily exercise and
cleaning up my eating, I realized I would do better with an "official"
plan to motivate me and keep me on track. I looked around at some
other options, but in the end I decided to go back to what I know works
for me and has proven successful in the past. Yesterday I started
Phase 1. Jess, it looks like we're on the same path. This may be
silly, but I was procrastinating because I had just bought some lovely
blueberries and strawberries and since fruit is not allowed on Phase 1,
I knew these would go to waste. It's the old "clean your plate"
mentality at work again. Anyway, I dug out my copy of the book and
re-read it on Monday. I already had everything on hand, so by
yesterday I was good to go! Three cheers for the GGs as it looks
like many of us are re-committing!

Linda: Glad to hear you're feeling better and back on your bike.

Rosey: I so understand the cabin fever. I hope you can break out
of the cabin and get out soon.

Isabella: Yay for Robins! I've been noticing them here as well.
For me, they are are a signal that Spring is on the
way. BTW, good score on the yogurt maker. DH calls me
the Gadget Queen, so my ears pricked up at that!

Jess: Even though the loss may be water, don't you love the feeling
of releasing all that excess bloat? I agree, SB is very
user friendly. Good luck sticking to plan through your
social obligations.

Bobbi: Had to laugh at your comment on the Grama jeans. Let's make
a pact: NO grama jeans in our closet, LOL!

Zoe: I loved hearing about your shopping trip. The fabric sounds
lovely and what a score on the blazers! I love to sew as
well and usually have several projects going at once. Lately
it's been quilting and sewing for my granddaughter. I have a
stash of fabrics waiting to cut out for myself as well. You
are certainly motivating me to get into my sewing room.

Freda: A night with the grands sounds like fun. They'll keep you
busy and you'll burn off that cookie in no time.

Ciao everyone,
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Old 02-17-2010, 09:27 AM   #190  
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Good Morning Girls!
Anyone purchased the steam mops? I purchased one last week, used it once and WOW! It cleans beautiful and the kitchen floor looked like I waxed it. It only uses steamed distilled water so no dull finish from soap. Then yesterday I tried washing it again and the dumb thing wouldn't steam I took it back and purchased another one in a different brand and $10.00 more in price. That one works, hope it doesn't die like the other one.
We have the tiler coming back to finish up this morning, then we'll have to call the plumber back to hook the shower and toilet back up. I miss have two bathrooms
Jess...It'll be quite some time before we're finished, one room will be done by next week, the bathroom maybe a couple of weeks, the rest a month or so. Lots of painting to do ourselves.
Bobbi, I'm anxious to see your redecorating before and after pictures. It all sounds quite lovely!

Isabella...what a steal! I make a batch every week, mine has 8 separate containers and my recipe has only 54 calories per cup. (about 5 oz. just perfect for my morning Fiber One + fruit If you don't have a book with it, just google for a recipe or I can give you mine. It used dry skim milk and very cheap to make. I send away for the dry yogurt starters and keep the jar in the freezer. QUOTE] I'm sitting here with a brand new, still in the box, still wrapped in plastic, yogurt maker for which I only paid $2. It makes a litre (about a quart) in a removable container[/QUOTE]
Rosey...Just remember we all care about you!
tomorrow will be better

Linda...I'm artistic too and took some drawing lessons from books but tend to like free hand drawing best rather then worring about perspective, distance, etc. I had one one shading that was really fun! I say had because I sold all my art supplies, oil paints, brushes, canvas, etc at last summer's rummage sale at my DD.
I'm going through a book called "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and doing the exercises. Supposedly it will make a huge difference in my ability to draw realistically.
Cindy...did you eat the fruit before you started? I love fresh fruit, blueberries are so good for you.
blueberries and strawberries and since fruit is not allowed on Phase 1,
I knew these would go to waste.

Hi everyone else, gotta run.
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Old 02-17-2010, 09:34 AM   #191  
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Good Morning, Everyone,

Getting over the blah’s – I think it is interesting that so many of us were suffering from “the blah’s” at the same time & seemed to pull out of it at the same time.

I’ve probably shared this before, but around 1970, my family participated in a national health study. Every week we would get a call & tell the researchers what illnesses we had experienced (if any) the previous week. I believe the purpose was to try to track the progression of communicable diseases. At the end of the study, we received a copy of the report. What always amazed me was the data about headaches. People all over the country had headaches on the same days!

Another related occurrence concerned women’s clothing when I used to work. Frequently, women who worked together would wear the same color clothing to work on any given day.

I think that there is a kind of “force” that affects us when we are part of a community. Anyway, whatever the reason, I’m glad that we are all getting rid of our “blah’s.”

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Old 02-17-2010, 09:53 AM   #192  
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Well, here I am again...seems kind of quiet around here today? Yesterday we got guessed it....SNOW. What a's just lovely out there this morning! Lots of white. And more white. But wait...look...there's even MORE white, as far as the eye can see! I have to tell you, I just feel soooo fortunate to be living here in New England where we have such a gorgeous variety of seasons...and especially WINTER, when the world around us is just one big swirl of white, white, and MORE white....oh, except for the dead blackish/gray tree branches poking through like huge skeletal hands and limbs reaching, reaching...and wait a minute...oh, right...all the dirty, yukky slush that's left over from the plows and the sandy, salty road spray that coats our cars in an armor of grit...oh <clapping hands in delight> what a winter wonderland! Noooooooooot! So, enough, already! I am SO, SO ready for spring! And yes, I am willing to diet myself down to a twig so that I can wear thin little clothes in defense of the summer's overbearing heat and humidity (another lovely New England weather bonus)!
I swear, I am so sorry that I didn't move somewhere more temperate after college graduation! Just think...I might have raised my family in some perfectly beautiful place where I'd be thrilled to spend my waning years. But no, we never think of that when we're young, do we? Blaaaah. Okay, so enough griping over the weather and my youthfully foolish choices - I'm home this morning, getting ready, after I post this, to walk with dear Leslie.
Tsk. I slept very little last night - and the night before - and it's not doing much for my temperament, let me tell you. Poor DH - has me home unexpectedly, and in a foul mood on top of it. (It's okay if he just doesn't SAY anything to me). Hopefully, after all this insomnia, I'll be tired enough to get a really good sleep tonight. Last night I took a long hot bath, drank a cup of strong Sleepytime tea, took 2 Benadryl, and put on a calming CD ...and nothing. I laid awake again for hours and hours. NOT optimum. Any natural sleep remedies floating around out there?
Yep, PT, we're back in the groove, and we are going to take the world by storm this summer! Can't keep US down, nosiree! We're in this together, and we're going to all stay strong for each other! Let's make a pact! When we even THINK about eating anything off plan, we'll think of each other, and remember that we can't let our mates down! Whattaya think?
Isabella, my DH is even as we speak in the process of building another closet along a 15-foot wall in the guest bedroom to accommodate my ever-growing collection of clothes. We got a good deal on a bunch of folding louvered closet doors, so why not, right? Pretty soon, Bobbi may have to give me some EBay lessons so I can cull out the ones I never wear and make a little spending ( money on them. I have quite a lot of things that I've only worn once, or at the most, twice..and with a proper cleaning, could well move along to someone more appreciative than I am. Oh, Lord, did someone say "french fries"????? Nope. Just popped into my head. Sorry...
Omigosh, Rosey - that's a long time to be cooped up like that! Will you be able to get out and about once you've had your surgery, I hope? I would have more than cabin fever if it were me.
Hi Linda, welcome back...glad you're feeling better!
Hi Cindy - now, I just have to get out the sewing machine and actually MAKE the darned things!
Lynn? You okay?
Bobbi, I know you'll be glad when all the work on your house is finished and you can settle in and use all your new space!
Okay, enough out of me...time to walk with Leslie, and that group of people she walks with who walk every time that I do, but never seem to lose an ounce. I hope that's not an indication of how much benefit is actually to be gained from this...
Have a good day, all...

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Old 02-17-2010, 11:17 AM   #193  
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Good Morning, All!

PT, Leslie is BORING... That doesn't bode well for my exercise part of the day (clutch!). Maybe I'll start yoga, instead. And I like the buddy idea!

Cindy, I know you've done SB before, but you might be interested in this food list. http://www.*************************...inglist_p1.htm The link doesn't seem to want to work (probably something proprietary). Here's the title, if you want to Google: South Beach Diet Phase 1 Guidelines and Food List

Nothing going on today. All is well with me. I'm sticking to it...

Stay warm and dry... and safe!

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Old 02-17-2010, 01:21 PM   #194  
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Any of you use dry milk? I actually weaned our daughter off canned formula and unto reconstitute skim milk. She's 39 so we've been drinking it for years. I always add a little vanilla and some liquid Stevia to it for drinking and cereal. I eat yogurt on my cereal but DH uses the milk.
Milk Products to make with Powdered Milk
Sour Milk: To sour reconstituted milk, just add a little vinegar to it, and stir it up. For instance, if a recipe calls for 1-cup of sour milk or buttermilk, then measure a tablespoon of vinegar into a measuring cup. Add reconstituted milk to reach the 1-cup mark. Stir the milk gently. In a moment or two, it will sour. This can replace soured milk or buttermilk in baking recipes.

Buttermilk: To make your own buttermilk, you have to start off with 1/2-cup of fresh, store-bought buttermilk and a quart (4-cups) of reconsitituted milk. Combine the fresh buttermilk and reconstituted milk in a pitcher or jar. Mix it really well. Allow it to stand at room temperature overnight, or for about 8 hours. The milk will have thickened up and cultured into regular buttermilk. Refrigerate or chill and use anywhere fresh buttermilk is called for.

Evaporated Milk: To make evaporated skim milk you only need dry milk powder and water. Measure 1-1/3 cups water into a jar or bowl. Add 1 cup of instant dry milk powder. Stir or shake to combine. This is the equivalent of a 12-ounce can of evaporated skim milk. To make evaporated whole milk, you will need to add some fat to replace the milk fat in whole milk. Do this by preparing evaporated skim milk and then adding 2-tablespoons of vegetable oil to the milk. Stir it up vigorously to emulsify the fat with the milk. It will separate on standing, so mix it really well right before using it. This is best used in cooking and baking. A spritz of nonstick spray will help the emulsification process.

Sweetened Condensed Milk:On the stove, bring to a boil 1/2-cup of water, 1-cup of sugar and 3-tablespoons of margarine or shortening (butter flavored shortening is good). Add a dash of salt. Stir the mixture every now and then. When it comes to a full rolling boil, remove it from the heat. Allow it to cool slightly. Add a cup of instant dry milk powder. Use a whisk to stir it smooth. A fork or a spoon will not get the mixture smooth, you really need a whisk, or egg beaters. There, you are done. This is the equivalent of a can of sweetened condensed milk. This will keep unrefrigerated for a day or two because of the sugar. I have never kept it longer than that without refrigeration. In the fridge it will keep for 2 weeks. For longer storage than that, I freeze it.
Quick Whipped Topping:Put 1/2-cup of water into a large bowl and place it in your freezer. When it has ice crystals forming around the edges, remove it from the freezer. Add 1/2-cup instant dry milk powder. Whip the mixture with electric beaters until it is light and fluffy. This will take a couple of minutes. Add 2-tablespoons sugar, 1-teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1/2-teaspoon of vanilla. Beat until thick enough to spoon like whipped topping. Use immediately.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-17-2010 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 02-17-2010, 02:54 PM   #195  
South Beach P2
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[QUOTE]Anyone purchased the steam mops?[/QUOTE]

Bobbi, I'm the Gadget Queen so OF COURSE I have one I actually bought it to keep in our camper. I liked it so well I bought another one for the house. The brand I have is the Shark one. My floors are all tile and wood. I've found that if I zip it around every morning real quick I never have to vacuum (except for an area rug in the living room) unless I get behind every now and then. With my granddaughter crawling or zipping around in her walker I find that comes in handy. I hate it when she comes with white socks and goes home with gray ones BTW, I just told DH I NEED a yogurt maker

[QUOTE]Cindy, I know you've done SB before, but you might be interested in this food list. http://www.*************************...inglist_p1.htm The link doesn't seem to want to work (probably something proprietary). Here's the title, if you want to Google: South Beach Diet Phase 1 Guidelines and Food List

Jess, Thanks for the link. I think things have changed a bit since I bought my book. For instance, I never heard of Ph 1.5 before.

Later Ya'll,
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