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Old 10-19-2008, 11:34 AM   #76  
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Hi all - just a quick check in. I did indeed get over the bug before we flew out. Not at 100% yet, but getting close. It actually did help me with the mindless airport and airplane eating that I am usually tempted to do. I eased back into solid foods, so absolutely none of the foods readily available were even remotely tempting.

I did go out with DH FRI night after we arrived at our hotel in Grand Rapids. He wanted to visit a favorite microbrewery. I ordered Tazo tea and munched on the multi-grain bread that they serve as an appetizer for all of their patrons. It worked really well. Felt weird - but was also a "lightbulb moment". I really DON'T have to order beer every time he does. IMAGINE THAT! The world didn't come to an end Sometimes those old habits sneak back in, and that is one that needed breaking. So - a definite NSV for me - which came at a great time - since we will probably be brew-pub crawling at least one day in SF. Being married to a home brewer has its challenges!

Lori - How nice - a June wedding I think it DOES help to have a time goal like a wedding to motivate you to stay on plan. I wish I had been able to get myself going before my son got married. I made a couple stabs at "dieting" but never really made any progress. Those wedding pictures are a constant reminder of the "old me" however.

Jo - glad to see you, girl! We sure miss you when you are gone! I laughed at your post. I like rodents too. We always had the usual array of hamsters and gerbils as kids and then for our own kids. I did have a white rat however. "Behavior Modification" was a required class for my SW degree. And when I found out what happened to the rats after the class was over - OH MY! I adopted Hermie and took him home with me. He was a wonderful pet! Morro Bay sound wonderful! I like CA more and more each time we visit!
And - you come post WHENEVER. If everyone who was not OP didn't post, there wouldn't be very many posters around here on any given day. Gary is right - let us help any way that we can!

Freda - I'm loving the weather here, but I miss the smell of fall and the colors. The Michigan colors were absolutely amazing from the air - what a beautiful time to fly out of Michigan!

Linda - hope your back is doing better soon! Take it easy and don't overdo!

Hi to everyone else! Hope you have a GREAT Sunday!
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:19 AM   #77  
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Good Morning . . .

Not too much going on around here -- did wander about for a couple of hours yesterday and am still getting little twinges from the back; but I'd say it's functioning about 90% now. Weather is dull today and we likely won't make it to 10C/50F. There's wet snow in the forecast for Wednesday; but with any luck at all, they will be wrong.

Have a great Monday . . .
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Old 10-20-2008, 12:36 PM   #78  
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Yesterday was the worst day so far for food. I got into an "I don't care" mood in the evening and all restraint flew away on the wings of apathy.

This trip has been more stressful than I thought it would be, and food and I tend to link up under stress.

It's still good to have made the trip for our aunt. I'm just worn out. I didn't think I could ever get tired of traveling, but I've managed to top out.

Today I went for a walk in the woods at a conservation area where I used to spend a lot of time when we lived here. It is a bright, sunny, crisp autumn day (got down into the 20s last night! )--I got to stand for awhile and watch and hear the leaves falling from the trees, and listen to some little chickadees. It was better than any conversation I've had in a long time.

Maybe I'll make it to the pool today. You never know.

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Old 10-20-2008, 07:09 PM   #79  
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Jay I agree with you the sounds of chickadees is really relaxing.

Glad to see your back Spinymouse.

I love this site because no one judges here. I really need to stay on program, and listening to some of the ideas here have been very helpful. I've added no eating after 6:00 to my routine and hope that will speed up my loss. I haven't exercised much these last couple weeks and I know that has to change. Have a great Tuesday, Lori
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Old 10-21-2008, 12:01 AM   #80  
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Well I actually posted a couple of times last week but I guess it timed out and I did not know it.
Had a lousy week. That dental surgery really hurt I hate to say and I am still so/so. But it is done now. I think it is anesthetic that makes me so ill. Anyway everything is fine now except I feel like I have been through the wringer.
I had an exercise plan for last week and instead I just did a lot of sleeping. Not to steady yet this week either. Maybe by Wednesday.
Nice to hear of everyones holidays. Jay yours sounded very peaceful and I am glad to hear you got to see your aunt. And CD you are always up to something fun from the sounds of it. Busy lady.
Hi to flowing. Yes I agree. I liked what CD said about not having to be OP to post here. I am afraid I ate pretty off plan all last week and am not happy about it. But there is always time to get it back together.
Nice to see that Spineymouse is still around. Miss your sense of humor.
I actually went to an alanon meeting last Thursday and that was good. I know wrong program. When my head is screwed on right I find my food plan is better...
Found a friend at work here who seems to wants some diet support. She has a bad ankle so too bad as we could walk on our break. Makes me grateful that my joints as creaky as they can be some times they all still work. Should be a wake up call.

So here is to a good day for everyone on Tuesday. I have red Maple leaves as big as frisbees flying around my front yard. Then end of fall is coming.
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Old 10-21-2008, 12:44 AM   #81  
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A quick fly-by from CA.

Jay - I so agree with your comment about the woods. I absolutely find nature therapeutic.

Jude - sorry you had trouble with your dental appointment. I abhor going and with my teeth, unfortunately, I spend a lot of time there.
I like the way you think - my knees give me a lot of grief - which is I'm sure related to the abuse I have put them through over the years with my weight - but still - I'm thankful I can move as much as I can, and that I FINALLY figured out that I needed to give them some relief. Better late than never...

Lori - get moving, girl! Seriously - even adding some steps and stairs. Maybe an extra stretch in the morning before work. Start slowly, but get in some extra activity every day if you can. Activity leads to more activity. Getting started is the hardest part. You CAN do it - and - it will ultimately make you feel a lot better. Needless to say - it will help your weight loss as well.

We had a great day today visiting the zoo. I'm a zoo-a-holic. Probably because we don't have any close to home. I am an animal lover as well - particularly giraffes, big cats, otters and penguins. Weird combination - I know.

We had dinner at an awesome Japanese restaurant in Oakland. I'm glad we walked there, because I probably ate more than I would have at home.

Hope you all had a great day!
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:42 AM   #82  
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Pretty cold and windy around here today and very overcast as well. All together not a great looking day. Oh well, at least there is no snow in the immediate forecast.

Have a great moving and shaking day everybody . . .

Last edited by meowee; 10-21-2008 at 07:42 AM.
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:59 PM   #83  
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I love Zoo's too. Where are you CD? I know you are on a trip but missed the location. Those are some pretty exotic animals. I love the San Diego zoo. One of the best I have been too.
I need to get moving too. If I do not I will never lose any weight. It is nice to have a buddy. But not always an option.
bye for now....Jude
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Old 10-22-2008, 01:40 AM   #84  
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Quick fly-in. We are in San Francisco - Oakland (Bay Area). Today was urban hiking and brewpub visitation. Hiked UP Lombard Street. Sure glad we took our hiking poles. We got a few strange looks, and lots of comments about forgetting our skis. Then, when we blew by everyone halfway up the hill, they changed their tune

I'm afraid I went way off plan today. Too may pub stops and then tapas and we finished at the Cheesecake Factory. Need I say more? I'm hoping the 7 miles of hiking neuralized SOME of it.

Hope you all had a great day! I'm off to bed.
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Old 10-22-2008, 08:59 AM   #85  
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Godo Morning all, I'be be doing ok, most of the time. I have had a few slips but nothing major. And I have been getting my exercise in too.

Jay, I always say I am closer to God in my garden than any where else. I often go there to pray.

Jude, It's always easier to do something if you have help. Glad you found the lady at work. But just because she isn't able to walk at lunch time doesn't mean you can't, because you're right. Having a buddy isn't always an option.

Laurie, Sounds like you're haivng fun and getting in some serious exercise! Shouldn't do too much damage that way. You sure showed those people whith your hiking poles, huh!!

Linda, Our weather sounds about like yours. Not doing anything yet, just getting ready to!

make it a good day, Freda
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Old 10-22-2008, 10:26 AM   #86  
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A quick wave... We're on our way back today. Can't be a moment too soon--my pants are feeling like they fit instead of being too loose.

I am really looking forward to getting back to my routine!

CD, I'm glad you enjoyed the zoo. I only went there once when I lived there. It is odd to think of you with hiking poles on Lombard St, but hey--whatever works!

meowee, the weather is starting to turn cold and gray here in New England, too. I'm looking forward to the southern sun!

I did make it to the swimming pool here yesterday, but living in Fla. has spoiled me. The pool seemed cold, and I didn't enjoy it.

I'll try to make it a good day, Freda!

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Old 10-22-2008, 03:10 PM   #87  
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Old 10-22-2008, 09:52 PM   #88  
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Hi I'm getting ready to go to camp with the fifth graders. Lots of hiking and outside activities. The food won't be my regular healthy stuff, but I probably won't eat much of anything because it's really not anything I'm really interested in eating.

Laurie thanks for the kick to get moving your right I keep stalling. I guess I'm my worst enemy. Each day is a new beginning.

Freda- I hope it doesn't snow while I'm at camp. It's really getting cold here. I'll be out of touch for a couple days no computer at camp.

have a great day everyone. Lori
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Old 10-23-2008, 01:23 AM   #89  
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Lori - pack some healthy snack alternatives. In my experience - those outdoor events really make me hungry. And, if less healthy alternatives are at hand ...

Jay - yes - you are spoiled by swimming in FL. Cold MI lakes are one of the reasons I rarely swim. Brrrrrr.

Freda - glad you are getting in your exercise! It really does help.

Today was hiking in Golden Gate Park (more pole use). We hiked over to Ocean Beach. It really is a lovely park! I think we totalled around 7 miles today.

Then, tonight we went to a movie - Bottle Shock - a true story about the CA wine industry. It was quite good. It was a fun theater where they have couches and chairs and tables, and serve food. A whole new take on pizza and a movie.

Hope you all had a fun day! The 83 degree temp was a bit much for me, but I'm not gonna complain - we are supposed to go home to SNOW
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Old 10-23-2008, 07:06 AM   #90  
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Speaking of snow -- our first nor-easter of the season managed to just give us rain and very high winds -- today, still windy but it is supposed to turn sunny. Can't tell right now since it's still dark out there.

Going to do a major mall-crawl today -- not just because it's Thursday Our Canadian dollar is dropping like the proverbial rock right now (as of yesterday it was down to US$0.80) so this is probably a good time to buy, buy, buy (Walmart is advertising DDR for Wii at C$70 today) -- before the stores start adjusting the cost of stuff imported from points south of here. May have to do it alone though because LouLou isn't feeling too well today (she just called).

Other than that -- I've gained 4 to 5 pounds since my return to shooting insulin a week ago -- Insulin is notorious for causing fluid retention. Since I have to keep the blood sugar levels under control, guess I'd better just get more diligent about the weight loss efforts.

Have a Thrilling Thursday everybody . . .
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