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Old 08-10-2008, 04:51 PM   #76  
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Wink Down Week-end

Thought I'd check in for the week-end. DH and I are having a really down day with lots of snuggling in front of the tv while youngest DD and DGS are away for the week-end helping oldest DD post-surgery. I'll be catching up on the posts this evening...

My middle DD and I went to a wedding shower yesterday about an hour away. We had a great time shopping for the gift the day before and about 6 hours together yesterday. I've known the bride-to-be since she was about 2. Sadly she's been living with the groom for about 2 years. Where's the anticipation? Anyway, I enjoyed catching up with their family since the kids a older we don't see each other often. One of the sisters (out of 5) is in the Army and back from Iraq. She was the closest to my DDs so it was a blessing to get to talk to her for awhile. She's probably going back to Iraq and extend her tour by about 6 months next year. She's enjoying the financial rewards by not having any expenses and has bought some land to build on when she gets out.

This crown aching has now gotten me up in the middle of the night for the second time in the week since I got the temporary. When I called the dentist today, he said it was just a fit problem with the temporary crown but he'd check me out first thing in the morning. So I'm on a strict schedule of Tylenol and Advil which work fairly well if I can anticipate the pain starting.

I'll post again later....
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Old 08-10-2008, 10:16 PM   #77  
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"Evening Chickies

Again thank you all for the prayers and support for myself and our friends and their daughter Lindsay.

Special thanks to Isabella and Karen 3 and

Bobbi thanks for the praise on my progress. I appreciate it.

We spent Saturday night with our friends, I'm still in shock and can only imagine how hard it is for them.

Also our DS, DDIL, and DGD (17 months came to visit). They live about 90 miles away. Babies are so healing with their sweet nature, hugs, and kisses too. We spent time looking for the rabbits who like to visit the yard and lots of other fun. I needed it.

Sorry this has to be short. This week will be busy again as my boss is out the next three days, so I'm the boss when she's away.

Can't thank you all enough for the support. I hope I didn't forget anybody.

Stay well and safe.

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Old 08-10-2008, 11:06 PM   #78  
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Hello Everyone. I was jsut getting ready to update my accountability thread and was wondering why when I do 60 minutes on the treadmill I can average between 2.5mph and 2.8mph, but when I do 60 minutes on the Gazelle I only average about 1.6 mph. I guess because the treadmill is motorized and keeps you moving right along--- but it seems like I work harder on the Gazelle! I think I will just keep mixing them up a bit 'cause any movement is better than none!

I hope everyone has a great week ahead and I will try to catch up with everyone. It seems the hurrier I go the behinder I get!!
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Old 08-10-2008, 11:38 PM   #79  
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Thanks, Meowee.

Just winding down a wet, cool Sunday here -- my favourite weather! -- and not looking forward at all to going back to work. But alas, I haven't yet won the lottery, so

Karen, congratulations, you managed to sneak past your computer's gremlin and got your post up! My mother used to call me when she had problems with her computer. Aside from the fact she has a PC and I have a Mac, I know nothing about computers except basic usage. She'd say, "Well, you have computers at work; what do you do when they're not working?" Me: "Call the technician!"

You mentioned "post to accountability" -- is that another thread?


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Old 08-11-2008, 01:17 AM   #80  
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The accountability thread is usually the only one I am able to keep up with on a daily basis. I like it because it makes me face myself...LOL and in front of everyone...hopefully will me shape up and lose this weight! I was down a bit today for which I am thankful.

I don't get to this thread often but it is good to read how you are all doing.
I'm doing ok...the weather is great. Went to church this am and shopping this sales/coupon shopping...have to grab the bargains before they are all gone...actually some were already. But that's ok ...keeps me from buying quite so much!

We are helping our dd plan a wedding celebration. They are already married...did that last Dec in Vegas but this is for the family. Mostly her dh's family as ours is so small. It's kinda fun to plan and look forward to and hopefully everyone will have a good time. Also will be fun to have all the kids home at the same time which seldom happens any more. Before that though our 8 year old gs will be visiting for a few days and we are going to the coast to do some crabbing...I know he will enjoy that! He visits us every year about this time but this is his first time to fly alone.

I finally got rid of my Verizon Broadband Access was fine when traveling in an RV but got to be a hassle here at home...kept disconnecting. I could connect it fast again but it happened over and over again! They are threatening to charge me cause I cancelled the contract even though the guy I spoke to when I called and cancel said due to problems I had with it he would waive the fee. But now they are saying he had no right to say that since he was not a tech person, he was in customer service. So I'm to find out tomorrow or maybe Tuesday whether I have to pay a fee. I sure hope not, I only had it 6 months so it might be a pretty hefty fee! And I already have DSL now ...and I love it...

I'm still going to the gym 5 days a week least that's the plan...some weeks it's only 1-4 days but I try for 5. Made it last week.

That's about it for now...
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Old 08-11-2008, 08:10 AM   #81  
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Good Morning ladies, Would you believe i'm sitting her wrapped in a blanket? Our weather went from 90 to 60 in one day. We did get the promised rain and it brought the cold weather with it. Oh well, we needed the rain. The ground was getting so dry it was cracking.

My husbands brother passed away Sunday after a long illness. He was the oldest of 8. He isn't talking about it much but acting very weird. men express things so differently than us women. Brother is in Florida and the daughter he was living with there is not communicating with the rest of the family so it's a very tense situtation all around. We are going to have a memorial service here at a later date. So sad when families don't get along. Time is so short to spend like that.

Pumpgal, I hope the tooth is feeling better. So much fun to catch up with old friends.

Eileen, Glad you got a little Play time with your grandson. My Grands and I look for the bunny's in the back yard too, and take them carrots. I know you are a comfort to your friends. Sometimes just being there is all we can do.

Karen31, Hey, exercise is exercise! And I kind of like mixing up the kind I do. It hits different muscle groups.

Mary, have fun planning the wedding.

Karen3, I WAS thinking about getting a laptop. silly me. I can hardly use this one. Maybe after you get yours downpat I will get one and you can help me with it.

Hey, where is Lynn? Did she go on vacation?

Take care ladies, Freda
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Old 08-11-2008, 08:46 AM   #82  
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Hi . . .

I was wondering the same thing FREDA . . . on the 1st, Lynn commented that she was off to Boston on the 10th and had to get organized for that trip -- but she hasn't been in here since then and her last entry in Accountability is on the 2nd and she noted that she was sick. ????? Hope everything is okay.

Happy to report that I did string together 3 whole days of OP and the blood sugar is much better this morning -- the weight, however, definitely seems to be stuck at the ticker number. Oh well, could be worse.

Not much on my agenda for this week so far -- but you just never know what might pop up. The weather yesterday turned out to be better than predicted and I never did get any sewing done since it was nice out. Today the prediction is for better (more sun) than yesterday. Wonder what will really unfold.

Hope everybody has a great day on the go . . . see you all later . . .

Last edited by meowee; 08-11-2008 at 08:49 AM.
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Old 08-11-2008, 09:28 AM   #83  
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Quicky fly by....have everything packed and ready to go. Cut into the melon and it was the sweetest thing I have ever tasted. Yeah I packed it. Damn!
As in Frankly Miss Scarlet.......I made the chicken/cuke,roast beef/bleu cheese and cuke/cream cheese sandwiches this morning. Gave DH two for breakfast. He loved them but called them fairy sandwiches....think he meant girly. Off to shower and bridge...Thank you for listening to me yesterday and keeping me OP.....hugs, Karen3
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Old 08-11-2008, 07:05 PM   #84  
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evening all....I'm back and crawling. Too hard to stand up right. Everything was consumed. I had most of the platters washed and put away with about an hour to go. It made alot of people smile.

Nobody told me that this was a Stac game. The same hands are played all over the state at the same time and then sent in and compared. Alot of extra stuff and guess what so is Friday's game. Players love them for the silver points they get. Had every done and online by 6pm. Forgot my pedimeter but last time pushed almost 6 miles. Bet I got past that today. Somebody remind me Fri....

Made a quick dinner with grilled fresh tuna/tomato and instead of ice water/lania/sunset am gonna soak in the bath water temp of the pool. No exercises just bobalong....hugs, Karen3
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Old 08-11-2008, 10:00 PM   #85  
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'Evening Chickies

Just a quick "H ello" to all.

Thank you Freda for the kind words. I appreciate it a lot. Hope you have warmed up. I love it cooler.

Karen 3 it is so hard for me to read about your yummy, glorious food that you present with love to your bridge groups. I find myself getting hungry just reading it. I hope they know how lucky they are to have a personal chef.

Tomorrow is coming too fast, gotta get to bed.

Have a great Tuesday.

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Old 08-11-2008, 10:23 PM   #86  
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Good Nite all, I'm going to dream of Karen's sugar plums dancing in my head.
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Old 08-11-2008, 10:31 PM   #87  
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Hi everyone..i had the best day ever..i have been trying very hard to become self dd brought me an electric operated lift chair recliner so i dont have to spend all day in and out of a wheel chair or a hard was so comfortable(i had a hard time getting up and out of my other recliner without help)so now i can move around the house and have figured out new ways to do doing house work,dishes and letting the dogs in and makes me feel wonderful that i can do these things on my def on the mend inspite of my limitations and greatful for second was so cold this am 35* out but sunny.. felt like winters around the corner..we also had a visiter in our yard today a small bull moose..its bow hunting season so he should have been hiding..i have been sticking to my locarb fat free diabetic diet..but have been craving chocolate like crazy..dont know if i have lost any more as i cant step up on the scale but my clothes are def getting looser..i hope u all have a great evening rosey
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Old 08-11-2008, 10:57 PM   #88  
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You are an inspiration Rosey ~ I'm glad for you that you had such a good day.
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Old 08-12-2008, 12:59 AM   #89  
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Thought I'd pop in here tonight. Best I can seem to do is one or two threads a day.

We went to the gym as usual and I got a good workout. I stayed within my dietician's guidelines on calories but my carbs were kinda high. I think my dh is tired of me talking about dieting so guess I'd better just vent here rather than to him! He thinks...and rightly so I guess...that if I'd just be more consistent I'd have lost the weight already. He is a much more disciplined person than me and doesn't understand how hard it is for me, but at least I keep trying. I never give up.

It's been an emotional evening as I found out my son and dil are getting a divorce. Things haven't been good but we were hoping they would work it out. We are still continuing to pray they will but right now things don't look good for it. I could easily have turned to food tonight...sure wanted to but instead I took my supplement and I haven't eaten anything since dinner.

Some of you are dealing with some tough issues I can tell and I just want to express my admiration for are an inspiration to me. Just keep trying...keep as active as we can be...we can be winners..golden girls...our weight does not have to hold us back! Does it sound like I'm talking to myself here too...well, you're right, I am!!
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Old 08-12-2008, 07:26 AM   #90  
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Good Morning all, Anothe cool, lovely morning. It did warm up in the afternoon yesterday but with a cool evening again. perfect weather for me.

Karen, Your talk of food always makes me hungry too. Love the sound of the carrot cake. YUM! How you keep from indulging is a mystery to me!

Rosey, So good to hear from you again. It's an inspiration to hear of your resolve to get up and about again. I know you will continue to make improvements.

Mary, Sorry you're going through some tough times. When our kids hurt, we hurt. I'm glad to hear that you managed to keep your diet in spite of all the stress. I'm a stress eater too, and that's not easy!

Hi Eileen and Gail, come back and write more. Miss talking to you.

Everyone have a good day, Freda
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