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Old 08-26-2008, 08:44 AM   #196  
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Good Morning!
Eileen...I usually look at your accountability thread first to see how much you've lost, then I set my goal to keep up with you. You probably didn't know, but you've inspired me. I started June 2, 2008 and have lost 22 pounds, but the weight isn't coming off as fast anymore. I don't ever cheat, stay within my calories range. If I added exercise to my day I might be able to lose the last 8 pounds but I don't. I hate exercising, I'd rather clean toilets! Congratulations on the 30 pound mile stone!
Freda...Yeah, I hear ya. We have 40's at night and 80's in the day. Northern Minnesota had 29 degrees a couple of nights ago.
It sounds like you picked up some food poisoning, nasty stuff.
Welcome back Angelmom and congrats on acing your test. I didn't know bus drivers could bid on routes, we had the same bus driver for years.
Isabella...don't ya just love bargains. I do a lot of bidding on Ebay where there are bargains galore. I was burned once and raised Holy Heck, some seller sold me a pair of lavender heels that looked great in the picture, when I received them.........Yuk! Dirty, filthy, one heel missing a heel cap. I not only got my money back but he paid the postage too. Any of you Ebay queens?
Meowee...cats can be very destructive, my DD just purchased a rubbery 1/2 round mat for in front of her refrigerator. The cats attacted it while she was gone, probably thought it was great fun to bat around pieces of foam rubber.
Pampgal...I agree, it is a true blessing that Isabella takes care of her mom. A little forgetfulness is common in the elderly, my MIL has dementia and it wouldn't be possible for us to care for her. Plus her constant talking would drive me bananas. She constantly thinks her husband is coming to pick her up, we can't convince her that he's dead. (20 years ago) My jaws ache just thinking of the many phone calls we get from her, the shopping trips she thinks she takes with friends that are long dead. Well enough of that, I might be in the same shape someday.
Hi to all I missed, I really should take notes. Sometimes when I read your post I have a comment, when I get around to posting the comment has left me. See, I'm on the verge of dementia myself!
Have a great day.
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Old 08-26-2008, 09:33 AM   #197  
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Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my shape to keep.
Please no wrinkles, Please no bags
And please lift my butt before it sags.
Please no age spots, Please no gray
And as for my belly, Please take it away.
Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young,
And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done.
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Old 08-26-2008, 09:54 AM   #198  
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Thumbs up Made It to Tuesday!

Meowee, I love your sense of humor! Obviously, we watch too much CSI but your satire was perfect! I’m sure all the suspects fain innocence so no one gets convicted. I hope your scrapes and bruises heal quickly.

Karen3, I loved your take on M. Sidel. I’ve watched the Weather Channel for years and know exactly who and what you’re talking about. Looks like Gustav is making a run more in our direction.

Isabella, those sale finds are the best. I’m not in sizes that go on sale too often yet but I’ve got it in my sights.

AngelM, glad to have you back and taking steps. Having a set schedule should help too. on acing your tests for the new school bus route.

Freda, so sorry you were sick after the memorial. I’m sure the good eating habits had your immune system in top form to fight it down. on the a/c repair being inexpensive. I think we’re looking at an entire new system next year – it’s season to season now. Looks like we made it through this summer.

Bobbi, lovely poem – keeps me thinking (and young!)

As soon as I got home from work yesterday, DGS climbed into his stroller by himself and clapped his hands while he looked at me – a true work-out buddy that I can’t say “No” to! When we did our walk yesterday, I sprayed the back of my shirt with repellant as well and came home unscathed!

DH made it through the first day of school in good shape yesterday. He’s busy with his extra curricular sponsorship of Key Club (new this year for him) in the post-school hours. He has lots of coaching to do with the new student president that can’t seem to get anything accomplished.

Back to the SHORT work week!
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Old 08-26-2008, 10:05 AM   #199  
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Good Morning . . .

Guess my timing was just very bad yesterday. I found the leaking ball while it still looked normal, This morning it is but a shadow of it's former self. Actually I imagine it was Sandy who is still just a kitten and thus not quite as sure-footed (translate that to 'more-claw-dependent' for climbing and jumping) as the adults. My guess is he jumped on the ball, felt it start to roll, and just dug in.

Today is going to be a mix of sun and cloud with quite cool temperatures -- probably won't get above the mid 60s; so who cares if the humidity is high. Definitely been a weird summer around here. Nothing big or exciting in my plans -- need to get sewing on those aprons again so I can get them finished before the urge to start another quilt becomes too overwhelming.

Love that prayer, BOBBI.

Have a great moving and shaking kind of Tuesday everybody -- keep doing the good stuff just as much as you possibly can and the rewards will surely follow -- eventually.
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Old 08-26-2008, 10:16 AM   #200  
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Morning all...just a quicky....Yup, just checked Weather underground and it looks like Gustav is heading up the middle of the Gulf next week. Sorry Pamp!

Bobbie.....I love to Ebay. DH asked me what I wanted for Xmas last November and I said it was expensive. He then said did I try Ebay. I had never done it. Anyway he gave me his acct stuff including paypal and 25 rings later! Yup, I bought 25 rings in 6 months for about the price of what the orginal smokey quartz would have cost. We had a blast following the last minutes each on own computer yelling back and forth at 2am. Neighbors now know we're nuts.

Off to bridge.......hugs,Karen3
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Old 08-26-2008, 11:33 AM   #201  
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Angelmomma, a five pound gain is not too bad for a vacation. My DH is a school bus driver and this year he also has a few hours a day of janitor work so he'll have 8 hours up from 6 1/2. Good to see you back.

Hi Freda. Sorry about all you AC going at once. And, yes, I'm working on next year's wardrobe. I'm not buying anything too faddish but more classic styles that won't go out of fashion by next spring/summer.

Bobbi, mom doesn't have dementia but some days are better than others. Mom is 91 and doesn't have a wrinkle in her face but I believe she's giving me a few!

Pampgal, glad to hear your husband is feeling better. I like your kind of workout. We don't live near enough to our son and DIL who are having the baby to babysit. I keep telling my husband we have to move. Our grandbaby will be here in March.

Meowee, you'd get along just fine with my sister. She's a cat lady too. She had a little house built for hers out in her back yard so they would have somewhere to go out of the sun when they are playing outside. It seems every time I visit her she has another rescued cat in her menagerie.

Karen3, I see nothing keeps you from your bridge game. What's a little tropical storm, eh?

Nothing much on the agenda today other than finishing my exercise on the bike. Last night I sat down and planned out dinners until the middle of October so I won't have to think about that for a while. Breakfasts kind of take care of themselves and supper will probably be leftovers from dinner. Fortunately, we like leftovers. Have a nice day everyone.
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Old 08-26-2008, 10:12 PM   #202  
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'Evening Chickies

Hope that all of you are doing well.

Bobbi on your 22 lbs. That's awesome and remember I have more to lose, so I can lose faster. As I get closer to goal it may slow up too.

Bobbi, I am truly humbled by your comments and encouraged by you. You are almost at my ideal goal weight, so YOU inspire me. By the way I count cleaning toilets... or anything as exercise, as long as I'm moving for a reasonable time frame. Fortunately I like the feeling that I get from exercise . Once I get through the first week or so , I look forward to the positive healthy feeling I get from increasing my stamina and seeing less wiggle on my buns and less buns !

I do vary my caloric intake and allow myself a treat even if it goes over my limit, once a week or so. Past experience has taught me that my body won't go into famine mode and think that I need to hold onto fat, in case I need to re-populate the Earth... even as a strong, proud menopausal woman.

Maybe a pedometer would help you see how much you do move in a day, by recording the steps you take just doing all the household, gardening, and animal care tasks. Could be a way to challenge yourself and see how you could increase your daily steps without feeling like exercise?

Meowee, Ouch !!! I hope that you are okay and Sandy has 'fessed up.

Welcome back Angelmomma . Great job only gaining 5 lbs. on vacation?!!! ..I would have been much higher. Congrats on passing your test. You are right about structure and routine. Both of these help me stay on target, plus I food journal to stay honest.

Karen 3 are your bridge cards waterproof ?? Cause very little stops you from enjoying your games. Stay safe and dry.

Freda, so sorry that you and DH got sick especially after BIL 's memorial...a hard day made harder . Thanks for the support and encouragement too

Isabella, you are an to be such a loving caregiver to family. You deserve many many more summer bargains. Here's hoping you find them.

Well time for my wrinkles to get some rest. Hope that all of you have a great Wednesday.

Eileen :

Last edited by Cute n Curvy; 08-26-2008 at 10:23 PM.
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Old 08-27-2008, 10:18 AM   #203  
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We're having a much needed rain this morning, the chickens are even enjoying it. The thunder makes them run for the coop but they pop right back out.
Karen31...glad to see you back in the groove on the "Accountability" thread:
8/22--Weighed in again at 152--After a bad week at least I didn't gain!
8/22--Better today!--------------------------7943-----------1309----2.88--
8/23--Still Here!------------------------------6919----------1293-----2.51--
8/24--Working at it!--------------------------7081--------------------2.57--
8/25--Getting there! -------------------------8560--------------------3.10--

Eileen...I have 3 or 4 pedometers and have used them in the past. I had no trouble reaching 10,000 steps daily, I even started a 10,000 step thread on another forum. But once my feet (Plantar Fasciitis)get inflamed, it takes months and months for the inflamation to go down. Right now I sit on a kitchen stool when cutting & coring apples or any task then has me standing in one spot. It's too bad I have all this energy but can't take advantage of it.
And I thought I was organized. Geeeeeeeeeez, do you just plan the main entree? I usually ask DH what he's in the mood for and go from there. I keep my pantry stocked with everything since we live out in the country and I make everything from scratch, a fun benefit of being retired. DH loves to cook too!

Maybe a pedometer would help you see how much you do move in a day, by recording the steps you take just doing all the household, gardening, and animal care tasks. Could be a way to challenge yourself and see how you could increase your daily steps without feeling like exercise?
Karen3...I love ebaying and will tell you a secret to bidding. When you see something you want, click on the "watch this item" but don't bid on it. Wait until the last few minutes, then place your bid and the highest price you're willing to pay. I've swepted in at the last minute and picked up many items this way. It throws off the other bidder because they think no one else wants it.
Bobbie.....I love to Ebay. DH asked me what I wanted for Xmas last November and I said it was expensive. He then said did I try Ebay. I had never done it.
Time to get moving and shaking as Meowee always says!
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Old 08-27-2008, 01:19 PM   #204  
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Smile Wednesday Check In

Eileen, loved the comment about re-populating the world Talk about Mission Impossible for my part!

Bobbi, sorry to hear about the feet. Do you keep your hands moving fast enough to count as activity points (WW reference)? I have a pedometer but I'm not sure how reliable it is - worth giving it another shot, it can't hurt.

Thunder last night kept us from cruising the block - we'll try again tonight. I did make our favorite corn chowder - chopped until I almost dropped! It's a Rachel Ray recipe that's low calorie but not exactly low carb I've tinkered with.

Off to get ready for my big weekly meeting - I'm prepped this time
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Old 08-27-2008, 04:05 PM   #205  
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Hi all

Glad to see everyone here and doing well.
Has anyone heard from Lynn? I know she was going to Boston (at least I think it was Boston) but thought she would be back by now.

I'm hanging in there but this heat makes me really lazy. I'm taking my lunch break at work thinking I would love a nap but afraid I would oversleep. Really slow for us right now (normal for this time of year) so I've farmed out my team to other departments and my office is all alone at the way far end of the warehouse. I can just see me waking up at 6:00 and finding myself locked in
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Old 08-27-2008, 05:21 PM   #206  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Eileen...I have 3 or 4 pedometers and have used them in the past. I had no trouble reaching 10,000 steps daily, I even started a 10,000 step thread on another forum. But once my feet (Plantar Fasciitis)get inflamed, it takes months and months for the inflamation to go down. Right now I sit on a kitchen stool when cutting & coring apples or any task then has me standing in one spot. It's too bad I have all this energy but can't take advantage of it.

And I thought I was organized. Geeeeeeeeeez, do you just plan the main entree? I usually ask DH what he's in the mood for and go from there. I keep my pantry stocked with everything since we live out in the country and I make everything from scratch, a fun benefit of being retired. DH loves to cook too!
I have suffered from Plantar Fasciitis for several years. During some flare ups I thought I'd need a wheel chair to get around it was so painful trying to walk around school. Fortunately, I haven't had an episode for some time now.

With my super organized dinner menus I have the main entree, vegetables and some desserts (once a week) written down. This menu thing goes in fits and starts. Some months I have everything written down and other months it's helter skelter. Tomorrow we're having pita pizzas with roasted vegetables and caramelized onions, Caesar or tossed salad and a potato salad for those who want to eat more.

Last edited by retiredone; 08-27-2008 at 05:22 PM.
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Old 08-27-2008, 10:30 PM   #207  
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'Evening Chickies

Eileen...I have 3 or 4 pedometers and have used them in the past. I had no trouble reaching 10,000 steps daily, I even started a 10,000 step thread on another forum. But once my feet (Plantar Fasciitis)get inflamed, it takes months and months for the inflamation to go down. Right now I sit on a kitchen stool when cutting & coring apples or any task then has me standing in one spot. It's too bad I have all this energy but can't take advantage of it.
And I thought I was organized. Geeeeeeeeeez, do you just plan the main entree? I usually ask DH what he's in the mood for and go from there. I keep my pantry stocked with everything since we live out in the country and I make everything from scratch, a fun benefit of being retired. DH loves to cook too!

-- How did I ever give the impression that I was organized and did extensive menu planning??? Thanks for the giggle. Since I food journal I keep a running tally and decide late in the day what to eat. Both DH and I can eat the same thing over and over which I know makes the foodies bored and

After working all day I need to keep it simple, so dinner ( actually I guess that supper is the proper term ) is usually tossed salad with grilled chicken. Sometimes I make a turkey burger and eat that with a bed of lettuce and lots of other veggies, or brown rice, chicken and more veggies. I'm with you on eating meals made from scratch. I've never been big on processed food or fast food, so some of the food decisions that may be tough for some, don't tempt me. I love to bake so that's where I can get myself in trouble. I just get my mind busy on something else until my urge to bake cookies passes. I did figure out the calories in my cookies, so if I do bake them and eat one, I have to write down that one of my cookies is 118 calories. Keeps me honest with my self.
you poor baby with that painful foot problem. I'm so sorry. What a challenge for you. I just think that your daily tasks keep you moving more than you may realize.

You impress me with your menu planning. When our youngest was 5 year old , she's ask me at breakfast " Mom ,what's for dinner tonight?" At that early hour I never knew. Finally after months of this I told her that I could tell her what we'd be having for dinner for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but other than that she'd have to wait and see. Now she is a wife, mother , works full time and is completing her bachelor's degree at night school (on the Dean's list too ) and she grasps why I hadn't decided at breakfast about dinner. Gotta love our beautiful adult children who have matured and now "get " why we ( their parents) did things the way that we did. Maturity is a wonderful thing !!

Gotta get some sleep, work is still too busy. Have a wonderful Thursday.

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Old 08-28-2008, 08:28 AM   #208  
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Good Morning all, Another rainey day here. It started sometime last night. I am a light sleeper and usually here it, but I was exhausted and slept right through it!

Bad day at work yesterday! I lost a patient almost as soon as I got on the floor and had to work with that untill around 11. then I had to catch up with my other neglected patients. So i got a cup of coffee around 1 and finally got something to eat around 3. I was so hungry and stressed i just pigged out in the cafateria. They are not known for healthy choices! It carried over into last night. grabbed a bag of chips. But, i'm under controle again! I started to try to figure out the calories but didn't want to get depressed. Today is a new day!

Pumpgal, DGS will keep you going! Don't you wish you could bottle some of that energy? My DGD gets eaten up by misquetoes too. They will be all over her and no one else. I guess she's just too sweet! I'm not sure why they are attracted to some people more than others. We have a friend who says he has never been bitten.

I've never done E-Bay either. I've looked on there and been tempted, but never tried it myself. Just a big chicken. Around here everyone goes to Craigs List. My DIl bought my son's birthday gift there, an old Coke Machine. It's local too and you can usually go pick the stuff up.

I'm a menu planner too, but just for a week at a time. I not a very adventrious cook, tend to make about the same things all the time. I have several tried and true recipes. I will try new ones and if they work add them to the list. DH doesn't care what I make so it works out.

Lynn, if you're out there, check in. I do wish we had a way of checking on regular member. I'm always afraid that something bad has happened.

Go make it a good day, Freda
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Old 08-28-2008, 09:14 AM   #209  
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Another mostly rainy day around here too . . . very little sun, lots of humidity but pretty coolish temperatures. Afraid I'm still not feeling too great -- bit of an upset tummy and lots of little aches and pains from my spill the other day which are not being helped by the dampness. Hey, this too will pass.

I'm pretty worried about Lynn as well . . . I know BOBBI tried to contact her a week or so ago with no luck. Hopefully she's just very, very busy. She has usually started the new Accountability thread by now, so this is so not like her to be MIA for so long.
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Old 08-28-2008, 10:07 AM   #210  
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Good Morning, I'm off to the dentist this morning. A quick note about Lynn, I emailed her at the address, I don't have a personal one. If any of you do, please try again.
Meowee... If we don't hear from her, would you want to post the Accredibility thread? I'll take care of the Golden Girls for September, I still have the original opening in my documents from the start of this thread.
I'm pretty worried about Lynn as well . . . I know BOBBI tried to contact her a week or so ago with no luck. Hopefully she's just very, very busy. She has usually started the new Accountability thread by now, so this is so not like her to be MIA for so long.

Isabella...I received an email back from Bush's Beans this morning, this is the answer to my question:
Thank you for contacting us. If you are using the regular pinto beans, not the seasoned ones, there are no calories in any of the juice - the juice is brine which is salt and there are no calories in it only in the beans. Draining the juice does reduce the sodium level, and this is always helpful in dieting!!

I hope this information is helpful. Please keep in mind that we are constantly expanding our product line and may add new products that contain potential allergens. Additional ingredient information can be found in the ingredients listing on the label or by checking the "Product Q&A" section of our web site. If you are still unsure, please email us via our web site:

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