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Old 08-23-2008, 08:08 PM   #181  
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Thank You Isabella, it's always nice to be recognized when hitting a mile stone. I was on a 8 day plateau and the scale finally dropped.

Bobbi, I noticed you've broken the 140s barrier and are now in the 130s. You must feel great about that.
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Old 08-24-2008, 08:24 AM   #182  
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Good Morning . . .

Hope you all have a perfectly wonderful Sunday . . . try to keep things moving and shaking . . .
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Old 08-24-2008, 12:29 PM   #183  
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'Afternoon Chickies

Long time no see, all of you beautiful Chickies. Life has been with work, but we have hired a new counselor, so over the next month scheduling will improve.

Here's hoping that all of you are well. Please forgive that I'm so far behind with personals, but I do appreciate being in your thoughts and thanks as always for all of the support. You are Chickie angel: to me.

I've stayed OP with and and am now down 30 lbs. since June 1, 2008. I'm so very grateful for 3FC, as I would not have been as successful without each of you .

A big to all of the newcomers. stick with us and watch yourself flipping with joy over your own progress.

Sending you


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Old 08-24-2008, 04:32 PM   #184  
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Thumbs up Sunday Blessings

Isabella, I'll pass on your comment to DH when he gets up from his nap - so sweet

Eileen, glad you're still here and the hard work is paying off.

DH is somewhat better, I think the infection is at bay now. He's still light sensitive so we'll have to postpone some outings until next week-end.

I tried a vegetarian Rachel Ray recipe with edamame in it last night. DH and DD liked it but not overly enthusiastic. It's one of those that will require tweeking but I'm a slow chopper and it may not be worth it to me.

Tonight DD#2 and SIL will be coming over for dinner (and the Olympics closing ceremony) so DD#3 and I will be making our favorite chicken burgers. That Olive Garden commercial didn't even look good in comparison.

Off to the store...
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Old 08-24-2008, 05:11 PM   #185  
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Thanks so much. I wish you well, PampGal and continued success.


Last edited by Cute n Curvy; 08-24-2008 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 08-25-2008, 08:58 AM   #186  
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Good Morning . . .

Yesterday turned out to be gorgeous -- as the temperature went up (to about 80) the humidity went down (to below 50%). Today, it's raining.

Later, gang . . .
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Old 08-25-2008, 09:19 AM   #187  
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Yesterday, I went shopping with mom and DH. We just took mom out for the ride to get her out of the house for a change. I looked for a few chairs for my deck but none of them would fit in the car so I've got the old white plastic chairs up on the deck now so we can at least sit out there. Last night DS and his GF were out there both sitting with a laptop on their laps doing whatever they do. When I was dating we talked with each other face to face. Now DS and GF sometimes message each other when they are in the same room!!! Ha, ha, I guess I won't be hearing anything too private.

That chair out there looks so inviting in the summer sun but alas I must exercise and then prepare lunch for mom. Have a great day.
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Old 08-25-2008, 10:16 AM   #188  
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Wink Monday Morning Check-In

Meowee, you might get to float away with Karen3 for all that precipitation you’re getting

Isabella, my grandmother lived with us for years while I was in high school and college. Your service is a true blessing. Hard though it was, my mother never regretted the decision and I’ll do the same.

My DDs talk to each other via PC, text, IM, etc too. They’re just thrilled that DH & I know how to text them using our phones. I’ve refused to buy an expansion card for my phone – it’s just a phone, right?

Since we had all that rain the last couple of weeks, when I went walking yesterday I sprayed with insect repellant – arms & legs. The little boogers bit through my t-shirt on my back though! I’m out of practice for the summer. For my exercise, DGS in his stroller and I inspect all the local fire hydrants and then tell them “good-bye”. We’ve now added a tennis ball to the mix to chase down the walk to the next blue/white sentry waiting for approval.

I over did the tortillas yesterday at lunch and had a glass of wine last night – the scale never misses anything. Those tortillas are much more of a problem than the tortilla chips….

Last edited by PampGal; 08-25-2008 at 10:16 AM.
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Old 08-25-2008, 05:39 PM   #189  
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Okay . . . I feel the need to rant . . .

For the better part of a year now, I've been using one of those big exercise balls as my computer chair. It's great and makes you work your abs a bit just to stay upright on it.

So, I got home from my little shopping run and decided to see what was new around 3FC -- sat on my ball and it collapsed and rolled me off backwards and I hit my head on the closet door -- and took a good inch of skin off my elbow -- and then it took me a good 15 minutes to get back on my feet -- and then I tried adding air to the ball and it doesn't work out -- and then I had to get the rug mat out from under the bed so I could use my steno chair again, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Ball looks fine, but I think 'some furry little people' have been playing around it a little too agressively and even though I cannot see any puncture wounds, imagine they are there. They all just sat around looking innocent while I was rolling around on the floor in pain. Guess I'd need to call in the CSI's to find and measure all the holes and then take casts of all claws on all 6 cats to find the culprit or culprits.

So guess I'll be buying a new ball later this week . . . or maybe I'll just use my chair for a while . . . I'd forgotten how comfy it was.
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Old 08-25-2008, 05:56 PM   #190  
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Just popping in for a quick hi.

Glad you haven't floated or blown away Karen3 !

If those little furry people are going to play tricks on you Linda, I think they best also learn how to dial 911! Either that or you need to pad the walls! Glad you came out OK! Please be careful, us Golden Girls just don't bounce the way we used to.

We're having our wierd "monsoon" weather again. I can see huge rain storms across the valley and hear the thunder but not a drop here

Still got tons to do. I'll try and pop in again tomorrow.
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Old 08-25-2008, 07:37 PM   #191  
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Hello all......and this is a loud screaming...OH NO! Got home in time to hear DH telling fishing bud about Gustav. That's Fay's younger brother and the NHC is saying he is coming this way over the weekend. This was a disturbance they couldn't find yesterday. Ohhhh, will just wait and see. Haven't moved anything back outside and will stock up on sandwich stuff tomorrow. At least it's not full moon nights.(higher tides then).

I have worked myself into a funk over the darn pepsi episode and delayed WI. Broke down and hopped on this am.....Didn't lose, but didn't gain anything. Phew! decided that would start over Sept 1st with accountiblity.

DD called and they will be in NC in Oct. So we are going up there to visit. I really need a daughter hug. Alot of them! Dash will go back to camp and fall in love again. DH isn't sure he wants to share the dog's attention. Yeah we need a life!

Our neighbors are building the London Tower on top of their boat lift. I've decided to make bets on when and how far it will travel in the next storm. It looks like an overgrown umbrella. It's been like watching Keystone cops building it. Man over board at least once an hour.

Still struggling with this new laptop. I found ways around some of the quirks. But it seems to have a mind of it's own. I have not hooked up the printer, but keep getting a message that HP has repaired my printer. I can't get the darn thing to stay away. Vista?????

Told you all this past Winter/Spring I was listening to your complaints about the weather and Summer would be my turn....never dreamed we be doing a repeat of Frances/Jeanne.....OMG...That was Charlie/Frances/Ivan/Jeanne. It gets tiring watch Mike Sidel standing in the wind spitting out rain. Mike grow up on the Eastern Shore on Md and think of him as home town kid. His dad was our insurance agent.

Take care of yourself, eat healthy and hugs, Karen3
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Old 08-25-2008, 07:59 PM   #192  
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Ohhh, Meowee, I'm glad you're able to laugh about your spill. I fell backwards out of my computer chair a few years ago and chipped my elbow. The little piece of cartilage is still in my elbow moving around and digging in when I try to lean on it. Those little're going to have to knit mittens for their paws.

Karen, glad to see you're still in the land of the living albeit a wet land. That Pepsi is long gone so you didn't do much damage. I miss reading your accountability thread but this has been one heck of a month for you. Take care.

Yesterday when I was shopping with mom I sniffed out another great bargain. Got a very nice cotton/spandex mix T-shirt for $3.49. I wasn't even looking for anything, just kind of bumped into it. It was the only one on a rack of tops that were half of the half price tag. It's a size small so I have it put away for next summer. I love a bargain.
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Old 08-25-2008, 11:15 PM   #193  
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Hey all.
Sorry that I have not checked in since I got back from vacation. I gained 5 lbs in three weeks and feel that is not all that bad. I have had a very hard time since I got back. I have not gained any but have not lost any. I am really having a hard time trying to get back into this. Plan on restarting the beck diet solution book again from chapter 1. Need to do something.
Well, I did bid on my school bus route and will be working 8 hrs a day. I also aced a challange test for special needs. If I had not done it I would have had to take a 4 hour boring class...glad that is done. We start school on Sept. 2...that will be good for me as I will be able to get into a routine..that helps we alot. Will try to check in more often and let you all know how I am doing. Really sorry for not being here for you.
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Old 08-26-2008, 07:38 AM   #194  
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Good Morning eveyone, I've been missing in action for a few days too. Where is this summer going? Went to BIL's memorial Saturday. As luck would have it, that was one of our HOT days. Picnic afterwards in the park. It was nice seeing people I hadn't seen in a long time and probably won't see again untill the next funeral or wedding. Sad. I barley made it home before i got sick. I'm not sure if it was the food or all that heat. DH got sick later that night too. Haven't talked with anyone else yet to see if we were the only ones. Had problems with the air too. All the air. First, on Wed. the air went out in DH truck. Friday the air went out on my SUV. Sunday the air went out in the house. DH could fix the air in my suv but couldn't get the part untill Monday. Luckly, we know an air conditioner guy and he fit us in between appointments right away. When he first looked at it he said "i think I have bad news". But turned out to be a broken wire, not the compressor he thought it was. Difference of 100.00 and not the 2,500.00 he thought. Another piece of news. My DIL got a new job. She will be working from home. I have babysit the grands since they were born. I am not sure how I feel about this.

Angelmom, Glad to see you back. I'm sure with some structure in your day it will be much easier to get back on tract.

Eileene, Good to see you again too. You are doing AWSOME!!! 30 pounds is great! I hope with the new staff you will have more time.

Pumpgal, Glad to hear that DH is feeling better. We have always had exteneded family living with us also. My great-granpa lived with my grandma untill he died. My mother moved in with my grandma and took care of her also. Now my mom moved in with my sister. She isn't disabled, just very forgetful and can't live alone. It's just what family does.

Kare, Still hanging in there and keeping a sense of humor about it too! I have a feeling it would take a lot to rattle you!

Linda, has the culprit come clean yet? I've heard of cat burgler, so I know those little things are sneaky!

Isabella, you're finding lots of bargins this fall. Next spring you will be all set and looking good.

Take care, Freda
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Old 08-26-2008, 07:40 AM   #195  
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Forgot to mention. Last evening, at GS's socer game, I had to wrap up in a blanket it was so cold. Saturday I almost roasted and froze on Monday. Weird weather here. how is your part of the country?
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