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Old 08-20-2008, 10:33 AM   #151  
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Our local news was talking about it last night . . . saying that it keeps doubling back on itself. Nasty thing.
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Old 08-20-2008, 10:40 AM   #152  
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Wink Wednesday Check In

Isabella, Great news on the job for GF!

Karen3, I sympathize with your soda discovery – you thought you were making a better choice. Hang on during all that rain.

Bobbi – Cool warning! I’ll be passing that on to the DDs. Thanks for checking the accountability thread and commenting – keeps me working…

Tomorrow is crown replacement day and I can’t wait! I’ve been consuming Tylenol and Advil at least twice daily with the aches of the temporary for 2+ weeks. : I’ve been dragging because of all that so I’m really expecting a marked improvement when this gets done.

I’ve been tinkering with the WW online planner as an online food journal the last few days. It’s easier for me than a paper one for now. I think I like it.

DH is so excited in his in-service meetings! He’s like a second grader ready to start school. Motivation, involvement and a good leader (principal) all help. Nice to have a happy spouse after three years of drudgery.

His doctor has taken him off all caffeine and carbonation . He’s tinkering with de-caf green tea. Anyone have some concoctions with green tea? I keep encouraging the water.
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Old 08-20-2008, 04:42 PM   #153  
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Hello Ladies!! I read this on another site and thought that you wuold get a kick out of it too!

Fashion Tips - Dress code for the 50+

Many of us over 50, WAY over 50, or on the way to 50
are quite confused about how we should present ourselves. We're unsure about the kind of image we are projecting and whether or not we are correct as we try to conform to current fashions. Despite what you may have seen on the streets, the following
combinations DO NOT go together and should be avoided:

1. A nose ring and bifocals
2. Spiked hair and bald spots
3. A pierced tongue and dentures
4. Miniskirts and support hose
5. Ankle bracelets and corn pads
6. Speedo's and cellulite
7. A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar
8. Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor
9. Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
10. Pierced nipples that hang below the waist
11. Bikinis and liver spots
12. Short shorts and varicose veins
13. Inline skates and a walker
14. Capris, shorts, skirts or dresses and nylons rolled sown around the ankle
And the ultimate 'Bad Taste' in fashion for the 'Older folks'.......
15. Thongs and Depends

Please keep these basic guidelines foremost in your mind when you shop. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.
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Old 08-20-2008, 08:10 PM   #154  
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I'll remember those guidelines when I'm bargain hunting.
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Old 08-20-2008, 09:09 PM   #155  
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My all time favorite!

10. Pierced nipples that hang below the waist
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Old 08-21-2008, 10:00 AM   #156  
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Morning all....Greetings from the sunshine state..ha..That darn storm is just sitting east of us and sending boiling dark clouds. Suppose to get heavy rain today and winds up to 60mph. It is as exciting as waiting for a shoe to drop.

Love the list ....I remember years ago wondering what was going to happen to the perky tatoos. Went to the beach and saw mature tatoos that had shifted south. Weren't pretty for sure.

Going to be a busy errand day. Have to stop in and vote. Home depot and then Office Max....all my cases for laptops are too small for this new one. Kinda need a case to travel with ....makes sense to me.

I can't figure out the USPO. I mail a letter and it takes 8 days to get there. So now I sent both kids birtday cards this summer with an 8 day start and both got there in 2 days. Kids now think I am getting senile and forgotten actual day! Hey even the package got there in 3 days....dah

The Pepsi drinking really bugged me and I have been muttering around to self. Staying OP but so mad at me. The sugar attack has passed. Phew!

Off to the races.....Karen3
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Old 08-21-2008, 10:03 AM   #157  
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Hi . . .
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Old 08-21-2008, 10:45 AM   #158  
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Morning all
Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
My son's girlfriend got the job she interviewed for yesterday. She's gone to the office today to fill out the necessary paperwork and will start in a couple of weeks when her boss get back from vacation. Yeah!!!!!!!!! Now if DS could do the same.
Woo hoo on the job there! With things the way they are at the moment, that's quite an accomplishment. that your DS will have the same success soon.

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorchid]We have heavy fog this morning and it smells like Fall outside, darn. We have spring and fall raspberries, the late blooming berries are starting to form and a sure bet that summer is about over.
I'm so jealous of your berries Bobbi! I have a "bare" spot at the back of my house (under my pomegranate tree) that doesn't get too fried by our desert sun. What do you think my chances would be of getting berry bushes to survive there?

Originally Posted by PampGal View Post
His doctor has taken him off all caffeine and carbonation . He’s tinkering with de-caf green tea. Anyone have some concoctions with green tea? I keep encouraging the water.
I have gone pretty much green tea but still like to have a cup of coffee on the weekends. I have one of those one cup at a time coffee makers and I like to put a shot of chocolate soy milk in the bottom of the cup then brew the coffee on top of it. One morning I put my chocolate in the cup and punched "brew". Except I had accidentally had loaded my green tea *pod* instead of the coffee (apparently wasn't wearing my reading glasses that morning ) - didn't want to waste it so I gave it a sip and found it wasn't half bad. Or, Silk makes a flavor called "very vanilla" that would probably be good too - hmmm, maybe I'll try that this weekend myself......

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Morning all....Greetings from the sunshine state..ha..That darn storm is just sitting east of us and sending boiling dark clouds. Suppose to get heavy rain today and winds up to 60mph. It is as exciting as waiting for a shoe to drop.

Love the list ....I remember years ago wondering what was going to happen to the perky tatoos. Went to the beach and saw mature tatoos that had shifted south. Weren't pretty for sure.

I can't figure out the USPO. I mail a letter and it takes 8 days to get there. So now I sent both kids birtday cards this summer with an 8 day start and both got there in 2 days. Kids now think I am getting senile and forgotten actual day! Hey even the package got there in 3 days....dah

The Pepsi drinking really bugged me and I have been muttering around to self. Staying OP but so mad at me. The sugar attack has passed. Phew!

Off to the races.....Karen3
Geez Karen3 looks to me like Fay is condo shopping and plans to just retire to Florida.

Hee hee on the southbound tattoos. I've always kind of wanted to get one of a bird or butterfly (discreetly placed of course so only my dearest friends and my mirror would actually see it ) but had too many mental pictures of it flying south for the winter - and the way my weight has always gone up and down I imagined it ending up looking sort of like someone wrote with magic marker on a balloon - l Wonder if I were to get one now and keep up with the exercising if it would migrate north?

USPO? There is absolutely no rhyme or reason there. I just sent something to one of my vendors and it took 4 days to go 30 miles. I could have walked it over faster than that!

Glad you survived the sugar attack! I can't even explain how lucky I feel that I have pretty much completely lost my taste for soda!

As for me, hanging in there eating OP (still amazes me actually) scale is doing it's usual acrobatics and tape measure isn't showing any love either but for some reason my dryer seems to have gone from shrinking my clothes to stretching them. I've got a couple of skorts I've been wearing this summer that are going to have to go in the *donate* box this weekend - I can drop them without unzipping so I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before they drop off on their own at an inopportune moment. Great little NSV that I'm going to go brag to the rest of the world about but wanted to share with you guys first - Today, I am sitting here wearing (drum roll please)..... a shirt tucked in with a belt!! Even better, the belt is a size M and I have it on the last hole - and it's not tight at all - in fact, I could have used another hole!!!

Have a fabulous day
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Old 08-21-2008, 12:43 PM   #159  
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Good Afternoon Gals, Lovvely day here in Michigan, but supposed to warm up again this weekend. The kids are going camping, so of course it's going to be too hot! I got my walk in this morning. Feels so good to be able to go for long walks again. I'm up for 2 miles and it feels wonderful! I noticed i slept so much better last night too.

Karen31, I see a lot of older people in the hospital with tattoes. These young people should have to come in and look at them before they get one. Of course it probablly wouldn't helo. You know they believe they are never going to get old and (gasp) wrinkled! Hope the weather continues to go around you. Be safe!

YoYo, Congratulations on your NSV!! makes it all worth it, doesn't it?

Pampgal, I've tried to drink green tea. I just hate the taste. I do drink a lot of herbal tea's that are really good. Such a variety anymore!

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 08-21-2008, 01:35 PM   #160  
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Hi everyone..ive been lurking..been busy looking at flooring.. for our kitchen dinning rm and hallway.. theres alot to choose from..but fun..havent made a choice yet.. want to make sure we luv it first..kinda leaning towards a tuscany tile in beiges..speaking of tatoos..i have was a present to myself when i turned 50..a statement of independence of sorts..anyways its a bracelet of roses, leaves and vines..i luv it and where its at its not going south lol..its like the elephant in the room tho..everyone sees it but no one mentions it my family thought i was nuts..well turning 50 is a momentous occasion right..have been being more careful with my diet but have an awful craving for chocolate hope u all have a great day ttfn rosey
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Old 08-21-2008, 05:17 PM   #161  
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hello...up date...Fay is still coming this way, but she hasn't arrived yet. We're having weird showers the droplets are so tiny that when you are out in them walking your ankles feel wet but you face doesn't. Guess slighty heavier than a mist. Only excitement is the weathermen getting their jollies on making stupid predictions. It's getting windy and since we have losy power all summer with the slightest boom am waiting for the power to go. Karen3
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Old 08-21-2008, 05:27 PM   #162  
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Cool Thursday Updates

Freda, congrats on the longer walks again. It has so many benefits but sleep is priceless as they say.

Karen3, you’re definitely a Floridian to do errands before Fay sends the winds and rain full force! Hang on tight. Hope the power stays for you to get weather updated – and keep in touch. I’ve thought I’m brave enough to get a tattoo – I just can’t think of anything I’ll still value enough to still see it in 15 years.

YoYo, you’ll have to tell me what brand of dryer you’re using Congratulations on that NSV!

Rosey, you go, girl, with the “bracelet”. Loved your analogy of the elephant in the room – I can see it happening.

I have the permanent crown now! I think my mouth is getting more sensitive with each passing procedure. He said to give it over the week-end before I can see how much my aches have improved (3 weeks from the start). Talk about missing parts of your health when you lose them. Hopefully, I’m on the road to feeling better and can get off my Tylenol habit as my daughter teases me.
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:06 AM   #163  
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Morning All!
Everyone must be sleeping in this morning or busy with their day. We have to go over to DD house this morning to trim vines, weed flower beds, etc. DD doesn't have the time and since we've nothing to do out on our acreage, we were asked to come help out. Not that we mind but she isn't working this summer (teacher) and she has two sons, 16 & 10.
Yoyo...Raspberries like lots of sun and water, I think it would be a wonderful spot for raspberries. Check your local nursery for a variety that works well in your climate.
I'm so jealous of your berries Bobbi! I have a "bare" spot at the back of my house (under my pomegranate tree) that doesn't get too fried by our desert sun. What do you think my chances would be of getting berry bushes to survive there?
I thought I had a 11:00 dentist appointment yesterday, to my delight it's next Thursday. I was relieved, hate having my teeth cleaned. It doesn't hurt but the way she jabs those picks around I'm afraid she's going to slip. The dentist slipped and poked a hole in my mouth once and now I'm paranoid, but that comes with old age. Any of you noticed how everyday activities bother you now but didn't years ago. I get a queazy tummy sometimes in the winter if we have to go out on icy roads where a few years ago I'd be spinning around on them for fun.
I'm getting tired of coring, dicing and cooking apples for applesauce and the season is just beginning. The last two morning DH has taken pity on me and did the cutting, coring and removing the pulp from the peelings. I just do the weighing and packaging in zip lock bags. What a life saver they are instead of canning in water baths. And what a super helper DH turned out to be. He also washed the kitchen floor after we finished for the day!
You all have a great day!
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:25 AM   #164  
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Good Morning . . . . . . in a rush, see you all later.
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Old 08-22-2008, 10:43 AM   #165  
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Originally Posted by yoyodieterinvegas View Post
Great little NSV that I'm going to go brag to the rest of the world about but wanted to share with you guys first - Today, I am sitting here wearing (drum roll please)..... a shirt tucked in with a belt!! Even better, the belt is a size M and I have it on the last hole - and it's not tight at all - in fact, I could have used another hole!!!

Have a fabulous day
Rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat..............I'm just waiting to get a belt that fits, ha, ha. Bet it looks great on you.

Originally Posted by the slim me View Post
Good Afternoon Gals, Lovvely day here in Michigan, but supposed to warm up again this weekend. The kids are going camping, so of course it's going to be too hot! I got my walk in this morning. Feels so good to be able to go for long walks again. I'm up for 2 miles and it feels wonderful! I noticed i slept so much better last night too.
Freda have you considered doing the 3FC 5k in September. It's only 3.1 miles and you can walk it. Here's the link if you haven't already signed up.

Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
Hi everyone..ive been lurking..been busy looking at flooring.. for our kitchen dinning rm and hallway.. theres alot to choose from..but fun..havent made a choice yet.. want to make sure we luv it first..kinda leaning towards a tuscany tile in beiges.
We took up all the carpet in the living area of our home and replaced it with laminate flooring. It's so much easier to care for compared to the carpet. Just dust and mop. And we just laid more laminate in the basement. Looks very nice. Hope you find something really nice.

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
hello...up date...Fay is still coming this way, but she hasn't arrived yet. We're having weird showers the droplets are so tiny that when you are out in them walking your ankles feel wet but you face doesn't. Guess slighty heavier than a mist. Only excitement is the weathermen getting their jollies on making stupid predictions. It's getting windy and since we have losy power all summer with the slightest boom am waiting for the power to go. Karen3
Hi, Karen, are you still safe from the storm? I haven't had on a radio or TV since I got up and haven't tracked the storm on the internet either.

Originally Posted by PampGal View Post

I have the permanent crown now! I think my mouth is getting more sensitive with each passing procedure. He said to give it over the week-end before I can see how much my aches have improved (3 weeks from the start). Talk about missing parts of your health when you lose them. Hopefully, I’m on the road to feeling better and can get off my Tylenol habit as my daughter teases me.
I have to get 4 or 5 crowns in the next few years. I say years because even with insurance it will take me that long to recover financially in between visits. Glad you're feeling better now. Teeth can be an awful pain.

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Morning All!
Everyone must be sleeping in this morning or busy with their day.

I'm getting tired of coring, dicing and cooking apples for applesauce and the season is just beginning. The last two morning DH has taken pity on me and did the cutting, coring and removing the pulp from the peelings. I just do the weighing and packaging in zip lock bags. What a life saver they are instead of canning in water baths. And what a super helper DH turned out to be. He also washed the kitchen floor after we finished for the day!
You all have a great day!
Well, you nailed it right on the head. I've been sleeping in all week. Mom has too so I'm taking advantage of needed sleep time.

I hope your DH got a kiss for all his work. If you don't want to do all those apples send me a couple of bushel baskets and I'll gladly take them off your hands. But you're right about all the work involved. When I was in college, eons ago, I worked in the kichen/bakery of the school cafeteria. Some kind neighbor of the school gave us a ton (or so it seemed) of apples to be made into apple sauce. I wasn't on the shift that made all the apples into sauce but I got to work as they were pouring the hot apple sauce in a huge bowl that stood on a set of legs on the floor. It must have taken a bathtub full of applesauce. The plan was to cook the apples, mix in the sugar and then freeze the sauce for further use. As I was walking into the kitchen one of the student employees was pouring sugar into the sauce as someone else stirred it in. The head chef came over to taste it and spit it our immediately. The poor unfortunate student had weighed out salt instead of sugar and ruined that batch of apples. Poor kid.

Bobbi, I noticed you've broken the 140s barrier and are now in the 130s. You must feel great about that.

Tomorrow is my weigh in so I'll be checking in early tomorrow morning with the results. It's been a strange eating week for me as DH is back to work and our pattern of eating has changed from the rest of the summer. I like to have my dinner at lunch and eat a lighter meal in the evening but now it's just opposite and will be until next summer again when he's off for 7 weeks. Also mom's meds have changed from 4 times a day to 5 times a day and I'm staying up later to make sure she gets the last dosage. I've got to do some tweaking on that so I can get to bed earlier. As it is now I'm up late and sleeping in late. I'm missing the best part of the morning some days but I've got to get my rest.

Have a great day, everyone.
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