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Old 08-18-2008, 08:36 PM   #136  
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It sounds like everyone has been doing pretty good here! Ever since the lightening hit my neighbors house I have just been kind of blah! I guess between that and trying to sell the house. I had been doing really good on either walking on the treadmill or doing the Gazelle every day. But for some reason just can't get back in the rhythm again!

When the lightening hit their house her husband had just left to have a fuel tank repaired. It had a hole in it and needed to be welded. She was waiting for a friend to come and get her to take her to pick up her truck, which had just quit running the week before and had to be towed to the shop for repairs to the tune of $5,000! And it is a fairly new truck! But the lightening hit about 5 minutes before the friend got there so gave her time to call 911, get her 4 cats, 3 dogs and pictures and important papers out before the fire dept. got there. They were there in about 3 minutes! She was flying! An electrician came by that afternoon and said she was very lucky that she hadn't been sitting in the living room where it came in otherwise she would have been blinded by the flash! Pretty scary stuff!

Now I just have to get myself back in the groove again~!
Karen-- Glad to hear from you today.. be sure to pop in when you get a chance and let us know that you are OK!

Welcome Jean! You'll love it here!!

Everyoen have a good night and I'll check back in later.
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Old 08-19-2008, 07:24 AM   #137  
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Originally Posted by yoyodieterinvegas View Post
Woooo Hooooo Isabella!!!
Oh, thank you. That was a great motivation to keep going. That's just how I felt yesterday when I tried on the dress.

I see by the weather news that hurricane Fay has hit Florida. Prayers going out to all the Florida chicks. Karen3, hope all is well with you.

Karen31, you'll snap out of the blahs. I felt like that a few weeks ago when I came back from vacation and I was exercising while I was away! We've lost about the same amount of weight and have about the same amount to lose. Don't give up now.

DS's girlfriend is gone fo'r a job intervview. I hope she gets this job. There are more jobs available in Newfoundland than any other time since I don't know when. The only problem is that most of them at in St. John's, the capital city and not in the rural towns. There are some minimum wage jobs at fast food places but she wants something she's trained for. It's not worth getting a minimum wage job because she'd hardly make it by the time she's paid for gas to get to the job. Thank God, I don't have to worry about a job. Retirement is great.

Last edited by retiredone; 08-19-2008 at 07:27 AM.
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Old 08-19-2008, 09:02 AM   #138  
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Good Morning . . .

The weather outside looks good so far this morning (nice and sunny with a breeze) BUT the humidity is climbing as I type -- 83% at the moment -- and they are calling for rain this afternoon. Guess 3 in a row was too much to hope for. Hey, I need to get some indoor stuff done anyway.

All cats seem to be getting along -- more or less -- and I think Dandy Sandy must be using the litter because I haven't found any other 'places'. I am keeping that inch of water in the bathtub though because I'm pretty sure, he'd prefer to do his business in there. He goes in and sniffs at the tub about the same time every morning.

Hope everybody has a great day and that you all get a terrific 'Isabella-like' NSV to celebrate at some time today . . .
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Old 08-19-2008, 09:43 AM   #139  
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Cool Checking In

Karen31 – So glad the neighbor is okay! She’s very organized to have everything handy to get it out so quickly! Here’s some good vibes to help you get back on the treadmill, etc. and to sell that house! :

Isabella – I’m thinking about DS’s GF’s interview. I grew up in a small town and understand the rigors of getting a decent job. Timing is everything. Wahoo on the dress!

Meowee – Clever idea with the bath tub I love it!

DH and I were camping with the trailer this week-end in the Texas Hill Country. An unseasonable front went through and we spent hours sitting in our folding chairs looking over a lake and enjoying the low 70’s temps with light breezes. Definitely a relaxing and recharging time. I think we’ll hitch up the trailer again for the Labor Day week-end if DH doesn’t have school stuff.

DH started high school teacher in-service meetings yesterday – back to the grind-stone for him. They never get their schedules firmed up for another couple of weeks – then he’ll know what his classes will really look like.

DD’s recovering well from her thyroid surgery – just tired at the end of the day. She has her follow-up visit today. We got to see away DGD for a short time Saturday – at almost 16 months she’s finally allowing hair bows to stay in if you can initially distract her.
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Old 08-19-2008, 10:01 AM   #140  
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Good Morning!
No time for gab, just posted my weight on "Accountability" thread. Congrats to Meowee down 4 lbs.; Isabellas down 4 lbs.; Cute & Curvy down 5 lbs. Fantastic!
Karen3, are you North or South of Tampa? I was trying to find you on the map last night when we saw the Hurricane reports. Take care.
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Old 08-19-2008, 10:27 AM   #141  
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Hi all...We are North of Tampa. When you look at a map there a little hairy fingers(islands) on the edge of coast line. That's us! We are having a bright sunny day. Breezy but will still be watching the weather charts as Fay churns North. Our area is still mostly undeveloped and have lots of wild life which means swamps, marshes and critters. We are 3 miles inland from the actually Gulf and with a surge that is about one foot less per mile....Sounds confusing but basically when predicting 5' surge we get 2'...which is still alot of extra water. This was the area in 1992 had the No Name Storm. Had surge of about 15'....which they think was from earth quake out in the Gulf. This house had 6" of water in it!

Everyone is doing so well and having outstanding moments and I have screwed up royally. I don't drink soda to often, but bought a 6 pack of Diet Pepsi. Drank half bottle a day. Yesterday when pouring last of 2nd bottle noticed it isn't "Diet". Answered my question why I was craving sweets big time.....oh well back to level one for a week. Feels like it's back to boot camp. Grooooooooooooooan!

Welcome Jean! I can't post the cute dancing chickens with this computer yet. So just pretend I sent them. You'll love the support you get here.

Back to the weather blogs and find out where and what's really happening. Hugs, Karen3
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Old 08-19-2008, 02:41 PM   #142  
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Thanks for the encouragement, Bobbi. You always notice the weights in the Accountability thread. You're doing great too, BTW. I always check everyone out when I edit my post.

Meowee, that's hilarious about Dandy Sandy and the bathtub. Cat's really don't like water, do they. When I was a teenager our cat slipped in the tub when I was in there. She got out by using me to crawl out of the tub. I had scratches all over my body. Hope, kitty adapts to the litter box.

Pampgal, I love camping but haven't done any in about 5 years. We got rained out at that time and packed up and came home. But I still love camping.

DS's girlfriend had and hour and a half interview this morning. That sounds good to me. They guy who interviewed her said she'd know in a couple of weeks.

Karen3, glad to know you haven't been hit with the storm yet. I saw that it is a tropical storm and not a hurricane, so that's a little bit better.

Today I had a dental filling. Actually, I had an old filling removed and replaced. Same pain, same gain. The dentist recommended that I get a crown on this one as there's very little tooth left to fill and he found 3 or 4 more that are in about as bad shape. I knew I'd have to get several refilled sooner or later so I guess I'll start the process. I've got to get another small one refilled later on--purely cosmetic for this one. It's discolored and it shows on one of my front teeth. I have a mouthful of metal as nearly everyone of my back teeth are filled and a few of the front teeth. I have one tooth that must have cost $5000+ over the years (plus insurance payouts). There's only a root left on that one with a crown held on by two rods going into the root. I've even had surgery on the root. I'm trying hard to keep my teeth. I have no desire to remove them every night and keep them in a dish by my bed! I'm so hungry and my mouth is still deadened. I was in such a rush before I left for the dentist I didn't get any lunch so I sucked on a cheese stick and that kind of helped. I've got a good supper planned but I'll betting it will be at least 2 more hours before I can eat without threat of chewing my own tongue.
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Old 08-19-2008, 04:37 PM   #143  
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Hello again, I just finished freezing more applesauce and zucchini. Now I have to start on bills but wanted to share an email DD just sent me. I don't know who the lady is that wrote it, it's about something that happened to her son.
Lock your doors from the inside
This is very troubling what lengths people will go to to steal what doesn't belong to them! I do almost 100% of the time lock my car on The door lock inside when I exit the car. Little did I know that is the Best way to lock your car. Read on......
Beware folks. This is news you can use.
My oldest son came over yesterday- he had to go to Canada for work last Week.
While traveling he stopped at the roadside park, similar to what we Have here with bathrooms, vending machines etc. He came out to his car 4-5 minutes later and found someone had gotten into his car, and stolen his cell phone, laptop computer, gps navigator name it.
They called the police and since there were no signs of his car being Broken into- the police told him that there is a device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you lock your doors using your key-chain locking device. They set a distance away and watch for their next victim. Since they know you are going inside of The store, restaurant, or bathroom and have a few minutes to steal and Run. The police office be sure to manually lock your car Door-by hitting the lock button inside the car, that way if there is someone setting in a parking lot watching for their next victim it will not be you.
When you hit the lock button on your car upon does not
Send the security code
, but if you walk away and use the door lock on Your key chain- it sends the code thru the airwaves where it can be stolen.
I just wanted to let you know about is something totally
new To us...and this is just happened to my son.
So be aware of this and please pass this note on...look how many times We all lock our doors with our key button...just to be sure we remembered to Lock them....and bingo the guys have our code...and whatever was in the Car... Can be gone.
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Old 08-19-2008, 09:00 PM   #144  
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Thanks for the info Bobbi, I never heard or thought of that before. I will have to change the way I lock my car..

Today was HOT, I worked at the fair part of the day. We are a small county but alot of items were entered for judging

Meowee, Cats are a lot on entertainment. Smart of you to keep water in the tub.

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Old 08-19-2008, 09:47 PM   #145  
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Yes BOBBI . . . great information . . . just by lucky happenstance, I always lock my car using the door button rather than the remote.
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Old 08-20-2008, 08:20 AM   #146  
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Good morning everyone. Great tip there Bobbi, must remember that when we get a car with remote locks. Another nice day here with sun shining so far this morning. I have piles of stuff to do today but chances are I won't get through half of it. I certainly won't if I stay on the computer. One thing leads to another and I'm always on another window looking up things. I have a love affair with my computer, ha, ha, ha. Gone to exercise and get some "stuff" done around the house.

My son's girlfriend got the job she interviewed for yesterday. She's gone to the office today to fill out the necessary paperwork and will start in a couple of weeks when her boss get back from vacation. Yeah!!!!!!!!! Now if DS could do the same.

Last edited by retiredone; 08-20-2008 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 08-20-2008, 09:04 AM   #147  
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Good Morning all, Another lovely day here in Michigan. Warm days, cool nights. Can anything be more perfect. I think the temp is supposed to be in the 70's today.

Isabella, I can imagine the feeling you got when you put that dress on and it FIT!!! Made all that dieting and exercise worth while! Sometimes we just need that positive reinforcement! Glad to hear that sons girl friend got the job. I know they are hard to come by these days. Crossing fingers for son to find something soon too.

Bobbi, Thanks for the information. You always find interesting stuff. Luckly, I almost always use the lock. I'll have to remember to use it all the time.

Hi Jean, Di dyou enjoy the fair? I love those things, but I have a hard time keeping away from the junk food they have 9and that I love).

Karen, Ok now, enough! Get back into the groove....there! is that forceful enough? haha!!!

Karen3, Keep safe and keep us posted! Probably just nerves with the pop? I know i eat when I get anxious, but a real bummer thinking you were doing ok and getting regular pop. I really dislike drinking my calories!

Everyone, make it a good day, Freda
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Old 08-20-2008, 09:17 AM   #148  
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Thanks for the encouragement, Bobbi. You always notice the weights in the Accountability thread. You're doing great too, BTW. I always check everyone out when I edit my post.
I make it a point to check every entry daily, it's an encouragement to me when I see the results some of you are having. The old competition in me kicks in and puts new determination into my day. :
We have heavy fog this morning and it smells like Fall outside, darn. We have spring and fall raspberries, the late blooming berries are starting to form and a sure bet that summer is about over. We have a Christian establishment in town for our local teens to hang out in called "The Rock". ( no denomination of religion. ) They order Colorado Peaches as a fund raiser every year and I'm sitting here drooling just thinking about them. Anybody here get a chance to buy them? They use very little pesticides, are big, juicy and delicious.
DH is spying on me, I better hold up my end of the bargain today, we have the hazardeous waste station taking all old paint, oil, hazardous waste, etc. at noon. I have some junk out in the garden shed that needs tossing. I better get cracking!
12 days left in August for anyone trying to reach a goal for the month, it's not too late if any of you are "stuck".
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Old 08-20-2008, 10:25 AM   #149  
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Good Morning . . .

Don't look now, BOBBI, true to my usual routines, I've bounced up a pound again this morning.

After a very nasty bunch of storms yesterday evening and overnight, this morning was glorious -- sunny, dry, cool -- but it now looks like it is going to clound over again.

BTW . . . has anyone heard from Lynn?
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Old 08-20-2008, 10:29 AM   #150  
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Morning quicky.....Gesh that darn storm just won't go away. Saying now will be over Gainsville Fri 2am. So we will get rain again. Actually may get extreme tides because of counter clockwise winds....oh well, Karen3
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