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Old 06-25-2008, 07:19 AM   #61  
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Morning ladies, I'm up early, as usual. This time for a reason. I am finally getting the new couch delivered. It's only been since Friday that we didn't have one in the family room, but it's sure been missed. Lovely days now, not too hot, nice and sunny. I'be been getting exercise taking the GK to the park and actually playing with them. Frisby and Tag beat most of the other exercises.

Jay, I love the mountains as well. I was born and raised in the mountains. We lived in the valley. Lived with the mountain just in back of us, a river just across the road, maybe 50 yards, and a mountian in front of us. Beautiful.

Laurie, I never set any certain goal either. I just said i would know when I was finished and I wanted to fit into my size 6 jeans. This "diet" isn't about giving up anything. It's about making wise choices. If I had to give up the things I love, like chocolate, I know I wouldn't be able to stick to it long. It's about living a healthy lifestyle and enjoying life. I think that is why most people don't stick to a diet. They think they have to give up all the food they like.

Make it a good day. Jay, you commented on tis saying. I do believe we have a choice most of the time. We can let little things bother us and mess up our day. We can't change the things that happen, but we can change the way we react to them. It's all about attitude!!!
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Old 06-25-2008, 07:37 AM   #62  
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Hi there . . .

Looks like a gorgeous day . . . sunny and warm. but with far less humidity than yesterday. Must see what kind of fun I can get into outside.
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Old 06-25-2008, 03:28 PM   #63  
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Hello! Today's the day for wrapping things up and packing to make the flight home tomorrow. I'll be sad to leave the natural beauty of this area--it's been hot, but not humid, and as you all know, Fla. won't be dry.

But, I'll be glad to see our house and our cat!

the slim me, why, you sound almost like a Buddhist! I do think that how we react to events is really more important than the events themselves.

meowee, did you get outside? I hope so.

I didn't get to the gym yesterday, but I went this morning with the last free pass. Was really good to work out, and I was careful not to overdo it (something I have a tendency toward). I also noticed that the mirrors in the women's dressing room (at 24 Hour Fitness, this is) are slightly warped so that you look thinner. No kidding, they really are! Isn't that an interesting marketing ploy?

I "glanced" at their scale there, and I saw that I'm up about 4 pounds--this was fully dressed and not first thing--and considering that 2 pounds is water weight, that's not bad. Maybe I did OK after all! I'll let y'all know later on...


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Old 06-25-2008, 10:13 PM   #64  
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Hi, All this working in the garden has me exhausted. I have a huge perennial garden, and it got out of control while I was in New York. The weeds were huge. I cut down all my iris stems, it sads to see them go, but daisies are on the way. I shoveled top soil today so I think that counts as exercise. I have company coming this weekend, and I know the challenges will be there. Keeping track of calories is a new thing for me, but I think it will help me stay on track. Lori
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Old 06-26-2008, 08:38 AM   #65  
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Good Morning all,

Jay, you're probably home by now. I bet your kitty was happy to see you! And no matter how much fun a vacation is, it's always nice to get home again. Yeah, I do sound kind of ZEN don't I? ha!!!But I do believe that is true. My sister says I'm way too laid back. I worry about very little. I think it's a big waste of time. And how much of what you worry about happens, and what could you do about it anyway? You deal with it when it happens and do what you can to prevent it.

Flo, I would say for sure that all that digging is exercise! And lots more productive than the treadmill or weights. I know that keeping tract of calories will help. I like that because i can eat what I want as long it's within my calorie limit. I don't like limiting foods. I eat what Ilike. I love chocolate and I have one really good piece every day, with my afternoon tea. I look forward to it and it keeps me from craving chocolate. And the min; somone tells me I can't do/have something, that's just the thing I want!

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 06-26-2008, 08:46 AM   #66  
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Hi there . . .

Definitely exercise to shovel the dirt, Chickie.

Another gorgeous day shaping up for my area. Did lots of walking again yesterday but discovered that I now have a nasty blister on my left foot and even with a bandage on for protection, going to be hard-pressed to figure out what shoes I can walk in today; but will definitely be doing something.

Hope the rest of you have a great moving and shaking day, too . . .
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Old 06-27-2008, 07:20 AM   #67  
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Just whizzing past . . . nasty thunderboomers rattling around out there.
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Old 06-27-2008, 09:09 AM   #68  
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She's baaaack... Home again. Disoriented in time and space. What are these piles of mail? Urk!

Our cat was very happy to see us. He is Mr. Purrrrr ever since we walked in. That's very gratifying--sometimes cats act like they don't know you.

I'm up 3.6 pounds, of which 2 pounds is water weight, I'm sure. That's about what I would expect after ten days of eating more than maintenance, on average, so I'm not horrified or shocked by it.

Lots to do here, so I'll just get on with it.

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Old 06-27-2008, 06:24 PM   #69  
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Hi all - just a quick fly-in. Jay, glad you made it back safe and sound. You will lose that extra weight in no time - just get right back OP and hit the gym regularly.

I'm off to check the weather report to see if I can get in some more painting tonight. At this rate it will take me WEEKS to paint the garage and carport.

Have a great weekend all!
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Old 06-28-2008, 07:24 AM   #70  
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We are having anothjer stormy day, too . . . and I have a weather-induced migraine.
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Old 06-28-2008, 07:57 PM   #71  
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Linda - sorry you aren't feeling well. I don't get migraines often, but they are awful when I do.

Painted for another 3 hours today, then rain entered the forecast so I had to quit in time for the paint to dry. At this rate it will take me another two weeks to get the garage and carport painted. Oh, well - at least it is good exercise. I must have climbed that ladder at least 25 times (and probably closer to 30)

Hope you have a blessed Sunday all!
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Old 06-28-2008, 09:45 PM   #72  
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OK, today I hung another blind on the lanai. These are the roll-down, roll-up kind with the draw strings. I put the first one up a couple of months ago and it's taken me this long to do the second one. I imagine it will take me another couple months to put up the last one... The supports and crossbars on the lanai are square aluminum poles, so drilling is required. Plus I have lattice on the lanai as a privacy blind as well, and the mounts for the blinds have to be worked around them... Drill, saw, chisel, etc.

Took hours, and it was reeeeeally hot on the lanai, plus we had a huge rainstorm in there, too. (Huge rainstorms are common this time of year.)

So now I get to take some Aleve and drink a lot of water, take a shower, get into bed. Hm, will it be ice pack or hot pack? Oh, decisions decisions...

g'night all,

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Old 06-28-2008, 09:52 PM   #73  
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Wow Jay - we ARE active chicks

I would start with ice, then move to hot packs tomorrow.

Good work - those can be tricky to install!
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Old 06-29-2008, 08:17 AM   #74  
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Good Morning ladies. Hope your Sunday is peaceful.

Jay, My goodness girl, you are handy! I guess i could learn, we do what we have to do. But I admire you for taking charge and doing what needs to be done! And you always start with ice and go to heat with an Injury. for just sore muscles, do what ever feel better.

Laurie, You and Jay are making me feel lazy and like I should get out there and do SOMETHING! Getting your exercise the old fahsioned way, actually working. What a concept!!! Good for you, getting the work done and i'm sure your arms and legs got a good workout! and the garage and lani are looking pretty good too!

Linda, I used to get migraines too. Horrible things! I took Imatrex and it worked like a charm. Hope you're feeling better.

Have a blessed Sunday, Freda
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Old 06-29-2008, 08:50 AM   #75  
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OMG . . . I feel so lazy compared to Jay and CD . . . we finally got a little bit of sun late yesterday afternoon and so I did get out for a bit, but other than that all I did was nurse my head. Today looks like an instant replay weather wise, but the migraine is down to niggling levels at least. Still have the water weight and the puffy ankles so think this will be a day of slugging back extra water to try to get the lump moving and doing a 5K on the Gazelle.

Have a great one . . .
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