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Old 06-20-2008, 10:48 AM   #46  
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Good Morning everyone, I just got back from vacation. It was lovely and restful, but i'm glad to be home again too. We got to see my relatives too and that is sometimes a disaster, food wise. All that wonderful, fatening souther cooking! This time was much easier. Several of the family was on WW diets and that made it easier. I also managed to do lots of walking and some swimming too. So, happily, I didn't gain.

Looking forward to catching back up here, Freda
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Old 06-21-2008, 06:54 AM   #47  
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I'm still in a rotten mood . . . but the sun is shining . . . hopefully today will get better than yesterday.
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Old 06-21-2008, 10:16 AM   #48  
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the slim me! Welcome back! That's wonderful that you didn't gain... I doubt that is going to be the case for me, because the exercise I've been able to do isn't really enough, I think. I'm just going to stay off the scale until we've been back home for a few days...

I'm still in Salt Lake. Yesterday we went out to an island in the Great Salt Lake where we saw a herd of buffalo and a pronghorn antelope. It's a state park and managed, but pretty wild nevertheless. There was a ranch on the island from about 1848 on, and it's still there, but mostly for tourists. I don't know whether it's still a working ranch or not. The lake was totally calm, with the distant mountains reflected as though in a glass... And the only sound was the wind.

Hope things are getting better, meowee!

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Old 06-22-2008, 06:55 AM   #49  
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Old 06-22-2008, 12:28 PM   #50  
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Hi all - hope you are having a great weekend!
Jay - I do the same thing when I travel - I stay off the scales for a few days allowing my body to adjust a bit. I sometimes have a hard time getting in water when I am on vacation, which does affect the scale as well.
Glad you are having a great time - the buffalo made me laugh. There is a grocery store chain in Northern MI that is famous for selling buffalo in their stores. They have a farm right on the way into Traverse City. It is so fun to watch in the spring when they have all their new baby buffalo roaming the pasture. They are so cute. They make me smile every time I see them.

Linda - hope you are having a better day today It is glorious here, the nicest weekend we have had in a long time.

Freda - glad you are home and had a great time! We missed you! Hope you missed some of the nasty storms that have gone through the state in the last week or so. We are finally drying out up here

Doing well here - staying OP and trying to get a lot of outdoor stuff done in this beautiful weather. Cleaned the garage and then spent the rest of the day scraping paint yesterday. I hope to get the garage and carport painted next weekend if the weather warrants. The shoulders are sore today, so I think I am gonna take it fairly easy - just some routine cleaning and a bit of gardening.

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday!
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Old 06-23-2008, 08:02 AM   #51  
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Good Morning all,

Jay, your trip sounds wonderful and the discription of the lake so tranquil I can almost see it too. I can imagine laying on a blanket and just staying at the sky, with the wind blowing over me.....ok, back to reality.

Counting, Which store sells buffalo meat? i wan't aware of it. I have eaten buffalo, but only at a pow-wow the Indains have occasionally. It's supposed to be really lean. I actually saw some buffalo grazing in a field in Va. last year. That was very unexpected. I really did not expect to see any thing like that in a souther state, just out west. Are you down some more? Only 3 pounds to goal? WHOHOO All that cleaning is great exercise, and more productive than a treadmill.

It's raining here today and I'm keeping the grandkids all day. Got to come up with soemthing to do, and fast!

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Old 06-23-2008, 08:25 AM   #52  
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And a great Good Morning to all . . .

Obviously my funk mood is finally retreating . . . although I have no more idea of why than I did about why my mood was so rotten the past few days.

Finally got mad at the stupid digital scale and brought out the big old Seca analog clunker -- the kind used in a lot of doctor's offices, if they don't have a balance-bar type -- so we'll see how consistent good old German engineering can be for a while. Trouble is, of course, analog is not nearly as precise so looks like I'm between 218 and 219 this morning -- decided to call it 218.5.

So far the day is overcast, but the forecast is calling for sun later on with a high in the mid 20's (mid to upper 70's), but with the humidity increasing too. Rain predicted for tomorrow -- we need it.

Well, better get myself moving and shaking . . . see you all later . . .

Oops -- almost forgot to tell you, I'm practicing for Gary's latest 5K -- already done my first Gazelle mile for today.

Last edited by meowee; 06-23-2008 at 08:27 AM. Reason: added the Oops
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Old 06-23-2008, 02:43 PM   #53  
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CD, you are down another pound?

Meowee, it looks like your ticker doesn't match reality! You ought to change it!

Hey the slim me, the mountains are incredible as well. Tall tall trees with the breeze blowing through them--there is no other sound like it.

We're starting to wind down into the last days of the trip. My friend from Berkeley has gone back already, and come this Thursday we'll be on the plane to Fla. That should be an interesting transition. I grew up in the West, and I think I'll always be a Westerner at heart.

My friend found an unused pass to the 24-Hour Fitness place, so I'm going over there later today.


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Old 06-23-2008, 03:36 PM   #54  
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I only change my ticker once a month and it reflects the average for the month before . . . stand by for the update on July 1.
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Old 06-23-2008, 09:58 PM   #55  
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Freda - hope you survived the grandkids. I saw storms popping up all over MI except here - we only got a bit of rain for about 20 minutes. Olesons are famous for their buffalo

Linda - I need to get practicing for the 5k too. I did 5 miles today, but it was all destination walking (to work, to an appointment, back to work, back home, to a meeting, back home). I haven't been doing much distance walking as of late.

Jay - yup only 2.5 to go for my current goal. A free fitness pass - that is wonderful! Your trip sounds like it has been wonderful. I am hoping to spend more time in the west once we retire. Now my vacations are spent visiting family, so other than the Smokey Mountain region and Northern California, we don't get in much travel except short trips for business or a few days relatively close to home.

This was an impetus for me to lose weight. I want to be healthy when I retire so that we can take active vacations and enjoy the beautiful sites in this country and beyond.

I'm doing better today - the hearing on the special use permit for our neighbors was tonight. While it was granted, we were able to make sure some conditions were placed on the operation of the business next door. It was a good compromise and hopefully will keep them from "retaliating" as they promised to do. I love living in town and I love being able to walk everywhere, but sometimes - living on a "postage stamp" lot with the neighbors 3 feet away can be a challenge sometimes.

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday!
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Old 06-24-2008, 07:14 AM   #56  
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OMG . . . CountingDown . . . you are so close to goal; you must be able to taste it and I bet it tastes better than anything else you could ever imagine eating.

You are keeping so busy out there Jay, you could just come home thinner than when you left.

Stupid thunder storm woke me up at 4 am and by the time I closed all the windows, I was definitely awake. Now I've had breakfast and 3 cups of coffee I'm going to try to have a nap. I have an eye appointment this afternoon and could really use another couple of hours of shut-eye before having to show them to my Optometrist who will no doubt comment on my new bloodshot look.

No matter how hard I tried -- on and off a few times and even shoved it around on the floor a bit -- couldn't convince the Seca analog scale to register any number other than 215. Must have stripped a bunch of water yesterday because I know you can't lose more than 3 pounds of fat overnight anymore than you can gain it in the same time frame. Hey, whatever it is, I like the number

Okay, keep things moving and shaking today, gang . . .
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Old 06-24-2008, 09:22 AM   #57  
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Good Morning Ladies, I couldn't sleep last night. I was tired, I would fall asleep, but would wake up again within the hour. I think I finally got some sleep around 4:30. Don't you hate days that start like that? Especially when the kids will be here in a little while and i'll be running with them all day. AND, when I can't sleep i try to medicate with food. A habit I thought i had gotten out of. So, in addition to no sleep, I ate last night too! Bad night!

Linda, I'm glad you're out of your "funk". I guess we all have those at times. Just as long as they aren't all the time! Good luck at the Dr.'s today.

Counting, We don't have an Oleson's close enough to visit. But it's not like Travers City is too far away. The next time we're up that way I might stop in. Do you ever buy buffalo meat? How do you prepare it? I find I am more interested in taking care of my health now too. For one thing, I have to, in order to feel well and continue to. My family tends to live a LONG time and i want those years to be healthy, interesting, prductive ones. Plus my Grandchildren are young and I enjoy being with them and want them to remember me as the grandma that played with them, not sat on the sidelines. Have you set your goal yet? Is 130 going to be the final number? For your heighth that sounds good.

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 06-24-2008, 10:46 AM   #58  
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Hey! I like your signature saying, Freda. Make it a good day. That's really what it's about, isn't it?

Well, I won't be coming back any thinner, believe me. My clothes are all telling me that. Last night another new restaurant, and I know I overate my calories. It was the doggone blue cheese dressing that is standard on the lettuce-wedge salad. I could have told them to put something else, but in a moment of weakness, I went with it. OH WELL! You play, you pay.

Going to the Impressionists show today--really a good installation, I think. I haven't seen such a show in many years. And, we'll probably be driving up yet another canyon tonight to yet another good restaurant. I'm about restauranted out, though. My stomach is beginning to bother me--says, "What on earth??"

But, we've had gorgeous weather and walked a lot!

See ya!
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Old 06-24-2008, 06:57 PM   #59  
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Jay - I never come back thinner either - If I come back even close to the same weight, I rejoice. You had a great trip and that is what matters. You exercised, and tried to eat OP - at least most of the time. Maybe it comes with age, but I have had no sense of urgency in losing weight this time around. I care more about quality of life than speed. Thus my wine every evening. I'm sure I would lose faster without it, but - it is non-negotiable for me. I would rather have wine and chocolate meals out and slower weight loss than the alternative.

Freda - As a child, I had buffalo quite often. We had an Oleson's in town, and over in Lake City they always did a buffalo roast or two during the summer. They are still pretty popular around these parts. But, having been a vegetarian since '82, I can't even remember what it tasted like - I liked it - but that is about all I can remember.

I keep moving my goal. My first one was 140 because I wasn't sure I could get below that being "50+". New territory for me - losing weight after menopause. But, I have been able to keep losing, so I moved the goal to 135, and then again to 130. My ideal goal would be to maintain between 125 and 130. I am fairly petite (but not tiny) and even DH felt I looked too thin in my 20s at 118 lbs. At this point, I will probably stay OP until my body says enough, or I hit the mid-upper 120s - whichever comes first. I have been buying clothes like a crazy woman, since I think I have settled into a size that I will probably stay in.

The hardest part right now is that I am still seeing people that I haven't seen for a while and my weight seems to be the main topic of conversation whereever I go. While it is flattering, it is getting old. I really like to talk about other things - especially since I have all of my wonderful 3FC friends to discuss weight loss with - much more substantive and valuable conversations when it comes to weight loss.

People are really disappointed when they find out that my plan is calorie counting and exercise - they really want to hear about the "magic" and "exciting" weight loss plans. Mine is about as boring as it gets (but it works )

Linda - 215 is wonderful! I'm hoping it stays there for you!!!

Hope you had a great Tues. I'm off to build a fire on the patio and crack open that wine

Last edited by CountingDown; 06-24-2008 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 06-24-2008, 10:23 PM   #60  
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Hi everyone, It's been fun reading about all your trips. I was in New York visiting my parents, and i ate out and made some bad choices. I paid the price,but I'm back home now, ready to begin again. I see many of you keep track of calories and I'm going to try it. Hopefully, I can quickly lose the weight I gained. I've already increase my exercise. I'm off and running.

Counting down I'm with you on wine and chocolate. They're hard to give up. Lori
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