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Old 01-04-2008, 01:41 PM   #61  
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Hey Bloomer! So glad to hear you are walking! Good luck with the WW meeting--I hope that it's as positive a program for you as it has been for so many folks!

Wow, you must be on a roll! You even fought off the urge to use food as a solace for things not going your way!

Hey, I was a nerdy kid, too!


Last edited by JayEll; 01-04-2008 at 01:41 PM.
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Old 01-05-2008, 12:19 AM   #62  
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Hi there. Say Bloomer I think you are doing great. I am trying to put the fork down and get to the gym or out for a walk. I am going to aim for at least 30 minutes once a day. Good for you with the WW. I too have done it but does not seem to be the plan for me now.

Spiny: I do not hear of too many people that do not watch tv. Good for you there are plenty of things in life to do. Unfortunately I am a tv person. I work afternoons though so I try and tape things of interest. I certainly do not watch much but have a weakness for the reality shows. So there are a couple of them I like and I really like the Biggest Loser.

Counting: Nice to hear all about your trip. It sounds like you had a fabulous time and have a great family and partner. You are a lucky woman. And the weight you have lost is an inspiration.

JayEll: I think everyone thinks they are a nerdy kid. I am not sure where I ranked but I sure felt like there was always something wrong with me.
My mom was anorexic as I see now. I was maybe 10 pound overweight but I grew up being told that there was NOTHING in the STORE that fit me. That was when I should have been wearing ladies and she still had me in the kid section. I have never thought I looked slim. I went to her funeral at 129 lb and was told I looked skinny. That was a shock to me. Unfortunately it did not last.

Gary: Love those doggies!

So here is to some better choices and talk to you all tomorrow. I think they have finally finished off all the chocolate here at work. We have a suggestion box and I suggested removing the chocolate bar machine!

Cheers Judi
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Old 01-05-2008, 12:39 AM   #63  
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Hi everybody!
All of these recent posts are great. I feel like I am really beginning to know everyone! I really enjoy reading about what is dear to everyone; what annoys everyone; and of course I enjoy feeling free to express that myself! You all are so caring and supportive also. I hope to learn from all of you. Thanks for your support and understanding!

Today I worked out my hind legs. Ow. Upped the weights and/or amounts of everything. Lunges, squats, calf raises on the step; the machines: prone leg curl, seated leg curl, leg press, ab/ad machine, leg extension, and sets of everything not just one go around, and now I feel like singing the John Mellencamp song Hurts So Good. This had better work.

Last edited by Spinymouse; 01-05-2008 at 01:35 AM.
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:00 AM   #64  
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Good morning!

Spiny, poor mouse! Sore, eh? Well, I hope the soreness works out of your hind legs quickly.

I did some hand weights yesterday evening--was good but some of my joints are complaining today. I need to give them more support, as in, anti-inflammatory medicines, ice pack after lifting. I did a couple of sets of biceps, but just one set (12 reps) of everything else.

hijude, my mom was very very thin when I was born--but she put on weight later on. Sizes were never discussed when she and I went shopping for my school clothes--in my case, it was that she and I had clashing tastes. She wanted me in pinks and lavenders with big flower patterns, and I wanted solid brown, blue, and black... Funny!

Hope you all have a good day!

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Old 01-05-2008, 02:41 PM   #65  
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Good Afternoon . . .

Wow . . . everytime I blink I seem to find something else work-related that has to be done urgently. Oh well, keeps my busy and helps me eat on track. Pretty good yesterday and so far today is really great. Sure helps that the sun is shining brightly and the temperature is climbing up to the freezing mark finally. Hope to get some of this mess cleaned up in the next day or two; get my laundry done; and get back into exercise mode (all four of my 'legs' need a little work).

Have a great day, gang -- keep things moving and shaking --
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Old 01-05-2008, 03:02 PM   #66  
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Bloomer- way to go! Not rewarding myself with food has been one of the hardest things to change. You are off to a great start! Good luck with your first WW meeting

Judi - moms can certainly screw up our heads about our weight. I think the more my mom nagged me about it, the more I ate - just to spite her. How sad is that?

I like walking too. It has been a great way to keep me moving, even when I haven't been motivated to do much else. I love using the WATP videos when the weather is cold and nasty (most of the winter here).

Spiny - Wow, sounds like you got a great workout on those hind legs! I'm tired just reading your post I have to get back at the weights. I did Leslie's firming video with the pink stretchie this morning because I couldn't motivate myself to do a full weight routine. Now that I am back home, I gotta get back in the groove...

Jay - Mom was a cheerleader in HS and was always picking out all of these "cute" clothes for me. She wanted me to look "just so". I wanted none of the stuff she picked out. With blond hair and very pale skin, I looked awful in all those pastel floral frilly things, anyway. I was a jeans and t-shirt kinda gal. I still hate pastels and frills! Some florals are ok, must most are .

DH is working today, so I am enjoying a quiet day at home. Trying to clean, finish the laundry, and get bills paid - the usual Saturday stuff. The weather is really gray and dreary here - not very inspiring to get much done. I'm thinking a good book and a cup of tea are calling my name
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Old 01-05-2008, 06:57 PM   #67  
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Hi Bloomer-

I am a teacher too. My prep and luch are together so I try to walk then including those dreaded stairs. I have the same problem with stairs. Up is fine but down those stairs is very hard on my knees.

Spiny- I love your sense of about you try the hamster version of Cage Fighting?

I am at a spa in Palm Springs CA. Tomorrow is my 50th birthday...scares the **** out of me.

Last edited by Mermom; 01-05-2008 at 07:21 PM.
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Old 01-05-2008, 10:02 PM   #68  
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Mermom, don't sweat 50. I am in better shape now than I was at 49, and 48, and 47 ....

Seriously - 50 is fab! I love it! Got my AARP card for discounts as I travel, I am now able to dispense wise and sagely advice just by opening my mouth, I've only found one gray hair (OK, so my eyesight isn't what it once was)
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:17 PM   #69  
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Happy Birthday Mermom. What a great place to be and do not worry about 50 you have a whole decade to worry about 60.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am working some OT today as retirement is a ways off.
I have plans to start back to the gym on Monday morning. So am trying to keep that commitment to myself. Think I will start the week with 3 alternate days of cardio. Maybe do some weights on Tue and Thur.
Oh it is all so good in my mind. My body is sore from all the overtime I have been doing. May need to rethink that and take some better care of myself. I am getting real stiff from sitting at a computer all day.
You are all doing great so my turn to report some progress and Spiny good for you. That was some workout. Hope you can still walk.

I would not be able to. And yes we all happen to be a product of our mothers in some way. Thank goodness mine was not a cheerleader she was difficult enough.
So enjoy the weekend and the sun if it is out. It is cold here too but not below freezing. Just wet.
Cheers Jude
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Old 01-06-2008, 07:31 AM   #70  
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Capricorns rule!

Spinymouse, how are those hind legs?

CountingDown, hijude, bloomer, meowee, and all else who wander in!

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Old 01-06-2008, 08:01 AM   #71  
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Mermom - here's wishing you a creatively cosmic, astonishingly awesome birthday! Welcome to 50!

Yes, my hind legs are still in pain. Whatever good I did on Friday is being overruled by my lack of motion yesterday - I could hardly even get in and out of a chair! Someday when this exercise becomes more routine, it will get better. Somebody please tell me this is true????
I have decided on a cardio alternative to those hamster wheel machines. I am going to make the most of my lovely iPhone - the iPod function of it, and just dance and kick and jump around to the tunes I like. I don't have a lot of room at home to do it, but I have at least as much room as a hamster wheel would take up and I can dance in that space. Or there is my friend's house, or the office, or the class-studios at the fitness centers that I can use during non-class times. Or the beach! And thankfully I don't care if people think it looks stupid. I actually have a smiley face when I dance this way, as opposed to my expression while on the elliptical/bike/arc/treadmill things. Ever notice how everybody on those things has an expression on their face that looks like they just stepped in dog-doo? Nobody looks like they are having any fun.

Jude - a product of our moms: oh, man oh man oh man. I should not even get started. Mine was a mean woman. God rest her soul. I am still in the mom recovery process. I wish it were just a matter of conflict over clothing styles. Oh, she was mean.

Well, happy Sunday, everyone! Be it a day of rest or a day of intensity, may it be a day of wellness for all!

bombs away
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Old 01-06-2008, 08:39 AM   #72  
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Hey Spiney, just wanted to say that it is normal to be somewhat sore when starting a new exercise routine; however, there is such a thing as "overdoing it." Unfortunately, lots of people think that they need to go from zero to over the top when beginning to exercise--and then they get discouraged. I'd like to say, go try it again! But don't do it so long or so hard this time.

Dancing around sounds good, too, as long as you keep up with it.

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Old 01-06-2008, 11:07 AM   #73  
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Thanks for the birthday wishes gals

I am hoping that 50 will be fabulous. Maybe I can finally get an updated version of the body I had at 40. The last decade has been a decline and now I want to head up the incline and reach the peak of health and well being.
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Old 01-06-2008, 09:56 PM   #74  
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Mermom - Oh, I hear you girl! I lost about 70 lbs in preparation for my 40th birthday. I kept it off for a couple years. Then I started a new - very stressful job, and slowly put all 70 plus another 10 back on. Here I am again. I didn't get motivated in time to get it off by 50. Thankfully, finding 3FC helped me realize that I couldn't "diet" it off this time. And dang - if menopause didnt' throw a nasty curve ball at me. It is a LOT harder this time around.

Here's a toast to being fit and fabulous at fifty!
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Old 01-06-2008, 11:49 PM   #75  
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Originally Posted by Spinymouse View Post
Hi everybody!
All of these recent posts are great. I feel like I am really beginning to know everyone! I really enjoy reading about what is dear to everyone; what annoys everyone; and of course I enjoy feeling free to express that myself! You all are so caring and supportive also. I hope to learn from all of you. Thanks for your support and understanding!........
You're not going soft on us now are you JO?

Happy Birthday is my wife's birthday on Monday, #48....shhhh!

JUDE I hope you get that gym work in tomorrow!

COUNTINGDOWN Well we had dinner at Claim Jumper with the kids son and son in law had dark beer on tap...I had my MGD's...tasted theirs....stuck to my MGD's!

HI JAY my son and daughter just got home from a week in Florida...they say it is cold there!!! They went to the beach and froze their butts off!!!


Angie and I celebrated our 12th anniversary today by going to see the musical Jesus Christ Superstar, after church. We had a great time then met all the kids for dinner.

Have a great week gals! ~ Gary
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