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Old 11-23-2007, 12:28 PM   #61  
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Crowded Looting . . . . . . Fighting over the Christmas Sales . . .

Obviously I don't get it (especially since it isn't part of our 'culture'). Main reason I like to have everything done by mid to late November is so I don't have to get caught up in the December crowds.
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Old 11-23-2007, 01:43 PM   #62  
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Default Workin' off the turkey (stuffing)

Hi, All!

It's not the turkey; it's the stuffing that does me in. Too good. It was too salty, too, and I did not add a bit, but even the ww bread I used had lots of sodium. new Holy Grail is eliminating the sodium overload in my SO's and my diet. MY DS gets it; he doesn't add salt even to eggs!

Here is how this active chick over 50 is going to get rid of those extra cals

Unloading horse poop. Yep. I am waiting on a load of my very own Arabian's well-aged doo-doo. It is the best for gardens. We went through 3 batches of our own compost this season, but the 2 new batches will have to finish cooking in the now, we get the pickup load of horse doo-doo somewhere, will probably use a little everywhere...... and the bales of straw coming, cover over everything. It is nice today, but the real cold is forecast for this week, so, just in time.

How is everyone else working it off? Sounds as if most of you did not over indulge, so perhaps have less to do than I do!
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Old 11-23-2007, 03:17 PM   #63  
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I agree, Maryblu - Stuffing is the BEST! Especially if it's made a little spicy and with oysters.
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Old 11-23-2007, 04:17 PM   #64  
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I didn't make stuffing this year, because I knew where ALL of the leftovers would go - no one else really likes it that much - and I LOVE it. I made stuffed butternut squash this year with a wild rice stuffing. OK, but it isn't going to have me raiding the refrigerator for a "nibble" every couple of hours.

Linda - I agree! I am way behind on my shopping this year - usually it has been done for weeks by now. But I have found that I can usually match in-store prices with careful internet shopping, all from the comfort of my living room. I still try to frequent the downtown merchants when I can. I take a couple lunch hours to do that the first part of December. Now if the kids would just send me their Christmas list
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Old 11-23-2007, 09:24 PM   #65  
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Default 50 and fit?

Okay, so I have been hanging around 3FC for a few months now and I find all the stories and chat very inspirational. The only problem is that I feel like a sluglette.

I have no (and I mean NO) motivation for a regular exercise program. I am very active and am on my feet walking around all day. I have managed to go from 187-157 by counting calories but I can't stick to any planned exercise routine.

I read about how many miles and trips to the gym you all make and I wonder where you get all that energy.

By the time I get home at the end of the day I am so cold and tired that all I want to do is crawl in a warm bed.

I have been stalled at the same wieght since September. I know the only way I will be able to get the scale to move is to do a regular program. In my head I want to but my body just won't comply.
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Old 11-23-2007, 10:03 PM   #66  
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Mermom, I SO relate to your post! It could have been written by me 6 months ago. I don't have a lot of wisdom to share, but I can let you know what has worked for me.
  1. Mix it up - find things that I like to do. I detest the treadmill, and repetitive indoor exercise. I can tolerate the weight machine only because I listen to books while I use it. I do yoga, pilates, resistance bands, weights, dancing, walking, etc. I have purchased lots of used (and a few new) DVDS to keep things fresh and fun.
  2. Rest and snack when I get home from work. Use that time to decide what exercise I will do. I am dead tired when I walk in the door. I get a snack, a big glass of water and "veg" for about 30 minutes. Then I throw in a DVD and spend 30 minutes dancing or walking. If I get home late, I postpone my workout until after supper. In other words, I choose what I am going to do, and when I am going to do it - but I don't get to choose IF I am going to do it.
  3. Log everything in Fitday - Since I log my food, my weight, AND my exercise daily, I just can't stand the thought of not logging SOMETHING for the day.
  4. Remember the feelings - Every time that I do exercise, I try to acknowledge how I felt when I finished. That sense of satisfaction, the endorphine release, the "good" tired feeling. I just remind myself that I will feel better if I exercise. No, I don't feel like it now - but if I just get started, I will be glad I did.
  5. Bargain with myself - OK, I REALLY don't feel like it. How about if I only do 10 minutes? I have several 10 Minute Solution DVDs. Just ONE little workout - that's it. Then I can stop. Well, once one is done, I usually add a second and then a third, sometimes even a fourth. Even if I don't - I got in 10 minutes, which is better than nothing!
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Old 11-23-2007, 10:52 PM   #67  
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It really is a mind over body thing isn't it. When I am not all wrung out from work I can motivate myself to go for long walks and whatnot. Today I walked for over an hour then came home and later did a 30 workout video.

It does make me feel so good both physically and mentally. So, knowing this, I always ask myself why is it so hard to do on a regular basis.

It sounds like you really have to do a lot of talking to yourself to make it happen. Maybe I should make a tape of the bargaining part and play it to myself over and over until I actually do something about it!
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Old 11-23-2007, 10:57 PM   #68  
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Yup. I can't seem to change a lifetime of hating exercise overnight (or even over several months). But I have to admit, I really do feel better when I do it. I love bending over to pick things up without doing the "dive and grab and pray that I make it". I love seeing itty-bitty biceps starting to emerge from under all of the fat.

It really is a mind thing. But, once I get past that, my body really does appreciate moving and getting fit. Every day, it gets a little easier. Will I ever love to exercise? I don't know. But, I am an eternal optimist - and God can do some amazing things - even with the likes of me.
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Old 11-24-2007, 07:41 AM   #69  
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Good morning! Hey, mermom!

CountingDown, I agree--it's not something that's always first on the list of things I want to do.

mermom, for a long time my excuses for letting my exercise program go were along those same lines--too tired after working all day, it's too dark, it's too cold (or hot), I can't get up early and do it, there's no time... and so on. Unfortunately, having a good excuse makes no difference to the body.

Good for you for going for a walk and later using the video! I walk virtually every day. I have a small community fitness center a block away from my house, and it's free--lucky me! I also have a video or two and some handweights at home. So there is just no reason not to do some exercise. It has become a part of my daily schedule, just like brushing my teeth and combing my hair and eating meals.

And that's how it has to become! It can't depend on how tired I feel or how much I have to do, because I'll always be tired after working, and I'll always have a lot to do.

Just schedule it in your daily planner like any other appointment.

This weekend I'm going to concentrate on clearing up a few piles around the house and getting a few other tasks done. Wish me luck!

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Old 11-24-2007, 08:46 AM   #70  
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Good Morning . . .

Love Jay's idea of scheduling exercise into your daily plan just like any other appointment/committment.
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Old 11-24-2007, 08:24 PM   #71  
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I like that idea too. After all -- I can't get away with being too tired to brush my teeth or take a shower or wash and iron my clothes. All those are things I have to do to be confident in myself and my place in society.

If I were to do an excercise routine with the same idea of a necessity of being confident and well presented maybe I could --over time--talk myself into it.

I have had an interest for a long time in tai chi. From my research an hour long workout will burn as many calories as low impact aerobics. I also like the idea of building better flexibility and balance. I was in a horrid car accident a couple of years ago. My left side was so badly damaged that I lost quite a bit of mobility.

Yesterday I picked up a beginner tai chi video from the library. I have to admit that I have never been coordinated at any physical activity. I was always the girl who would rather read a book in the corner of the room rather than engage in games or sports. I have tried to video but am struggling to get it right. My goal is to practice one "form" each week. That way in six weeks I will hopefully have learned the six basic forms. After I learn some of the forms maybe I will take a beginner class.

Since this is something I am interested in doing maybe I can stick to it. Usually I find exercise so boring and repetitive that it ruins any motivation I might have. With tai chi I will have a challenge of learning something new rather than just repeating the same things over and over, which never has held my interest.
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Old 11-24-2007, 08:29 PM   #72  
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Mermom, DH has started Tai Chi too. He bought 3 videos, but has also scoured the web and YouTube for routines. He does his 20 minute "workout" twice a day. He really enjoys it. Based upon my observations of his experience, you will want to spend some time online. Different teachers have different ways to do the routines. Connecting the forms with grace and "fluid movement" seems to be the biggest challenge. But, keep it up. He is really doing well - and he has always been a "klutz". I am really impressed with his agility, focus, determination since begining this discipline.
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Old 11-24-2007, 08:37 PM   #73  
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How long has your DH been working with the videos? It's nice to know that klutzs aren't alway doomed to coordination failure.

It does appear that there are many different ways and many different movements. The dvd I got only has six so I hope I can master that. At least it gives me a goal that is both physical and mental.
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Old 11-24-2007, 08:46 PM   #74  
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DH has been doing Tai Chi for about 2 -3 months. He started like you have - learning one form at a time. He then worked at the "short form" - 24 forms strung together. He is still perfecting those, and hopes to learn the 40 form routine next. Watching different instructors (mostly online) has really helped him. One thing he noticed - some instructors "do" the forms. Others "mirror" the forms. You need to know which they are doing, otherwise, it can get very confusing. Keep it up, it will get easier and flow better. He really is uncoordinated - he can't do the double side steps on WATP without strict concentration - LOL
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Old 11-24-2007, 10:00 PM   #75  
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Default Good for you!

Oh, Mermon, I am so happy you are sticking with the commitment to exercize! I am in a "funk" right now, mentioned coming home feeling tired and "our age", Jay, just are things to consider and have checked out.....just a thought...and after an accident, not easy to get back in the to speak.

As much as I relate to the uncoordinated girl.......who would do ANYTHING to get out of gym......I have no balance coordination....but the thing I LOVE to do is ride my horse! You need balance, you need to be "on your toes", literally as well as figuratively, and yet I manage not to get too mangled. The worst that I have had happen is a couple of broken ribs. I guess that just proves what Countingdown said......."find something you like" What I would like right now is to be warm. *sigh...May is just around the corner..
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