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Old 02-21-2004, 01:57 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ and Ready to Try Again #493


We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We have a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

We chat on Wednesday and Sunday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.
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Old 02-21-2004, 01:59 PM   #2  
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I'm moving this over from the previous thread to satisfy the posting police!

Hi ladies!

I went to WW this morning as planned. I told the gal that I would WI with the brace and start from there. She acted shocked that someone would take a gain. I was up 2.4 so I consider that good.

We've been out running errands. I stayed in the van other than having to go into Kohl's to buy baby clothes for one of my employees who is having her first baby. Not something I could trust DH too! I had such fun. Spent too much, but fun!

I've got a stack of paperwork here on the loveseat, my foot in the air, the laptop and a tape of taped shows playing....all settled in for a nap.

2Cute - I'm glad to see you're feeling more human! Thanks for letting us know about Pam. I'll add her to my prayers.

Take care!
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Old 02-21-2004, 08:12 PM   #3  
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HI all started setting my new fish atnk up went in and bought gravel and such it is going to look good hand in there all
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Old 02-22-2004, 01:30 AM   #4  
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Hi all! Sorry to be gone for awhile. It was a busy week.

I got to represent one of the companies I work for on Friday with their client. Guess I should explain sorta how this all works. I'm what they call an Independent Contractor (which means I'm not an employee and they do not take taxes AND I'm not obligated to do any jobs for them that I don't agree to do) for about 30 companies across the country doing various things like my "showgirl" jobs, back when I was the "bra lady", "shopping", audits.....anyway, a bunch of stuff. I'm hired by a company who is hired by a client to conduct work for them. In other words, a company (Playtex, for instance) will hire a company in Kansas, to hire local people (like me) to go into their stores and do a reset of their bras. Consequently my "bra lady" job. It could also be a "shopping" job, or it might be something else.

So anyway, back to Friday, this company that I'm an IC for, that I do pricing surveys for, the owner asked me if I could handle a meeting with his client here in the Detroit area for him. It was over on the other side of town, but I told him no problem. So I went and had to do a presentation to a few people about just how I conduct their surveys, and then we went on a "field trip" to two local stores and I actually showed them what info I look for and what numbers I would record. It all went very well.

After the meeting I met honey for lunch and then came back on this side of town to do a couple of those "showgirl" jobs so that I would have the weekend free. When I went to the restroom at the theatre the white of my right eye was all red. It wasn't at lunch, but it was later in the afternoon. All I know is that I took a frozen drink into the theatre with me and you know how you get a "brain freeze"? Well, I got one. So I don't know if that's what caused the eye thing or not, but I've had a headache off and on ever since.

I was off doing assorted other jobs last week as well. Generally keeping out of trouble. Not out of food, but out of trouble.

I feel totally out of the loop here. I've been reading without time to write, but it kinda doesn't matter, cuz I don't remember enough to do replies unless I go back and read all over again. But I'm going to try. If I miss you, it's not on purpose.

Mary: I guess I missed it. Was the ring for your birthday? What kind is it? A new wedding ring? I'm guessing since he was down on one knee. * I bet the new fish tank will keep you busy.....for a few hours anyway! What happened to all your babies? Did they survive?

Katrina: Glad you had a nice time in the city. It must be nice to live so close that you can commute in anytime you want. I would love to see NYC, but honey was there as a kid and swears he'll never go back.

2cute: My God, girl. Pneumonia!!! That's what I thought mine was at Christmas time, but mine was just pretending. Please do not play around with this. Stay in bed, don't go out. Just chill, sweetie! [[[hugs]]] You are better off putting everything on hold for a couple of weeks so that you are really ready to be back on your feet than to just feel a little better, go out and overdo, and then be sick for twice as long. Boy, doesn't that sound preachy??? Sorry, but I speaketh the trutheth!!!

Terri: I'm soooo sorry to hear about your foot. Good thing you did decide to see the doctor. Please do exactly what he tells you or you will have lingering problems for life. Honey tore up his ankle years ago and still has problems because he rushed out of the cast. And the "baby" still has trouble from his PCL that he tore in the auto accident back in '98 because he didn't continue his physical therapy exercises at home. * Bless your heart weighing with the cast, but look at the bright side, when you get it off, you'll have a REALLY great loss!!!

Barb: Can't wait to hear how the party turned out. Does sound a bit like you got a bunch of the preparations dumped on you at the last minute though. Hope all went well and you and your friends had a great time.

Joanne/homebound: Don't you worry about having to change those stats back, because they can just as easily go back in the other direction real quick like. You need to get here more often for some friendship and motivation. Actually, I think Terri is our current motivator extraordinare, and of course Barb is in a very close second. Both of them have just been so right on with their exercise endeavors lately, can't help but cheer us on.

Barbg: I'm so sorry that the research project is not panning out for you. I know you wanted it to be that extra shot in the arm you needed to jump start your loss. Struggling with weight just seems to a way of life around here. I hope that you'll find the strength to work real hard at it without the meds, and see some results real soon.

Andria: Oh honey, I can't believe this new job is jerking you around like that. You and hubby have had more troubles with employment that anyone I have ever met. I sure hope you find something you like that's steady real soon. [[[hugs]]]

Sandy: It's good to see you. Ya know, if you've got time to "lurk" you've got time to post. We miss you when you're not here.

Duckie: Hope you had a wonderful time in Edmonton this weekend. Sounds like you had some fun planned. Hope it all turned out just how you wanted it to. * Sorry about the scale, but you could be right, that you just weren't eatting enough. Even on the WW points, I found I lost better adding 2 points per day a couple of times a week. Of course that was on the old points program where you had a range to work with. I haven't journalled on this new flex program so I couldn't really tell ya.

Jen: Isn't that just like a darn vehicle. I swear, they know when you got a couple of bucks in your pocket. They must be physic or something. Hope you're back into wheels by now. I sure don't know how you do all those stairs to your place. It thought my house was bad.

Audrey: Hey, girl. You haven't been here in awhile either. Hope all is well with you.

Michelle: Where are you these days?

JoeAnne: How did Riley's project turn out? Did he get all the stuff he needed to complete it???

Alison/yogakitty: You posted with us over a week ago and we haven't seen you since. Are you still hanging around???

Steph: Hey, girl, your anniversary was on the 12th. Did you do anything fun???

Stephanie/natenkayliesmom: You haven't been around in a long while either. How are you doing?

Joyce/gmalil: How's the move coming? Are you all boxed up and ready to go???

Pam: You came back to visit and then disappeared again. Hope things are going well for you.

Amanda: You're back from your trip, girl, get in here and post.

Tracey and Carol/carrotstyx: You've been gone for awhile too. What's up?

Well girls. That catches me up to a couple of threads back. Hope all is well with you. See ya later. Love ya bunches.
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Old 02-22-2004, 02:14 AM   #5  
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good evening.
Thin.... I want to thank you for that long post.
I was so depressed when I came in earlier and only Terri and Mary had posted ALL DAY.
I was in a bad mood to begin with... and then to come here and everyone is awol ... I just wanted to quit myself. I guess I am being overly sensitive since I am still sick... and even MORE SICK of being sick.

I can't talk ... every time I try to talk I start a severe coughing spell and that leads to gagging and it is getting OLD FAST. I am in a MAJOR feel sorry for myself mode.
If I walk I cough and gag. If I talk I cough and gag. If I lay down I cough and gag.
Not to mention not being able to breath half the time. And that is how I am doing while being MUCH BETTER.

Hmmm... maybe I should delete all of this pity post. I don't know. I imagine you guys are sick of hearing about me being sick. I feel like a guy. LOL Men are such babies when it comes to being sick. And I am being a baby now too. Plus.. my husband can do a million nice things for me... but I focus on the one or two negative things he does. Man... listening to myself is pathetic. LOL

Okay... I am going to shut up now. Thanks for tolerating me. I will hopefully be better tomorrow and will bring some joy to the thread.
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Old 02-22-2004, 08:23 AM   #6  
a work in progress...
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I just got in from work. Turns out I had requested last night off when I had turned in my schedule for the month...and forgot! So, instead of having a day off in between two stretches of four days, I'm working straight through Tuesday night! (took the day off Wednesday instead!) I figured since I was there, and dressed and no one was home anyway, I may as well stay. It was a quiet night too!

I have to go put my groceries away...see you all later!
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Old 02-22-2004, 10:00 AM   #7  
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Good morning!

Yes it was disappointing to check in yesterday and see that no one but me had been around! I spent the day sitting in the chair and catching up on all the bills and budget work. DH is wanting to trade our boat and he's wanting to know how much extra payment we can handle. I think I learned how to handle steps without destroying my opposite hip and knee. That was a big accomplishment!

We did something different last night. I have to admit that DH and I don't have a huge social circle. Especially since he quit smoking and since we started going to church. Hanging out in the bars didn't see quite right after that! At my 25th high school reunion, I had traded phone numbers with someone who had been a close friend back then. Turns out she knows DH's son and his wife and had been friends with for several years. I hadn't heard from her and couldn't really come up with something that we could do as couples. She turned into more of a smoker/beer drinker/bar person than me (I was such a pollyanna and guess I still am!). She called earlier in the week and asked us to join them in playing cards with other couples. We did that last night. Of course, the three women smoked like fiends (I'm allergic). One of the other couples is good friend's with DH's son. I've never been a card player. But they showed me how to play spades and then we played this game called "crazy pitch". Wow, it was fun. We had a good time until they whipped out this game called "Show Tunes of the 50s and 60s". That was too hard and too slow. We didn't get hom until 1:30 am! We are always in bed by 10:00. I told DH that I'd love to get together with another couple and play without it being a drinking fest.

Today, I'm resting up (aka laying in the love seat recliner like a slug) and then going to see "House of Sand and Fog" with friends from work. Tonight is the finale of Sex and the City.

2Cute - Yes you are being overly sensistive if you're thinking of quitting here. We're not tired of hereing about your being sick. I think I can speak for all to say that we are very worried about you and anything you post shows us that you're feeling okay enough to get up and get around. That coughing stuff wears a person out physically and wears you down mentally. DH was sick for three months and he was just grouchy and mean about it. It gets old. Don't beat yourself up. You will feel better and you can be cheery then.

Thin - What a great post to find this morning. Take care of that eye. I don't like the sound of you having that and having a headache. If its still red tomorrow, I think you should see the doctor. Yes, my medical degree is in the mail!

Mary - How many fish tanks do you have? I used to have a goldfish that grew huge. Too much work keeping him clean!

Kat - That is funny about forgetting your day off. That would never happen to me! How are you doing with SBD?

Okay ladies, I make a vow that today I will do some of my pilates DVD's before I go to the movie. And I will be careful with my food. Which means I should bypass the popcorn at the movie.

Have a great day!
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Old 02-22-2004, 10:12 AM   #8  
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Thin glad to see you stopping in. I forgot to thank you for the birthday card. I bought a 29 gal aquarium for all my babies. I have about 20 fish now. DH got me a new engagement ring. Bigger than what I had . He never got down on one knee to start with 11 years ago but he did this time.

I have the new tank and a 5 gal. one I got last year.

2cute: gld you are feeling a little better.

I sure do miss Tina especially this time of year(nascar time)

well girls I better run I have to do my shopping for food and finish filling up the new aquarium.
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Old 02-22-2004, 11:57 AM   #9  
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Uh oh, I discovered a bad web site!

I played spades against the computer for a while and then downloaded a jigsaw puzzle program. Thomas Kincade pictures. What fun!

I'm going to go hit the shower now.
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Old 02-22-2004, 12:04 PM   #10  
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Good Sunday morning all.

Terri... I would love to come watch "House of Sand and Fog" with you. I also would love to play cards and games with you guys too. I am not an anti drinker but just don't do much of it myself. I could ALWAYS have fun without it. I do partake now and then... but prefer tea, soda, etc. I never was a coffee drinker either... or anything hot. I have always been a cold drinker.
My husband and I use to socialize a whole lot more than we do now. I have really let my weight control my social life. When I was 285 I didn't like it.. but I still invited people over all the time. Once I passed 300 all that changed. I am looking forward to seeing old friends again once I get under 300. AND BEFORE everyone starts telling me to live my life NOW .. don't ... I ALREADY KNOW. LOL .. I would be the first to say it to you too. LOL

Kat .. going into work on a day you requested off sounds like something I might do. You seemed to be lucky that you could stay anyway. I would have thought they scheduled someone to replace you.

Thin.. I too am worried about that eye in combination with the headache. You really should get that checked out.
I could visualize you representing that company. You are a super saleslady. I bet you had them eating out of your hands when you were done. I would definitely hire you to do anything. You are a very versatile person and very impressive.

Mary... do you have just gold fish or those colorful fish they sell at WalMart?
I thought the colorful fish had to have their own tanks because they eat each other.
My husband has always wanted a big fancy fish tank with exotic fish. Those suckers get expensive $$$$ ... so needless to say .. we never got any. LOL Now that our kids are grown and gone... who knows ... maybe I will break down and get him some next christams. I mainly worry about losing all the fish if we lose our electricity. That happens often around here. I checked into it once and they need that air pumped in or whatever it does. I can just see me investing all this money and then all of them die.
Okay... I did it. A no complaining post.
I better quit while I am ahead.

Last edited by 2cute2Bfat; 02-22-2004 at 12:06 PM.
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Old 02-22-2004, 01:16 PM   #11  
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Hi Everyone! I was a bit worried yesterday too about the headache after the red eye, but the red eye was gone when I got up yesterday, only the headache remained. I really do need to start watching myself though, I've just really taken my life in my own hands lately and that's got to STOP!!! It's been a year now that I've been on the Lipitor (when I remember to take it) and in April, it will be a year for the Glucophage (when I remember to take it) so I really need to get with the program, any program. I don't want to lose something to diabetes and then think about how stupid I was that I could have controlled it all if I'd just paid attention.

Honey and I are home alone today. The "baby" asked #1 son if he would like to go scout out a road rally course that he will be participating in next weekend. I'm always happy when the two of them get together. Being an only child, I never had the companionship of a sibling (not that at this point in my life I feel like siblings are the best deal in life given all the troubles my friends have with theirs when it comes to taking care of their parents ) so I really have dreams that the boys will always remain close and supportive of each other. They have always been soooo different, the "baby" being the "brain" and younger, and #1 son always feeling bad and having to be reminded that we all have our own talents and he will shine in his own right. Maybe now that they are both out of college (well, the "baby" is almost out) and successful, they will both realize that. I just don't want them to fight when I get old. But heck, I'm spending all my money NOW, so I guess they won't have anything to fight about, will they???

2cute: Don't you feel one bit bad about whining. You're entitled. And I agree with Terri, at least it shows us that you are ABLE to get out of bed. [[[hugs]]] I know what you mean about letting "my weight control my social life". I do the same thing. But mine is more about not going places I would really enjoy because of not fitting in the seats. Honey and I used to have season tickets to the theatre and did cool things like that, but haven't now in years because of my big A$$ not fitting. You'd think it would be enough to make me change my ways, wouldn't ya??

Mary: You're very welcome. I figured you might like something besides bills in the mail to come home to! A bunch of your babies survived. That's cool. I bet you're having fun getting that new aquarium up and running. *I love the idea that you got a new engagement ring, that's wonderful. Did you know it was coming, or was it a surprise?

Terri: Well, I suppose I'm glad you found that new site, since you're not able to be up and around. But I had to give up on my game playing because I already spend too much time on this dang computer without sitting all day and playing games. * It sounds like you had alot of fun last night. We used to have neighbors a few doors down and we would get together almost every Saturday night and play cards. We would alternate their house, then ours, etc. It was great fun....until they moved to Arkansas!

Katrina: You went to work when you had asked off? UNBELIEVABLE!!! Glad it was a "light" night for you, but it's the pitts that you won't have a day off until Wednesday.

Well girls, the Nascar race is about to start, which means I can sneak out of the house and run a couple of errands. See ya later. Love ya bunches.
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Old 02-22-2004, 02:17 PM   #12  
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I am sooooooooo ANGRY !!! and even more HURT !!!!

My son and husband planned on ME babysitting so they could go play golf !!!!
I am sitting here sick from puenmonia and they figure I am going to be home anyway.
I am sooooooooo MAD !!!!!
My son called to see how I was feeling. STUPID me thought it was because he cared.
Now I find out.... it is because he wants a babysitter. I am sooooooo hurt !!!

Before he came... I told my husband that our son was coming to "visit" to ask me to babysit and that there was NO WAY I was babysitting. My husband said okay... but I could tell.... it had been discussed by the two of them. Then when my son gets here... my son says "Samantha will sleep for 3 hours... so we can go play golf." My husband acts all innocent and says "You go son, I am staying here with mom." I KNOW he planned on going too. Then my son asks his dad why he isn't going.?? And I say... "Because I am not babysiting." And my son says.. "I thought you were feeling better" and I said.. "Yes, I am feeling better ... but I am still sick. And I am not babysitting for you".

My son is VERY bad at taking advantage of me. And I know that is my fault. Someone cannot take advantage of you UNLESS you let them. I have always lived for my children and I gladly sacrifice for them and often knowingly let them take advantage of me. But ... this time is different. I have never been so sick in my life... and he STILL wants to take advantage of me. That hurts soooo bad. And what makes it even worse... I truly believe my husband was in on it. I may be wrong.... but I don't think so.

I just had to cry on someones shoulders. Thanks for listening.
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Old 02-22-2004, 03:39 PM   #13  
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I have guppies only I want to get some different kinds now I have a bigger tank. I don't do goldfish. I knew I was getting the ring when he asked me to pick it out. It's not an expensive one but it is new and bigger.
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Old 02-22-2004, 03:58 PM   #14  
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I wasn't going to post, cuz I was on my way to bed, but I just had to say to 2Cute:

YOU POOR THING!!! Men can be so incredibly thoughtless!! Unless you are actually in the hospital on the edge of death, they think you can just do whatever. All it takes is ONE LITTLE SNEEZE and they call off everything and demand the world come to a halt for them. I can only imagine how hurt you are. My brother does the same thing to my mom and I wish I could just smack him. And my DH has used the "since you are here anyway" thing on me with the kids and his friends kids and I would like to choke the !@#$% out of him. I'm so glad you stood up for yourself. Obviously nobody else is going to do it for you. You are seriously sick and need to look out for yourself. HUGS to you, and take care girl!!!

I'll be back tomorrow to confess all my wrong doings over the weekend .
Talk at ya later,
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Old 02-22-2004, 05:35 PM   #15  
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I just had this emailed to me... I thought a few of you might appreciate it... I know Jen will.

A study at the University of Missouri shows that the type of male facial features that a woman finds attractive can differ depending on where she is at in her menstrual cycle.

For example: If a woman is ovulating, she is attracted to men with
rugged and masculine features.
If she is menstruating or menopausal, she is more prone to be attracted to a man with scissors jammed in his temple and a bat shoved up his *** while he is on fire.

As you can tell... I appreciate it.

Last edited by 2cute2Bfat; 02-22-2004 at 05:37 PM.
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