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Justwant2Bhealthy 01-24-2013 03:52 PM

:welcome: VOGUE ~ glad you are having such great success already ... :cheer3:

Lots of victories this week for everyone here ... yeah ... :carrot:

MEM ~ congrats on the smaller pants; soon I will be buying smaller stuff too. I need a new winter coat, undies, pants, and few tops. I am thinking size large and 1XL will be OK. My sister thinks I may fit into smaller, but we'll see when we go clothes shopping which I hope will be very soon. She's been feeding extra food to fill me out a bit too but I'd better be careful about that too. ;)

DGRAMIE ~ yeah on reaching the 250's ... :cb:

JANE ~ congrats on going down another size too ... :broc:

CAR ~ I'm older than you and don't drive either. Wish you well on getting your license though. It's something to consider but I don't miss all the repair costs, the car payments, the car insurance, and the high gas prices, etc. Nah, think I'll stick with taxis and walking for now at least. :)

Last night I made chicken pieces in a homemade sauce of mild salsa, bbq sauce, ketchup, and 2 tbl brown sugar and stir-fry veggies/corn which was served with its sauce over rice. It was delicious. I am gonna throw the leftovers into a pot for some soup for lunch tomorrow. :D

watchoutforthatcar 01-24-2013 05:10 PM

One more thing I totally forgot to mention...I've been literally squeezing my boobs into a triple d for I don't know how long...so of course I have the dreadful migrated breast tissue...so I ordered my correct size (48j, mind you...just so you can get the picture of what a triple d would not do for me, lolol)...it came in the mail and it's like...I can't even explain it. It's so comfortable. All of my fat goes exactly where it's supposed to and hopefully it'll get back to the way it was before (which I heard it does after some time)...I just can't believe I've been suffering through the wrong size. I always had this impression that if it fit there was no way I could possibly fit a j...but I was wrong. And thanks to the girls on here who knows about bras I was able to correct it. It's just amazing!

watchoutforthatcar 01-24-2013 05:13 PM

Rose -- I catch the bus to and from work and where ever else. I catch a cab when it's close to home. I know exactly what you mean on the cost and it will be significantly higher, but I'd really love to have my own car. I'm sick of the public transportation, and the drunk people all hours of the day, and sitting in pee (yes, this has happened on several ocassions). I'd love to walk to work, but I live in Kentucky and I work in Indiana...it wouldn't work out, lolol.

But you're absolutely right on the prices and I'm not looking forward to that.

Radiojane 01-24-2013 05:43 PM

I was squeezing into double and triple d's for the longest time because it was all I could afford/find. My clothing store started carrying H's and I'm in love. They fit so perfectly, and everyone says how much better I look in my tops.

Justwant2Bhealthy 01-24-2013 06:06 PM

CAR -- IF you want it and can afford it -- by all means go for it! I understand your reasoning where you live. I live in a small town and don't commute to work each day like you do. For us, the cost won't justify how much we use it and DH cannot drive anymore. Some folks are trying to talk me into it, but maybe I'll get myself a bike for the summer/fall.

For years, I walked or road a bike in the summer and took cabs in the winter only; hopefully as I heal, I may be able to do that again sometime in the future. I spent a lot less than my friends, I can tell you. Then we bought vehicles but they costs us so much. It was an adjustment when DH couldn't drive anymore, but now I am getting use to it.

Everyone should do what they want and what is best for them ... :hug:

mnemosyne 01-25-2013 10:10 AM

Jane - yes, I think I generally prefer new things, but! I have spent so much on clothes lately that having a less expensive option of filling out my wardrobe will be great.

car - !!! The driving lessons are exciting. My next-door neighbor actually never learned to drive, and when her husband passed, well, she has to rely on her kids and grandkids to drive her around. I wish she would take driving lessons, as she cannot even take the bus since she says her back bothers her walking to the bus stop.

Good luck with the driving lessons. It's a bit expensive, but it IS freeing. Kias are nice, and they have a really nice warranty. Before you go shopping for a car, talk to your bank or credit union about getting a car loan through them. Often you get a better deal at your bank or credit union that you will at the car lot. Find out what the rate is, and make sure when the people at the lot are asking you "how much do you want to spend per month?" you ask THEM: "WHAT IS THE INTEREST RATE." :)

Oh, and if you consider buying a used car, get a mechanic to check it out for you.

PS - I feel you on the bra thing. I am a G or H cup. I think of all the years I crammed into a DD or DDD (in high school and college), spilling out with the double-boob thing that was so awful and made me feel terrible. I bet you look great. And clothes fit better!


My clothing store started carrying H's and I'm in love. They fit so perfectly, and everyone says how much better I look in my tops.
Wow, I really wish my local store carried Hs. I order my bras.

Rosebud! - so glad to hear you are doing well. Yes, you should be a bit careful but right now you need extra nourishment to heal. You've been through so much. I cannot wait until you are able to go clothes shopping and find things that work on the new you! How exciting.

Your stir-fry sounds delicious.

I have such a busy weekend coming up that I'm not sure I'll be able to cook or clean the house. Ah, well. That stuff is boring.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

sassyangies 01-25-2013 11:23 AM

Hi ladies... I missed a day and I'm not even going to try and catch up on the bra talk..lol.. I know the right size does matter that's for sure. My boobs are small for my size.. I wish I had more.. :( anywho..
Tom came and I'm so happy I only had that one bad right before. I was up a pound Im SURE because of it because my eating was on point and perfect. The weight is back off and Im back to losing hopefully..lol.. It's time for my work week to begin. I hope everyone has a great Friday!! I have allot to do before work. Fridays I have to go by my produce for the week and some little things for the house. See ya'll later.. :)

Radiojane 01-25-2013 11:52 AM

Well I talked to one of our maintenance ladies, who also happens to be a seamstress that ran her own shop for years and years. She promises me that it's much easier to take a dress down sizes than let it out, and she said that even after we get it back from any alterations the store does, she'll help me out if I need it. That being said, I'll probably maintain the month of May just to be safe. Apparently it has a corset back too, so that helps.

I'm still stiff from bringing my kettle bells back out on Wednesday. Well, not stiff, but I can sure feel it in my sides and under my arms. Those are muscles I don't think get a lot of work in the pool!

KerriLeah 01-25-2013 02:29 PM

mnemosyne, I love that FRY TAX... Yes, this is one of my strategies. My teenaged daughter is a waitress at an AMAZING burger joint downtown where we live. They make amazing, from scratch burgers, and hand-cut fries with the peels on. OMG... So now I don't order the burgers anymore. I get a salad (which is fantastic and I don't feel deprived looking at my boyfriend's or daughter's burgers and fries) or their veggie sandwich (and add some sliced roast beef-- I'm no vegetarian), but I WILL steal a few of those fries.

How awesome on your jean-dropping size-changing self! I was so amazed when I lost about 40 pounds two springs ago (that I promptly gained back with stress and quitting smoking), and though I gained that 40 back, I still can fit into my pants size 26W. After I had my 5 year old I was wearing a 32W. I'm happy to be at a 26W right now and refuse to allow myself any higher ever again... but to see a 20W... wow, I cannot wait for this! I have a pair of 22W pants in my closet that are hand-me-downs, and they are my size-spiration to squeeze into ASAP!

watchoutforthatcar, your name reminds me of George of the Jungle! Watch out for that Tree-eee! He didn't handle the vine well. Good luck with your driving school! It gets to be second nature very soon. Practice all you can so that you feel comfortable behind the wheel. You'll do great and congratulations! It's hard to take that step after skipping it as a teenager. I knew a woman who never got a license her whole life! It's doable.

Jane, do you like the kettleballs? I've kept a curious eye on them since they've become so popular the last few years.

Radiojane 01-25-2013 02:42 PM

I love them, but they are intense. I'm just now able to get through a full round with them, and I've been doing them off and on since October. You have to be very careful of your form, but they're a fantastic core workout, and I need that because my swimming mostly works my legs and back, and my belly gets in the way of things like crunches.

KerriLeah 01-25-2013 04:02 PM

Ughhh, crunches! I don't know the last time I did one. I did like one of the contraptions at the gym when I used to go. It was like a standing crunch. You stand and lean over a bar, reach to the floor, pick up a weight (or cross your arms across your chest) up and down. Loved it! http://www.taibobo.com/upload/201105...ent_ES_510.jpg Looks like it's called a Roman chair? But in the photo, you tuck your feet/ calves between the bars at the bottom, lean over the mat thing on top and do a crunch of sorts. I watched people do it for several months, and then one day at 5 in the morning, with only one other person in the gym, I decided this was it! And, to my surprise, did 20 of them, arms crossed over my chest, perfect form, watching in the mirror. Had no idea I was capable!

dgramie 01-25-2013 08:21 PM

Had the day off due to a thin coating of ice this morning. Its nice to have a day at home with no kids. I do love babysitting daily though. I was able to get so much accomplished, tax stuff started, grocery shopping and dollar store, pharmacy and bank. Hubby and I had lunch at a local place and I was able to get baked fish and a baked potato. I didnt touch my bread but did have a slice of homemade chocolate pie for my bday dessert. I skipped dinner tonight because lunch was late and I want to save the calories.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

dgramie 01-26-2013 09:03 AM

Heading out to my grandsons bday party today and lunch out with hubby. I am excited to get to see all 4 of my grandchildren today and plan to snuggle each one a bit. Well as much as you can busy kids. I plan to have 2 rolls at dinner today. I will not allow myself any bday cake or such. I will eat a light dinner to make up for the extra calories at lunch today.
Loving the way the scales look and hoping to be back at 60lb loss soon.

healthychange 01-26-2013 12:30 PM

HI ladies! I like reading about your successes... makes me feel good, inspired! Yall are doing such an awesome job, keep it! Proud of ya! I read above someone was using MyFitnessPal. I have that same app on my phone and LOVE IT! Although I feel like I'm obsessed with tracking and keeping that number low.

Justwant2Bhealthy 01-27-2013 03:45 PM

MEM ~ I had a nice NSV today too. I tried on some new clothes today (they were a set of new pj's; bottom/top). First I tried on the size large and they fit with xtra room for comfort (I don't like my clothes too tight). I was so tickled that I decided that I would try on the size Medium too (12-14) and they fit as well. Although for pj's I would prefer the 16-18 (size Large) as they would be more comfortable for me, I now have a size gauge that I can start with when we go shopping for other clothes too. :D

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