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Old 06-19-2010, 03:38 PM   #1  
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Default POSITIVE UPLIFTING NOTIFICATION: ONE Positive thing about me today is......PART NINE

Hello Sweet taters,

Here we are again, starting another part to the Positive Uplifting Notification thread. Well Ladies here it is..........PART NINE........

Today I am Happy once again to give birth to Part NINE of the One Positive thing about me today is.......................

It is time for new beginnings so let's get the party started!!!!!!

For all the newcomer's to this thread Let me tell a little about what we are all about. I thought this was a really cool way to reshape the way we think about things, ourselves, and just plain long stuff, you know the kind that happens in a lifetime, stuff that might throw you a curve ball. Well guess what, there is always a brighter side and that is what we look for, staying on the POSITIVE SIDE. To build our self esteem and to let us know, yes we can, instead of no we can't.


I encourage you, in your own time to sneak back and read the FIRST POSITIVE THREAD and even the SECOND and you will understand what a blessing this is. I hope it will in some ways touch your heart.

Now lets get THIS PARTY started and SHOW you how we roll. Jump in, sit back, take your shoes off and stay awhile, for here, we are family!!!!!!

Hugs love and blessings and remember to make every moment count

Last edited by colormerd47; 06-19-2010 at 03:48 PM.
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Old 06-19-2010, 03:50 PM   #2  
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Ags- I am pretty close to Orlando. Gimme about 45 minutes to an hour and I will be there baby. You just let me know when and where. I can't wait!
Thank you for getting NUMBER NINE started. Wow! Can you believe this is number nine already? Enjoy your sunshine out in your backyard and just imagine me sitting right there next to you.

T.T.F.N. ~ Learn
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Old 06-19-2010, 05:05 PM   #3  
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Part NINE!! WOwza!

I just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a very HAPPY and FUN weekend!!!

Its been a very relaxing weekend so far! My positive is Im resting today because tomorrow is going to ROCK! Im going to a festival downtown to support some of my friends =) its gonna be a LONG day with tons of walking and tons of sun..Yikes. But all in all I am VERY excited!!

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Old 06-19-2010, 06:10 PM   #4  
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Hey Learn,
I am so happy to hear that you will be so close. Not sure when the next trip there will be, but whenever it is, I shall see you my friend.

Get all the rest you can, because by this time tomorrow you will need all the strength you can muster. You are going to have a blast!!!! I do love reading you post.

On yet another note, no baby yet, and she has been walking a mile and a half for the last four days. Cakebatter is walking in an 8k this evening, talk about motivated, she is the queen. She has also started a boot camp and the classes are three times a about ambition, will power and strength, she has got it!!!

I must confess since my last post I did eat 5 milky way mini's, they are within my points, but yes I know, I certainly could have made a better choice. No more of those shananigins going on here!!!!!

That is it for now,
hugs love and blessings,
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Old 06-19-2010, 08:07 PM   #5  
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Hi ladies! Part 9, I'm here!

Ags, next time you go to Disney, let us know! Me and Lil are addicts and try to get down at least once a year. We're skipping calendar year 2010 to go to the beach in NC next month (wooHOO!), but we're going back for Spring Break next year. Usually I can't tolerate a 14 month hiatus, but then, in a way I'm excited I have so much time to work my plan till then! I'll be positively skipping through those parks compared to November when I had an awesomely WONDERFUL time, but was pretty much a hobbling swollen mess by the end of the week!

Learn, meet us there! Did I read in one of your posts that you've never been? I'm pretty sure we'd be there every weekend if we lived that close (except in the summer, when I just can't tolerate that heat!).

Inked, you remind me of myself when I was a young sprite. I never missed a concert or festival in those days, hundreds of 'em! Reading your posts reminds me of all those good summer times! Have a blast!

Lily's dance recitals were a smashing success! Of course my little princess's dances were my faves, but they did this really awesome daddy dance celebrating Michael Jackson. It started with "I'll be there", and a huge screen came down. They showed a picture of each daddy with their little girl as the dad/daughter combo walked out and waved (I cried), then they hid behind the screen and when it went up the Daddies broke it down to a medley of awesome MJ songs. They were so hilareous! Darren didn't do it, he didn't want to go to the practices (roll eyes), but after seeing how awesome it was, maybe we can talk him in to it next year. He would be the star!

Since it was "Lily's day" as she kept reminding me (hahaha), I let her choose what her aunt and uncle would bring us to eat during half time -- so of course she chose McD's. Not a fan of their salads, so I got chicken McNuggs and a small hamburger. The fat grams were way up there, but the calories weren't bad. I coulda done a lot more damage there, that's for sure! Then for dinner she chose a really yummy Mexican place -- another genre of food not known for their healthy choices! I went with chicken fajitas and just ate 1/2 of the chicken, peppers, zucchini and onions. Left out the tortillas, chips, guacamole, sour cream, rice, and beans. I'm sure they're not back there preparing the meat and veggies in Pam (), but I'm pretty confident that if I went over my calories for the day, it wasn't by much. This could have easily been a 4,000-5,000 calorie day for me, but I'm pretty sure I rang in at less than 2,000. THAT is a positive! And now the big key...and where I've always failed before...RIGHT back on plan tomorrow! So look for my post tomorrow evening to see if I did this little detour right!

Last edited by shannonmb; 06-19-2010 at 08:07 PM.
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Old 06-19-2010, 11:02 PM   #6  
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Hi ladies,

I'm a little annoyed - last night I did personals and also a pretty long update and now today when I go back to the thread it's not there! I have no clue what happened.

In any event,
I had a wonderful time being next to hubby today (been over a month), and although he's in pretty great shape, he's so competitive (in a friendly way) that he didn't want to be 'outdone' by me when he wrapped his arms around me and asked me have I been working out or something! LOL. He exercises regularly but this afternoon he went above and beyond. I mean really is that necessary?! Gotta love my man though.

I'm glad that he was inspired to push himself farther despite some of the recent events that have happened.

Ok ladies, I'm going for a walk. Tomorrow is my official weigh-in day, so wish me lots of success! My goal is to be at or below 323. By the way I can't believe that today is only DAY 11 that I've been back on this journey. It feels like it's been much, much longer!

Last edited by MyBodyisMyTemple; 06-19-2010 at 11:22 PM.
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Old 06-20-2010, 12:31 AM   #7  
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ok, back from my walk. I didn't walk as long as I wanted to, but I picked up speed and plus it was dark out.

Just wanted to say:
Ags, You Go Girl!!!
I saw your post in the exercise thread and you have definitely surpassed your exercise goal for the MONTH and there's still two weeks left!!!
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Old 06-20-2010, 08:57 AM   #8  
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Good Morning Everyone!
Well here we are, PART NINE! I can't believe we've done this eight times already and now we're starting on nine. We are a chatty bunch, aren't we. Well here's to a never ending saga of POSITIVE UPLIFTING NOTIFICATION. I have made some awesome friend's and I plan on making more in the future.

Let me get to what this thread is all about...

Shannon- I have been to Disney several times, I just haven't been there since about 1985/86. I'm not big on crowds and standing in long lines, but I think I'm due to go back, especially since my son has never been there.
I believe it about coffee being a diuretic, I too make several trips to the outhouse for each cup o'joe I drink. I have this routine when I go to Walmart to grocery shop, I go to the bathroom before I leave the house, I go when I get to the store in the restrooms up front, by the time I get to the back of the store I have to go again using those in the back of the store, and as soon as I get up to the check out and start walking out I hit the old hopper again. Now that's not all, usually as I'm rushing into the house with way to many bags of groceries hanging from my arms, I'm rushing to put them down on the kitchen counter so I can make another run for the.....
you guessed it, the bathroom. I tell you what if I could make money tinkling I'd be a millionaire.
I can't wait to hear how your weigh-in goes on tuesday. I'll be toe tappin' like we do for Ags until we hear from you.

Ags- OMG! Yes, anything like pickles, banana peppers, relish, etc., is very high in sodium. I also love the banana peppers (mild) and anything to do with pickles.
Fantastic job on the exercise minutes, you are knocking those minutes right out of the ballpark sister. I am so excited that you frequently Disney World, I can't wait to meet you face to face.

Ink- Have a great time today and don't forget about giving us the details tonight or tomorrow. It sounds like fun. Wear comfy shoes and sunscreen please.

Honey Bee- I've had posts just disappear and know how annoying it can be. What I do now is type my post into a document on one half of my computer screen and have 3FC up on the other half. Then I read and type. When I'm done I copy and paste. Only after I see my post on 3FC do I erase my document.
So today is your official weigh-in, how did it go? Great I'm sure! Your doing fantastic. Let us know!

As for me I was POP on my exercise, but I got buried in a bag of BBQ potato chips last night. Not sure what triggered it, but I'm so swollen from the sodium it's pathetic. Who knows why we do these things to ourselves, but today is a new day and I will flush, flush, flush with H2O all day.
My hubby promised me an outing for today to get me a breather from my mom. My sister will be home with her. I asked to go for a drive in the country. I love exploring!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and I will peek back in later.

T.T.F.N. ~ Learn
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Old 06-20-2010, 09:56 AM   #9  
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Hi everyone! my name is OnaMi and this is my first post on 3FC!
well,the positive thing for me today is i feel good cause yesterday i went to the gym and did my 1 mile walk
I weigh in officially on Mondays(but weigh everyday) and I 'm excited about my new number to post!!!!

Last edited by OnaMi; 06-20-2010 at 02:22 PM.
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:37 PM   #10  
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My positive thing for wedding rings fit! Woo Hoo! No more lotion or soap to get them on and off!
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Old 06-20-2010, 02:16 PM   #11  
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Good morning ladies,

And what a wonderful day it is here in the Middleton household. Today we will be celebrating Daddy and plans have it to go all out for the big guy!!! I have bought him the biggest prettiest steak and baked potato. His hammock is in place and got all of his favorite music placed in the juke box, all of the girls will be over this afternoon and the Daddy party will be on.
I did not make it to church this morning for way too many reasons but I had church in my heart and God knows my heart at that is all that matters.

The next time we go to Disney, I will definitely let you know ahead of time and maybe we can correlate or time and then meet up with Learn there. What a grand old time that would be. We are planning to take Malaki there, it is our plans to once a year have a huge family meet up at one of the resorts where we have. I cannot wait for this to happen, all of the kids in one will be a week to remember.
I am thrilled Lily's recital was a smash, but hey I knew it would be. Cannot wait for you to post pics. I think you did pretty good on your eating too, keep doing what you are doing and you will be just fine!! Will be awaiting your post tomorrow to see your victory!!!!

that use to happen to me alot, now as soon as I finish it, I copy it just to be sure. I can really be a downer when that happens. Baby girl, gotta love that man any way, what does that word say, for better or for worse!!! LOL LOL LOL Honey, if I am not being too nosey, what happened, I know you spoke of recent events that have happened. I will be patiently waiting for your wonderful results tomorrow, now rock that walk and rock that scale tomorrow. I have great faith in you!!!!! Hey honey, thanks for my WTG!!! I needed that.

just hold on sugar pie, with the ties we have together, meeting is for sure in our cards!!!!! Gosh darn it, I sure hope I get to meet my Carol, some day too, you two have been in my corner for so long now, don't know what I would do without the two of you. Stay POP baby and enjoy your ride!!!!!

WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!!!!! And big time CONGRATS for our VICTORIES!!!!! One mile is a big thing baby girl and I am so proud of you!!! I will be waiting for your post!!!

Okay ladies, I am off to make my vita top strawberry shortcake!!!! WooooHooo!!!!!

Hugs love and blessings, make those daddy's happy today and let them know how special they are,

Last edited by colormerd47; 06-20-2010 at 02:19 PM.
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Old 06-20-2010, 02:25 PM   #12  
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Thanks for the warm welcome Colormerd
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Old 06-20-2010, 06:49 PM   #13  
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Hey dollies,

Here are two pics from my daughter's (Cakebatter) 8k run today and next will be Mali!!!!!

The young lady on the left is my adopted daughter Jenny and that is Ashlan (Cakebatter) on the right, on the second pic Ashlan is on the left and Jenny the right. The ran their 8k in 1 hour 2 minutes and 2 seconds. That's my girls. The last pic of them is my favorite Ash on the right and Jenny on the left. Ash is the organizer of the Pink Ladies Running Club and Jenny is her right hand girl. Aren't they pretty??? Click on the individual pics and they get big!!!!

Next pic is Daddy (DH) and my Mali!!!!!! The two most precious men in my life!!!

OMG!!!!! MissBLiss you have been posting as I was typing. Wooohoooo, wedding rings fitting, I know how exciting that is cause I just got mine back on!!! WTG!!!!! and Welcome Welcome Welcome to our Positive Thread, please stay awhile and become a part of our great big happy family!!!!! Love ya, Ags
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Last edited by colormerd47; 06-20-2010 at 07:21 PM.
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Old 06-20-2010, 07:33 PM   #14  
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Hello chickies! I've missed you all this weekend!

Oh MAN!!!! Thread 9 already? Can't believe it!

Ags - no baby yet?!?! AGGGGHHHH - the waiting must be killing you all!

Learn - hope that your exploring went well today. Oh well about the chips - we all do it. Thankfully, our WL journeys are about a weeks worth food, and not one choice!

Ink - Hope you had a blast today - can't wait to hear more about it!

MissBliss - WHHOOOOPPPIIIIIEEE!!!! what a great NSV! Congrats!

OnaMi - welcome to the thread - this is such a great place to be! Everyone is so supportive and welcoming here. It's easy to fit in and feel a sense of belonging!

Shannon - What an amazingly beautiful girl you have! Glad to hear that the recital was a success!

Honey - Hope you had a great day today!

OOW - Hope all is well and you are POPing!

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++

As for me - I have been super busy this weekend! I am exhausted, but comepletely overjoyed!

Friday Fun Day was great - we went to see Toy Story 3 which was super cute! I took the boys to lunch afterwards - salad with dressing on the side for me - and I let the boys order dessert. They were thrilled - I just LOVE watching them enjoy little things in life! Afterwards, we went to Hobby Lobby - my favorite store in the world! - and the grocery store to get ready for a massive baking day on Saturday.

We are in the middle of a massive campaign to raise money for a new AV system at the church. A few weeks ago, a church member approached me and said that if we wanted to have a Bake Sale for the AV fund, he would match anything that we raised. Of course, I couldn't turn away free money for the church, so I agreed to have one!

Since I knew that the money was being matched, I was determined to raise A LOT! Sooo.... I baked lots of treats yesterday - cake pops, cookie pops, mini cookie cakes, 3 kinds of cookies, sweet breads, turtles, prailines, homemade lollipops, candies, and mini pies. i was a bit worried about myself with all of the tasty treats, but I did great! Once I got around all of the sugar, it turned me off of tasting. Luckily, I had 3 willing boys to test the wares for me! After the baking frenzy, the boys and I took my Hubby, mother in law, and father in law out to our favorite restaurant - a Brazillian Steakhouse - for an early Father's Day celebration. I gorged on meat, but oh well - once in a while is ok right? The boys spent the night with my in laws and hubby and I got to turn in early - stuffed and exhausted!

This morning I got to work early and started setting up the Bake Sale. The goodies poured in! We had TONS of treats for people to choose from. As I was setting up, another church member approached me and also offered to match whatever we raised. I was thrilled! I couldn't wait to tell the kiddos in Sunday School this morning! Work was hectic, but fun as always, and with the Bake Sale, I reached a new level of exhaustion. BUT all went well.

And here is the total .... drum roll please ..... We raised a little over $500 at the bake sale. My first donor gave me a check for $1,000 and after the second donor matches the money raised, the kids will be able to give church council $2,000! I am SO EXCITED!!! I can not wait to share the news with them next week. They are going to be so happy that they were able to contribute in such a big way!

After church, my in laws took us to lunch - our Sunday ritual. We came back home, and the boys showered daddy with all of thier Father's Day gifts. we took naps after that. Now my guys are all out working with the cows and doing various farm chores as I sit and get to catch up with all of you!

Hope that you all have had wonderful weekends - and thank you for letting me share this AWESOME JOY with all of you!

Last edited by texscrapper; 06-20-2010 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 06-20-2010, 07:33 PM   #15  
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Okay ladies here is one more with me and some more of the girls>There about 24 of us now and we come from all walks of life, young and old, every color, and we ROCK!!!! I cannot remember who asked to see me in the pink hat, but here it is. Wow, I cannot believe I am posting a full length picture of me. This is very scary for me but here goes. This is me, all of me!!!!!

Hugs love and blessings,
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