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Old 07-04-2007, 12:24 AM   #31  
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Hi all, just thought I would drop in quick.

Sharon-I am so sorry to hear about your anniversary. It's unfortunate that the people we are closest to are the ones who can do the most damage and say the most hurtful things.

Sue and Xena-I am so jealous of your extra long weekends. I am taking a few extra days this week (Wednesday and Friday), but working on Thursday. Hope you have lots of fun!

Nancy-Glad to hear you are getting moved in. Moving is amazingly stressful and I am sure you will be glad when you are settled.

Catherine-I hope your plateau ends soon. That can be very discouraging, but good for you for keeping OP through it all. If you need an extra hand with coercing the scale, I could pitch in with a crow bar.

LitChick-I hear what you're saying about it being hard to get back OP once you're off the wagon. It's also a terrible tragedy as far as I'm concerned that it is so much easier to fall off the wagon than to stay on. I've ridden in real wagons before and I know it's just as easy, if not easier to stay on them than to fall off. If only it were true in the healthy lifestyle realm...

Annie- Hope you have/had fun with your niece! Good job with all the exercise.

As for me, my husband and I are going to see his parents tomorrow. We need to drop off some things for the barbecue we are having this weekend at their lake cabin.

Take care everyone!!
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Old 07-04-2007, 12:43 AM   #32  
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Hello everybody

Sharon, so sorry about your disappointing anniversary. And Lisa is right... we all say and do things we don't mean when we are upset, especially to those we know and love the most. I am praying that things are cleared up for you soon.

Can't believe what I did tonight... I hadn't done any exercise today so walked to Safeway and back and around... then did weights, resistance bands and hula hoop... and THEN decided to go out to the pool! It is 9:40 and I just got in. I am going to happily march over to the exercise thread and report my pile of stuff
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Old 07-04-2007, 05:55 AM   #33  
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Sharon - I am really sorry to hear that your anniversary was so awful. I was just wondering whether your husband could be suffering from a little bit of jealousy. You have been looking SO good lately and perhaps he feels that, with you buying all of these new clothes, you will look more attractive to the opposite sex and he may be feeling a little insecure. Of course, I don't know him, so I can't tell what his feelings may be, but I just got this feeling when you described the situation that he may want you to stop dressing so well, so if he complains about your spending you may have to resort to looking a little 'frumpy' in clothes that don't fit well. Just something to ponder. I truly hope that you get things sorted out soon... one way or another... as stress is NOT conducive to making healthier life changes.

Sorry... just the one personal, because I don't have energy for much more.

To all of you other wonderful ladies, I am SO happy that many of you are seeing losses and I offer hugs to those of you who are either gaining or are 'stuck'. I am still sitting a little higher than I would perhaps like to be, but for the moment I think I will just stay here. I was in bed the other day and when I was on my side I could feel my ribs, then a dip before I felt my hip bone. Then I moved onto my back and I could feel my rib cage, then a dip, then there was a dip between my hip bones and my pelvis, so I don't think there is a lot of excess fat sitting around those areas. All I can put the extra weight down to is the loose skin, which I don't plan on doing anything about, so I hope I can just learn to accept the higher scale reading one day.

One reason I don't have a lot of energy (other than my suspicion that I could be low on B12 again) is that we are almost at the end of our term and I am definitely ready for a holiday. This has been an eleven week term, and we normally only have ten week terms, so I think psychologically that just makes everyone more tired, but it has also been fairly wet and windy and COLD the last few weeks, which has been getting people down. My students have been pretty good really, as they are generally a gorgeous bunch, but they are getting tired too and are a little more whiny and tend to tell tales a little more than usual. I told them today that I will try to be nice and happy for the next couple of days if they try to do that as well.

I find that some mornings I can barely get the energy together to exercise, which is frustrating. I also have quite a sore knee, which doesn't help. But I am glad I have the treadmill, so I can just walk a little slower if need be.

Off to get organised for the evening.

Take care all,

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Old 07-04-2007, 07:19 AM   #34  
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Hi everyone... happy 4th of July!

Zelma, good to hear from you again! Sorry you are feeling the slumpies and yes it does sound as if you could use a good break!!

It is 4 AM and here I am up on my day off ha... only me!!!
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Old 07-04-2007, 08:10 AM   #35  
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good morning everyone

I think I almost figured out what has been my problem the past few days. MY protien intake was really low. I realized that I have been eating this clam chowder contraption (made with turnip and skim milk instead of potato and cream) and there isnt nearly enough clams in it for me to be eating the 4oz per bowl that I am supposed to be. No wonder I have been starving all week. I was trying to live on turnips and skim milk. YUM! *L*

Anyhow, my nephew is here for the day and I am not too sure what we will do. I have some bills to go out and pay but that is about it until this evening when I have to work at the store.

off for now...
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Old 07-04-2007, 08:15 AM   #36  
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Just popping on before I head to bed.

Sue - That IS early! Especially for a day off! I figured that I did well on the weekends when I slept in until 6 or 6:30, but I'm not sure I could cope with a body clock that got me up at 4am. I usually try to get up between 5 and 5:30 on a school day, so I have enough time to exercise before getting ready for work. Then on the weekends I sleep in a little, but I still like getting up fairly early. I don't think I'd like to wake up too late as I am definitely a morning person and I wouldn't want to waste the better part of the day. Do you get to bed early (I try to get to sleep between 9:30 and 10:00 at the latest) or are you just not able to sleep? I hope that you aren't losing too much sleep. I also hope that you have a WONDERFUL long weekend. Just two more days for me before I get my two weeks off, and I have my fingers crossed for some nice weather in those two weeks.

Take care,


Last edited by ZedAus; 07-04-2007 at 08:20 AM.
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Old 07-04-2007, 08:19 AM   #37  
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Brenda - Yep, you definitely need a little more protein than that. That is something that my dietician friend is always telling me to do - "Add more protein". Mind you, I think I would prefer just the turnips and milk, rather than the clams. I don't like most seafood. I will eat most fish, as long as it isn't too strong flavoured, and I eat canned tuna, but that is pretty much it. You can keep any kind of shellfish IN the shell as far as I'm concerned. I never get my money's worth when I go to a buffet that specialises in seafood, and one of our favourite ones is like that. Luckily they still have enough other stuff to fill me up.

OK... I am SERIOUSLY thinking about heading to bed now.

'See' you soon,

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Old 07-04-2007, 08:36 AM   #38  
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This is the perfect time to read Zelma's post about "FREEDOM"!!! http://
It is so inspiring and really keeps me going! (Thanks Zelma!!!)

I hope everyone has a Wonderful OP Day!
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Old 07-04-2007, 08:47 AM   #39  
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Thanks, ZELMA, DEBBIE, XENA, WYLLEN, CATHERINE, DONNA, LESLEY, MISTI, LISA & ZESTF LIFE, your kindness has made me feel truly blessed to 'know' such caring special women/girls. I'm feeling a bit better today & I'm OP, TOM has just about left too, the sun is shining & I have some wonderful 'friends' here! A REALLY BIG THANK YOU!xxxxxxx
Zelma, I'm sorry you are so tired still, are you to have any more injections of B12? At least soon you wil have a break from school, I remember mums at school talking about all the 'holidays' techers get, if only they knew! no one gopes into it for the money, or short (lol) hours!! About Steve being nasty, he was worried our savings are diminishing, he's never had money worries, I'm at the weight I was when we met & he admits he likes curvy, but SLIM women so it's not me losing weight that's a problem. If you saw me slobbing around in size 24 (I'm now a 16/18) joggers at home you'd know he's not worried about me looking glam! thanks for the concern though.xxxxxxx
Xena thanks for the pm, it means a lot. How are your studies going now?xxxxxx
Catherine, I don't know how you manage, if the scales weren't dropping after a week of exercise & being Op I'd eat choccy or cake! I know it's silly, but it feels good, at least whilst I'm eating. WTG on staying with it.xxxxx
I have to catch up on housework I neglected yesterday, but thank you all for being so kind.xxxxxx
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Old 07-04-2007, 10:50 AM   #40  
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Misti - How are you liking the hula-hooping? Do you think it is helping tone your middle?

Sharon - You asked about my studies. Actually, I am off this summer. I am still waiting to be accepted to the MBA program I want. Assuming that happens, I will be starting classes mid-August.

I don't have much planned for today. No 4th festivities or anything. Oh well. Am going to walk my dog this morning and then will head to the scrapbook store so I can start working on my Grand Canyon pages.
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Old 07-04-2007, 11:32 AM   #41  
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ok, i have the protien thing under control... I just bbq'd 13 chicken breasts, made an egg and ham crustless quiche, and a BIG pot of homemade chicken veg soup. I am good for days!!!!
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Old 07-04-2007, 11:37 AM   #42  
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Xena-My size puts people off so I have always had trouble making friends. People have to be around me for awhile before they get to know me enough to get past their bad first impression.

Sue-You’re close to the space needle aren’t you. If I mailed you my scale, would you drop it off the needle. That would be a really cool end to them. Maybe we could treat them like a chain letter, and send them to fat chicks all over the world to have a slam at.

Zest-good luck at the barbecue. Those things are killer on my staying OP.

Zelma-I know how hard it is when you don’t feel like you have the energy to do stuff. I went through a long slog of that lately. I finally just changed my diet, and it made a big difference. I hope your holiday comes soon.

Brenda-turnip soup sounds like something they give in a POW camp. I’d be outside eating tree bark.

Donna-I know I’m in Canada when the 4th of July is just another work day. The banks are open and the mail comes. I still try to check the mail here on Saturday, and Canada Post isn’t going to deliver on Saturday just because I’m used to it.

Sharon-I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. I have been through so many nasty plateaus over the last 4 years that it seems par for the course. I will not be defeated by a small white square of plastic that only knows how to spell the word “E.”

I started yard work at 7am this morning. I was nice and didn’t start the mower until 8. Now if I can just get that dang new weedeater to cooperate. The last one made me mad, and it is now sleeping with the fishes. You’d think these mechanical things would quickly figure out that I not a woman to by toyed with.
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Old 07-04-2007, 07:44 PM   #43  
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Hugs everyone and a very happy 4th of July to you!

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Old 07-04-2007, 08:41 PM   #44  
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wow quiet day here Hope everyone is just busy celebrating !!
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Old 07-04-2007, 11:08 PM   #45  
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Catherine-The barbecue isn't till this weekend, but I am already thinking it is going to be a very challenging time. I am just going to try to be extra good tomorrow and Friday, give myself a little wiggle room on Saturday and then back OP Sunday. (Hopefully, that always sounds so much easier than it really is)

Today was gorgeous here. We spent the day at the lake and just hung out and relaxed with husband's family. It is so nice to get away for an afternoon to peace and quiet.

Hope everyone had a wondeful 4th of July!!
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