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Old 05-12-2007, 11:03 PM   #91  
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Originally Posted by Vortex_VVV View Post
I'm teaching during the summer, but I have 3 more weeks "off" (with a conference in between and a new graduate course to prepare).
Angela -- Being "off" equating to "a lot of work" is one of the many quirks of academia. Goodness. I hope it's a fun conference in a fun location!

I am not going to be teaching this summer. But of course will not really be "off" like everyone always thinks we are!
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Old 05-13-2007, 01:40 AM   #92  
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Hi, Everyone!

It's been a really busy past couple weeks. I did check in here a few times, to see how everyone is doing, but I just didn't have time to post until now.

We had some friends from the Boston area come visit us. They wanted to go see the Boston Redsox vs. the Minnesota Twins baseball game, and of course, go to shop at The Mall of America. Friends from out of state (or country) always love to go to The Mall of America! We don't mind taking them there, - plus you get a lot of exercise walking around the big Mall!!

Today a nearby city had their city-wide garage sale, - where lots and lots of houses in that city have garage sales. It's kind of fun to just go walk around and see if you can find any "treasures"! I did get some lillies from one of the garage sales, so I'll be adding them to my garden. Anyway, I spent all morning going to these garage sales, and then in the afternoon/evening did some errands and shopped for a gift for my Mom for Mother's Day. I was on the go from 8:30am until 7:00pm! It was a lot of walking today, and I have to admit my feet were pretty tired and aching by the time I got home!

Tomorrow, my husband and I will be celebrating Mother's Day with my Mom and family. There will be 16 of us and we are going to a Mother's Day Brunch at a good Mexican restaurant. It's a BUFFET!!! That's going to be a challenge! I've kind of resigned myself to the fact that I will be eating more than I normally would, but I hope I don't do too bad!

I did have a good week last week, I lost 3 pounds, for a total of 23 pounds so far.

luja - I can sure identify with you having lost some weight but don't really see much of a change! I don't see much of a change yet either, except some of my shirts seem a bit looser and baggy at my chest/shoulders area. My husband did comment the other day that he thinks my rear looks smaller, - so that was good to hear! I was just remarking to him today while we were out walking that if I was out walking and had to carry a bag that weighed 23 pounds (the amount I've lost), it would be very heavy and hard to do - so, why is it that even though I've lost 23 pounds, I don't feel lighter or any different??? I guess when a person weighs this much, you have to lose a LOT of weight before you feel/look different!

Wishing everyone a great upcoming week!

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Old 05-14-2007, 08:42 AM   #93  
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Good morning ladies,

Its Monday, time for a fresh resolve. Again. I was up early enough to get in 25 minutes on the stationary bike. I WANT to get my focus again and stick with it this time. Darnit, I'm tired of yo-yoing and not being happy with my physical condition.

My biggest 3 yo boy (horse) went to the trainer on Saturday. I will be able to ride him soon! DH took me to a nearby equesterian park and I am so excited to have such a cool place not that far from home. I am so ready to get to trail riding again.

We had a scare on Friday night. Ginger was limping so badly, she could hardly walk. We were sure she had foundered again because of all the rain and being on the grass too much. Plus one eye was all cloudy and watering. We discussed that this might be time to put her down because we won't keep her around for our sake if she can't have a quality of life. DH called the vet on Saturday morning to see how we go about doing it and what to do with her afterwards (because over my dead body will she go to a rendering plant alive). DH asked the vet to stop by just to give us his opinion. He looked at her eye and watched her walk and said that she was in good enough shape otherwise, to give some meds a chance. After a couple of days on bute (pain meds) she is doing much better. He thinks I'll be able to trail ride her on short, easy rides. Whew.

Yesterday, my exercise was using my favorite yard toy. The string mower. I mowed the fenceline and down at the front by the road. That entailed lowering and pulling back up the mower in the ditch. Good for the arms.

I better get out of here for work. I'll catch up on replies tonight! Have a great OP day ladies!
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Old 05-14-2007, 01:05 PM   #94  
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Good Afternoon Ladies!

I feel VERY good today! (Better stop that before I jinx it!) I had a very good, but very busy, weekend. Since the in-laws were coming I realized with a bit of a shock how bad the house and yard were! So, Saturday at about 11 a.m. I started the yard work. DH gave me an advance on Mother's day-two big planters for the front yard, so I got to work. I worked on our compost pile and mixed some potting soil and planted. Then I weeded, then I watered, then I cleaned, then when he got up I mowed the yard and trimmed (with SISSORS!-The string trimmer broke!) Finally at 9 p.m. I was at the grocery store getting the stuff for kabobs and then got home and got the meat marinating and finally got to bed about 11 p.m. Sunday was WAY better thanks to all that work though. I bit of cleaning in the house and food prep and everything went very smoothly. Food was great, (if I do say so myself) best of all it was OP and good for my FIL who is diabetic. We had a nice visit and a beautiful day out on the patio! (I turned off all the downstairs lights so they couldn't see the part of the house we didn't get cleaned. !)

DH spent WAY too much $ on me though. He got me the planters, two CD's and an MP3 player! He knew I wanted one so I could organize my work-out tunes! I was so tickled! He even already had some music on it. He got me a card too, along with one from DS and a third card from Mac and Suzie and Boo! "From your kid in the fur coat."

I needed that OP Mother's day since Friday we ordered Mexican and I ate WAY too much! Steak burrito covered in yummy melted Monterey Jack cheese! Only about 20,000 calories there I bet!

Heather – Wow! Craziness at work, huh? Somehow I just never imagined teaching/education to be that much work. Sorry about that – (Angela too) – I know better now!

Luja – I'd LOVE to go to a plant sale like that! How neat…did you get your kitty Willow? And congrats on the loss!

Sparkles – I have a sister-in-law in Minnesota near Mall of America – or so I'm told – I've never gotten to visit yet in the seven years we've been married! We've been invited up this summer to their "cabin" – which I'm told sleeps something like 20 people comfortably – cabin indeed. Then again, I'm told you must own a cabin if you live in Minnesota or they make you move!

Terri – I'm so glad that Ginger is going to make it a while more at least! How awful to have to make that choice, I'm sure it'll be so hard when the time comes. How is little Spice? We haven't heard about her for a while. I hope you had a good Mother's day.

Well all, guess that's about it for me, I need to run. I'll get my left-over kabobs and have my lunch and then TRY to do something resembling work…hard to do after a nice weekend.
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Old 05-15-2007, 09:02 AM   #95  
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Morning ladies,

Okay, so I lied about getting caught up with replies last night. That's because I came home, changed my clothes, greeted the dogs and headed outside. I got sidetracked in the garden. My cukes are coming up! And my red onions! I spent time out hoeing the weeds so that counted as exercise. I also planted zucchini and a few marigolds. Its so fun to see it beginning to come to life. I also planted three more pots for the front deck/porch. Those are plants that will come inside when it gets hot and for the winter. I swear the only thing I have left to plant now is the hedge. AND NO MORE! Ah crap, I just see that I have ornamental grass coming. Forgot about that.

This morning I did 25 minutes on the stationary bike again. I'm going to have slimfast, yogurt, fruit and a half sandwich today while at work. Not sure what dinner is going to be. But this seems to be working well.

Lilion - Scissors?! You are a weekend warrior! Glad to see that you had such a nice mother's day.

Julie - Congrats on your loss!! You've done great. How was the buffet?

More replies later tonight. The rain has stopped for the time being so I better dash for the car and head off to work. to all and have a great OP day!
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Old 05-15-2007, 09:21 PM   #96  
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Just popping in to say Hi! Hope everyone is having a great day!!
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Old 05-16-2007, 09:06 AM   #97  
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Morning gals!

The sun is shining and its a cool morning. The birds are singing and we have a bunch of finches flocking around the feeder. How can a person be in a bad mood when it is such a beautiful day? Probably won't be hard once I get to work.

25 minutes on the stationary bike again this morning. That's three days in a row. Today begins our six week Step it Up program at work. They gave us a pedometer and for six weeks, we have to log how many steps we do each week. If we complete the program, it helps us get 10% off our health premiums next year. My problem is that I have problems with pedometers actually recording my steps. I've had this problem with a number of them. Very frustrating.

Okay, I'm off to badmoodville. Got my slimfast and snack bars. Have a great OP day!
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Old 05-16-2007, 09:54 AM   #98  
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Good Morning Ladies!

How's everybody? Terri, you are absolutley right! It is a BEAUTIFUL day! It's not supposed to get over 71 here and barely a whisp of cloud in the sky! My favorite type of weather.

I have a HUGE NSV to report. I was SO GOOD last night! I was still hungry after dinner, but out of points...after much debate, I chopped up some carrots and zucchini and broccoli and mushrooms and stir-fried them with a teeny bit of olive oil (really teeny, like a trace) and some soy sauce and had that - instead of the pie that's still in the fridge from Mother's day, or the lowfat brownie in the cupboard, or a sandwich, my usual snack when hungry! Very proud of that.

WI today. So I'll bbl!

Luja - Hello back at ya!
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Old 05-16-2007, 05:52 PM   #99  
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Hi Ladies ~

Gee ~ it seems like I haven't been here in ages, though it has just been about a week; we've had a lot of stuff go'in on over the last while that has taken a lot of energy and time. However, we have had wonderful weather here for the most part; and we have been very busy, like many of you. Tried to post the other night and kept getting DATABASE ERROR MESSAGES; they think they have them solved now.

Everything has been going well for us; so, it seems now it's time for car troubles. We have a nice car but it's getting older; but, my wonderful DU (Dear Uncle) came over and helped DH fix it ~ for FREE; so we'll have to do something really nice for them in return! Had a nice visit with DA at the same time. My DF (Dad) is coming up next week for awhile; they come up north two times a year and stay about 1-2 weeks each time, so DH will be busy helping him with lots of stuff.

MORE GREAT NEWS ~ My Dear Sis is sending me up a better PC this month ~ and we all know that FREE IS GOOD, very good! They bought a new one for her work; and are generously sending me her older one, which is better than mine ~ LOL! I like this PC; I only got it last fall, but she says that the newer one has lots more memory and stuff; and I can keep this one as a back up; how sweet!

I find it's not the PC so much as keeping up the fight against all the viruses that jam things up. DH gets miffed by it all; and wonders why those hackers don't find some other way to get their kicks. Personally, I think it's more about $$$! I'm sure that the real reason for all of this to keep you buying more stuff and hiring techies to fix your PC and on and on.

ANYHOW, glad to see you are all in positive mode! I'm a little miffed that I haven't lost any weight, but it wasn't a good winter for me. I'm gonna have to cut back and tweek my plan for this summer through fall; I hope that will help. Went for a nice walk today; but I was in pain all the way. The victory is that I made it all the way there and back. I am going to try diligently to walk everyday, if I can! /\ /\

GARDEN UPDATE: so far we have just spread the compost and done one tilling; no planting 'til around May 24th here; last year I started on May 17th (it all depends on the weather here; which is still a bit cool, but that's OK).

TO ALL YOU TEACHERS ~ summer will be here soon; and I know you'll get some holidays and rest then. I remember and admired the teachers that made school interesting; and who were kind, caring, and fair!

Well, I hope all of you are in good health, and staying OP as best you can. Have a great week and take good care of yourselves; and keep on, keepin' on ~ your fellow encourager ... ROSEBUD.
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Old 05-17-2007, 08:59 AM   #100  
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Morning gals!

Another a beautiful day here in Missouri. I've been out to feed the horses, wrestled with the dogs and vacuumed the living room. Oh yeah, and sat on the bed and watched all the birds at the feeder. We have a bunch of finches and two very beautiful red-winged blackbirds. Two other birds we couldn't identify which may be doves or they may be the females red-winged blackbirds. That was all more interesting than going to work. Which I have three minutes to finish getting ready and hit the road.

I got my haircut and new highlights last night. I really need a manicure and pedicure. The acrylic nails just won't work on the farm and with the horses.

Tonight I need to take Bear to the vet. I am going to change my mind and have them do x-rays to see what kinds of tumors are growing inside. While it may not be causing major organ damage, he labors to breathe a lot more down. Plus his eyes have this green gunk that just started this week. We need to decide if this is it or what.

Rosebud - Great to see you. Free stuff is always great!

Lilion - How was WI?

Now that the dogs are ready for the morning naps, I'm off to work!

Have a great day!
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Old 05-17-2007, 10:13 AM   #101  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Here I said I'd bbl and instead I'm back today...but this is later, right?

Rosebud - Howdy! I love free! Free is good! You've done well lately! About your PC - do you have a good virus scan program? We pay for McAfee and are very pleased.

Terri - WI was okay. I wanted a loss. I maintained. Not too shabby given that I ate a metric ton of Mexican food on Friday and left-overs on Saturday. I'll get 'em next week. I'm so sorry Bear isn't doing well. Give the big boy a hug from me and sloppy doggy kisses from Mac and Suzie!

Garden update for me: My tomatoes are blooming! In fact, my Tiny Tim in a hanging basket has a few little marble-sized tomatoes on it! Everything is coming up and looking good with the exception of my butterhead lettuce. All the seeds had migrated to the center and I was told I could move the little plants to space them out, but when I did they went bleugh! So I only have one of them left. I still have to get that second planter done and my cucumbers planted! I'm determined to get that done this weekend!!!

Other than that, not much to report. Still OP and hanging in there! And now I must run. Later Ladies!
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:35 AM   #102  
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Good morning gals!

Another fabulous day in the making. My boss is gone today so guess who is leaving at 3:00? I have to finish cleaning house as we're having DH's cousins over for dinner tonight. This morning I was up early to finish shampooing carpets (again). I'll be glad when Duke is fully house trained. It is getting much better though.

Last night was hedge planting night. I was determined to be able to cross that off my list. I was wondering who the idiot was that ordered 20 plants but was grateful that the idiot didn't order more. And yes, I am the idiot. But if these all take off, I think I will really like it. That was my exercise for the evening.

Food has been pretty good. I've been pretty active this week. I've been wearing my pedometer but not logging up that many steps. No way close to 10,000. Got to make that a conscious habit.

Lilion - Hey, if you've maintained, you're still under 220 so !

to everyone. Come out, come out wherever you are!
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Old 05-18-2007, 11:20 AM   #103  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Anybody out there??? Heelllooo!

Terri - I think we're all alone! Come on ladies! I know you are out there - I can hear you breathing!

Ah well, I had nothing much to say anyway. I was okay on the food last night, but not as good as I have been, dipped into those activity points. We built the trellis for our little garden last night. Here's a picture, taken this morning from our kitchen window.

I'm just waiting for the pole beans and cantaloupe to start climbing! I don't think I'll do tomatoes that close to the trellis again though, they almost cut off the climbers!

Nothing of merit to report, so I'm off.

Terri! Enjoy your bossless day!
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Old 05-18-2007, 05:28 PM   #104  
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Hello all. Not typing much this week - I hurt my arm digging up sod to put creeping thyme in. Just wanted to see how everyone was.

I love the garden picture Lilion - and your tomatoes are already blooming? I haven't even planted mine yet - and a good thing, the nights got coooold this week. I have Zone Envy!! And good for you for maintaining!

Terri - hope you enjoyed your early afternoon off. I love hearing about your horses.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

I'm off to weed and water the garden. I've been pretty good with exercise this week - the treadmill still works with a sore arm and after a carbohydrate binge last weekend I've done well this week, although I'll probably be at the same weight tomorrow thanks to the carbohydrate binge. BEtter than gaining. I did have some nice compliments from some former co-workers about weight loss, so that's motivating. I was starting to wonder if it as noticeable at all after all.... And tomorrow my very dear friend is coming into town for the weekend and I am looking forward to seeing her.
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Old 05-18-2007, 06:30 PM   #105  
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Hello all. I haven't been here in about a month and a half. Tradgedy struck my son and daughter in law, well the whole family really. We lost a baby boy due to a genetic inutero stillbirth in the second trimester. Very sad for all of us. I am having a difficult time getting back on track and thought I might pop back in here for a while and see if it helps. Thanks in advance for all of your much needed support.
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