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Old 03-24-2002, 08:36 AM   #1  
Working on Weight loss!!!
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Default Week of March 24th!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello!!!!!Good Morning!!!!DH is sleeping in and I am bored so I decided to start the new thread and maybe go wake him up???

Took the family and more to the zoo yesterday..Well, that was the to the park, climbed trees, laughed,had a picnic..then things went downhill..SD #1 got mad for some reason(maybe no one was paying attention) walked off from the group, announced that life sucks and crossed her hands and wouldnt talk to any of us..DH got in the car, and we headed home and skipped the zoo....He just wanted to prove a point to her that her behavior affects everyone..She stayed quiet almost all the way home, and then started screaming at us...She said that she was mad cuz DH said to SD#2, "go to mommy, she is fixing U a drink"She screamed that she doesnt want her to call me mommy cuz it isnt right...Man...sometimes I want to scream but I know she is hurting....I told her that her mom was proud that her dad met someone to care for her children and was happy that SD#2 has someone to call mommy...I also told her I was new to this motherhood stuff and didnt always so things correctly..She told me she didnt like the way I wispered to her dad sometimes and then let him correct her..I told her I would not wisper and just correct her myself...That is soo hard for me...I am not used to disciplining anyone!!!Well...enough of that.............

Diet wise...hmmmmm....messed up on ff wheat thins..but I guess that was better than anything else...Havent weighed in 2 weeks soo will do that sometimes...

Off to wake up the can I do that????

Last edited by RoadRunner; 03-24-2002 at 08:46 AM.
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Old 03-24-2002, 10:56 AM   #2  
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RR - I am so sorry you are having a rough time. SD #1 obviously is having a hard time with all of this. If it makes you feel any better, I am not so new at this mom stuff, and I still don't do everything right all the time either. We are all human, and we all make mistakes. I am sure you are doing a very good job of being a good mom. Probably better than most birth mothers, because of the cituation you are in. I am very impressed by you and the fact that you stepped into this difficult cituation so valiantly!!

I can't imagine being her either. My home was "broken" because of divorce, and my stepmother was abused as a child (heck, her father had to move in with she and my dad recently, and he still treated her poorly), and as a result, she is a harsh person. It sounds like SD #1 has pent up emotion about dealing with things. Like she resents the good times because her mom isn't there. Wow, my heart goes out to you!

Now for the reason I came online this morning. I posted my weight yesterday, because I knew there was no way I would have lost weight by today. I have been bouncing between 175 and 180 for a few weeks, but this morning, I was at 174.

I am so glad, and I am inspired to really behave to see my weight go below 170. It seems that as PMS approaches, weight loss slows down, but once AF hits, it starts going down again. So, now a days, I am gald to see AF visit.

This is going to be a difficult week. I have to prepare for the up coming holidays. I have a lot of cleaning, computer work, and cooking to do, so I am not sure if I will have time to post very much. But I will be here in spirit, and I am sure I will read your posts, so I don't get too lost.

I hope everyone has a blessed day, and a blessed week.
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Old 03-24-2002, 11:18 AM   #3  
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Hi All,

Happy Palm Sunday!! I can't believe Easter is next Sunday!! Saturday is the Easter party at the fire house...will have to spend some time there after work a night or two to figure out if we need anything.

DH went in to work again today, woohoo, all that OT! I am trying to decide what to do. There's no cool open houses to go see. May look again and see if anyone's got furniture to sell. Was thinking of going to Ikea, still need a linen closet, but I don't know if I feel like dealing with the traffic on the NJ Turnpike! It's nice out, although cold, good day for a drive in the country, but don't feel like doing it myself.

RR- I think you said exactly the right things to #1.

Lys- Congrats on hitting 174...that's almost my goal weight!! I can't wait to get there!! Good that you are prepared for AF's arrival.

I forgot to WI before I ate breakfast this AM, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow AM. I don't think it'll make a difference, I don't think I'll have a loss. Oh well, off to shower! Have a great day all!!
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Old 03-24-2002, 01:28 PM   #4  
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Hi all

RR - I agree with lyssalou. Being a mum is tough (speaking from a daughter's perspective). In the past few years I have really started to notice all the cr@p my mum gets from certain members of the family - and she smiles and puts everyone first. The thing that most of us don't realise until it is too late, is that in the main, what they are trying to do is help us, guide us and protect us. Mum's don't always get the appreciation they deserve and it can be a thankless task sometimes.

Well tomorrow I have to start afresh - I have totally lost the plot diet and exercise wise.

On a more positive note, I followed my inner slovenly guide for today, which told me to go shopping. Now I normally go to church on Sunday's but for some reason I didn't want to drive. So I went shopping felt really weird going shopping on a Sunday bought a new perfume (Chic by Caroline Herrarrraaaaaaaaaa and two pairs of shoes from Nine West, black sensible work shoes and the most amazing light blue wedges. I feel that my inner Imelda is try to bust out again Then came home and modelled for hubby and suprisingly he liked them. He thinks I have a colour fetish and I only buy things because they have lots of colour. He has traces of the "Teenage Slob" still within him which means every item of clothing you buy as a man must be dark blue or black so you can bung 'em all in the washing machine and not worry.

It's the first time in ages that I have had a splurge and it felt good

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Old 03-24-2002, 03:38 PM   #5  
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Alex woke up with a fever and rash so he and Kenny stayed home from church. Weston and I went since I was incharge of the info table about our Good Friday service. Weston was upset the whole time - he didn't like my costume (typical robe, rope belt, head scarf thing) and kept crying and wanting me to 'change back to the way you were'. It was pathetic to the point of funny.

RR: its got to be hard being in your SD's shoes. I'm sure she has guilt when she has fun or when she realizes that she didn't think about mom for 1/2 a day. For being thrown into motherhood you have done a great job. Keep communication open with SD and keep asking her how she needs you. Have some 'dates' with her so she gets to know you alone. Just think in 20 years she will appreciate you!!!

BFB: I love shoes. Mom and I used to go out and buy 6 pair a piece at a time. I know at one time I had around 100 pair. Every color, every funky thing I could find. I have scaled that back to less than 20 and I'm happy. I love those photos in magazines where people have organized their shoes with photos on the outside of the shoe box and there are rows and rows and rows of shoes - shoe heaven.

Lauren: enjoy your day!

Lys: Take care of yourself this busy week - don't get bogged down in the details but relax and enjoy it too!

We decided that we'll go to my parents for Easter so we'll be at my old church next sunday - they have a nice sunrise service and then a big breakfast after. We'll do an egg hunt for the boys on the farm - grandpa is great at hiding them. Makes me remember how last easter I woke up to our front yard being full of trees .Had a little stright line wind storm or small tornado that came along the cliff and there were trees down everywhere. I lost 5. We had to do our egg hunt in just the back yard.

Went to a wedding last night at Big Cedar Lodge (Rabbits been there I think). It was beautiful - the only warm day of the week - perfect for the outdoor wedding on the patio of the Whorman House overlooking the lake. They had a huge meal and open bar afterwards. I ate too much and had 2 more drinks than I should have. We didn't stay for the cake cutting so I missed those calories!

O.k., I'll close my book and go clean the kitchen! - jul
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Old 03-24-2002, 05:34 PM   #6  
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Hi all, I'm home! Well, I had a great time. I was op one day, but not the next, and today I'm back to counting again. So I'll have to start all over on my "OP since . . .".

Lauren - Oh no on the ants again! I have not seen any since I had someone come spray. ~ Hope you had a fun Sunday while dh was at work.

RR - Sorry about your problems yesterday. I know it is easier said than done, but try not to take it personally. Her issues really aren't about you, she'd have them with anyone. You just have to go on being the best person you can be and then you can always feel good about that. She'll be alright in time.

Lyssa - Hooray on the 174!!

BPB - Yeah on your fresh start!!

Jul - wow on all the shoes!! ~ Yes, I've been there. It's a beautiful place.

I too have a lot to do this week (I think it was you Lys, who said that). I'm having family over for Easter also. Much to do! Gotta get this house cleaned up. And I plan to make homemade treats in baskets for everyone.

have a great week!

eat healthy!
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Old 03-24-2002, 07:22 PM   #7  
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Hello again!!Started working on the Income Taxes...Yuck..what a mess..Glad DH has the brain for that stuff!!!!

Thanks for all the kind words!!!!It means alot!!!Well, I think I will bathe and write in the ole journal tonight!!Got in trouble at the store cuz of the half price scrapbooking stuff...I bought my book to do the wedding and all the refills, my 2002 book and refill pages and the last of 2001 refill pages for 1/2 price!!!I even bought extra..It is nice cuz I had an extra armoir dresser when I moved in and I use if for my pics and scrapbook things!!!FInally, I am organized!!!(Hope this doesnt mess up my Slovenly Lady membership!!! )
Take care all!!!

Lyssa--Yeah on the loss!!!!!
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Old 03-25-2002, 11:18 AM   #8  
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I have to get busy today, so I can't say much, but I have to say, I am crying with joy over Hallie Berry!!! I am so glad she won!!!
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Old 03-25-2002, 12:51 PM   #9  
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Hi to all - Well, still falling asleep in the evening and waking in the middle of the night. So, this morning I did yoga, then went to the gym and did the treadmill for 30 min. Managed to run for 10 of them (have been just walking until now). Then, did the weight machines for the first time in about 10 years. Touched my toes for the first time in that long too. It felt good, but I doubt it will tomarrow Plus, I may just fall asleep right here at my desk.

As posted in the easter thread, I had a good loss after my first trip and managed to maintain it over my second. Really going to work hard this week to maintain, as I feel I may be having to give some of that loss back. However, making a big, fattening dinner tonight.

Lyssa: I love the field trip idea as well. BF and I keep saying we are going to do all these great things and then never getting around to them. Once I get my new routines down, I think I will add a weekly field trip. As for AF, I lose most of my monthly weight just after she goes, so I love to see her (although she always brings a few pounds to keep her comfy while she is arriving). Enjoy your busy week. YEAY HALLE

Liz: Glad my journal could give you a chuckle. It was all SOOO GOOD!!! Now, back to reality. Any word on the job front?

Rabbit YEAY OP at sister's! No, not my first trip to london. Did a summer study abroad there in college. Good thing too, as I got to see almost nothing this time. Enjoy the holiday.

LBH: Hope all is settled with the cat. Have you tried the tae-bo? I keep thinking about trying it. As far as rollerblading, here is how I learned: 1) put on skates 2) find large breed dog 3) find airplane cable 4) attach one end of cable securely around waist 5) attach other end to dog. Stopping is a &!!@$, but that taught cable in front of you gives ya something to hold on to and balance with!!! What is it with men not wanting to FLY? What kind of ants, carpenter or the little buggers. I have had both kinds. YUCK! Enjoy the firehouse party!

Tech: Great to hear from you! Where will you be in FL? Wherever it is, enjoy the long walks

RR: Glad to hear the kitty is OK. Sorry to hear about the hard times SD1 is having. Sounds like you are doing a great job. Has she gotten any kind of counseling? Not to try to tell you anything you don't already know, but she has been hit with a tripple whammy, with the loss of her mom, sd2's difficulties, and a new adult in her life. I can get info for you if you want - I used to do counseling with siblings of children with disabilities and did a little grief counseling with elementary kids. Be strong, try hard, know you are doing great even when you DO make mistakes. I think your new family is truly blessed to have found you.

BFB: I loved your note about moms - it is so true. OHHH, shoe shopping - what fun. It is great to treat yourself. Best of luck with the new start - Come by often and we will cheer you on!

Jul: Sorry to hear Alex is sick. 100 pairs of shoes???? Where did you PUT them all. Have a great easter.
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Old 03-25-2002, 12:51 PM   #10  
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Hi all,
I just wanted to check in. I'm not feeling too great --woke up Saturday morning with sore throat and runny nose. Spent most of the weekend in a Nyquil trance. My throat is all better but my sinuses are blocked and now I've got a nice headache. Just what I need when I've got lots to do to get ready for my vacation on Thursday.

I spent some time this morning checking out Flylady. Wow, to those of you trying to use her suggestions. I do some of her things already but you'll never catch me making my bed -- that's only when company is coming over. Shutting the door is so much easier!!

I don't have time to respond to everyone but I hope you guys all have a great day!!

___Edited for Bailey, good job on the exercise. Make sure you have the ibprofen ready for you!! A soak in a hot tub always helps me. The important thing is to keep going. Even if you just stretch out the stiffness it really helps the soreness go away faster. They are supposed to make a decision about the job this Friday but I'll be away on vacation. I was thinking about getting the other three guys "congrats" balloons before I leave on Wednesday to make them laugh.

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Old 03-25-2002, 01:44 PM   #11  
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AAAHHHH!!!! I just was almost finished typing this big long post, and I hit Alt+Tab to switch to my Inbox, as boss walked by, and when I went to go back...IE wasn't open!! And my big, long post is gone!!

So, HI! I'll be back when I have more patience!!
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Old 03-25-2002, 06:45 PM   #12  
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HI ALL. Took ds back to school today - he has been home on break - but picking him back up Friday for Easter. It is nice to have him here so I never complain!

Dreary weather here - possibly more coming. What happened to Spring??

RR - do you write in your journal often? I'm really bad about that, but wish I did it more. ~ Hooray for all of those pictures you have organized.

Bailey - hooray for the running and the weights! You go girl! ~ Cool about the summer study abroad! I had a baby during college (and now he is in college) so I didn't even consider that sort of thing, and I think it's so cool to hear about people taking that type of opportunity. Life is so interesting!

Liz - hope you get well soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed on the job thing.

Lauren - oh, sorry you lost your post!

better be running!

Eat Healthy!
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Old 03-25-2002, 08:56 PM   #13  
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Rabbit--I write daily in my jounal but occasionally skip a day..It was real therapy for me to read all about when I was pg and talking to the baby..I can read the entries now..and it helps alot..I am done with 2001 album and on to the beginning of 2002!!!!Soon, must do those 30 rolls of pics from the wedding/honeymoon...

Baily--THanks for the advice..SD has been to a counselor once.Her next appointment is next week..SHe did some therapy in school but I felt like she needed more..It is really neat how her attitude is different from the weekend..I think she had to get it off her chest once and for all....

Lauren--Bummer about the long post...Dh came home early today!!!! Life is pretty good!!!!*grinning*

Liz--I never make up my bed!!!Soo cool that I am at work when DH wakes up, soo it is his job!!!!

Well, I think I will do weights tomorrow soo i can join Bailey in her misery!!!!
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Old 03-25-2002, 09:50 PM   #14  
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Hi everyone!

Liz, I am sorry that you are sick. Take care of yourself.

RR, Oh my heart is going out to you with the problems with SD #1. You are doing such a good job with them. Try not to let it get you too down. Step parenting is very hard but it can be so rewarding. Sometimes it is very hard not to get our feelings hurt. I think it makes it easier to remember some of the things they say are caused by their pain.

Lyssalou, You will be under that 170 in no time.

BPB, Way to go on the shopping. I have a bit of that bug myself. I am trying to resist but it is getting HARD.

Jul, Sorry to hear Alex is sick. Why does a rash come with the fever?

Rabbit, I am with you on the OP thing. I had a rough weekend.

Bailey, Great job on the running!

I had such an awful weekend food wise or should I say alcohol wise. I am kind of having a pity party. We had plans Fri, Sat and Sun. Way to many functions. I am struggling a bit with feeling like I am turning into a boring person not wanting to do anything because of the points involved. I find that while I am at these functions I am stressing about the points so I am not enjoying myself as much. Do any of you ever feel like this? We are going to Mexico for 2 weeks pretty soon. I do not want to set my efforts way back and I do not want to be stressed the whole time. I guess I have some thinking and resolving to do before then.

Off to the treadmill.

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Old 03-26-2002, 03:55 AM   #15  
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I am pleased to report that I can walk and raise both arms above my head, so I guess I will live through my grueling workout day

Managed to stay up until 9 pm and sleep until 3 pm, so maybe soon I will be back on schedule.

Yesterday I fell off my broom and could NOT get up. Not only did I not FLY, I did not do any WORK at work! (Well, I did cook a big meal and clean the whole kitchen as I went and after, so that is progress).

The meal I made is my favorite, but is basically a heart attack on a platter. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know but what makes the roast realy good is the gravy (beef broth, port wine reduction with pan drippings and 1 stick butter) and the horseradish mousse (1 pt heavy cream with horseradish, lemon juice, H2O and gelatin). Yes, I have some points to make up

Liz: Sorry you're sick - where ya goin on vacation? Thanks for the advice - I think I will do yoga this am. LOL on the congrats baloons!

LBH: Sorry about your post - I hope you gave that boss of yours a piece of your mind! :LOL:

Rabbit: Life choices are so interesting. I made a conscious decision to put off having children and focus on my career. Now, I don't like my job and am thinking it is getting pretty late in the game to start thinking about kids and making all of those changes. Not that I regret the decisions I have made - I have had fantastic experiences I would not want to trade, (may someday even like my job if I can get my butt in gear to do a job search!). It is just so interesting to me how different choices along the way lead down different paths, each with their own rewards and hardships.

RR: Glad sd1 is doing better. Hope you did not take offense to my last post. Do you have anyone to talk to about everything? You seem so strong, but it never hurts to really be able to get everything off your chest. We are always here for you! You are an amazing woman.

Nanci: I know how you feel. It is soo difficult when there are events and you can't really enjoy them. Here is what I try to do when I have lots of activities (didn't happen on my trips though...). I try to be sure to get exercise and all my water plus some. I try have 3-6 servings of fruits and vegetables before each event so I will be full. Then, when at the gala affair, I try to have a little of everything I want, but within reason. I try to alternate wine and water. Then, I add up ALL my points and try to make them up earlier or later in the week. Keep with it! You are doing so great and this will get easier! (I think when you hit maintenance, you may even get a "free" day within reason)
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